Women Initiative

Women's Initiative

The world’s leading Travel & Tourism leaders have pledged to work towards women’s equality and boost female representation in leadership roles in an announcement at the WTTC Global Summit 2021 in Cancun. The announcement led to the signing of the WTTC Cancun Women’s Declaration to support women, which recognised their contribution around the world and the importance of an equal equitable environment to enable them to thrive as leaders, entrepreneurs, and innovators.

WTTC, unveiled the public-private-academic partnership to promote diversity and drive inclusivity which will help lead the way to achieve equality for women throughout Travel & Tourism.

The drive committed signatories to provide equal opportunities for women by removing barriers, ensuring fair treatment, and encouraging greater financial, professional, and social independence.

For the private sector in the short term, the Women’s Initiative has two core elements; developing skills and creating formal sponsorship & mentorship programmes for young women in business. Where possible, companies will also be asked to assign a senior executive or Board member to be a sponsor for gender diversity and inclusion, who is accountable for progress.

In the long term, the private sector pledged to increase the female representation of leadership positions by 30-50% and aim toward increasing by a third, the representation of women to board levels and C-suites, by 2030.

There will also be a commitment to identify opportunities to reduce any gender pay gaps and implement gender diverse slate requirement for all open roles and to each year share progress and publish an action plan to achieve their goals.

WTTC is in a unique position to establish a unified voice to engage with the private and public sectors around the world to share the challenges and drive activities around inclusion and diversity and specifically the empowerment of women in the Travel & Tourism sector. In fact, WTTC has already begun engaging on this important theme, through established working groups and the publication of its Inclusion & Diversity High-Level Guidelines in collaboration with a number of its Members.

Why is the Initiative important?

Strategic Partners:        AMEX  Ministry of Tourism Saudi Arabia