Education Indicators in Canada: Handbook for the Report of the Pan-Canadian Education Indicators Program
Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: 81-582-G
Description: This handbook complements the tables of the Pan-Canadian Education Indicators Program (PCEIP). It is a guide that provides general descriptions for each indicator and indicator component. PCEIP has five broad indicator sets: a portrait of the school-age population; financing education systems; elementary and secondary education; postsecondary education; and transitions and outcomes.
The Pan-Canadian Education Indicators Program (PCEIP) is a joint venture of Statistics Canada and the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada.
Frequency: Semi-annual
Available formats: HTML, PDF, Paper (discontinued)
Related information
Source (Surveys and statistical programs)
- Survey of Financial Statistics of Private Elementary and Secondary Schools
- Financial Information of Universities Survey
- Community College Student Information System
- Tuition and Living Accommodation Costs
- University Student Information System
- Annual College and Related Institutions Educational Staff Survey
- Minority and Second Language Education, Elementary and Secondary Independent Schools
- Survey of Federal Government Expenditures in Support of Education
- Provincial Expenditures on Education in Reform and Correctional Institutions
- Trade/Vocational Enrolment Survey
- School Leavers Survey
- Survey of Consumer Finances
- Survey of Household Spending
- Survey of Intellectual Property Commercialization in the Higher Education Sector
- Youth in Transition Survey
- National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth
- National Graduates Survey
- Secondary School Graduates Survey
- University and College Academic Staff System - Full-time Staff
- Registered Apprenticeship Information System
- Labour Force Survey
- Adult Education and Training Survey
- Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics
- Elementary-Secondary Education Survey
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- Tables: Expenditures on research and development (R&D) by performing sector
- Tables: Graduation of career, technical or professional training certificate students, within Canada, by student characteristics
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- Tables: Highest level of education by census year, Indigenous identity and Registered Indian status: Canada, provinces and territories
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- Tables: Historical distribution of full-time academic staff at Canadian universities by selected age groups and academic rank
- Tables: Immigrants and non-permanent residents among the school age population
- Tables: Immigrants and non-permanent residents among the school age population, in and out of census metropolitan areas (CMAs), inactive
- Tables: Incidence and repayment of government student loans among graduates who did not pursue any further postsecondary education program
- Tables: Indices of change and percentage distribution of combined public and private expenditure on educational institutions, by level of education
- Tables: Mean scores of Grade 8 students on the Pan-Canadian Assessment Program mathematics subdomains assessments
- Tables: Mean scores of Grade 8 students on the Pan-Canadian Assessment Program reading subdomains assessments
- Tables: Mean scores of Grade 8 students on the Pan-Canadian Assessment Program science subdomains assessments
- Tables: Mean scores of Grade 8 students, Pan-Canadian Assessment Program reading, science and mathematics assessment
- Tables: Median age of full-time academic staff at Canadian universities by gender and province
- Tables: Median employment income of journeypersons who certify in selected trades at 4 and 2 years before certification, year of certification, 2 and 4 years after certification, longitudinal analysis
- Tables: Median employment income of journeypersons who certify in selected trades, two and five years after certification, cross-sectional analysis
- Tables: Movements of journeypersons by province or grouped territories of certification (origin) and of residence or employment (destination), one and three years after certification
- Public use microdata: National Graduates Survey - Public Use Microdata File
- Tables: Net mobility indicators of newly certified journeypersons, one and three years after certification
- Tables: Number and distribution of full-time academic staff at Canadian universities by age group, gender and province
- Tables: Number and percentage of apprenticeship program certifications by age group, major trade group and sex
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- Tables: Number and proportion of full-time teaching staff at Canadian universities by academic rank and gender
- Tables: Number and proportion of full-time teaching staff at Canadian universities by gender
- Tables: Organization of teachers' working time, by educational level taught
- Tables: Participation rate in education, population aged 15 to 29, by age and type of institution attended
- Tables: Participation rate in education, population aged 15 to 29, by age group and type of institution attended
- Tables: Participation rate in education, population aged 18 to 34, by age group and type of institution attended
- Tables: Participation rate in postsecondary education, young Canadians between 19 and 23 years of age, by family characteristics measured five years earlier
- Tables: Percentage distribution of university expenditures by type of expenditure
- Tables: Percentage distribution, results of Grade 8 students on the Pan-Canadian Assessment Program mathematics assessment, by level of performance
- Tables: Percentage distribution, results of Grade 8 students on the Pan-Canadian Assessment Program reading assessment, by level of performance
- Tables: Percentage distribution, results of Grade 8 students on the Pan-Canadian Assessment Program science assessment, by level of performance
- Tables: Percentage of 15-to 29-year-olds in education and not in education by labour force status, highest level of education attained, age group and sex
- Tables: Percentage of graduates who borrowed from government student loan programs and their average debt at graduation
- Tables: Percentage of the population aged 0 to 24 living in low-income households, by age group and type of living arrangement
- Tables: Percentage of total research and development (R&D) expenditure by performing sector, Canada and provinces, and G-7 countries
- Tables: Persistence and graduation of doctoral degree students, within the STEM/BHASE (non-STEM) grouping and province or territory of first enrolment, by student characteristics
- Tables: Persistence and graduation of students in a STEM/ BHASE (non-STEM) grouping other than that of the first enrolment, within Canada, by student characteristics and educational qualification
- Tables: Persistence and graduation of students in a STEM/BHASE (non-STEM) grouping other than that of first enrolment, within the province or territory of first enrolment, by student characteristics and educational qualification
- Tables: Persistence and graduation of undergraduate degree students, within the STEM/BHASE (non-STEM) grouping and province or territory of first enrolment, by student characteristics
- Tables: Population projections of the Indigenous population, for Canada, provinces and territories
- Tables: Population, aged 15 to 29, non-students and students by type of institution attended, age and labour force status
- Tables: Postsecondary enrolments, by International Standard Classification of Education, institution type, Classification of Instructional Programs, STEM and BHASE groupings, status of student in Canada, age group and gender
- Tables: Postsecondary enrolments, by registration status, institution type, status of student in Canada and gender
- Tables: Postsecondary enrolments, by status of student in Canada, country of citizenship and Classification of Instructional Programs, STEM and BHASE groupings
- Tables: Postsecondary graduates, by institution type, status of student in Canada and gender
- Tables: Postsecondary international student enrolments, by International Standard Classification of Education and country of citizenship
- Tables: Projected population by Indigenous identity, age group, sex, area of residence, provinces and territories, and projection scenario, Canada
- Tables: Proportion of Canadian and international student enrolments, by International Standard Classification of Education
- Tables: Proportion of educators in public elementary and secondary schools by age group
- Tables: Proportion of educators in public elementary and secondary schools by sex
- Tables: Proportion of educators in public elementary and secondary schools by work status
- Tables: Proportion of full-time teaching staff at Canadian universities, by gender and academic rank
- Tables: Proportion of male and female postsecondary enrolments, by International Standard Classification of Education, institution type, Classification of Instructional Programs, STEM and BHASE groupings, status of student in Canada and age group
- Tables: Proportion of male and female postsecondary enrolments, by registration status, institution type, and status of student in Canada
- Tables: Proportion of male and female postsecondary graduates, by institution type and status of student in Canada
- Tables: Proportion of students who are working, aged 15 to 29, by age and type of institution attended
- Tables: Proportion of students who are working, aged 15 to 29, by age group and type of institution attended
- Tables: Proportion of students who started in a career, technical or professional training certificate program and graduated with a different educational qualification, within Canada, by student characteristics
- Tables: Proportion of students who started in a career, technical or professional training certificate program and graduated with a different educational qualification, within the province or territory of first enrolment, by student characteristics
- Tables: Proportion of the school age population with Indigenous identity
- Tables: Proportion of the school age population with non-official home language
- Tables: Proportion of the school age population, by selected characteristics, in and out of census metropolitan areas (CMAs), inactive
- Tables: Proportion of the school age-population (aged 5 to 24) with non-official home language, in and out of census metropolitan areas (CMAs), inactive
- Tables: Public and private expenditure on educational institutions as a percentage of GDP, by level of education
- Tables: School-age population by living arrangements and age group, inactive
- Tables: School-age population by work activity of parents and age group, inactive
- Tables: School-age population with Aboriginal identity, by work activity of parents and age group, inactive
- Tables: School-age population with Aboriginal identity, in and out of census metropolitan areas (CMAs), inactive
- Tables: School-age population with Indigenous identity by living arrangements and age group, inactive
- Tables: Selected characteristics among the school age population
- Tables: Sources of funds for expenditures on research and development (R&D) in the higher education sector
- Tables: Total domestic expenditures on research and development (R&D) as percentage of gross domestic product (GDP), Canada and provinces, and G-7 countries
- Tables: True cohort high school graduation rate, on-time and extended-time graduation rates, by gender
- Tables: Unemployment rates of 25- to 29-year-olds, by educational attainment, Canada and provinces
- Tables: Unemployment rates of population aged 15 and over, total and with Indigenous identity, by educational attainment, Canada
- Tables: University expenditures by type of expenditure
- Tables: University revenues by source, as a percentage of total revenue
- Tables: Visible minorities among the school age population
- Tables: Visible minorities, among the school age population, in and out of census metropolitan areas (CMAs), inactive
- Articles and reports: Education Indicators in Canada: Report of the Pan-Canadian Education Indicators Program, March 2022
- Articles and reports: Education Indicators in Canada: Report of the Pan-Canadian Education Indicators Program, March 2024
- Articles and reports: Education Indicators in Canada: Report of the Pan-Canadian Education Indicators Program, October 2024
- Surveys and statistical programs – Documentation: Education Indicators in Canada: Report of the Pan-Canadian Education Indicators Program, May 2013
Subjects and keywords
- Academic achievement
- Apprenticeship programs
- Certificates and diplomas
- Cultural groups
- Educational attainment
- Educators
- Elementary education
- Enrolment
- Family characteristics
- Gross domestic expenditures on research and development
- High school graduates
- Indigenous peoples
- Information and communication technologies
- Labour market
- Literacy
- Low income
- Methodology
- Population size
- School-age children
- Sex
- Student loans
- Students
- Transition from school to work
- University degrees
- University graduates
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