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Survey or statistical program
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- Table: 97-559-X2006029Description:
Data for Canada, provinces, territories, census divisions, census subdivisions and dissemination areas are shown in this table.
This table is part of the topic 'Labour', which presents data on the paid work of the Canadian workforce, including detailed industry and occupation data, class of worker, and work activity during the reference year. The census is the only source of data covering the entire labour market, including Indian reserves, overseas households, and all provinces and territories.
This topic also presents data on the unpaid work of the Canadian workforce, including unpaid household work, unpaid child care, and unpaid senior care. These data, together with information on paid work, provide a more complete picture of the work activities of all Canadians.
It is possible to subscribe to all the day-of-release topic bundles. Refer to Catalogue no. 97-569-XCB for more information.
Release date: 2008-12-19 - Table: 97-563-X2006072Description:
Data for Canada, provinces, territories, census divisions, census subdivisions and dissemination areas are shown in this table.
This table is part of the topic 'Income and earnings,' which presents data on the income of Canadian individuals, families, and households in the year 2005, including the composition of income, and data that serve to measure low income, known as the low income cut-off (LICO). The data also include the household incomes of Canadians by family type, age, and geography, as well as the household incomes of certain population groups (e.g., immigrants).
The composition of income includes earnings, income from government sources, and investments.
It is possible to subscribe to all the day-of-release bundles. Refer to Catalogue no. 97-569-XCB for more information.
Release date: 2008-12-19 - Articles and reports: 82-003-X200800410746Geography: CanadaDescription:
This article investigates associations that may underlie the blurred or positive gradient between socio-economic status (SES) and overweight, and also gender differences, by assessing the distribution of risk factors for overweight across SES groups.
Release date: 2008-12-17 - 4. Sexual Assault in Canada ArchivedArticles and reports: 85F0033M2008019Geography: CanadaDescription:
Since only a small proportion of sexual offences are formally documented, the prevalence of sexual assault in Canada has been difficult to quantify. Using data from the 1999 and 2004 General Social Surveys (GSS) on victimization and police-reported data derived from the aggregate Uniform Crime Reporting Survey (UCR) and the incident-based Uniform Crime Reporting Survey (UCR2), the prevalence and nature of sexual assault in Canada is examined. Specifically, this report examines rates of sexual victimization; characteristics of victims and offenders; rates of police reporting; reasons for not reporting to police; the emotional effects of sexual victimization; as well as fear of crime and the use of precautionary measures by victims of sexual assault.
Release date: 2008-12-09 - 5. Workplace and Employee Survey Compendium ArchivedTable: 71-585-XDescription:
This compendium provides data from the new Workplace and Employee Survey (WES) conducted by Statistics Canada with the support of Human Resources Development Canada. The survey consists of two components: (1) a workplace survey on the adoption of technologies, organizational change, training and other human resource practices, business strategies, and labour turnover in workplaces; and (2) a survey of employees within these same workplaces covering wages, hours of work, job type, human capital, use of technologies and training. The result is a rich new source of linked information on workplaces and their employees.
Release date: 2008-09-24 - 6. International Adult Literacy Survey [Series] ArchivedJournals and periodicals: 89-552-MGeography: CanadaDescription:
The International Adult Literacy Survey (IALS) was a seven-country initiative conducted in the fall of 1994. Its goal was to create comparable literacy profiles across national, linguistic and cultural boundaries. Successive waves of the survey now encompass close to 30 countries around the world. This monograph series features detailed studies from the IALS database by literacy scholars and experts in Canada and the United States. The research is primarily funded by Human Resources Development Canada. Monographs focus on current policy issues and cover topics such as adult training, literacy skill match and mismatch in the workplace, seniors' literacy skills and health, literacy and economic security, and many others.
Release date: 2008-07-21
Data (3)
Data (3) ((3 results))
- Table: 97-559-X2006029Description:
Data for Canada, provinces, territories, census divisions, census subdivisions and dissemination areas are shown in this table.
This table is part of the topic 'Labour', which presents data on the paid work of the Canadian workforce, including detailed industry and occupation data, class of worker, and work activity during the reference year. The census is the only source of data covering the entire labour market, including Indian reserves, overseas households, and all provinces and territories.
This topic also presents data on the unpaid work of the Canadian workforce, including unpaid household work, unpaid child care, and unpaid senior care. These data, together with information on paid work, provide a more complete picture of the work activities of all Canadians.
It is possible to subscribe to all the day-of-release topic bundles. Refer to Catalogue no. 97-569-XCB for more information.
Release date: 2008-12-19 - Table: 97-563-X2006072Description:
Data for Canada, provinces, territories, census divisions, census subdivisions and dissemination areas are shown in this table.
This table is part of the topic 'Income and earnings,' which presents data on the income of Canadian individuals, families, and households in the year 2005, including the composition of income, and data that serve to measure low income, known as the low income cut-off (LICO). The data also include the household incomes of Canadians by family type, age, and geography, as well as the household incomes of certain population groups (e.g., immigrants).
The composition of income includes earnings, income from government sources, and investments.
It is possible to subscribe to all the day-of-release bundles. Refer to Catalogue no. 97-569-XCB for more information.
Release date: 2008-12-19 - 3. Workplace and Employee Survey Compendium ArchivedTable: 71-585-XDescription:
This compendium provides data from the new Workplace and Employee Survey (WES) conducted by Statistics Canada with the support of Human Resources Development Canada. The survey consists of two components: (1) a workplace survey on the adoption of technologies, organizational change, training and other human resource practices, business strategies, and labour turnover in workplaces; and (2) a survey of employees within these same workplaces covering wages, hours of work, job type, human capital, use of technologies and training. The result is a rich new source of linked information on workplaces and their employees.
Release date: 2008-09-24
Analysis (3)
Analysis (3) ((3 results))
- Articles and reports: 82-003-X200800410746Geography: CanadaDescription:
This article investigates associations that may underlie the blurred or positive gradient between socio-economic status (SES) and overweight, and also gender differences, by assessing the distribution of risk factors for overweight across SES groups.
Release date: 2008-12-17 - 2. Sexual Assault in Canada ArchivedArticles and reports: 85F0033M2008019Geography: CanadaDescription:
Since only a small proportion of sexual offences are formally documented, the prevalence of sexual assault in Canada has been difficult to quantify. Using data from the 1999 and 2004 General Social Surveys (GSS) on victimization and police-reported data derived from the aggregate Uniform Crime Reporting Survey (UCR) and the incident-based Uniform Crime Reporting Survey (UCR2), the prevalence and nature of sexual assault in Canada is examined. Specifically, this report examines rates of sexual victimization; characteristics of victims and offenders; rates of police reporting; reasons for not reporting to police; the emotional effects of sexual victimization; as well as fear of crime and the use of precautionary measures by victims of sexual assault.
Release date: 2008-12-09 - 3. International Adult Literacy Survey [Series] ArchivedJournals and periodicals: 89-552-MGeography: CanadaDescription:
The International Adult Literacy Survey (IALS) was a seven-country initiative conducted in the fall of 1994. Its goal was to create comparable literacy profiles across national, linguistic and cultural boundaries. Successive waves of the survey now encompass close to 30 countries around the world. This monograph series features detailed studies from the IALS database by literacy scholars and experts in Canada and the United States. The research is primarily funded by Human Resources Development Canada. Monographs focus on current policy issues and cover topics such as adult training, literacy skill match and mismatch in the workplace, seniors' literacy skills and health, literacy and economic security, and many others.
Release date: 2008-07-21
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