SOI tax stats - 2014 IRS TPC Research Conference | Internal Revenue Service

SOI tax stats - 2014 IRS TPC Research Conference


IRS Research Conference

Advancing Tax Administration: An IRS-TPC Conference

Thursday, June 19, 2014

The 2014 IRS Research Bulletin features selected papers from the IRS-TPC Research Conference, held at the Urban Institute in Washington, DC, on June 19, 2014. The conference highlighted research on tax compliance and administration, and facilitated dialogue among IRS researchers, tax experts from other countries, academic researchers, Federal agencies, and private sector experts.

2014 IRS Research Bulletin PDF

2014 Research Conference Program PDF

1. Taxpayer compliance costs and tax administration

2. Innovative enforcement strategies

3. Tax uncertainty and corporation compliance

4. Understanding taxpayer behavior

Links to other conferences:

IRS Research Conference