Johan Forssell, Sweden’s Minister for International Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade. PHOTO KRISTIAN POHL/ REGERINGSKANSLIET.


Strong and Consistent Supporter of the Adaptation Fund

The Swedish Government believes that mitigating, and adapting to, climate change is urgent yet filled with possibilities. Climate change poses a serious threat that risks undermining decades of development progress around the world. The green transition, by which we reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to a changing climate, provides an opportunity to still ensure a prosperous and resilient future. The Government believes international cooperation is vital to achieve this, alongside trade and private investments.

Climate change adaptation has been high on the agenda of Swedish international development cooperation for a long time and supports those who want to transition to a more prosperous, resilient future. Since the adoption of the Paris Agreement, the Swedish Government has continued to increase its efforts and its international climate finance. Today, Sweden is proud to be the largest per capita donor and second largest donor in absolute terms to the Adaptation Fund.

As a strong supporter and active member of the Board of the Adaptation Fund since its inception, the Government of Sweden believes that the Fund enables vulnerable developing countries to gain access to small scale adaptation finance by innovation and by spearheading the direct access modality. This contributes to building institutional capacity and country ownership – crucial components to overcome bottle-necks and build resilience against climate change. There is great potential for other funds, such as the Green Climate Fund, to build upon the experience of the Adaptation Fund and scale up efforts made in order to build complementarity and coherence.

This information has been provided by the Government of Sweden.

Contributions to the Adaptation Fund

Contribution Effective Date Total Contributions (US$)
November 2010 14,630,000
December 2011 14,530,000
November 2012 15,040,000
June 2013 15,180,000
October 2016 21,550,000
February 2017 5,560,000
November 2017 11,950,000
February 2018 10,100,000
November 2018 5,470,000
October 2019 54,880,000
October 2022 4,840,000
December 2023 12,403,515
December 2023 9,541,165
December 2024 11,821,621
 Grand Total 207,496,301


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