Deliver an integrated experience
When you work together with ADP, clients get better, more cohesive solutions that help them handle payroll and HR tasks quickly, easily and efficiently.
Join some of the most innovative human capital management (HCM) software developers and providers like Humanity, Makeshift, HR Avatar — and many more — that partner with ADP to offer shared clients a uniquely integrated experience.

Build integrated solutions for your clients
We have standards-based tools specifically for developers to build out integrations that can enhance or connect to ADP’s platforms. Learn more about integrated solutions on ADP® Marketplace, or to access developer tools, visit developer resources.
How ADP works with software providers like you
It’s an incredible experience for us to work with ADP as an ADP Marketplace partner. This partnership provides us with a high-quality opportunity to promote and offer our unique products, and we are already seeing traction in our ADP Marketplace relationship through new clients and referrals.
Chris Burki,
Managing Partner
LifeCare, Inc.

At SnapEval, we get up in the morning excited to see more employers adopting our instant snapshot approach to performance management and recognition. The ADP Marketplace is a place we want and need to be… This is a win-win for us, our customers, and ADP on so many levels.
David Yeaple,
Vice President of Product Management and Business Development