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(a) This product provides protection in the event of injuries, disability or death caused solely by an Accident.

(b) Coverage is provided worldwide and is valid for 24 hours throughout the Policy Period.

(c) You can select a Category to cover yourself and/or include your Spouse and/or Children. There is also an option to extend coverage to your Parent(s), where applicable.

(d) This product has a range of 5 different plans that are meant to correspond to individual financial needs.

This Policy provides coverage for the following core Benefits:

1. Accidental Death
2. Permanent Disablement
3. Accidental Death and Permanent Disablement On A Common Carrier
4. Funeral Expenses
5. Repatriation of Mortal Remains
6. Medical Expenses Due To An Injury
7. Dental And Corrective Surgery
8. Ambulance Fees
9. Daily Hospitalisation Income Due To An Injury
10. Surgical Cash Allowance
11. Serious Burns
12. Mobility Assistance
13. Get Well Benefit
14. Medical Concierge

With an additional premium, you may opt for the following add-on Benefits to your Policy:

1. Fractures
2. Loan Protection
3. Household Bills Protection
4. Home Nursing Care
5. Weekly Allowance Due To Temporary Total Disablement
6. Alternative Medical Treatments
7. Compassionate Visit
8. Miscarriage
9. Infertility or Impotency
10. Snatch theft
11. Child Support Assistance
12. Parent Support Assistance
13. Personal Liability
14. Medical Expenses Due To Specified Infectious Diseases contracted in Malaysia only#
15. Bereavement Benefit Due To Death From Specified Infectious Diseases contracted in Malaysia only#

#A waiting period of 30 days is applicable for add-on Benefits 14 & 15.

Note: Please refer to the policy wordings for further details of the benefits.

Duration of cover is for one year. You need to renew your insurance cover annually.

Specified Infectious Diseases means any of the following infectious diseases first contracted in Malaysia and listed under the First Schedule of the Prevention and Control of Infectious Disease Act 1988:

(a) Hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD);
(b) Dengue fever / Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF);
(c) Avian influenza or 'bird flu' due to influenza A viral strains H5N1, H9N2, H7N7, H7N9;
(d) Ebola virus disease;
(e) Malaria;
(f) Plague;
(g) Rabies;
(h) Middle east respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV);
(i) Zika virus disease;
(j) Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19),

and upon diagnosis by a Doctor, requires immediate notification to a ‘medical officer of health’ as specified under Section 10(2) of the Prevention and Control of Infectious Disease Act 1988.

The premium to be paid will vary depending on your occupational classification (nature of work) and the Category, Plan and add-on Benefits selected.

Commission paid to the insurance intermediaries/agent : Up to 25% of the premium*
Stamp duty : RM10.00 per policy
Service Tax : 8%
*Commission at 15% for Medical Expenses Due to Specified Infectious Diseases and 25% for other Benefits.

(a) Duty of disclosure:
(i) You must take reasonable care to disclose all material facts which you know or ought to know which could impact your risk profile and ensure that all your answers to the questions are full, complete, correct, honest and to the best of your knowledge as these information form the basis of your contract.
(ii) You also have a duty to inform the Company of any change in the information given to the Company earlier before the Company issues the Policy to you, before you renew or change any of the terms of your Policy. If you don’t, your Policy may be cancelled, or treated as if it never existed, or your claim rejected or not paid in full.

(b) Eligibility:
(i) Entry age for an adult is 18 to 75 years of age (inclusive).
(ii) Entry age for a Child is 30 days after birth up to 19 years of age or up to 25 years of age if the Child is a full-time student at an accredited institution of higher learning.
(iii) The Policy can be renewed for each Insured Person up to the age of 100 years.

1. The Compensation for ‘Accidental Death & Permanent Disablement’ Benefit applicable for Children is 25% of the Plan selected.
2. When an Insured Person attains the age of 76 years at time of renewal, the Compensation applicable to the Benefits (not including ‘Snatch Theft’ Benefit) provided under the Policy reduces to 50% of the Compensation.

This policy is only offered to the following occupation classes:
(i) Occupational Class 1 – Professionals and persons engaged in executive or non-manual, administrative or clerical duties solely in offices or similar non-hazardous places.
(ii) Occupational Class 2 – Persons engaged in duties of supervisory nature or travelling outside office for business purposes with no exposure to hazardous conditions and not involved in any manual labour.
(iii) Occupational Class 3 – Persons engaged in occasional or regular manual work not particularly hazardous in nature but involving the use of tools or light machinery.

1. Persons engaged in Class 3 occupation can opt to purchase Plans 1 & 2 only.
2. Persons engaged in occupations with high risk or exposure to hazardous conditions are not covered under this Policy. For further information on this, please refer to the policy wordings.

(c) Cash Before Cover:
The Company must receive the premium due on or before the Premium Due Date. No Benefits will be payable for any claim that occurs during a period for which premium was not received.

(d) Claims:
(i) The Company must be notified as soon as it is reasonably practical and in any event within 30 Days after the date of Accident or Sickness which leads to a claim.
(ii) The Company must be provided with all reasonable and necessary evidence required by the Company to support a claim within 90 Days after the date of Accident or Sickness which leads to a claim.
(iii) Failure to comply with (i) above may result in the Company’s rejection of all or part of the claim. Reasons include, but are not limited to, if it is made so long after the event that the Company is unable to investigate it fully, or may result in the Insured Person not receiving the full amount claimed if the amount payable changes as a result of the delay.
(iv) In the event the Insured Person is a Child, all dealings in relation to any claim will be between the Insured Person’s Parent and the Company.

(e) Number of policies:
Only one individual policy providing the same product underwritten by the Company is allowed. If more than one policy is held, the Company will consider the Insured Person to be insured under the Policy with the highest compensation or, where the compensation under each policy is identical, under the policy that was first issued.

(f) Renewal:
You are eligible for an additional 20% increase of the Compensation for ‘Accidental Death’ and ‘Permanent Disablement’ Benefits on every Anniversary Date up to a maximum of 5 consecutive years if the policy is continuously renewed without interruption and the Policy remains Claims Free for all Insured Persons throughout the Policy Period.

1. Refer to the terms and conditions under section ‘Renewal Bonus’ of this product in the policy wordings for further details on Renewal Bonus.
2. Renewal Bonus is not applicable to Parents.

You can change the Plan and/or Category of your Policy at the time of renewal only. However, change of Plan and/or Category is not allowed for policies covering any Insured Persons aged 75 years and above.

The Company shall not pay under this Policy any claim in connection with:
1. Pre-Existing Condition or any complication arising from it, mental or nervous disorder, pregnancy or childbirth
2. Any Sickness, except for a Specified Infectious Disease covered under ‘Medical Expenses Due To Specified Infectious Diseases’ and ‘Bereavement Benefit Due To Death From Specified Infectious Diseases’ Benefits
3. Suicide or attempted suicide, any criminal or illegal act (including traffic offences) or being under the influence of alcohol or drugs
4. Any Insured Person engaging, practicing, training or participating in any professional sports, any extreme sports or activity that presents a high level of inherent danger
5. Any aerial activity except as a fare paying passenger in a commercial aircraft licensed to carry passengers
6. HIV and/or any HIV-related illness including AIDS and/or any type of venereal disease
7. War, invasion, and rebellion
Note: This list is non-exhaustive. Please refer to the policy wordings for the full list of exclusions under this policy.

You can cancel this Policy by giving 30 Days’ prior written notice to the Company or via email at the address provided below, provided there is no claim made on the Policy. Such cancellation shall become effective on the date the notice is received or on the date specified in such notice, whichever is the earlier. Upon cancellation, you are entitled to a refund of premium based on the Short Period Scale. Please refer to the Policy for the Short Period Scale rates.

It is important that you inform the Company of any change in your life profile including your occupational and personal pursuits which would affect the risk profile.

Should you require additional information about personal accident insurance, please refer to the Insuranceinfo booklet on Personal Accident Insurance available at all our branches or you can obtain a copy from the insurance agent or visit

If you have any enquiries, please contact us at:

AIG Malaysia Insurance Berhad (200701037463)
P O Box 11768, 50756 Kuala Lumpur

Contact Information
Toll Free 1800-88-8811 (within Malaysia)
General Line 603-2118 0188
Fax 603-2118 0288
Operation Hours
Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm (except Public Holidays)

Please refer to the Company’s website at: