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Broken gifting and no global location

Hello Bast,

Obviously it’s been a long time since I’ve played and DGUE has been kicked off the server several times but this time when I got put back on it seems I was assigned someone else’s charter code. This means Colonaie sync doesn’t work, gifting doesn’t work, and I can’t seem to even send embassies. I also have a few people in my commonwealth who have the same issue and I believe it’s because they are under my charter code. The one thing I can do is use the GBT and send messages but that’s about it.

Every time I go to gift it gives me some blurb about it being an offline colony even though they are actively chatting online and trading things. Hopefully there’s a quick fix for this.
My Main

Retired Wizard
To be exact , Coloniae sync is called ADU in Coloniae and it works : (although the name is wrong, it's the name of the other colony because it's fetched from but account is correct)
Being listed on Coloniae has nothing to do with this parameter that you activate in game, it happens if you are listed on the sectors api : which is not the case for HWPx9Xrt.
In fact if you look at , it is listed as location 0,0 sector 0,0 which is a bug. This is not the first time it has happened, but it is the first time that the charter was used before by someone else
Creator of Coloniae
Admin of the MC2 translation project
Thanks for adding that. I knew you could explain that way better than me.
My Main

Retired Wizard
So there are not any other colonies on the My Colony server right now with that same charter code (HWPx9Xrt). I am guessing that charter was used by a prior colony which was deleted for inactivity, but is still listed in the coloniae database. Depending on how you guys want to handle it @Sobeirannovaocc and @dfv123 , I can just delete the record for DGUE in the My Colony database and it should get another charter code at next sign-in, or Sobe can remove the original colony from his database, as it does not appear to be on the MC server anymore, although possibly we want to retain the Coloniae data for historical purposes? I assume either way should correct it, just let me know what you guys think is best.
Owner of Ape Apps, LLC
bastecklein said: I am guessing that charter was used by a prior colony which was deleted for inactivity, but is still listed in the coloniae database.
that's right.

I talked with DGUE and the best option is probably to delete the record in the Coloniae DB, bc with the other way he will loose his ADU data (or rather, it won't be tied to the new charter). Also, the guy we are (I am) deleting only played for 1 day so it's not a big deal.

I want to ask though how is it possible in the first place that a charter was re-assigned ? Did we reach the 1 of 218 thousand billion chance of a collision ? or is there a obscure way for the client to get the charter it wants ?
Creator of Coloniae
Admin of the MC2 translation project
The server just generates a random charter code when a user first registers a colony, and then checks the My Colony database to see if it's in use, and if so, generates another until it has a unique one. I used to not check the My Colony database but there were several occasions where it assigned the same charter twice :-/

I should probably come up with a better way at some point.
Owner of Ape Apps, LLC
Ok, I deleted the entry for HWPx9Xrt on Coloniae but also @bastecklein , DGUE will need to get a proper location and get listed on the sectors API. That's what prevents it from being listed. Also there might be other colonies in the same situation.
Creator of Coloniae
Admin of the MC2 translation project
Ok, I made some API changes to where hopefully he (and anyone else) will get assigned a new colony location at next login.
Owner of Ape Apps, LLC
Thanks @Sobe and @bastecklin! 😁
My Main

Retired Wizard
I thought this was all fixed but it seems I am still not located on the map and cannot gift to anybody. My sector coordinates still show as (0,0) and I have left and rejoined several times now. Is there anything we can do about this?
My Main

Retired Wizard

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Ape Apps, LLC is an independent software development company founded in 2010 by Brandon Stecklein. Over the years, Ape Apps has published over 400 apps and games across various platforms. You can get in touch with Brandon on Twitter or by leaving a post on his wall @bastecklein
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