About APMdigest
APMdigest is an IT community blog that covers IT performance, including Application Performance Management (APM), AIOps, Observability and related technologies and topics.
APMdigest is more than an online magazine or news site. It is a community in the IT Ops and DevOps spaces where analysts and consultants, users and vendors come together to discuss and debate the industry's hot topics, inform and educate each other, and ultimately strengthen and advance the APM market.
APMdigest does not hire journalists to write stories about the IT industry. All blogs posted on APMdigest are written by members of the IT community expressing their own ideas and opinions.
All blogs posted on APMdigest are intended to be objective, vendor-neutral and non-promotional content to educate and enlighten APMdigest readers
All blogs posted on APMdigest are intended to be objective, vendor-neutral and non-promotional content to educate and enlighten APMdigest readers. APMdigest strictly controls blog content to ensure it meets this objective. A blog posted on APMdigest can never be about a company, its brand, products or services — even if that company is a sponsor of APMdigest. This is what makes APMdigest unique in the industry, and what attracts thousands of readers every month, from across the global IT spectrum.
In further support of this goal, APMdigest does not post "sponsored content" about a product or service. Although APMdigest receives multiple requests every day to post sponsored blogs, many of them not even relating to the topics covered by the site, all requests are refused. APMdigest sponsors are allowed to include links and hyperlinks within their blog posts on APMdigest, but the copy of the blogs must remain objective, vendor-neutral and non-promotional, so this is not the same as sponsored content. However, APMdigest does post links to sponsor content, such as webinars and reports.
APMdigest is vigorously opposed to the anonymous nature of social media, and consequently the site is designed so no person can make anonymous comments. That is why there are no comment boxes at the end of blogs and other content on APMdigest. Anyone who wishes to make a comment or statement on APMdigest must do it with attribution including the author's name, title and company, typically via a blog.
Click here for a list of topics covered by APMdigest
Since its launch in 2010, APMdigest has featured original content from all of the leading APM innovators; all the largest APM vendors; and the industry's leading consultants and analysts.
The following is a guide to the different content sections APMdigest offers:
The APM Blog: an APMdigest blog featuring content from non-vendor industry experts, such as analysts, consultants, service providers and users.
Vendor Forum: an APMdigest blog featuring content from technology vendors in APM and a variety of related technology markets.
AI+ITOPS Podcast: a podcast focusing on the impact of AI on IT Operations.
Features: content not attributed to specific bloggers.
Industry News: news from APM and related markets, including new product releases and other vendor announcements.
APM Buyers Guide: a directory of vendors in APM, AIOps, Observability, NPM and related markets.
Reports: links to complimentary reports from respected analyst firms.
White Papers: links to white papers, eBooks, reports and other APM-related documentation supplied by APMdigest sponsors for the IT community.
Webinars: links to upcoming and on-demand webinars supplied by APMdigest sponsors to educate the IT community on a variety of APM-related topics and products.
Videos: short videos under 5 minutes, supplied by APMdigest sponsors to educate the IT community on a variety of APM-related topics and products.
Free Tools: links to free tool and free trial offers supplied by APMdigest sponsors.
Editor Blog: Pete Goldin's blog covering news about APMdigest such as new bloggers and new features of the site.
Click here for some tips on navigating APMdigest to find the content you are looking for.
The APM Blog
The APM Blog features the industry's most respected experts in Application Performance Management (APM), ITSM and all related areas. Bloggers on The APM Blog include analysts and consultants, APM users, integrators and other service providers, and APMdigest Editor and Publisher Pete Goldin, providing valuable insight into the industry and technology.
If you would like to join The APM Blog, Contact Pete Goldin. If you are a technology product vendor, however, please check out the Vendor Forum below.
The Vendor Forum
The APMdigest Vendor Forum was established to give vendors who sell APM, EUEM, ITOA, NPM, Performance and Availability Monitoring, Log Management, and related products an opportunity to share their views with the IT community in an objective venue. All commentary in Vendor Forum blogs is intended to be objective, vendor-neutral and non-promotional content to educate and enlighten APMdigest readers.
All vendors in APM and related market spaces are welcome to blog on the Vendor Forum. APMdigest Sponsors are eligible to open multiple blogging accounts in the Vendor Forum. Non-sponsors are allowed to open and maintain one account per company at no cost.
Contact Pete Goldin to register for a blogging account.
Click here to read the Vendor Forum rules
Publication Schedule
APMdigest posts one item of primary content — blog or feature — Monday to Thursday. Consequently, there is often a queue of content waiting to be posted.
In addition, APMdigest posts 1-5 news items, Monday to Thursday, in the Industry News section.
Other content such as new webinars and white papers are posted regularly, but on no particular schedule.
APMdigest does not post content on weekends, or on US holidays and certain days around those holidays, including the week of July 4 and two weeks around Christmas/New Years.
APMdigest e-mails go out twice per month, and the current mailing includes content posted since the last mailing. During July and December, APMdigest may only send one email for that month.
Hot Topics
APMdigest provides "Hot Topics" lists that include every blog and feature posted on APMdigest about that particular topic. Industry news, webinars, white papers and free tools are not listed on the Hot Topics pages.
Links to all the Hot Topics can be found on every page, at the bottom of the right column.
APMdigest Sponsorships
APMdigest maintains a sponsorship program that enables technology vendors to promote products, webinars, white papers, free tools and more. Click here to find out how you can sponsor APMdigest
The History of APMdigest
APMdigest was originally named BSMdigest, operating as a web publication periodically from 2006-2009. Pete Goldin relaunched BSMdigest in May 2010.
In November 2011 the publication was renamed APMdigest to reflect a growing focus on Application Performance Management. Since that time, APMdigest has become the industry's leading community blog and news site focusing specifically on APM and related technologies.
In September 2014, APMdigest launched APM Buyers Guide, a directory of the vendors and their product offerings in APM, AIOps, Observability and related technologies. Formerly a standalone site, APM Buyers Guide became a microsite within APMdigest in January 2017.
In September 2015, APMdigest launched a partner website, DEVOPSdigest, at www.devopsdigest.com, to cover DevOps and all related technologies.
Although funded by vendor sponsorships, APMdigest and DEVOPSdigest are completely independently owned and operated by Goldin Digital Publishing Inc. and Goldin Media.
About Pete Goldin
Pete Goldin, Editor and Publisher of APMdigest and DEVOPSdigest and owner of Goldin Digital Publishing Inc., has been a publications consultant, manager and editor; freelance PR and marketing writer; and journalist in a wide variety of technology fields for more than 25 years. He has written PR and marketing materials for more than 100 technology companies around the world, including Oracle, Red Hat/IBM, Salesforce and VMware. In addition, he has written extensively for open source leaders such as SpringSource (founders of the Spring Framework) and Elastic (creators of the ELK stack). Pete Goldin has also written about the many markets related to APM — even before the "Application Performance Management" market emerged.