Analysis of the Stated Preference Survey 2021 on Mode, Route and Departure Time Choices

The report provides information on the analysis of the stated preference survey (SP-survey) on mode, route and departure time choices and includes descriptions of the modelling process, the analysis of the potential impact of Covid-19 on travel behaviour and the comparison of the model with the analysis of the SP-survey 2015.
Transport Outlook 2050 - Final Report

The final report describes the development of passenger and freight traffic in the past, the methods applied, and the building and results of the scenarios.
Commercial traffic in urban areas

Traffic that arises from the performance of economic activities – known as commercial traffic – is a little-studied area and therefore has no clear categorisation and segmentation. This baseline study focuses on the scope and form of commercial traffic in urban areas.
Economic consequences of digitalization in mobility – final report

This study examines the economic consequences of digitalisation in mobility by comparing three key scenarios with a baseline scenario.
Population’s travel behaviour 2015

How far do people in Switzerland travel every day? Why do they travel? And what modes of transport do they use? These are some of the questions answered by the Mobility and Transport Microcensus 2015.
The potential of smartphone data for national travel surveys

This publication studies the advantages and disadvantages of using a smartphone app to gather information on personal mobility.
Transport Outlook 2040 - Main report

The Federal Office for Spatial Development ARE joined forces with other federal agencies to draw up scenarios for how passenger and freight transport will develop up to 2040.
Transport Outlook 2040

The Federal Office for Spatial Development ARE joined forces with other federal agencies to draw up scenarios for how passenger and freight transport will develop up to 2040.
Transport Outlook 2040 - Technical report

The Federal Office for Spatial Development ARE joined forces with other federal agencies to draw up scenarios for how passenger and freight transport will develop up to 2040.
Transport Outlook 2040 - Synthesis report

The Federal Office for Spatial Development ARE joined forces with other federal agencies to draw up scenarios for how passenger and freight transport will develop up to 2040.
WDT/ADT 2010 - National Passenger Transport Model

The matrices for heavy and light goods vehicles currently used in the National Passenger Transport Model (NPTM) for road transport have been replaced by the up-to-date matrices from the Aggregated Goods Transport Method (AGTM) model, and the available survey data has been amended.
Tour of Switzerland - Best practices in sustainable development

As part of the programme of cooperation between Switzerland and the Czech Republic, a Czech delegation visited Switzerland on a study trip.
Fair and efficient - The Distance-related Heavy Vehicle Fee (HVF) in Switzerland

When introducing the HVF in 2001, Switzerland paved the way for a modern freight policy.
External Effects of Transport 2010 - Summarised Version

Monetising Environmental, Accident and Health-Related Effects
External Effects of Transport 2010

Monetising Environmental, Accident and Health-Related Effects (english abstract and summarised version).