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Dive deep on our blue planet with these essential aquatic listens

Dive deep on our blue planet with these essential aquatic listens

For as long as I can remember, I’ve felt at home on the water. I grew up in a coastal neighborhood in south Brooklyn, surrounded by the sulfuric scent of low tide and the ubiquitous squawk of seagulls overhead. I learned how to swim in an inlet of the New York Bay, discovering not only how to move and keep myself afloat but also how to exist alongside the tide, paddling with the waves instead of fighting against them. I loved the wildlife too—the clams that would spray water up from their hiding place in the sand, the pipers pecking the shoreline for flies and sand fleas, the glossy, almost imperceptible fry glittering along the coast. Along with this adoration came immense respect for the sea's power. I had witnessed the water's might as well, the indomitable lull of rip currents, the searing graze of a jellyfish's tentacles, the hazy darkness of its depths.

Though often taken for granted, Earth’s oceans and the many ecosystems housed within them are foundational to all life, on sea and land alike. And yet, international waterways face greater threats than ever, imperiled by factors including climate change, pollution and plastic debris, offshore drilling, and destructive fishing practices. As we get ready to recognize World Ocean Day, celebrated annually on June 8, we’ve curated a collection of listens to inspire you to learn more and take action to recognize, restore, and protect the sea and all its inhabitants.
