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5 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars

Rezensiert am: 19.02.2025

Bisschen wie ein Vlog als Podcast, hör ich gern nebenbei. Ist nicht aufregend aber unterhaltsam

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Einfach langweilig

2 out of 5 stars
3 out of 5 stars
2 out of 5 stars

Rezensiert am: 09.01.2024

Wenn mich eine Geschichte nach über einer Stunde in keinster Weise anspricht, war es das leider. War einfach langweilig, und obwohl die Sprecherin an sich ok liest, nahm ich auch ihre Performance als sehr langweilig wahr.
Zudem möchte ich 2024 keine Homophobie mehr in Fantasy-Romanen sehen, auch, wenn es "nur" die Bösen sind. Kann man das mal sein lassen? Blöde Sprüche so weit das Auge reicht.

Das Buch wird immer besser, je länger es geht. Trotzdem hat mich das nicht mit dem unglaublich chaotischen Anfang versöhnt.

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Ganz gut geschrieben, story-technisch leider ziemlich langweilig

3 out of 5 stars
4 out of 5 stars
2 out of 5 stars

Rezensiert am: 06.12.2023

Da das Hörbuch nicht extrem lang ist, hab ich es fast bis zum Ende geschafft, während ich die ganze Zeit darauf gewartet habe, dass doch noch etwas Spannendes passiert.
Tut es nicht wirklich.
Obwohl es nicht schlecht geschrieben ist, fühle ich bis zum Ende fast null Verbindung zwischen jeglichen Charakteren, aber wenn man etwas völlig unaufgeregtes sucht, könnte das hier richtig sein.

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3 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars
3 out of 5 stars

Rezensiert am: 29.06.2021

soo, difficult to decide on a rating here but I'll let you know what I loved about the story, and what I disliked. (I probably would've rated the first book 5 stars, just for reference)

I liked:
the characters. they are well-written, have edges and a somewhat cool dynamic.

the idea for the story. next-gen vampires are something I haven't heard of before and they fit perfectly into the world. don't want to spoil too much though.

I didn't like:
the story (the idea was great, the outcome rather mediocre) I can't shake the feeling that nothing really happens here. it all stays kind of superficial. there are many hints at ideas (dragons as mountains, next-gen vampires etc) but nothing really gets elaborated much further. we only get a glimpse of what could be, but isn't, in the end.

character development. yes, we see some super small changes in attitude during the story. and apparently, Simon has changed a lot at the end (or so he decides on the last pages) but we don't get to feel or witness that during the story. they all stay the same. which is a bit boring.

the romantic part.
this is the worst part. I've initially started this series for its little gay romance, but there isn't ANY. since book 1 it's been fear and uncertainty between Simon and Baz, nothing else, NOTHING CHANGES in this book either. they constantly think stupid thoughts, don't say anything real to each other, don't listen to each other and think it will all break apart eventually anyway.
I'm sorry, but this is NOT a relationship (though they call themselves boyfriends) this is something sad and childish, it's almost tragic.
also, you can't tell me that teenage boys around the age of 18, 19, haven't touched each other in the slightest after months of being together, kissing, making out and cuddling a lot (in the beginning).
not that I need anything explicit to read, no, but they author explicitly lets us know they haven't had sex. for literally no reason apart from Simon mentioning he doesn't "wanna get pressured". ofc, this could be a valid reason, if elaborated, but as I've said above, nothing changes or evolves between the characters. this is how the story starts, this is how it ends.

SPOILER regarding the ending: they're in the exact same spot in the (actual) last scene as they started their relationship in book 1: not listening to each other, probably going to break up soon. that's how it ends. wow. and the author dares to advertise this book with "for all who want to know what happens after their second kiss".
well, nothing. at all. a few more kisses, the same damn toxic "relationship". it's devastating and sad- the story could be so amazing if their relationship had evolved into something good. or evolved into SOMETHING. hell, break up, if it doesn't feel right, but this just felt so bad to read.

thinking about not getting the third book and maybe even returning this one.

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2 Leute fanden das hilfreich

Great new story

4 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars
4 out of 5 stars

Rezensiert am: 01.02.2021

A lovely story with relatable, heart-warming and nice characters. It's super well-written, had me teared up or laughing many times.
I only gave it 4 stars overall because the story is a bit underwhelming at times, and foreseeable and Sarina Bowen can do even better (like "HIM").

Still, I had a great time listening to it and can recommend the story whole-heartedly. There are few authors who write such good gay romance/erotic books.

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2 Leute fanden das hilfreich

Most beautiful love story

5 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars

Rezensiert am: 31.10.2019

The "HIM" and "US" audiobooks are my favorite gay romance stories by far, and I've listened to quite a few. Not only do they seamlessly fit together, they are highly relatable and design real characters. The thought processes and changes they undergo are so well-executed that they are extremely gripping. The whole book is very well-written, funny, sexy, sad and lovely in just the right amounts. The speakers do an amazing job although I have to admit I can't tell them apart at all. (Which is really comfortable in my opinion as it would annoy me to listen to very different voices in one audiobook.) So, all in all the perfect series if you're looking for a heart-warming, real and sometimes erotic gay love story. In my opinion the most beautiful out there.

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Very raw and lovely - should be a schoolbook

4 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars
4 out of 5 stars

Rezensiert am: 08.10.2019

It is so refreshing to hear a story where the protagonists don't face prejudice and hate at home, but unconditional love.
Heart-warming and well-written, everything is left for the protagonists to solve within themselves.

This really should be a schoolbook!

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Gripping and terrifying

4 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars
4 out of 5 stars

Rezensiert am: 01.10.2019

Over all this is a great story. The narrator is amazing, the characters are deep (enough), the style is lovely to follow and yes, the story does have a, more or less, happy end.

Which I mention, because when I bought the audiobook I wasn't prepared for the amount of violence and child abuse I would witness. Just take this as a warning: it's an amazing story, but if you get triggered easily by too much hurt and violence, you should think twice before emerging yourself into it. While I think it's important to learn of stories like these, it doesn't have to be through a whole, very detailed novel, if it's too much for you.

And a little critique I want to add: the abusive outbursts get a little repetitive throughout the book. Basically everytime a scene between Evan and his mum begins, the outcome is foreshadowed and it ends in abuse. Which might be realistic, but tends to be a little too much and boring, with similar stuff happening 10-20 (or more) times in the novel.
On the other hand, the (non graphic) love story is barely visible, which results in an unbalance.

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Really mediocre

3 out of 5 stars
3 out of 5 stars
2 out of 5 stars

Rezensiert am: 02.09.2019

Everything about this audiobook is pretty mediocre.
The story is not even a real story, the protagonists don't face any problems that move them deeply or make them do astounding things.
All the characters stay really flat, there is no depth, even after listening to the whole book, I don't have evolved any feelings for the characters.

And that was so different in Sabrina Bowen's gay stories, or Bill Konigsbergs'.
If you liked theirs, this one will be a lot less moving, a lot less sexual and just all in all not as gripping.

That being said, it's not bad at all, just also not very good, and that's already starting with the theme: basically nothing in this book is relatable for the listener.

And yes, and I very rarely have a problem with the narrators. But in this story, even the narrator is mediocre.

It's not a bad book, and I can see many enjoyed it, but you'll find way better out there.

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10 Leute fanden das hilfreich

Bitte nicht - sehr schwach geschrieben

1 out of 5 stars
4 out of 5 stars
1 out of 5 stars

Rezensiert am: 27.07.2018

Sehr schwierig zu bewerten. Die Sprecherin ist gut, die Idee der Geschichte sehr nett.
Aber- und deswegen bin ich immer wieder kurz vorm Abbrechen- der Text ist sehr schwach geschrieben. Das Buch ist eh schon so kurz, trotzdem wird so viel geschwafelt, wie ich es selten lese/höre.
Das zeigt sich in den Erklärungen aber auch den Gedanken der Charaktere. Ständig wird das Offensichtlichste lang und deutlich beschrieben, oft sogar wiederholt.

Ebenso wird es hin und wieder sehr unrealistisch. Beispielsweise wenn die Protagonistin überlegt, das Erbe anzutreten und sofort davon erzählt, was sie alles machen muss, um sicher zu sein, ob sie es auch annehmen will. Sie quartiert sich sofort in dem Café ein und überprüft gleich am nächsten Tag, welche Wege die Kellner im Lokal laufen, und ob das effizient sei. Einfach seltsam. Niemand überprüft, welchen Weg ein Kellner zu seinem Tisch einschlägt.
solche Dinge sind über das Buch hinweg immer wieder eingestreut.

Konkretes Beispiel: Die Protagonistin meint, sie glaube nicht an Geister, deswegen wüsste sie, dass es in der Wohnung ihrer verstorbenen Tante nicht spuken würde. Aber sie hätte Angst, vielleicht ihre Tante dort plötzlich in einem Sessel sitzen zu sehen, weil sie noch so präsent an dem Ort ist.

Also hat sie doch Angst vor Geistern?! Was will uns die Autorin sagen?

Oder noch seltsamer: Die Tante und deren Vorgängerin haben das gesamte Dorf ausspioniert und alles notiert, in einem riesigen Archiv aufbewahrt. Das wird als völlig normal dargestellt.

Auch die Beziehung der Hauptprotagonistin zu ihrem Freund ist seltsam beschrieben. Es ist alles sehr oberflächlich, vorhersehbar und seltsam. Viel besser kann man es nicht beschreiben.

Die Autorin scheint einfach nicht viel Erfahrung im Schreiben zu haben.

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