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3 golden objects Minnesota Legislature

Office of the Legislative Auditor

Website Policies

Privacy Policy

OLA is governed by Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 13, Government Data Practices Act. Any information we collect or request of you as you use this site will be used only to respond to your questions, provide services you request, perform routine system maintenance, and to improve our website structure. OLA collects information generated by visits to our website only to: analyze traffic patterns; to collect information you specifically provide to us, such as in surveys; to provide interactive and alerting services; and to verify appropriate use of the site. We do not track users or use the system logs or other records for any other purpose. Nor do we sell, rent or otherwise improperly disclose any information to any other group or individual about users of this website.

Third-party, session specific cookies may be used on the OLA's website to improve the user experience and for basic web metrics. The Legislature does not use the information for other purposes.

Linking Policy

OLA encourages linking to information on our website, provided the source of the information is clearly identified and the information is periodically updated.

Third Party Social Media Sites

OLA uses third-party social media sites, including X. When we use these sites, the information we provide through our account is consistent with the official business of the OLA. When you visit the official OLA pages on these third-party sites, no personally identifiable information will be collected by OLA about your visit.

However, each third-party social media site has its own privacy protections and policies. Users are encouraged to review the privacy policies before registering or using these sites. Although OLA provides links to external social media Web sites, OLA does not endorse the entities sponsoring these sites and does not endorse the views they express or the products/services they offer. OLA is not responsible for the transmissions users receive from the social media sites.

While OLA staff monitor and update third-party social media accounts regularly, if you have a question, concern, or comment, you may still want to contact OLA at or 651-296-4708.

Documents in Adobe PDF Format

Some documents provided by the OLA website are in Adobe PDF format. To access these documents, you will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is available to download for free.


Office of the Legislative Auditor, Room 140, 658 Cedar St., St. Paul, MN 55155 : or 651‑296‑4708