Public Release Date: September 2, 1999 | No. 99-46 |
The Legislature established the Ethical Practices Board in 1974, as part of the Ethics in Government Act, under Minnesota Statute Chapter 10A. (Effective in July 1997 the Legislature changed the board's name to the Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board to better describe its responsibilities.) The Governor appoints the six-member board to staggered four-year terms, with the advice and three-fifths consent of the Senate and House of Representatives. The board appointed Jeanne Olson as the executive director in July 1995.
The Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board is the service and regulatory agency that:
The board receives state appropriations for its operational activities.
Our audit scope included the State Elections Campaign Fund and payroll and per diem expenditures for the period from July 1, 1997, to June 30, 1999.
We concluded that the Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board properly recorded, allocated, and distributed State Elections Campaign funds to eligible candidates and state committees of political parties. In addition, for the items tested, the board complied with material finance-related legal provisions for the State Elections Campaign fund.
We concluded that the Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board accurately recorded payroll and per diem expenditures in the accounting records. In addition, for the items tested, the board complied with applicable statutory provisions and bargaining unit agreements.