Overview of our outcomes and data
Discover the key results of our supervisory activities
Our work is based on objective data to ensure banks are treated in a consistent way. Through rigorous analyses, we produce concrete outcomes that keep Europe’s banks safe. For example, every year we define risks and priorities for supervisors to focus on, collect and analyse data on banks’ activities, conduct banks’ regular health checks and produce many thematic reports.
Assessing banks’ risk profiles
The outcome of banks’ regular health check – the Supervisory Review and Evaluation Process (SREP) – is one of our key reports. It provides insights into how banks are performing when it comes to their business models, internal governance, risks to capital and liquidity.
Learn more about the SREPCollecting data on Europe’s banks
We publish statistics on various aspects of a bank – including capital adequacy, profitability and liquidity, just to give a few examples. These data are crucial for proper analysis and decision-making.
Explore our supervisory data dashboardPublic consultations
We organise public consultations to seek the views of interested EU citizens, market participants and other stakeholders on key supervisory initiatives, guidance and policies before they are finalised and implemented. This allows us to hear from the people who are affected by our work.
Go to our public consultationsOutlining supervisory priorities and risks
Every year, we identify the main risks we expect banks to face in the coming three years. The results of the SREP help us to identify these focus areas, which, in turn, guide how we allocate resources and plan our activities.
Find out more about our supervisory prioritiesDisclosing our activities each year
Every year around March, we publish a report on how we carried out our supervisory tasks the previous year. The report is presented to the European Parliament at a public hearing and is a testament to our accountability.
See our latest annual report