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Joint Supervisory Teams

Joint Supervisory Teams (JSTs) are one of the main forms of cooperation between the ECB and the national supervisors.

They actively foster a common supervisory culture and promote consistent supervisory practices and approaches.


The JSTs carry out ongoing supervision of the significant banks.

Their main tasks are to:

  • perform the Supervisory Review and Evaluation Process
  • propose the supervisory examination programme, including a plan of on-site inspections
  • implement the approved supervisory examination programme and any supervisory decisions
  • ensure coordination with the on-site inspection teams and liaise with the national supervisors


A JST is established for each significant institution.

JSTs are formed of staff of the ECB and the relevant national supervisors, including the competent authorities of the countries in which credit institutions, banking subsidiaries or significant cross-border branches of a given banking group are established.

The size, overall composition and organisation of a JST is tailored to the size, business model and risk profile of the bank it supervises.

How do Joint Supervisory Teams function?

Joint Supervisory Teams

Internal organisation

Each JST comprises:

  • a coordinator at the ECB
  • national sub-coordinators
  • a team of experts

The JST coordinator (who is generally not from the country where the supervised bank is located) leads the team and steers its supervisory activities. The coordinator is appointed for a period of three to five years.

The sub-coordinators from the national supervisors are responsible for clearly defined thematic or geographic areas. They also support the coordinator in the ongoing supervision.

In the larger JSTs, the coordinator and the national sub-coordinators form a “core JST”, which allocates tasks among the team’s members.

Rotation principle

JST coordinators and members rotate on a regular basis.

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