Domain Fraud Protection

Protect your customers’ brands from impersonation attacks

Secure customer brands

Prevent brand impersonation attacks from damaging your customer’s reputation, and potentially financial losses.

Elevate service offerings

Enforce DMARC standards to block domain spoofing and simplify enforcement. Customers will than you when they see better email delivery rates.

Demonstrate value

Provide detailed information to customers that includes the source of spoofing emails, where they originate from, the sender’s information, and samples of spoofing emails.


Prevent domain spoofing

Using DMARC, gain insight into legitimate and non-legitimate emails being sent from customers domains. Ensure only legitimate emails are delivered, while blocking malicious senders.

Authenticate customers’ email

Automatically detect misconfigured email senders. Then, demonstrate value by correctly configuring customers’ DKIM and SPF to ensure legitimate emails can be delivered.

DMARC reporting

Gain visibility into emails delivered, the different email systems sending emails with their domains, and gain access to in-depth DMARC information.

Increase email deliverability

Scale your security service by ensuring all end-users are protected from brand impersonation attacks and all legitimate emails are delivered successfully.

Email Protection made easy for MSPs

Barracuda Domain Fraud Protection is part of Barracuda Email Protection Premium and Premium Plus plans. These simple and straightforward SaaS plans offer comprehensive email protection for Microsoft 365.

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