Secure connectivity for industrial internet of things and operational technology.
The world’s getting connected.
With the enhancement in technology, the number of industrial internet of things (IIoT) devices is increasing exponentially, and your security challenges are growing dramatically more complex. How do you handle the management, deployment, and cost of thousands of firewalls? With its purpose-built internet of things (IoT) solution Barracuda provides granular security to every device with economical scalability.
Industrial environments are more exposed.
Intelligent systems connect machinery, sensors, and control systems to enable dynamic response to product demands and real-time optimization of manufacturing production and supply chain networks. The increase in connectivity exposes formerly isolated systems, including large industrial control systems, to the dangers inherent in the internet. Barracuda offers purpose-built security solutions for these industrial environments.
Secure your “things”
Without effective protection, thousands of internet-connected “things” are increasing the attack surface and the risk of becoming a target for cybercriminals.
Get maximum scalability
The vast number of “things” needing connectivity and protection is a challenge. An easy rollout procedure and robust central management are key to success.
Manage your OT processes
Digitalization of operational technology (OT) requires a specific feature set, from fail-safe and secure connectivity to secure remote access and industry protocol detection.
Leverage the cloud
Managing a large number of widely dispersed “things” in remote locations requires a highly performant infrastructure, that can be best provided by public cloud.
Industrial security at a glance.
Digitalization and IoT are rapidly expanding to commercial and industrial use cases. Traditional cybercriminals target information and financial assets, but hackers exploiting vulnerabilities in IoT — which may include everything from ATMs and wind turbines to heavy machinery and complete manufacturing lines — could cause real-world mayhem far beyond what a data breach might accomplish. Barracuda addresses the challenges of IIoT and OT with a rich purpose-built solution portfolio.
Do not give cybercriminals a chance.
Barracuda’s industrial security solutions include highly secure, small form-factor appliances to protect internet-connected devices, industrial control systems, and operational technology. Full next-generation security enforcement and protocol awareness allow for effective network segregation. Ruggedized appliances allow deployments in harsh environments. Barracuda’s centralized management architecture guarantees hassle-free management for thousands of control devices.
Take complete control over thousands of “things.”
Get scalable access protection and control with up to 2,500 Secure Connector appliances that can be connected securely to SecureEdge or a CloudGen Firewall appliance, providing full next-generation security functionality including IPS, anti-malware, and Advanced Threat Protection. Every Secure Connector appliance also includes a customizable container image (LXC, Docker) and integration with Azure IoT Edge, allowing you to deploy your own applications for monitoring their managed devices.
Support best practices on the production floor.
Industrial security projects have to combine two concepts. On one hand, the individual firewall must work
concert with hundreds or thousands of other firewalls to ensure all security components function in a
and controllable manner. But on the other hand, the same individual firewall is one of many different
of a system that must be integrated into your operational and maintenance strategies.
Firewall provides the framework to secure your OT systems.
Keep pace with the future — adopt the cloud.
Barracuda SecureEdge automates industry best practices to deliver zero-touch deployment, secure remote connectivity, and advanced, next-generation security technologies. Plus, it lets you manage everything from a single, easy-to-use cloud portal — dramatically reducing resource requirements and accelerating deployment. The cloud service automatically sets up your IoT infrastructure within minutes. An easy-to-use wizard simplifies the setup and configuration of your cloud environment.
Which solution is right for
your use case?
Secure your internet-connected devices and operational technology with Barracuda solutions that provide next-generation protection, centralized management, and unmatched scalability. Barracuda offers a rich portfolio of industrial security products.