Barracuda Email Protection

Even cyber-physical systems (CPS) can be taken offline with an email attack.

Protect intellectual property and other sensitive data.
Criminals use phishing and other email attacks to steal credentials and infect networks with malware. This creates opportunities for more attacks like system intrusion, invoice fraud, and ransomware.

Stop ransomware before it strikes.

Ransomware attacks on industrial companies have increased alongside the growth of Industry 4.0.  Many companies depend on legacy systems and other equipment that do not get regular security updates. Even high-profile devices like office workstations or business services could remain unpatched and vulnerable to old exploits. A recent study commissioned by Barracuda found that 66% of manufacturers were victims of a ransomware attack in 2022.

Email remains the top threat vector for damaging cyberattacks. Only Barracuda Email Protection secures your organization against all 13 email threat types, including the malware-laden attachments and phishing emails that open the door for ransomware attacks.

Stop data loss through outbound email.

Outbound email can expose the company’s most sensitive information. Employees regularly communicate production schedules, material pricing, and other business information through email. Business email users send at least 40 emails per day, and misdirected email by well-intentioned employees accounts for 19% to 24% of data breaches. Threat actors with access to the email system also exfiltrate data by using legitimate email accounts to send files to themselves.

Barracuda Email Protection secures email messages and attachments with a wide range of technologies. Messages can be encrypted automatically with custom security policies that ensure confidentiality in motion and at rest. Data leak protection content policies can automatically encrypt, quarantine, or block outbound emails based on content, sender, or recipient. This protection is critical to blocking credit card data, national ID numbers, and other regulated data from being sent to external parties through outbound mail.

Defend against phishing and social engineering.

U.S. manufacturers and industrial companies have lost $14.7 billion to data breach incidents between 2019 and 2022, and most of these incidents started with a phishing attack. One food and beverage manufacturer was offline for 48 hours after a successful phishing attack led to data theft and ransomware. Another manufacturer suffered $71 million in losses when the LockerGoga ransomware gang captured employee credentials through a phishing attack. According to a recent study commissioned by Barracuda, 46% of manufacturers were victims of spear-phishing attacks in 2022.

Barracuda uses AI-driven inbox security to identify the malicious intent of phishing attacks. Barracuda Phishing and Impersonation Protection silently hunts for threats and automatically secures the inbox in real time. Unusual or malicious emails are blocked or removed, and notification alerts are sent to both users and IT.

Arm your employees with security awareness training.

Phishing emails, distinct phishing subject lines, and links to phishing sites within email reached record levels in 2022. These social engineering tactics are designed to steal network credentials that threat actors use in future attacks like system intrusion and business email compromise (BEC). One phishing attack led to a $58 million transfer of funds to a criminal posing as the CEO. This classic BEC scam contributed to an operating loss of nearly $31 million that year.

Train your workforce to identify and defend against these attacks. Barracuda makes it easy to deliver ongoing awareness training that is tailored to your environment. Threat simulation and behavior analysis allow you to assess risk and respond with additional education and threat exercises.

Reduce the impact and cost of email attacks.

A phishing attack on a business takes about 16 minutes to snare its first victim and can remain active for several hours before the incident is reported and resolved. Barracuda research finds that a typical organization responds to five email-related security incidents each day. Companies do not have the manpower or the risk tolerance to respond to these incidents manually.

Attackers will make the most of every moment they have in your inboxes and network. Barracuda Email Protection enables administrators to respond immediately to attacks that get through to the inbox. Automated incident response removes all instances of the attack and contacts users with the administrator’s preconfigured messaging.

Secure data and ensure compliance.

Various industries and jurisdictions have specific regulations regarding data retention and preservation.  Companies are often required to retain and produce email records to comply with legal, regulatory, or industry-specific mandates. Email retention also plays a role in business continuity, disaster recovery, storage management, and maintaining historical records and institutional knowledge.

Barracuda Cloud Archiving Service does all of this and more. Data is archived in a dedicated storage space that ensures email messages will remain intact and tamper-free for as long as you require. The intuitive web interface makes it easy to put messages on legal hold or assign an e-discovery role to another user.

Defend your company with Barracuda Email Protection.

Barracuda Email Protection is the only solution that protects against all 13 email threat types. Our comprehensive defense-in-depth protection enables IT teams to secure mailboxes, data, and users.

Protect your business, customers, and workforce.

Contact us to discuss your security needs or to arrange a demonstration or free trial of any Barracuda product.