Autoritatea Aeronautică Civilă Romană

Code of conduct and professional ethics of RCAA employees

STATEMENT regarding the assumption of an organizational integrity agenda of the RCAA 

The internal procedure regarding the reporting of facts considered violations of the law and the protection of the whistleblower in the public interest

RCAA Integrity Plan 2021-2025

List including the gifts received, according to Law no. 251/2004 and their destination - year 2024

Reporting sheets on the implementation of the National Anticorruption Strategy 2021-2025, for 2024

Annual evaluation report on integrity incidents, for the year 2024


According to the newly adopted legal framework (Law no. 361/2022), persons who report violations of the law, which have occurred or are likely to occur within the authorities, public institutions, other legal entities under public law, as well as within private legal entities, the following reporting methods are available:

  1. Internal channels – In the case of AACR: mailbox for integrity reports in physical format (located in the lobby of the building, on the stairwell without elevator, between floors 1 and 2), written, e-mail:, telephone: or (Advisor with warning policy within AACR, cf Decision D60/2024); (for more details, see Chapter III of Law no. 361/2022)
  2. External channels – (see Chapter IV of Law no. 361 /2022);
  3. Public disclosure – press, professional, union or employer organizations, non-governmental organizations, parliamentary committees, etc. (for more details see Chapter V of Law no. 361/2022).
Last update: 05/03/2025, 11:28:38