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Future of mining near boundary waters, Superior National Forest undetermined

Future of mining near boundary waters, Superior National Forest undetermined
Future of mining near boundary waters, Superior National Forest undetermined 09:45

MINNEAPOLIS — President Trump wants to expand mining and mineral extraction on federal lands; he issued an executive order called "Unleashing American Energy." 

The order says mining operation restrictions should stop. 

Trump wants to reverse former President Joe Biden's 20-year moratorium on new mineral leases in the Superior National Forest.

Advocates say restoring mining in the boundary waters area would create around 700 jobs and wouldn't pollute the boundary waters. 

However, opponents like Chris Knopf, the executive director of Friends of the Boundary Waters, say mining would pollute the ecosystem.

"What President Trump is doing with his mantra of 'drill baby drill' is saying that 'we don't care about the land, air,' and for Minnesota, the water that would be polluted by these mines," Knopf said. 

Mining groups say their type of mining would not jeopardize the environment.

"That simply is just not true," Knopf said. "Throughout the country, throughout the world, this type of mining has a perfect track record of pollution... We know in a water-rich environment that we will have pollution in the boundary waters."

Next, we are expected to see dueling legislation from two Minnesota members of Congress. Republican congressman Pete Stauber will introduce mining expansion bills, and Democratic congresswoman Betty McCollum has already reintroduced a bill to restrict it.

In an interview with WCCO in December, GOP Rep. Pete Stauber called Trump's planned order a "win, win, win" for the area. 

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