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About Belgium

The Belgian economy is an export-driven one. Important sectors in Belgium’s economy include trade; transport and accommodation/food­ services; industry and public administration. The Brussels region, headquarters of many international organizations, has a greater focus on financial and administrative services and its workforce comprises people with higher qualifications and good linguistic skills. Wallonia and Flanders are more dependent on industry, and in particular the production of intermediate goods traded in the global markets.

Employment in Belgium regained its pre-2008 financial crisis level in 2014 and is expected to continue to grow strongly till 2030. Belgium’s working-age population (15-64) is also projected to grow in this period, with labour market participation slightly decreasing. Most employment growth in Belgium will be in health & social care, followed by professional services. The occupations with most new job openings between 2020-2030 will be legal & social associate professionals and office associate professionals. Till 2030, more than half of all job openings (including replacements for vacated jobs) in Belgium will be for high level qualifications.

VET System in Belgium

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