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This working paper aims to critique the emergence of microcredentials in vocational education and training. It argues that considering microcredentials as a new tool to reorient higher or academic education overlooks the potential of vocational and professional education as well as its aim to equip learners with employability skills, in line with increasing labour market demands.

The paper attempts to shed light on learning outcomes of credential holders, as visualised in four distinct scenarios developed. These scenarios are intended to show abstract representations of existing types of microcredentials and could be used to enable critical discussions and a dialogue about the purposes of microcredentials. The paper also provides recommendations for policy and practice targeted to specific stakeholder groups.

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Cite as

Pouliou, A. (2024). Exploring the emergence of microcredentials in vocational education and training (VET). Publications Office of the European Union. Cedefop working paper, 22. https://data.europa.eu/doi/10.2801/671358


Exploring the emergence of microcredentials in vocational education and training (VET)

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Μεταφράσεις τρίτων

Mikrokredencialų atsiradimo profesinio mokymo sistemoje tyrimas

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