European database on validation of non-formal and informal learning
This database aims to support European countries in their efforts to develop and establish arrangements to validate non-formal and informal forms of learning. It is also a tool for anyone interested in validation, helping them understand better how validation is carried out in Europe.
The database links the European guidelines for validation of non-formal and informal learning (2nd edition, 2015) with the European inventory on validation (2014 update). It provides an overview of how countries are meeting the various challenges of establishing validation arrangements. It follows the chapters of the European guidelines. Detailed information per country is available in the country reports.
All information has been extracted from the ‘country fiches’, which were put together as part of the European inventory update, and are based on national researchers’ responses to a set of predefined questions. The text has not been edited by Cedefop. However, considerable effort has been made to ensure accuracy and correctness of the information. Please contact us if you discover inaccuracies. For suggestions, improvements, ideas, comments or further information, please contact the project manager, Ernesto Villalba-Garcia.
For more information about Cedefop’s actions in validating non-formal and informal learning, visit our validation project.
The Member States should, with a view to offering individuals an opportunity to demonstrate what they have learned outside formal education and training — including through mobility experiences — and to make use of that learning for their careers and further learning, and with due regard for the principle of subsidiarity, have in place, no later than 2018, in accordance with national circumstances and specificities, and as they deem appropriate, arrangements for the validation of non-formal and informal learning.
Année | Austria | Belgium-DE | Belgium-FR | Bulgaria | Switzerland | Cyprus | Czechia | Germany | Denmark | Estonia | Greece | Spain | Finland | France | Croatia | Hungary | Ireland | Iceland | Italy | Liechtenstein | Lithuania | Luxembourg | Latvia | Malta | Netherlands | Norway | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Sweden | Slovenia | Slovakia | Türkiye | United Kingdom / England and Northern Ireland | United Kingdom / Scotland | United Kingdom / Wales |
2010 |
No Strategy
There is no explicit national strategy which includes all sectors on the validation of non-formal and informal learning |
No Strategy
There is not one single national/regional strategy in place but rather a group of arrangements in the public and private sectors and there are also... There is not one single national/regional strategy in place but rather a group of arrangements in the public and private sectors and there are also concrete measures in place.
However, the government has launched an inter-ministerial initiative to develop an integrated vision for validation procedures, covering all sectors. |
No Strategy
No explicit national strategy exists with respect to all sectors on validation of non-formal and informal learning. In the 2009-2014 "Declaration o... No explicit national strategy exists with respect to all sectors on validation of non-formal and informal learning. In the 2009-2014 "Declaration of Regional Policies" the Walloon Government set out its intention to make Validation of Skills one of the priorities of the next term in office. |
No Strategy
There is no formal strategy / policy on validation of non-formal and informal learning including all educational sectors. One of the main prioriti... There is no formal strategy / policy on validation of non-formal and informal learning including all educational sectors. One of the main priorities of the national lifelong learning strategy (LLL 2008-2013) includes the validation and certification of results acquired through non-formal and informal learning. The Renewed Employment Strategy 2008-2015 also refers to the development of a system for validation of non-formal and informal learning, which shall support individuals with a low level of participation in lifelong learning to acquire qualifications |
No Strategy
No information |
Some elements missing
There is a clear legislative framework for validation and it is linked to the national qualifications framework. However, validation of NFIL only c... There is a clear legislative framework for validation and it is linked to the national qualifications framework. However, validation of NFIL only concerns vocational qualifications included in the qualifications register (NSK). These can be related but are not identical to the qualifications obtained through formal initial VET. It is possible to integrate initial VET programmes at different stages but this is the responsibility of heads of schools and does not fall under the main system for validation. VNFIL is not common in higher education |
No Strategy
Elements of a national strategy are the regulations of the Länder, for example the access for qualified workers to higher education, and on a fede... Elements of a national strategy are the regulations of the Länder, for example the access for qualified workers to higher education, and on a federal level the External student’s examination in VET, or a working group ‘validation’. Another stimulus is the Council Recommendation on validation. |
Some elements missing
National legislation about on the subject of the recognition of prior learning is in place. Arrangements cover all education sectors and establish ... National legislation about on the subject of the recognition of prior learning is in place. Arrangements cover all education sectors and establish connections between them. However, more needs to be done to ensure better links between validation activities in the public, private and third sector.
The Danish concept of the recognition of prior learning is based on the common principles outlined in a policy paper. The principles are fundamental to the further political process and agreements amongst stakeholders. |
Some elements missing
National strategy for validation is clearly stated in higher education and vocational education levels.
Validation principles are also generally u... National strategy for validation is clearly stated in higher education and vocational education levels.
Validation principles are also generally used in the system for awarding professional qualifications. In the field of general education, the RPL system has thus far not been initiated. Institutions providing non-formal education have
not been involved in the implementation of RPL principles |
No Strategy
The National Accreditation Centre for lifelong learning providers (EKEPIS) is the competent national authority for the certification of ‘inputs�... The National Accreditation Centre for lifelong learning providers (EKEPIS) is the competent national authority for the certification of ‘inputs’ of non-formal education. Also, another governmental institution (EOPP) certifies the ‘outputs’ of lifelong learning. The same institution is responsible for the NQF development. Language and ICT competences can be validated by the state. |
Some elements missing
The national strategy for validation was established with the approval of the Organic Law of Education (LOE) and the Organic Law of Universities (L... The national strategy for validation was established with the approval of the Organic Law of Education (LOE) and the Organic Law of Universities (LOU), which increased the permeability of the education system and incorporated actions to validate non-formal and informal learning, such as access exams to VET and university studies, aimed at those people who do not have the required qualifications.
Another measure is the possibility of work experience recognition that exempts the student from studying the module of work place training, which is compulsory in all VET qualifications.
Another measure is the possibility of getting a qualification through an examination, organised by the public administrations of the Autonomous Communities, for those people who have not undertaken any formal courses.
Furthermore, the Royal Decree 1224/2009 established the recognition of skills acquired through work experience . This Royal Decree provides the possibility of evaluating professional competences through other non-traditional assessment methods; this procedure is common to gain qualifications from the Employment administration and the Education administration. However, this Royal Decree does not cover all education sectors, but it only focuses on VET and it only recognises professional competences acquired through work experience or non-formal learning. This Decree only applies to some levels of competence (modules for formal VET), but it does not apply to university studies. The calls for validation and accreditation of professional competences are usually restricted to some economic sectors in each call, depending on the available financial resources and the needs of the productive sectors by means of a call for proposals. |
Comprehensive national Strategy
The Framework for Qualifications and Other Learning, NQF from 2009 covers validation issues comprehensively. The Finnish education system has pract... The Framework for Qualifications and Other Learning, NQF from 2009 covers validation issues comprehensively. The Finnish education system has practically no dead ends. An individual is able to move to HE via general upper secondary or the VET route. It makes no difference if the individual has gained a full qualification through validation. The certification is identical via validation or school based route. |
Comprehensive national Strategy
The national strategy derives from the adoption of a legal framework for validation, covering all sectors. |
No Strategy
Although there is no national strategy for validation in place, there are arrangements on a sectoral level. The arrangements and approaches were de... Although there is no national strategy for validation in place, there are arrangements on a sectoral level. The arrangements and approaches were developed because the validation was necessary to certify the level of knowledge, skills, and competences of individuals wishing to perform certain types of jobs. |
No Strategy
The validation is developed at sectoral level within the framework of the New Hungary Development Plan (2007-2013). The first project was launched ... The validation is developed at sectoral level within the framework of the New Hungary Development Plan (2007-2013). The first project was launched in July 2009. It aims to develop a validation model that can be implemented within the higher education sector.
There has been a prior learning assessment scheme within the adult training system since 2001 (but it is not a complete validation procedure – it relates only to assessment and exemption in relation to a given course). The scheme aims to customise training programmes. |
No Strategy
There is no formal national strategy for validation however the National Qualifications Authority of Ireland-NQAI (2005) Principles and Operational... There is no formal national strategy for validation however the National Qualifications Authority of Ireland-NQAI (2005) Principles and Operational Guidelines for the Recognition of Prior Learning in Further and Higher Education and Training serve as the main national policy for the higher education sector and further education sector. |
Some elements missing
A National strategy is in place for adults who have not completed Upper Secondary school and most of the measures are in place.
A comprehensive nat... A National strategy is in place for adults who have not completed Upper Secondary school and most of the measures are in place.
A comprehensive national lifelong learning strategy is being implemented in Iceland on the basis of new laws for all education sectors. A law was passed in June 2008 for upper secondary schools, and in March 2010 the Adult Education Act was passed. Both contain provisions on individual entitlement to the validation of non-formal and informal learning towards credits/units at the upper secondary level.
Based on a service contract with the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, the Education and Training Service Centre (ETSC) has the role of developing a national strategy in cooperation with accredited lifelong learning (LLL) centres, upper secondary schools, and social partners |
No Strategy
Some Regions (such as Emilia Romagna, Toscana, Lombardia) have their own strategy, legal framework and arrangements.
Veneto Region also formalised... Some Regions (such as Emilia Romagna, Toscana, Lombardia) have their own strategy, legal framework and arrangements.
Veneto Region also formalised a validation model that is currently being carrying out by the PES and other relevant actors of the employment services |
In development
The strategy/policy is at national level mainly with regard to the development of a NQF including non-formal and informal learning.
Opportunities ... The strategy/policy is at national level mainly with regard to the development of a NQF including non-formal and informal learning.
Opportunities to take part in a validation process are based on so-called dossiers in higher education |
No Strategy
National qualifications framework (NQF) in development |
Some elements missing
Validation is possible for all formal qualifications delivered in Luxembourg except the general upper secondary education diploma (Baccalaureat).
S... Validation is possible for all formal qualifications delivered in Luxembourg except the general upper secondary education diploma (Baccalaureat).
Some qualifications delivered by the Luxembourg Lifelong Learning Centre are accessible via VAE. |
No Strategy
No formal strategy of validation is in place except the Lifelong Learning Strategy, ‘Guidelines for Lifelong Learning 2007-2013’ that states th... No formal strategy of validation is in place except the Lifelong Learning Strategy, ‘Guidelines for Lifelong Learning 2007-2013’ that states that formal, non-formal and informal learning policies are equally important. |
In development
Progress has been made towards establishing a national strategy and framework for validation.
The National Commission for Further and Higher Educa... Progress has been made towards establishing a national strategy and framework for validation.
The National Commission for Further and Higher Education (NCFHE) has been charged with introducing a national system for validation, including drafting National Guidelines for the validation of informal and non-formal learning, aligning with the Malta Qualifications Framework (MQF). |
Some elements missing
The NLQF is currently being debated as a national platform for the registration of national and sectoral standards.
The national quality code for V... The NLQF is currently being debated as a national platform for the registration of national and sectoral standards.
The national quality code for VPL-provision is the main steering element in the national strategy and written down in a policy law APL.
There is no coherent professionalization programme for VPL-professionals.
Specific target groups have an informal right to VPL (job-seekers; workers in some sectors)
Some sectors use VPL for cashing in work-experience for qualifications (building sector, welfare, process industry)
Some sectors use VPL for outsourcing (work-to-work) strategies, like military, telecom. |
Some elements missing
There is no single all-encompassing strategy for validation at national level. However there is a comprehensive framework in place, made up of sev... There is no single all-encompassing strategy for validation at national level. However there is a comprehensive framework in place, made up of several laws and regulations / strategies / policies relating to the different sectors of education and training.
However, validation in the labour market (especially Human Resource Development (HRD) practices follow their own logic, are not reported on and there is no labour market actor with the aim of establishing a framework linked to a national strategy. |
In development
In Poland, one cannot yet speak of a system of validation and recognition of learning outcomes acquired through informal learning or non-formal lea... In Poland, one cannot yet speak of a system of validation and recognition of learning outcomes acquired through informal learning or non-formal learning processes. The current legal framework in the field of education does not define the concept of validation and thus there are no regulations at central level addressing validation of learning outcomes achieved in a mode other than formal education”.
However, some legislation adopted specific arrangements whereby professional/vocational skills acquired through employment can be validated through qualification examinations. The new regulation also introduced mechanisms for awarding partial qualifications in recognition of competences obtained as a result of completing training in a non-school setting, and for recognising partial qualifications obtained in this way by adults who take up study in schools for adults providing vocational education and training |
Comprehensive national Strategy
There is a formal national strategy for validation, in the non-higher education area, from level 1 to 4. It is linked to the National Qualification... There is a formal national strategy for validation, in the non-higher education area, from level 1 to 4. It is linked to the National Qualifications Catalogue and to NQF.
There are good connections between public, private and third sector. Yes, there is a relevant strategy at both a national and regional level. A comprehensive approach exists in practice, linking academic and professional validation. |
Some elements missing
Although the legislation represents a move forward in the validation of learning gained outside the formal education system, it does not necessaril... Although the legislation represents a move forward in the validation of learning gained outside the formal education system, it does not necessarily create a unitary framework for validation at the national level.
Furthermore, there is a risk that some of the provisions regarding the vocational training of adults, particularly in the domain of the recognition of non-formal and informal learning, were still not fully enforced in Romania |
No Strategy
Sweden does not have a fully developed system for the validation of informal and non-formal learning with roles, organisational structures and fina... Sweden does not have a fully developed system for the validation of informal and non-formal learning with roles, organisational structures and financial responsibilities clearly stated and established. The work of the agency is intended to result in overall policies for validation. No other kind of overall policy or strategy for validation is planned.
As stated in the 2007 update, the responsibility for validation in Sweden is still heavily decentralised at the local and regional level and strongly embedded in the municipal adult education system. Cooperation between educational authorities, business sector
organisations, universities and municipalities in setting up structures for validation methods and the delivery of validation is also still emphasised. |
No Strategy
Different education sectors develop and adopt their own strategy. For vocational education, a national strategy is in place while other levels deal... Different education sectors develop and adopt their own strategy. For vocational education, a national strategy is in place while other levels deal with the subject individually |
In development
Since the 2007 update of the inventory, which presented the formulation of the first steps towards a national approach to validation of non-formal ... Since the 2007 update of the inventory, which presented the formulation of the first steps towards a national approach to validation of non-formal and informal learning, the law on Lifelong learning (568/2009 Z.z.) has been adopted.
This law sets the framework for recognition of non-formal and informal learning in view of achieving partial or full qualifications. It also sets the framework for providing quality assured non-formal learning. However, this law was only adopted in December 2009 (though it has been in preparation for several years – see the 2007 update of the inventory) and its implementation is in the very early stages |
In development
The work for the establishment of the Vocational Qualifications Authority (VQA) started in 2006. The VQA acts at the national level for the validat... The work for the establishment of the Vocational Qualifications Authority (VQA) started in 2006. The VQA acts at the national level for the validation of vocational qualifications |
No Strategy
No formal strategy / policy - there are methods / guidelines in place in relation to the QCF and within specific sectors of learning but in general... No formal strategy / policy - there are methods / guidelines in place in relation to the QCF and within specific sectors of learning but in general the application of validation is devolved to the learning provider, or at times to departments within the learning provider. |
No Strategy
An overarching methodology known as ‘Recognition of Prior Learning’ (RPL) is in place in Scotland, enabling learners to access learning opportu... An overarching methodology known as ‘Recognition of Prior Learning’ (RPL) is in place in Scotland, enabling learners to access learning opportunities and acquire credits on the national qualifications framework (SCQF).
Work is ongoing to identify ways of using the SCQF to support RPL and to enable individuals to benchmark their attainments and achievements to the SCQF, thus facilitating participation in learning and the workforce. This work spans the different learning environments from higher education through to the workplace and the community. There is however no national strategy, which some see as a barrier to wider take-up by providers. |
2014 |
In development
In Austria, there is no uniform legal framework to regulate validation and recognition of non-formal and informal learning. The development of an e... In Austria, there is no uniform legal framework to regulate validation and recognition of non-formal and informal learning. The development of an explicit national strategy including all sectors on validation of non-formal and informal learning has started only recently.
With the strategy for ‘Lifelong Learning 2020’ (2011) ministries have agreed on the establishment of a national validation strategy. The implementation of the LLL strategy is coordinated in the framework of the ‘national platform 20:20’ which is composed of representatives of different ministries, social partner organisations, federal states, PES as well as of higher education and adult education. A specific task force was appointed for strategically steering the implementation processes. The development of a national validation strategy will be based on status quo and needs analysis. Currently, analysis is carried out in three areas: ‘low-qualified people’, VET and higher education. The results will be brought together in the second quarter of 2014 and in a next step a consultation process for developing the national validation strategy and the definition of relevant measures will be carried out.
The development of this strategy is also strongly linked to the development of the National Qualifications Framework. |
In development
National (regional) strategy is in development.
In Belgium there is not one single strategy in place for validation that covers the different poli... National (regional) strategy is in development.
In Belgium there is not one single strategy in place for validation that covers the different policy areas of education and training; work and social economy and culture, youth and sports. There are separate measures in place to encourage the take-up of validation and to ensure the quality of validation procedures in most of the sectors but there are currently not well established connections between the different parties. Flanders is at the moment working on a single comprehensive strategy linking all the different sectors. |
No Strategy
Belgium and there is not one national strategy covering all sectors:
- VDC in continuous vocational training
- VAE in adult education (Enseignement... Belgium and there is not one national strategy covering all sectors:
- VDC in continuous vocational training
- VAE in adult education (Enseignement de promotion sociale)
- VAE in Universities,
- VAE in Hautes Ecoles (higher education level) |
No Strategy
In Bulgaria, a formal strategy or policy for the validation of non-formal and informal learning does not exist; (this is the case for all education... In Bulgaria, a formal strategy or policy for the validation of non-formal and informal learning does not exist; (this is the case for all educational sectors) |
In development
A complete strategy is in place in the VET sector, especially for the Upper-secondary Level of VET.
A comprehensive national strategy is in develo... A complete strategy is in place in the VET sector, especially for the Upper-secondary Level of VET.
A comprehensive national strategy is in development to establish VNIL procedures for the education system as a whole, and to be in line with the NQF.
There are gaps in the measures in place to establish good connections between validation in the public, private and third sector |
In development
There is no comprehensive national strategy or policy in Cyprus for the validation of non-formal and informal learning. However, an important devel... There is no comprehensive national strategy or policy in Cyprus for the validation of non-formal and informal learning. However, an important development occurred in 2013. The cabinet of Ministers approved the establishment (Decision No 74.676, 11/2/2013, proposal submitted by the Ministry of Education and Culture) of an interdepartmental Committee (here after the ‘Committee’), which has the task to develop and see to the implementation (by 2018) of a comprehensive action plan for the validation of non-formal and informal learning, in line with ‘Council Recommendation of 20.12.12 for the validation of the non-formal and informal learning’. The Committee consists of representatives of the Ministry of Education and Culture (coordinator), the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, the General Directorate for European Programmes, Coordination and Development (former Planning Bureau), the Human Resources and Development Agency (HRDA) and the Foundation for the Management of European Life Long Learning Programmes. In addition, the Commissioner of Volunteering and NGO Commissioner sits in the Committee. The Committee may expand to include more members, according to the needs which will occur. The Committee will take into account the work already done by the HRDA, (described below), so that it will be incorporated in a more comprehensive scheme, which will include the general and adult education sector as well as the non-formal learning that takes place within the volunteering and youth sector. |
Some elements missing
There is a clear legislative framework for validation and it is linked to the national qualifications framework. However, validation of NFIL only c... There is a clear legislative framework for validation and it is linked to the national qualifications framework. However, validation of NFIL only concerns vocational qualifications included in the qualifications register (NSK). These can be related but are not identical to the qualifications obtained through formal initial VET. It is possible to integrate initial VET programmes at different stages but this is the responsibility of heads of schools and does not fall under the main system for validation. VNFIL is not common in higher education |
In development
Elements of a national strategy are in development. Elements of a national strategy are regulations of the Länder, such as access for qualified wo... Elements of a national strategy are in development. Elements of a national strategy are regulations of the Länder, such as access for qualified workers to higher education, and on a federal level the External students’ examination in VET or the working group on validation. Furthermore, the NQF aims at promoting the recognition of non-formal and informal learning in the future. Another stimulus is the Council Recommendation on validation, but there is a restrictive annotation of the German Bundesrat that the decision whether, when and how to implement arrangements for the validation is a national issue. |
Some elements missing
Comprehensive national arrangements on the validation of non-formal and informal learning are in place covering almost all qualifications include... Comprehensive national arrangements on the validation of non-formal and informal learning are in place covering almost all qualifications included in the Danish qualification framework. Arrangements cover all education sectors and establish connections and links between them. Strong links between validation activities in the public, private and third sector is missing. |
Some elements missing
National strategy for validation is clearly stated in higher education and vocational education.
Validation principles are generally also used in ... National strategy for validation is clearly stated in higher education and vocational education.
Validation principles are generally also used in the system for awarding professional qualifications. In the field of general education, the RPL system has thus far not been initiated. Institutions providing non-formal education have
started to implement learning outcomes as means to support validation practices |
In development
Significant steps are taken towards the development of national approach and include the:
Development of a comprehensive system for the validation... Significant steps are taken towards the development of national approach and include the:
Development of a comprehensive system for the validation and certification of “output”, in terms of the authorities of the National Organisation for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance (EOPPEP)
Development of the Hellenic Qualifications Framework (HQF). The Referencing Report of the HQF to the EQF was presented at the EQF AG in 17 December 2013. The HQF will initially facilitate qualifications obtained in formal education. The next stage of its development will regard inclusion and referencing of qualifications acquired through non-formal and informal learning |
Comprehensive national Strategy
The national strategy for validation was established with the approval of the Organic Law of Education (LOE) and the Organic Law of Universities (L... The national strategy for validation was established with the approval of the Organic Law of Education (LOE) and the Organic Law of Universities (LOU), which increased the permeability of the education system and incorporated actions to validate non-formal and informal learning, such as access exams to VET and university studies, aimed at those people who do not have the required qualifications.
Another measure is the possibility of work experience recognition, which exempts the student from studying the module of work place training, which is compulsory in all VET qualifications.
Another measure is the possibility of getting a qualification through an examination, organised by the public administrations of the Autonomous Communities, for those people who have not undertaken any formal courses.
Furthermore, the Royal Decree 1224/2009 established the recognition of skills acquired through work experience . This Royal Decree provides the possibility of evaluating professional competences through other non-traditional assessment methods. This procedure is common to gain qualifications from the Employment administration and the Education administration. However, this Royal Decree does not cover all education sectors, but it only focuses on VET and it only recognises professional competences acquired through work experience or non-formal learning. This Decree only applies to some levels of competence (modules for formal VET) but it does not apply to university studies. The calls for validation and accreditation of professional competences are usually restricted to some economic sectors in each call, depending on the available financial resources and the needs of the productive sectors by means of a call for proposals.
The first relevant joint call for validation of professional competences was carried out in 2011: 75 % of accreditation targeted the following economic sectors : pre-primary education, care of dependent people, hospitality/catering and tourism; together with repair and maintenance of vehicles. The other 25 % was to be determined by each AACC depending on their regional needs.
Autonomous Communities have been responsible for setting up the calls for examination in their territories and for carrying out the validation procedures. There are differences between Autonomous Communities in the implementation of the Royal Decree. The financing of the procedure was established according to the possibilities of each Autonomous Community, therefore the possibilities to have access to the validation process have been similar in all communities |
Comprehensive national Strategy
In the Finnish government Education and Research 2011-2016 A Development Plan –publication, validation of non-formal and informal learning is dis... In the Finnish government Education and Research 2011-2016 A Development Plan –publication, validation of non-formal and informal learning is discussed and recommended to be developed in all sectors. Also, the National Strategy for LLG discusses the importance of VNIL practices. Also the NQF covers validation issues comprehensively. The Finnish education system has practically no dead ends. An individual is able to move to HE via general upper secondary or the VET route. It makes no difference if the individual has gained a full qualification through validation. The certification is identical via validation or school based route. |
Comprehensive national Strategy
The national strategy derives from the adoption of a legal framework for validation of prior experience (professional experience), covering all sec... The national strategy derives from the adoption of a legal framework for validation of prior experience (professional experience), covering all sectors: qualifications delivered by the public or private sector, at all the levels, included Higher education. The national and regional strategies for VAE (validation des acquis de l’expérience) is strongly linked to the national and regional policies for employment.
Validation (VAE) is theoretically possible for all qualifications covered in the French NQF which starts at level 3 and ends at level 8 of the EQF.
The 2009 law on Guidance and LLL of the employees sets that VAE must be part of the negotiations between social partners in each sector (every three years). |
No Strategy
Although there is no national strategy for validation in place, there are arrangements on a sectoral level. The arrangements and approaches were d... Although there is no national strategy for validation in place, there are arrangements on a sectoral level. The arrangements and approaches were developed because the validation was necessary to certify the level of knowledge, skills, and competences of individuals wishing to perform certain types of jobs. Moreover, the new draft of the Strategy for Education, Science and Technology recognises validation as essential parts of adult education and higher education sector |
No Strategy
There is a development model at sectoral level. The first phase of the development project on validation in Higher education (2009-2011) finished, ... There is a development model at sectoral level. The first phase of the development project on validation in Higher education (2009-2011) finished, and the second phase started in July 2012. It aims to develop a validation model that can be implemented within the higher education sector.
A prior learning assessment scheme in the adult training system has existed since 2001. The scheme aims to customise the training provision. |
No Strategy
There is currently no single national system or no singly national strategy for validation. The National Qualifications Authority of Ireland (NQAI)... There is currently no single national system or no singly national strategy for validation. The National Qualifications Authority of Ireland (NQAI) principles and operational guidelines for the Recognition of Prior Learning (2005) continue to provide the current practice framework.
In general the application of validation is devolved to the learning provider, or at times to departments within the learning provider.
The 2012 QQI Green Paper on RPL states there is a need for a coherent co-ordinated national strategy and direction with regard to RPL, including interdepartmentally across government departments and agencies.
Support for the development of a validation system of informal and non-formal learning is evident through funding provided by HEA. |
Some elements missing
The national strategy for validation focuses on a specific target group – people with little formal education.
A comprehensive national lifelon... The national strategy for validation focuses on a specific target group – people with little formal education.
A comprehensive national lifelong learning strategy is being implemented in Iceland on the basis of new laws for all education sectors. A law was passed in June 2008 for upper secondary schools, and in March 2010 the Adult Education Act was passed. Both contain provisions on individual entitlement to the validation of non-formal and informal learning towards credits/units at the upper secondary level.
Based on a service contract with the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, the Education and Training Service Centre (ETSC) has the role of developing a national strategy in cooperation with accredited lifelong learning (LLL) centres, upper secondary schools, and social partners. |
Some elements missing
The National Law 92/2012 and Legislative Decree 13/2013 define a national comprehensive framework for validation.
The Legislative Decree n.13/2013 ... The National Law 92/2012 and Legislative Decree 13/2013 define a national comprehensive framework for validation.
The Legislative Decree n.13/2013 is titled “Definition of general rules and basic level of performance for the identification and validation of non-formal and informal learning and minimum service standards of the national system of competence certification”.
The legal framework is however recent and until now most developments occurred on a bottom-up basis. |
In development
The strategy/policy is at national level mainly with regard to the development of an NQF including non-formal and informal learning.
Opportunitie... The strategy/policy is at national level mainly with regard to the development of an NQF including non-formal and informal learning.
Opportunities to take part in a validation process based on so-called dossiers in higher education. |
In development
Responsibility for education / training and employment policies are held at national level in Lithuania (i.e. the regional level does not play big ... Responsibility for education / training and employment policies are held at national level in Lithuania (i.e. the regional level does not play big role in this respect). All policies in relation to validation are held at national level.
Lithuania is building a national framework for validation at the moment. Building a system for validation is seen as a priority and related measures have been included in recent policy documents: National education strategy for 2013-2022; Programme for Increasing Employment for 2014-2020; draft Non-formal Adult Education Development Action Plan.
There is currently no formal strategy in place, but there are some policies and arrangements that enable people to validate their learning in the VET and HE sectors, and employment (but the latter option is not fully developed as yet).
Thus there is no national strategy in place, but some of the following elements are in development:
- the national qualifications framework (NQF) is in line with the EQF;
- the conceptual model of the national qualifications framework (NQF) does include qualifications acquired after validation of non-formal and informal learning;
- arrangements cover the VET sector and HE sector, but connections between them are not established;
- there are some validation possibilities appearing in the public, private and third sectors (but still mainly ad hoc initiatives);
- however there are no concrete measures in place to support take-up of validation (this is relevant for all sectors);
- quality assurance aspects are introduced with each validation initiative |
Comprehensive national Strategy
Validation is possible for all formal qualifications delivered in Luxembourg except the general upper secondary education diploma (Baccalaureat).
S... Validation is possible for all formal qualifications delivered in Luxembourg except the general upper secondary education diploma (Baccalaureat).
Some qualifications delivered by the Luxembourg Lifelong Learning Centre are accessible via VAE. |
Some elements missing
In Latvia a national strategy is in place. It forms part of a wider education strategy.
National legislation has also been introduced in support o... In Latvia a national strategy is in place. It forms part of a wider education strategy.
National legislation has also been introduced in support of validation. Involvement of the third sector and private sector is however underdeveloped. |
In development
Progress has been made towards establishing a national strategy and framework for validation.
The National Commission for Further and Higher Educa... Progress has been made towards establishing a national strategy and framework for validation.
The National Commission for Further and Higher Education (NCFHE) has been charged with introducing a national system for validation, including drafting National Guidelines for the validation of informal and non-formal learning, aligning with the Malta Qualifications Framework (MQF). |
Some elements missing
NLQF is building up.
The first classifications of non-formal qualifications in the context of NLQF have been realised.
NLQF still needs to become... NLQF is building up.
The first classifications of non-formal qualifications in the context of NLQF have been realised.
NLQF still needs to become more visible to employers, employees, sectoral bodies and organisations.
Only the quality of VPL-provision is addressed at national level.
Nothing yet on the issue of motivating citizens and organisations at national level.
Nor is there a coherent professionalization programme for VPL-professionals.
The national government together with the covenant parties are making a proposal for a new system based on two approaches for APL: one for formal and one for non-formal education. |
Some elements missing
Lifelong learning, including good systems of validation, has been on the political agenda since the 1998 White Paper on the Competence Reform (‘S... Lifelong learning, including good systems of validation, has been on the political agenda since the 1998 White Paper on the Competence Reform (‘St.meld. nr.. 42 (1997–98) Kompetansereformen’). Validation was again underlined in the 2009 White Paper Education Strategy (‘St.meld. nr.. 44 (2008–2009) Utdanningslinja).
There is no single all-encompassing strategy for validation at national level. However there is a comprehensive framework in place, made up of several laws and regulations / strategies / policies relating to the different sectors of education and training.
Validation in the labour market (especially Human Resource Development (HRD) practices) follow their own logic, are not reported on and there is no labour market actor with the aim of establishing a framework linked to a national strategy.
In relation to the third sector, there is more to be done to ensure that learning which takes place outside of the formal sector can be recognised through validation |
Some elements missing
The National Development Strategy 2020, adopted by the government in 2012, underlines the necessity of creating a system for recognising and valida... The National Development Strategy 2020, adopted by the government in 2012, underlines the necessity of creating a system for recognising and validating competencies acquired outside of the formal school system. The NQF is in final development stage.
Arrangements cover vocational education and higher education sectors separately. There are connections between validation in the public, private and third sector. Measures to favour take-up of validation and ensure the quality of validation procedures are still in a design and implementation phase |
Some elements missing
There is a national strategy regarding validation.
A new network of centres has been introduced and has been implemented since January 2014. |
Some elements missing
importance of lifelong learning with a special focus on the validation of formal and non-formal learning and lifelong learning counselling. In orde... importance of lifelong learning with a special focus on the validation of formal and non-formal learning and lifelong learning counselling. In order to be fully operational, a set of specific methodologies on validation were drafted, but not all of them were in place at the end of 2013.
- National strategy is in place, but some of the above elements are missing:
- validation in formal education system
- validation of other learning experiences that are not directly linked with qualifications
- lack of integrated approach between the validation institutional framework and methodologies and counselling and guidance and employment
- quality assurance at the outcomes level |
No Strategy
The Swedish National Agency for Higher Vocational Education has developed criteria for validation and guidelines for quality assurance and document... The Swedish National Agency for Higher Vocational Education has developed criteria for validation and guidelines for quality assurance and documentation of validation processes. The criteria and guidelines for validation of prior learning provide a common approach to validation, documentation, process description of quality assurance, description of a person’s path through the validation process and guidelines for methods of assessment for the different stakeholders involved in validation in Sweden. The roles and responsibilities of the different actors regarding validation, processes and methods are described. They are generally applicable to both educational and labour market oriented validation. Adult education has a legal framework that in some parts overtake these guidelines.
According to an ordinance by the Government 2011:1162, the Swedish National Agency for Higher Vocational Education coordinates and supports a national structure for validation of prior learning and in cooperation with concerned national agencies, promote the participation from public education and sector organizations when strategies, methods and information about validation is being developed.
Information and guidance for individual people about validation, processes and organisations providing validation etc. are available on the website:
The possibility for validation is regulated in the Ordinance for Adult Education (SFS 2011:1108). The Swedish National Agency for Education has the responsibility for promoting validation within adult education. |
In development
The NQF (Slovenian qualification framework) has been developed and is being implemented. A overarching policy has been adopted, but legislation sti... The NQF (Slovenian qualification framework) has been developed and is being implemented. A overarching policy has been adopted, but legislation still has to be updated in terms of validation; so far there is a specific act for each education level, though validation is not (equally) included in each Act |
In development
As indicated in the 2010 Inventory report, the main emphasis of the Slovak approach to recognising non-formal and informal learning is set out in t... As indicated in the 2010 Inventory report, the main emphasis of the Slovak approach to recognising non-formal and informal learning is set out in the law on lifelong learning (568/2009 Z.z). At the time of writing this 2014 country update, the situation is rather complex. While some aspects of the legislation have been implemented and already revised (in particular with regard to quality assurance of non-formal education) others have not yet been implemented. |
In development
The Vocational Qualification Authority (VQA) carries out the validation of vocational non-formal and informal qualifications at the national level.... The Vocational Qualification Authority (VQA) carries out the validation of vocational non-formal and informal qualifications at the national level. Since the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) is in development, the validation strategy is not finalised |
No Strategy
There are guidelines / arrangements in place in relation to the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF) / higher education / non-accredited adult... There are guidelines / arrangements in place in relation to the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF) / higher education / non-accredited adult learning, but there is not a comprehensive national system in place. |
No Strategy
An overarching methodology known as ‘Recognition of Prior Learning’ (RPL) is in place in Scotland, enabling learners to access learning opportu... An overarching methodology known as ‘Recognition of Prior Learning’ (RPL) is in place in Scotland, enabling learners to access learning opportunities and acquire credits on the national qualifications framework (SCQF). Since 2010, work has been taken forward to look at the use of the RPL tools offered by the SCQF Partnership and how these can be improved. Notable activity is also taking place in the HE sector, where there is an active RPL network. There is however no national strategy, which some see as a barrier to wider take-up by providers.
SCQF RPL strategy encompasses all sectors, including the HE sector. However the HE sector is also working on a Framework for RPL specific to HE. |
No Strategy
The Welsh Qualifications Framework provides a means of recognition of prior non-formal learning through its Quality Assured Lifelong Learning (QALL... The Welsh Qualifications Framework provides a means of recognition of prior non-formal learning through its Quality Assured Lifelong Learning (QALL) pillar. Alongside this, learners in Wales can also make use of the other validation routes available in the UK:
- Recognition of Prior Learning, RPL (relating to QCF qualifications)
- RPL in the HE Sector
- Recognising and Recording Progress and Achievement in Non-Accredited Learning (RARPA)
- Access to HE courses
However although there are opportunities to have non-formal and informal learning recognised in Wales, there is no national strategy relating specifically to validation |
Année | Austria | Belgium-DE | Belgium-FR | Bulgaria | Switzerland | Cyprus | Czechia | Germany | Denmark | Estonia | Greece | Spain | Finland | France | Croatia | Hungary | Ireland | Iceland | Italy | Liechtenstein | Lithuania | Luxembourg | Latvia | Malta | Netherlands | Norway | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Sweden | Slovenia | Slovakia | Türkiye | United Kingdom / England and Northern Ireland | United Kingdom / Scotland | United Kingdom / Wales |
2010 |
No sectoral strategies
Various ministries and institutions have developed measures and initiatives for identifying and formally recognising competences acquired through n... Various ministries and institutions have developed measures and initiatives for identifying and formally recognising competences acquired through non-formal and informal learning. |
Strategies in some sectors
The sectors of higher education, work and social economy and sports have comprehensive strategies in place with concrete measures to increase take-... The sectors of higher education, work and social economy and sports have comprehensive strategies in place with concrete measures to increase take-up and to ensure quality of validation procedures.
The sectors of adult and secondary education and the socio-cultural and youth sectors do so as well to a certain extent. However procedures of validation can differ between the organisations. In the socio-cultural sector there is not really a framework for quality assurance developed since no assessment of competences takes place but rather the identification and recognition of competences. |
Strategies in some sectors
Strategy exists in CVET sector (coordinated by a Consortium of five main public training providers) and in VAE in universities (VAE platform). Unde... Strategy exists in CVET sector (coordinated by a Consortium of five main public training providers) and in VAE in universities (VAE platform). Under development in VAE for Hautes Ecoles |
No sectoral strategies
A model system for validation was designed in 2009 as a part of the project. ‘Promoting adults’ vocational training and employability in Bulgar... A model system for validation was designed in 2009 as a part of the project. ‘Promoting adults’ vocational training and employability in Bulgaria’. This included the development of elements and stages of a validation procedure, as well as criteria for the accreditation of providers of validation. |
No sectoral strategies
Individual HE institutions can decide to recognise prior learning and allocate credits when they evaluate entry or transfer requirements. |
Strategies in some sectors
There is a comprehensive strategy for VNFIL in the sector of further education (addressing adults).
This is not the case in formal initial VET or g... There is a comprehensive strategy for VNFIL in the sector of further education (addressing adults).
This is not the case in formal initial VET or general education nor in higher education.
A strategy for non-formal education in the youth sector was in development in 2010 |
No sectoral strategies
There are different approaches like the examples mentioned above. Concerning the External student’s examination there is a federal law (BBiG). Co... There are different approaches like the examples mentioned above. Concerning the External student’s examination there is a federal law (BBiG). Concerning the access to higher education, there are different regulations enacted by the Länder. |
Strategies in some sectors
No information |
Strategies in some sectors
Sectoral strategies are in place for HE and VET. General education has no clear strategy for validation. Adult education (non-formal education) has... Sectoral strategies are in place for HE and VET. General education has no clear strategy for validation. Adult education (non-formal education) has no strategy in place. Developments in HE (e.g. the HE strategy for validation) are leading developments in other areas.
Sectoral development plans mention validation as an important tool for lifelong learning, access and learner mobility |
No sectoral strategies
Participants of CVET programmes, especially regarding adult learning, can obtain a certificate |
Strategies in some sectors
In higher education since the 1970s, individuals over 25 and without upper secondary education can access higher education upon satisfactory perfor... In higher education since the 1970s, individuals over 25 and without upper secondary education can access higher education upon satisfactory performance in ‘over-25s’ access exams –although without receiving a secondary school qualification. In 2010, the Ministry of Education was working on the legal framework for this level of education to validate non-formal and informal learning up to 15 % of a university degree. Up to 2010, some universities had set up validation initiatives, deciding on their own standards and ‘it is not clear if this will change with the new Decree’ (p.5).
Adults can also gain the Diploma of Compulsory Secondary Education and the Baccalaureate Diploma (post-compulsory upper secondary education) through examinations, without having undertaken the corresponding formal studies.
As explained above, there is a strategy for recognising professional competences acquired through work experience. It applies to formal VET (FP) or qualifications from levels 1-5 of the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications |
Strategies in some sectors
Policies / strategies in adult VET (Competence Based Qualifications) are the most detailed and comprehensive. There is a national qualification sys... Policies / strategies in adult VET (Competence Based Qualifications) are the most detailed and comprehensive. There is a national qualification system with extensive QA measures. HEIs and non-formal sector do not have comprehensive strategies or policies. |
Comprehensive sectoral strategy
No sectoral strategies
The Act on Trades and Crafts regulates validation of informal and non-formal learning in the field of trades and craftsmanship. |
No sectoral strategies
The validation is developed at sectoral level within the framework of the New Hungary Development Plan (2007-2013). The first project was launched ... The validation is developed at sectoral level within the framework of the New Hungary Development Plan (2007-2013). The first project was launched in July 2009. It aims to develop a validation model that can be implemented within the higher education sector.
There has been a prior learning assessment scheme within the adult training system since 2001 (but it is not a complete validation procedure – it relates only to assessment and exemption in relation to a given course). The scheme aims to customise training programmes. |
No sectoral strategies
In general the application of validation is devolved to the learning provider, or at times to departments within the learning provider. |
Strategies in some sectors
Sectoral strategies are in place within the certified trades through LLL centres for the trades based on contracts with the ETSC |
Strategies in some sectors
University and VET sectors have legal frameworks for validation but, on this basis, they are scarcely promoted. Access is difficult and there is no... University and VET sectors have legal frameworks for validation but, on this basis, they are scarcely promoted. Access is difficult and there is no quality assurance. |
Strategies in some sectors
No information |
No sectoral strategies
No information |
Strategies in some sectors
Validation is possible for all formal qualifications delivered in Luxembourg except the general upper secondary education diploma (Baccalaureat).
S... Validation is possible for all formal qualifications delivered in Luxembourg except the general upper secondary education diploma (Baccalaureat).
Some qualifications delivered by the Luxembourg Lifelong Learning Centre are accessible via VAE. |
No sectoral strategies
On 10 June 2010 the Parliament approved amendments in the Vocational Education Law declaring the following:
(1) the assessment of vocational compet... On 10 June 2010 the Parliament approved amendments in the Vocational Education Law declaring the following:
(1) the assessment of vocational competence shall take into account the requirements of the respective Occupational Standard.
(2) The accredited education institutions and accredited examination centres can be delegated to perform the validation process of competence acquired through non-formal and informal learning.
(3) The regulation on the validation process of competence acquired through non-formal and informal learning is defined by the Cabinet of Ministers. |
Strategies in some sectors
As part of the development of a national system for validation, the framework will cover all sectors. With regard to vocational frameworks, Occupat... As part of the development of a national system for validation, the framework will cover all sectors. With regard to vocational frameworks, Occupational Standards supporting a validation framework have been established for the childcare sector. This will be done for other sectors as the national system is developed. |
Strategies in some sectors
It is mostly in VET (levels 2-4) and some in HE at universities of applied sciences (level 6). |
Comprehensive sectoral strategy
Legislation / strategies / policies covering vocational education, adult education (access to upper secondary education for adults) and HE. |
No sectoral strategies
The country does not yet have a clear national strategy in one or more education and training sectors (HE, VET, adult education).
However, as menti... The country does not yet have a clear national strategy in one or more education and training sectors (HE, VET, adult education).
However, as mentioned in the previous point, the legislation from 2006 adopted specific arrangements whereby professional/vocational skills acquired through employment can be validated through qualification examinations. The new regulation also introduced mechanisms for awarding partial qualifications in recognition of competences obtained as a result of completing training in a non-school setting, and for recognising partial qualifications obtained in this way by adults who take up study in schools for adults providing vocational education and training. |
Comprehensive sectoral strategy
HE sector institutions are autonomous with respect to the development of their own practices of validation, under the national framework legislatio... HE sector institutions are autonomous with respect to the development of their own practices of validation, under the national framework legislation (Ministry of Education).
Yes, there is a relevant strategy at both a national and regional level. A comprehensive approach exists in practice, linking academic and professional validation. |
No sectoral strategies
There are no regional structures responsible for the validation of non-formal and informal learning. At sectoral level, the “sectoral committees�... There are no regional structures responsible for the validation of non-formal and informal learning. At sectoral level, the “sectoral committees”, which are social dialogue structures comprising employee and employer representatives (set up under the tutelage of the CNFPA) are involved in this area through their main activities. However, for the time being their role in the validation as such is minimal, although there are plans to involve them more in the validation of the instruments and methods used by validation centres in Romania in the future |
In development
The work, initiated by the Swedish National Commission on Validation, to establish common processes and methods for validation is now being continu... The work, initiated by the Swedish National Commission on Validation, to establish common processes and methods for validation is now being continued, coordinated and supported by the Swedish National Agency for Higher Vocational Education. The work is still, to a large extent, based on project-based government validation initiatives where the agency and the Swedish Public Employment Service are the main coordinators. Cooperation with education and training providers, sector organisations, the social partners, universities and municipalities is an essential part of this work.
Validation performed within adult education by municipalities or official regional associations, or validation within higher education institutions, is handled and monitored within that local or regional setting. The responsibilities presented in the 2010 update are current for the validation of non-formal and informal learning performed outside, but in close cooperation with, the formal education and training system and mainly aim to enhance the individual’s possibilities to access employment |
Strategies in some sectors
Different education sectors develop and adopt their own strategy. For vocational education, a national strategy is in place while other levels deal... Different education sectors develop and adopt their own strategy. For vocational education, a national strategy is in place while other levels deal with the subject individually |
No sectoral strategies
In theory, the recognition of non-formal and informal learning defined in the law on lifelong learning (568/2009 Z.z) applies to both vocational ed... In theory, the recognition of non-formal and informal learning defined in the law on lifelong learning (568/2009 Z.z) applies to both vocational education and training, and higher education. The practical aspects of how it will apply to higher education still need to be defined. One of the obstacles to the application to higher education is the fact that higher education is based on accredited programmes and not on full qualifications based on qualifications standards as such. There is a willingness to ensure that at least components of Bachelor degrees should be achievable through recognition of non-formal and informal learning |
Strategies in some sectors
The VQA defines measures for the vocational sector. The basic features are in place and a development process continues. |
No sectoral strategies
No formal strategy / policy - there are methods / guidelines in place within specific sectors of learning, e.g. adult and continuing education, hig... No formal strategy / policy - there are methods / guidelines in place within specific sectors of learning, e.g. adult and continuing education, higher education but in general the application of validation is devolved to the learning provider, or at times to departments within the learning provider. |
No sectoral strategies
SCQF RPL strategy encompasses all sectors, including the HE sector. |
2014 |
No sectoral strategies
In Austria, there is no uniform legal framework to regulate validation and recognition of non-formal and informal learning. The development of an e... In Austria, there is no uniform legal framework to regulate validation and recognition of non-formal and informal learning. The development of an explicit national strategy including all sectors on validation of non-formal and informal learning has started only recently.
With the strategy for ‘Lifelong Learning 2020’ (2011) ministries have agreed on the establishment of a national validation strategy. The implementation of the LLL strategy is coordinated in the framework of the ‘national platform 20:20’ which is composed of representatives of different ministries, social partner organisations, federal states, PES as well as of higher education and adult education. A specific task force was appointed for strategically steering the implementation processes. The development of a national validation strategy will be based on status quo and needs analysis. Currently, analysis is carried out in three areas: ‘low-qualified people’, VET and higher education. The results will be brought together in the second quarter of 2014 and in a next step a consultation process for developing the national validation strategy and the definition of relevant measures will be carried out.
The development of this strategy is also strongly linked to the development of the National Qualifications Framework. |
Strategies in some sectors
The sectors of higher education, work and social economy and sports have comprehensive strategies in place with concrete measures to encourage take... The sectors of higher education, work and social economy and sports have comprehensive strategies in place with concrete measures to encourage take-up and to ensure quality of validation procedures.
The sectors of adult and secondary education and the socio-cultural and youth sectors do so as well to a certain extent but procedures of validation can differ between the organisations. In the socio-cultural sector there is not really a framework for quality assurance in place. There is no assessment of competences taking place although there are procedures for identifying and documenting competences |
Strategies in some sectors
The four VFNIL systems cover three education sectors (HE, adult education, continuous VET). They have developed strategies and measures regarding... The four VFNIL systems cover three education sectors (HE, adult education, continuous VET). They have developed strategies and measures regarding VNFIL – to a lesser extent in adult education, where VNFIL is devolved to the training providers |
No sectoral strategies
In relation to the VET sector, initiatives have been taken towards the development of a system for validation. For example, the Ministry of Educati... In relation to the VET sector, initiatives have been taken towards the development of a system for validation. For example, the Ministry of Education and Science in partnership with the National Agency for Vocational Education and Training – NAVET and social partners is currently implementing the project, ’System for validation of non-formal acquired knowledge, skills and competences’ (2013-2014).The project is based on the results achieved in the previous project, ‘Promoting adults’ vocational training and employability in Bulgaria’ (2008-2009), mentioned also in the 2010 European inventory report. The Methodology, developed in the project contains some strategic priorities. |
Strategies in some sectors
A complete strategy is in place in the VET sector, especially for the Upper-secondary Level of VET.
A comprehensive national strategy is in develo... A complete strategy is in place in the VET sector, especially for the Upper-secondary Level of VET.
A comprehensive national strategy is in development to establish VNIL procedures for the education system as a whole, and to be in line with the NQF.
There are gaps in the measures in place to establish good connections between validation in the public, private and third sector |
Strategies in some sectors
The Human Resources Development Authority (HRDA) has developed a System of Vocational Qualifications where validation of non-formal and informal le... The Human Resources Development Authority (HRDA) has developed a System of Vocational Qualifications where validation of non-formal and informal learning is in place. According to national sources, the Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance is considering to make HRDA’s vocational qualifications obligatory for professionals in certain sectors/occupations. The Ministry of Education and Culture, Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance, the General Directorate for European programmes, Coordination and Development, the HRDA, and the Foundation for the Management of European Life Long Learning Programmes will develop an action plan for the validation of non-formal and informal learning in Cyprus in 2018.
Non-formal and informal learning is recognised for awarding vocational qualifications in the System of Vocational Qualifications. Non-formal and informal learning are not recognised in formal education in general. However, higher education institutions being autonomous can, in specific occasions recognise credits from prior learning. Also, the Cyprus Council for the Recognition of Higher Education Qualifications (KYSATS), which recognises higher education qualifications, can recognise, as part of an individual’s qualification, credits that come from work experience and credit transfers from recognised examinations of foreign education systems.
Also, there are ICT certificates that any individual can get after successfully passing examinations, regardless of how and when the knowledge was developed. |
Strategies in some sectors
There is a comprehensive strategy for VNFIL in the sector of further education (CVET) (addressing adults).
There is a comprehensive strategy for VN... There is a comprehensive strategy for VNFIL in the sector of further education (CVET) (addressing adults).
There is a comprehensive strategy for VNFIL in the field of non-formal education for children and young people (youth field)
This is not the case in formal initial VET or general education nor in higher education |
No sectoral strategies
There are different approaches like the ones mentioned above. Concerning the External students' examination there is a federal law (BBiG), concerni... There are different approaches like the ones mentioned above. Concerning the External students' examination there is a federal law (BBiG), concerning access to higher education there are different regulations enacted by the Länder and different procedures enacted by the universities. |
Strategies in some sectors
Comprehensive arrangements and measures in place in VET and adult education and training but not to the same extent in higher education. |
Strategies in some sectors
Sectoral strategies are in place for HE and VET. Also in relation to the NQF.
General education has no clear strategy for validation. Adult educat... Sectoral strategies are in place for HE and VET. Also in relation to the NQF.
General education has no clear strategy for validation. Adult education (non-formal education) has no clear strategy in place. HE strategies and developments are leading developments in other areas.
Sectoral development plans mention validation as an important tool for lifelong learning, access and learner mobility |
No sectoral strategies
Currently, there is no comprehensive strategy in any education sector regarding validation. However, as IVET institutions are recognised as offerin... Currently, there is no comprehensive strategy in any education sector regarding validation. However, as IVET institutions are recognised as offering non-formal learning, it should be noted that: IVET graduates (Institutions of Vocational Training (IEKs) and since September 2013 of the Vocational Training Schools (SEKs)) can be certified by EOPPEP. EOPPEP has established a robust certification process.
The system for certification of teaching competences of adult trainers in non-formal learning entails processes for the recognition and validation of prior learning and experience, leading to exemption, regarding enrolment to train-the-trainer program and even to direct certification for candidates who fulfil specific criteria |
Comprehensive sectoral strategy
In university education (there is a VET stage that belongs to higher education) since the 1970s, those over 25 years old can access university upon... In university education (there is a VET stage that belongs to higher education) since the 1970s, those over 25 years old can access university upon satisfactory performance of ‘over-25’ access exams –but without getting a qualification in post-compulsory upper secondary education. In 2010, the Royal Decree 861/2010 established the recognition of work experience for up to 15 % of the total number of credits that constitute the curriculum of an official degree (undergraduate or master degree).
Adults can also gain the Diploma of Compulsory Secondary Education and the Baccalaureate Diploma (post-compulsory upper secondary education) through examinations, without having undertaken the corresponding formal studies.
As mentioned above, the procedure for assessment and accreditation of professional competences acquired through work experience applies to formal IVET, and also to qualifications accredited by the Employment administration |
Strategies in some sectors
This should be completed from the point of IVET
Policies / strategies in adult VET (Competence Based Qualifications are the most detailed and compr... This should be completed from the point of IVET
Policies / strategies in adult VET (Competence Based Qualifications are the most detailed and comprehensive). There is a national qualification system with extensive Quality Assurance measures. HE has relatively well developed strategies and policies, but not as comprehensive as CBQs. Non-formal sector and working life have the least developed strategies. |
Comprehensive sectoral strategy
The national strategy derives from the adoption of a legal framework for validation of prior experience (professional experience), covering all sec... The national strategy derives from the adoption of a legal framework for validation of prior experience (professional experience), covering all sectors: qualifications delivered by the public or private sector, at all the levels, included Higher education. The national and regional strategies for VAE (validation des acquis de l’expérience) is strongly linked to the national and regional policies for employment..
Validation (VAE) is theoretically possible for all qualifications covered in the French NQF which starts at level 3 and ends at level 8 of the EQF.
The 2009 law on Guidance and LLL of the employees sets that VAE must be part of the negotiations between social partners in each sector (every three years). |
Strategies in some sectors
In place in adult education and trades and crafts.
The Act on Trades and Crafts regulates validation of informal and non-formal learning in the ... In place in adult education and trades and crafts.
The Act on Trades and Crafts regulates validation of informal and non-formal learning in the field of trades and craftsmanship.
There is a sectoral approach in adult education as defined by the ‘The Adult Education Act (Article 11) and the Ordinance on Standards and Specification in Adult Education Institutions (Article 32) which describe the possibility of the implementation of validation |
No sectoral strategies
There is a development model at sectoral level. The first phase of the development project on validation in Higher education (2009-2011) finished, ... There is a development model at sectoral level. The first phase of the development project on validation in Higher education (2009-2011) finished, and the second phase started in July 2012. It aims to develop a validation model that can be implemented within the higher education sector.
A prior learning assessment scheme in the adult training system has existed since 2001. The scheme aims to customise the training provision. |
No sectoral strategies
No specific sectoral strategies in place, although one is flagged by DES for Early Childhood Care and Education; HEA have put in place a performanc... No specific sectoral strategies in place, although one is flagged by DES for Early Childhood Care and Education; HEA have put in place a performance framework for individual higher education institutions which includes RPL actions. |
Strategies in some sectors
Sectoral strategies are in place within the certified trades through LLL centres for the trades based on contracts with the ETSC. |
Strategies in some sectors
University and VET sectors have legal frameworks for validation but, on this basis, they are scarcely promoted. Access is difficult and there is n... University and VET sectors have legal frameworks for validation but, on this basis, they are scarcely promoted. Access is difficult and there is no quality assurance. |
Strategies in some sectors
The strategy/policy is at national level mainly with regard to the development of an NQF including non-formal and informal learning.
Opportunitie... The strategy/policy is at national level mainly with regard to the development of an NQF including non-formal and informal learning.
Opportunities to take part in a validation process based on so-called dossiers in higher education. |
Strategies in some sectors
Sectoral policies are place in the VET sector. They are quite comprehensive, for instance, there are measures to ensure the organisations deliverin... Sectoral policies are place in the VET sector. They are quite comprehensive, for instance, there are measures to ensure the organisations delivering validation meet certain quality requirements, but, concrete measures that would favour take-up of validation are missing;
- A sectoral policy is in place that covers the HE sector. However the documents are very general. Responsibility for the entire content of the validation procedures and the organisation of the process is transferred to HE institutions themselves. According to a recent report on the effectiveness of lifelong learning ‘(The Development of Non-formal Adult Education’) by the National Audit Office (June, 2013), HE institutions would prefer to have more guidance on validation of non-formal and informal learning in the HE area;
- There are no specific sectoral strategies / polices in place in relation to validation in the labour market / employment (some aspects are covered in the policies relating to the VET sector, but they are not sufficient to boost validation in this sector, despite the great potential). Surprisingly, the Lithuanian Labour Exchange (a national network of job centres across the country) has no initiatives or even discussions in place in relation to validation of non-formal and informal learning of jobseekers |
Strategies in some sectors
Validation is possible for all formal qualifications delivered in Luxembourg except the general upper secondary education diploma (Baccalaureat).
S... Validation is possible for all formal qualifications delivered in Luxembourg except the general upper secondary education diploma (Baccalaureat).
Some qualifications delivered by the Luxembourg Lifelong Learning Centre are accessible via VAE. |
No sectoral strategies
In Latvia no formal sectoral strategy for validation is in place except the Lifelong Learning Strategy. ‘Guidelines for Lifelong Learning 2007-20... In Latvia no formal sectoral strategy for validation is in place except the Lifelong Learning Strategy. ‘Guidelines for Lifelong Learning 2007-2013’ emphasises that formal, non-formal and informal learning policies are equally important.
There is a legal framework in place (in relation to the NQF), and methods and guidelines enable validation to be conducted in different sectors. In general the application of validation is devolved to the learning provider, with validation considered to be the responsibility of educational institutions and thus falling under the supervision of the State Service of Education Quality. The State Service of Education Quality delegates the validation task to accredited vocational education institutions and examination centres.
The HE sector operates on a more autonomous basis. Validation practice in the HE sector is regulated by the Law on Higher Education Institutions.
The forthcoming education policy document - Education Development Strategy 2014-2020 (approved by the Cabinet of Ministers on January 2014, is due to be submitted to Parliament (Saeima). This document points out the growing awareness about the assessment of professional competencies obtained outside formal education and foresees a growth of these cases in the period up to 2020. |
Strategies in some sectors
As part of the development of a national system for validation, the framework will cover all sectors. With regard to vocational frameworks, Occupat... As part of the development of a national system for validation, the framework will cover all sectors. With regard to vocational frameworks, Occupational Standards supporting a validation framework have been established for the childcare and the printing sectors and also for motor damage assessors. This will be done for other sectors as the national system is developed. |
Strategies in some sectors
Some sectors use VPL for responding to the demands from government to have qualified workers (Welfare, education).
Other sectors use VPL for outsou... Some sectors use VPL for responding to the demands from government to have qualified workers (Welfare, education).
Other sectors use VPL for outsourcing (work-to-work) strategies, such as banks, the military.
Other sectors use VPL for employability
and HRD: such as process-industry, the police.
It is mostly in VET (levels 2-4) and in HE at universities of applied sciences (level 6). |
Comprehensive sectoral strategy
Legislation / strategies / policies covering vocational education and training, adult education (access to upper secondary education for adults and... Legislation / strategies / policies covering vocational education and training, adult education (access to upper secondary education for adults and access to HE from VET to specifically designed higher education programmes, for example on the basis of Craft or Journeyman’s Certificate). Recognition of prior learning (RPL, validation) is common in access to higher education, and it is an aim to increase the use of RPL in recognition of parts of study programmes. |
Strategies in some sectors
Polish national strategies are ‘horizontal’ or ‘integrated’, meaning that there are no specific strategies for selected sectors, rather the... Polish national strategies are ‘horizontal’ or ‘integrated’, meaning that there are no specific strategies for selected sectors, rather the sectors have to apply elements of these horizontal strategies. The National Development Strategy 2020, adopted by the government in 2012 and the Human Capital Development Strategy 2020, adopted by the government in 2013, underline the necessity of the development of a national system of the recognition of qualifications and validation, including confirmation of the competences acquired outside of formal education. A comprehensive system of validation is going to be introduced together with the NQF. The Lifelong Learning Perspective is also adopted as a part of the Human Capital Development Strategy. |
Strategies in some sectors
HE sector institutions have autonomy for the development of their own practices of validation, under the national framework legislation (Ministry o... HE sector institutions have autonomy for the development of their own practices of validation, under the national framework legislation (Ministry of Education).
In January 2014 validation practices in non-higher education will be developed in a comprehensive fashion at sectoral level.
In the HE sector, the strategy is the one mentioned above. |
No sectoral strategies
The approaches on validation are not sectoral or regionally driven, although some sectoral initiatives are in place in some sectors such as in the ... The approaches on validation are not sectoral or regionally driven, although some sectoral initiatives are in place in some sectors such as in the teaching profession or social work field |
In development
Validation within adult education 2013’, published by the Swedish National Agency for Education (Validering inom vuxenutbilding 2013, Skolverket)... Validation within adult education 2013’, published by the Swedish National Agency for Education (Validering inom vuxenutbilding 2013, Skolverket) . The document states that adults have experience, knowledge and competences, which have been developed in different ways, e.g. in education, in the workplace, at home and in work with associations. Certain knowledge and competences can be documented with certificates from education institutions, while non-formal and informal learning can be documented e.g. with a certificate from an employer. Validation gives an opportunity for an adult to valorise, document and recognise the kind of learning that is not documented.
The Swedish system could be described as a dual system, where formal education and training is one key provider and sector organisations and PES the other. The different sectors in the labour market are developing their own sector models (bransch modeller). These sector models are national, but need not have any relation to the education sector. The sector organizations themselves are responsible for ensuring the quality of validation procedures in sector models. |
Strategies in some sectors
The vocational education sector has comprehensive sectoral strategies and unified measures for validation. Similarly, validation is unified for sec... The vocational education sector has comprehensive sectoral strategies and unified measures for validation. Similarly, validation is unified for secondary education (non-vocational programmes) and for primary schools (compulsory education – the same country-wide). Post-secondary education and tertiary education institutions are autonomous in developing and implementing the technicalities of validation |
No sectoral strategies
The legal framework covers the sector of vocational education and training and further education and training. It does not concern general educatio... The legal framework covers the sector of vocational education and training and further education and training. It does not concern general education nor higher education. However, it concerns lifelong learning courses offered by higher education institutions |
Strategies in some sectors
The VQA provides strategies with concrete measures for the validation of vocational qualifications. Ensuring the quality of the validation procedur... The VQA provides strategies with concrete measures for the validation of vocational qualifications. Ensuring the quality of the validation procedures is in development |
No sectoral strategies
No formal strategy / policy - there are methods / guidelines in place within specific sectors of learning, e.g. adult and continuing education, hig... No formal strategy / policy - there are methods / guidelines in place within specific sectors of learning, e.g. adult and continuing education, higher education, non-accredited adult learning but in general the application of validation is devolved to the awarding organisation/ learning provider, or at times to departments within the learning provider. |
In development
An overarching methodology known as ‘Recognition of Prior Learning’ (RPL) is in place in Scotland, enabling learners to access learning opportu... An overarching methodology known as ‘Recognition of Prior Learning’ (RPL) is in place in Scotland, enabling learners to access learning opportunities and acquire credits on the national qualifications framework (SCQF). Since 2010, work has been taken forward to look at the use of the RPL tools offered by the SCQF Partnership and how these can be improved. Notable activity is also taking place in the HE sector, where there is an active RPL network. There is however no national strategy, which some see as a barrier to wider take-up by providers.
SCQF RPL strategy encompasses all sectors, including the HE sector. However the HE sector is also working on a Framework for RPL specific to HE. |
No sectoral strategies
See above detail of validation opportunities relating to different sectors of learning. None of these would constitute a formal strategy / policy -... See above detail of validation opportunities relating to different sectors of learning. None of these would constitute a formal strategy / policy - there are methods / guidelines in place within specific sectors of learning, e.g. adult and continuing education, higher education, non-accredited adult learning but in general the application of validation is devolved to the learning provider, or at times to departments within the learning provider. |
Année | Austria | Belgium-DE | Belgium-FR | Bulgaria | Switzerland | Cyprus | Czechia | Germany | Denmark | Estonia | Greece | Spain | Finland | France | Croatia | Hungary | Ireland | Iceland | Italy | Liechtenstein | Lithuania | Luxembourg | Latvia | Malta | Netherlands | Norway | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Sweden | Slovenia | Slovakia | Türkiye | United Kingdom / England and Northern Ireland | United Kingdom / Scotland | United Kingdom / Wales |
2010 |
Not yet in place
No information |
In place for some years and implemented
In place for some years and implemented in practice. See above [indicator 3] for sector detail |
Recently introduced but well implemented
In CVET validation has developed from a top down perspective – in 2010 the system had been running for five years, and was already implemented in... In CVET validation has developed from a top down perspective – in 2010 the system had been running for five years, and was already implemented in practice.
In HE the implementation was very recent (2008 and 2009). In Hautes Ecoles the system has not really been implemented yet |
Not yet in place
The provisions of the VET Act mentioned above have limited practical application |
Not yet in place
HRDA is developing a Competence-Based System of Vocational Qualifications that will be included in the (forthcoming) NQF. This System will allow fo... HRDA is developing a Competence-Based System of Vocational Qualifications that will be included in the (forthcoming) NQF. This System will allow for the recognition of an individual’s prior learning, towards the attainment of a vocational qualification. The second phase of implementation, 2007-2013, will provide opportunities for access to all citizens: employed and unemployed, students, economically inactive etc. This System can be considered as the first step towards a more holistic approach to validation of non-formal and informal learning |
Recently introduced but not well implemented
At the time of writing the 2010 inventory, the implementation of VNFIL for vocational qualifications was relatively new (only launched in 2009) and... At the time of writing the 2010 inventory, the implementation of VNFIL for vocational qualifications was relatively new (only launched in 2009) and the number of candidates was modest |
In place for some years and implemented
The External student’s examination has been in place since 1969 and implemented in practice; access to higher education has been in place since 2... The External student’s examination has been in place since 1969 and implemented in practice; access to higher education has been in place since 2009 and implemented in practice |
In place for some years but insufficiently implemented
The strategy has been in place since 2004. Legislation from 2000, 2003, 2007 |
In place for some years and implemented
The policies that are in place have been implemented. As indicated above, the higher education sector is leading the way in terms of validation. Ot... The policies that are in place have been implemented. As indicated above, the higher education sector is leading the way in terms of validation. Other sectors are slower to follow suit |
In development
The aforementioned law in compliance to and following the former National System for linking Vocational Education and Training with Employment (ESS... The aforementioned law in compliance to and following the former National System for linking Vocational Education and Training with Employment (ESSEEKA). The provisions of the law are enacted by the relevant competent national authorities |
In place for some years and implemented
The strategies for validation of the education system were introduced with the Organic Law of Education, (2006) and the Organic Law of Universities... The strategies for validation of the education system were introduced with the Organic Law of Education, (2006) and the Organic Law of Universities (2007).
A common strategy between the Education administrations and the Employment administrations was introduced with the Royal Decree 1224/2009. The first joint call for validation of professional competences was to be carried out in 2011 |
In place for some years and implemented
The CBQ system has had legal status since 1994 and implemented since 1995.
HEIs have had supporting legislation for ca. 10 years, but systematic i... The CBQ system has had legal status since 1994 and implemented since 1995.
HEIs have had supporting legislation for ca. 10 years, but systematic implementation is not in place as of yet |
In place for some years and implemented
No information |
Not yet in place
No information |
In place for some years and implemented
The recognition of the prior work experiences of students (based on HE Act 2005 regulations) is in practice working in close connection with the cr... The recognition of the prior work experiences of students (based on HE Act 2005 regulations) is in practice working in close connection with the credit-transfer scheme. It is common practice for evening and correspondence programmes in some fields of education.
The prior learning assessment in the adult training sector is a scheme to support the customisation of training provision but the practice is not really widespread. This is because the need for customisation is contradictory to the group-based organisation of the training provision |
In place for some years but insufficiently implemented
Though the 1999 Act frames arrangements for RPL and the NQAI (2005) Principles and Operational Guidelines for the Recognition of Prior Learning in ... Though the 1999 Act frames arrangements for RPL and the NQAI (2005) Principles and Operational Guidelines for the Recognition of Prior Learning in Further and Higher Education sets out arrangements FE and HE, the implementation of RPL in practice is limited though growing in importance. There is evidence of RPL in practice across a number of FE and HE institutions and as such, progress in the implementation of validation can be considered from both a ‘bottom-up’ and ‘top-down’ perspective. |
Recently introduced but well implemented
The Adult Education Act (2010) was developed based on practice in the field for the target group |
In development
No national framework, a few regional frameworks in development or in place. There are many experiences. Mainly bottom up approaches |
Recently introduced but not well implemented
More a tendency towards top-down |
Not yet in place
No information |
In place for some years but insufficiently implemented
In the case of higher education and adult learning.
At the secondary level, since 2010 |
In development
The action programme of the above-mentioned Lifelong Learning Strategy identified that the definition of the procedure of validation of knowledge, ... The action programme of the above-mentioned Lifelong Learning Strategy identified that the definition of the procedure of validation of knowledge, skills and competences acquired outside of the formal education system among the tasks to be carried out during the period 2008-2013 |
Recently introduced but not well implemented
The legal framework is in place and provides the context for the development work on the national framework for validation which is currently being... The legal framework is in place and provides the context for the development work on the national framework for validation which is currently being undertaken and is led by the NCFHE |
In place for some years but insufficiently implemented
Validation has been in place for:
- prior formal learning since 1994.
- non-formal and informal learning has been part of education-laws since 1998... Validation has been in place for:
- prior formal learning since 1994.
- non-formal and informal learning has been part of education-laws since 1998-2001.
- In the financial sector it has been embedded since 2006. |
In place for some years and implemented
Adult Education Act dates back to 1976, Law on Vocational Training to 1980 and adults could be admitted to HE on basis of validation since 1992 |
Not yet in place
No information |
In place for some years and implemented
In 2001 a national system for the validation of non-formal and informal learning was created — the National System for the Recognition, Validatio... In 2001 a national system for the validation of non-formal and informal learning was created — the National System for the Recognition, Validation and Certification of Competences (SNRVCC) by the Ministry of Education (Ministério da Educação) and the Ministry of Labour and Social Security (Ministério do Trabalho e da Segurança Social), under the coordination of the National Agency for the Education and Training of Adults, (Agência Nacional para a Educação e Formação de Adultos, ANEFA), which launched the first network of Centres for the Recognition, Validation and Certification of Competencies in 2000.
Since 2007, under ANQ coordination, RVCC centres became CNO centres.
The current crediting framework in HE has been in force since 2006 |
Recently introduced but not well implemented
The frameworks is in place, but the access of wide beneficiaries is still a concern and the institutional capacity of the validation centres needs ... The frameworks is in place, but the access of wide beneficiaries is still a concern and the institutional capacity of the validation centres needs to be further developed in order to be effective |
In development
The Swedish National Agency for Higher Vocational Education has, since it was established on 1 July 2009, been given the responsibility to support ... The Swedish National Agency for Higher Vocational Education has, since it was established on 1 July 2009, been given the responsibility to support a national structure for validation.
The work is done in cooperation with the relevant authorities to promote the involvement of educational institutions and business sector organisations (e.g. the Swedish Trade Federation (Svensk Handel), the Swedish Construction Industry Training Board (Byggnadsindustrins Yrkesnämnd), the Vocational Training and Working Environment Council - Transport Trades, TYA) |
In development
The national vocational qualification framework is being implemented, a project for developing a Higher education qualification framework is runnin... The national vocational qualification framework is being implemented, a project for developing a Higher education qualification framework is running and there are initiatives to develop a common qualifications framework |
In development
Legal framework in place since December 2009: law on Lifelong learning (568/2009 Z.z.) |
In place for some years and implemented
The VQA was established in 2006. Initial implementations are already in place and in development |
In development
QCF due to be fully embedded in 2011. |
In place for some years but insufficiently implemented
Guidelines on RPL included in the SCQF Handbook, first drafted in 2005. Work is ongoing to identify ways of using the SCQF to support RPL and to en... Guidelines on RPL included in the SCQF Handbook, first drafted in 2005. Work is ongoing to identify ways of using the SCQF to support RPL and to enable individuals to benchmark their attainments and achievements to the SCQF. |
2014 |
In development
Development started only recently. The main drivers are the LLL 20:20 strategy, NQF development as well as the implementation of ECVET, and the Cou... Development started only recently. The main drivers are the LLL 20:20 strategy, NQF development as well as the implementation of ECVET, and the Council Recommendation on validation. |
In place for some years and implemented
All sectors have been implementing their validation policy for several years now with the exception of the socio-cultural sector which has develope... All sectors have been implementing their validation policy for several years now with the exception of the socio-cultural sector which has developed their policy more recently. The approach in the work sector is more top-down whereas the approach in the higher education sector is more bottom-up. |
In place for some years and implemented
Three main VFNIL systems have had a legal framework in place for about ten years, and implemented in practice since the latter part of 2000s. In th... Three main VFNIL systems have had a legal framework in place for about ten years, and implemented in practice since the latter part of 2000s. In the VET sector VFNIL has developed from a top down approach |
Not yet in place
At the current stage of development, validation arrangements have been implemented within single projects, and there is no overall strategy or fram... At the current stage of development, validation arrangements have been implemented within single projects, and there is no overall strategy or framework.
With respect to the private sector, the implementation of Article 40 of the Law on Vocational Education and Training has been successful in the following examples : 1. The organisation of short training courses in the form of in-house training which are intended for employees who work for the company, or unemployed people who want to take up a job in a company 2. Employers which successfully manage their human resources practice in partnership with training providers |
Recently introduced but not well implemented
The complete framework for VET is in place since 2009. The regulated experiences in HE started in 2008. In all sectors, validation practices are av... The complete framework for VET is in place since 2009. The regulated experiences in HE started in 2008. In all sectors, validation practices are available only for a limited number of qualifications. |
Not yet in place
The existing System of Vocational Qualifications has been in place since 2005. The second phase, when the process was fully operational and more vo... The existing System of Vocational Qualifications has been in place since 2005. The second phase, when the process was fully operational and more vocational profiles and qualifications were developed, has run since 2007.
The anticipated new route for the validation of non-formal and informal learning is expected to affect public policies during the programming period 2014-2020 |
Recently introduced but well implemented
Since 2010 the numbers of applications and assessment have grown significantly |
In place for some years and implemented
External students’ examination has been in place since 1969 and implemented in practice; access to higher education has been in place since 2009 ... External students’ examination has been in place since 1969 and implemented in practice; access to higher education has been in place since 2009 and implemented in practice; Vocational Qualifications Assessment Law has been in place since 2012; NQF has been in place since 2013 |
In place for some years and implemented
The strategy/frameworks has been in place since 2004. Legislation from 2000, 2003, 2007 |
In place for some years and implemented
The policies that are in place have been implemented. As indicated above, the higher education sector is leading the way in terms of validation. Ot... The policies that are in place have been implemented. As indicated above, the higher education sector is leading the way in terms of validation. Other sectors are slower to follow suit |
In development
No information |
In place for some years and implemented
The strategies for validation of the education system were introduced with the Organic Law of Education, (2006) and the Organic Law of Universities... The strategies for validation of the education system were introduced with the Organic Law of Education, (2006) and the Organic Law of Universities (2007).
A common strategy between the education administrations and the employment administrations was introduced with the Royal Decree 1224/2009. The first joint call for validation of professional competences was carried out in 2011 and the Autonomous Communities have opened calls |
In place for some years and implemented
The CBQ system has had a legal status since 1994 and it has been implemented since 1995.
- In VET there has been a legal status since 1998 and ren... The CBQ system has had a legal status since 1994 and it has been implemented since 1995.
- In VET there has been a legal status since 1998 and renewed Recognition of prior learning is regulated by Act and Degree on VET, in force 1.1.2006.
- Recognition is based on learning outcomes, not on learning time.
HEIs have had supporting legislation for ca. 10 years, but systematic implementation has taken place only recently on a larger scale |
In place for some years and implemented
VAE has been implemented since 2002 by all the ministries awarding qualifications |
Not yet in place
No information |
In place for some years but insufficiently implemented
A Law on the validation of work experience in HE has existed since 2008.
Recognition of prior learning in the adult training system has been in pla... A Law on the validation of work experience in HE has existed since 2008.
Recognition of prior learning in the adult training system has been in place since 2001 but implementation is limited |
In place for some years but insufficiently implemented
There is no simple, coherent, consistent strategy or framework in place and the commentary provided here should be treated with caution due to rece... There is no simple, coherent, consistent strategy or framework in place and the commentary provided here should be treated with caution due to recent structural and institutional changes. In summary, the 1999 Act framed arrangements for RPL and the NQAI 2005) Principles and Operational Guidelines for the Recognition of Prior Learning in Further and Higher Education sets out arrangements FE and HE. |
In place for some years and implemented
The Adult Education Act (2010) was developed based on practice in the field for the target group |
Recently introduced but not well implemented
National framework recently introduced.
1/3 of the Regions (7 out of 21) have frameworks in place |
Recently introduced but not well implemented
In VET engagement of all stakeholders.
Only HE framework is in place so far.
Not the overall framework |
Recently introduced but not well implemented
The majority of relevant laws were amended / adopted in the last three years, i.e. since 2010.
In relation to VET, first of all laws / policies wer... The majority of relevant laws were amended / adopted in the last three years, i.e. since 2010.
In relation to VET, first of all laws / policies were put in place before any initiative had been initiated “on the ground”. Take-up is still very low and information is not collected systematically, therefore there is no evidence regarding users of validation. Additionally, VET providers may validate previous experience of individual learners and it is difficult to say how widespread this is – it differs among providers.
In relation to HE, single initiatives (ad hoc – i.e. number of ESF-funded projects) were appearing ‘on the ground’ before any legal framework at the national level was introduced. However, the legal framework which is in place is very general, therefore there is considerable room for manoeuvre for HE institutions on how these possibilities will look at individual HE establishments. Opportunities for validation of non-formal and informal learning in the HE sector were available in two universities (Mykolas Romeris University and Vytautas Magnus University) before 2010, but the take-up still remains relatively low. According to universities, this is not cost effective – these opportunities do require marketing, but they do not help to attract more students to universities.
There are no legal arrangements in relation to validation of non-formal and informal learning in the third sector so far. There is only one initiative “on the ground” (a national project called “The Development of an Integrated Youth Policy” , implemented by the Department of Youth Affairs under the Ministry of Social Security), that includes validation (among many activities of the Project, is the implementation of the youth worker certification system along with a competence assessment mechanism covering validation of non-formal and informal learning of youth workers, including those working in the third sector). On one hand, this is a project that aims at boosting inter-sectoral cooperation and integration to some extent between the public and the third sectors in terms of delivering youth policies, but on the other hand – this is an initiative that is responding more to the needs of the public sector than the specific needs of the third sector. No validation initiatives specifically developed for particular third sector areas are currently implemented on Lithuania. |
Recently introduced but well implemented
At the secondary level, since 2010 |
Recently introduced but well implemented
The legal framework for vocational education has been introduced recently and is implemented well in practice. In other sectors there is no publicl... The legal framework for vocational education has been introduced recently and is implemented well in practice. In other sectors there is no publicly available information on the extent of implementation due to the high degree of autonomy in the HE sector |
Recently introduced but not well implemented
The legal framework is in place and provides the context for the development work on the national framework for validation which is currently being... The legal framework is in place and provides the context for the development work on the national framework for validation which is currently being undertaken and is led by the NCFHE |
In place for some years but insufficiently implemented
Validation has been in place for:
prior formal learning since 1994.
non-formal and informal learning as part of education-laws (VET and HE) since 1... Validation has been in place for:
prior formal learning since 1994.
non-formal and informal learning as part of education-laws (VET and HE) since 1998-2001. |
In place for some years and implemented
In place for some years and implemented in practice for most levels and types of education and training. For post-secondary VET (‘fagskole’, IS... In place for some years and implemented in practice for most levels and types of education and training. For post-secondary VET (‘fagskole’, ISCED 4), however, validation of parts of programmes was only introduced through regulations of 1 August 2013.
The strategies have emerged gradually but some historical pillars are the Law on Vocational Training of 1952 and the Adult Education Act of 1976. Adults can be admitted to HE on the basis of validation since 2001. Before that date, the universities had a traditional ‘third’ access route |
In place for some years and implemented
The validation framework in the case of the craft system has been in place since 1950, while in the case of the school system the framework was int... The validation framework in the case of the craft system has been in place since 1950, while in the case of the school system the framework was introduced in 2012 |
In development
Portugal has created a new legislation / policy for RVCC processes (2013) and its implementation is still in progress.
The current crediting frame... Portugal has created a new legislation / policy for RVCC processes (2013) and its implementation is still in progress.
The current crediting framework in HE has been in force since 2006. Since August 2013, there is new legislation that modified the previous one, aiming to ensure validation practices are more transparent and clear. According to the new legislation, the crediting process is set out in a regulation approved by each institution, which must be made public |
Recently introduced but not well implemented
The frameworks are in place, but access to them by large numbers of beneficiaries is still a concern and the institutional capacity of the validati... The frameworks are in place, but access to them by large numbers of beneficiaries is still a concern and the institutional capacity of the validation centres needs to be further developed in order to be effective |
In development
The national structure for validation is being coordinated by the Swedish National Agency for Higher Vocational Education in cooperation with actor... The national structure for validation is being coordinated by the Swedish National Agency for Higher Vocational Education in cooperation with actors from public authorities and the private sector which have responsibilities for validation.
The national guidelines for validation have been in place since 2012 and are currently implemented in the validation practice of PES. The responsibility for validation in Sweden is decentralised at local and regional levels and embedded in the municipal adult education system and PES. The responsibility for validation is divided between different actors, e.g. the Swedish National Agency for Higher Vocational Education Myndigheten för yrkeshögskolan), the Swedish Public Employment Service (Arbetsförmedlingen), the Swedish National Agency for Education (Statens skolverk), the Swedish Council for Higher Education (Universitets- och högskolerådet). The central social partner organisations are also involved in the development and implementation of sector models of validation |
In place for some years and implemented
Vocational level, primary and secondary education, tertiary education
NQF, voluntary work |
In development
Legal framework in place since December 2009: law on Lifelong learning (568/2009 Z.z.) |
In place for some years and implemented
The VQA was established in 2006 and the first VQA certificates were issued in 2010.
The application of the framework has gradually widened; however... The VQA was established in 2006 and the first VQA certificates were issued in 2010.
The application of the framework has gradually widened; however, it is still rather limited since the NQF is not yet operative |
Recently introduced but not well implemented
QCF Regulatory Arrangements were introduced in 2008, Quality Code for HE has been introduced in 2013. Data not available at national level but it a... QCF Regulatory Arrangements were introduced in 2008, Quality Code for HE has been introduced in 2013. Data not available at national level but it appears that the actual implementation of RPL is relatively low. |
In place for some years and implemented
Guidelines on RPL included in the SCQF Handbook, first drafted in 2005. Notable RPL activity taking place in the HE sector, and the SCQF Partnershi... Guidelines on RPL included in the SCQF Handbook, first drafted in 2005. Notable RPL activity taking place in the HE sector, and the SCQF Partnership is working to support RPL in other sectors of learning, the labour market and third sector. |
In place for some years but insufficiently implemented
The CQFW was adopted in 2002. QALL provision is now substantial, with over 1,000 units registered. |
Année | Austria | Belgium-DE | Belgium-FR | Bulgaria | Switzerland | Cyprus | Czechia | Germany | Denmark | Estonia | Greece | Spain | Finland | France | Croatia | Hungary | Ireland | Iceland | Italy | Liechtenstein | Lithuania | Luxembourg | Latvia | Malta | Netherlands | Norway | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Sweden | Slovenia | Slovakia | Türkiye | United Kingdom / England and Northern Ireland | United Kingdom / Scotland | United Kingdom / Wales |
2010 |
No information |
N/A |
Data collected between September and December 2008 indicate that 294 applicants were examined by the VAE jury and that 185 registered as students.
... Data collected between September and December 2008 indicate that 294 applicants were examined by the VAE jury and that 185 registered as students.
In 2008 the objective for VDC was 650 beneficiaries and the actual number 987. In 2009 the number of beneficiaries reached 1364, compared to a target of 780. Nevertheless, the beneficiaries of the VDC procedure is still relatively low due to low visibility and only recent implementation |
N/A |
No information regarding trends (increase/decrease) |
N/A |
Access to higher education
External students’ examination |
See table in the 2010 inventory |
No information |
In the period 2003-2009 about 230, 000 people participated in the examinations.
The state ICT certificate has also been popular (61,392 people in ... In the period 2003-2009 about 230, 000 people participated in the examinations.
The state ICT certificate has also been popular (61,392 people in 2006 sat the exams).
The ECDL certificate is very popular both in the private sector as well as in the public, in terms of employment. ECDL was chosen by the Ministry of Employment in the context of the Programme, Training in Basic ICT Skills, leading to the certification of 20, 000 unemployed and soldiers |
NA (the analysis is based in the 2014 report) |
In 2007, 63,637 individuals participated in CBQs. There was an increase of 1.8% from the previous year. 31,985 gained a full qualification and 14,7... In 2007, 63,637 individuals participated in CBQs. There was an increase of 1.8% from the previous year. 31,985 gained a full qualification and 14,787 a part qualification.
In 2008, 65,267 individuals participated in CBQs. This was an increase of 2.6% from
the previous year. 32,344 gained a full qualification and 16,094 a part qualification. These figures do not include the number of apprenticeship courses (where CBQs are also solely used) |
Information not included in 2010 report |
No data available |
No data available |
Not possible due to insufficient data |
Number of individuals going through validation:
In 2007 there were 105
In 2008 there were 238
In 2009 there were 242 |
No information |
No information |
N/A |
No information |
Remained the same
The first 100 persons that have obtained a qualification by using the validation system of non-formal learning validation were expected in 2010 (as... The first 100 persons that have obtained a qualification by using the validation system of non-formal learning validation were expected in 2010 (as it was anticipated in the ‘Programme for Implementation of Guidelines for Lifelong Learning 2007-2013 in 2008-2013’). However, taking into account the delays in the development of the legal framework, these numbers will not be achieved |
N/A |
The number of Ervaringscertificaten issued has increased from 9,900 in 2007 to 12,500 in 2008 and 15,700 in 2009. |
Remained the same
Around 6,000 individuals take the crafts examination based on practical work experience each year.
3,162 of the 9,439 adults who applied for enro... Around 6,000 individuals take the crafts examination based on practical work experience each year.
3,162 of the 9,439 adults who applied for enrolment in upper secondary education and training in 2008 had undergone validation of non-formal and informal learning
Between 2007 and 2009, 8,832 adult learners in 15 counties of Norway (data only available for this number) undertook validation for exemptions in relation to vocational certificates or entrance qualifications for higher education.
In HE, around 1.3% of students admitted each year have had their prior learning recognised during the admissions process (this equated to 2,565 learners in 2008).
Between 2001 and 2004, only 123 applications for exemptions from parts of studies on the basis of prior learning were received by all HE institutions |
Information not collected in the 2010 Inventory |
N/A |
Between 2006 and 2009, the assessment centres authorised by CNFPA have issued over 25,000 certificates for 150 occupations or qualifications. In Oc... Between 2006 and 2009, the assessment centres authorised by CNFPA have issued over 25,000 certificates for 150 occupations or qualifications. In October 2010, the total number of certificates was up to 28,000. This marks significant progress in this field |
Data not available |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
2014 |
Some are slightly increased, some are slightly decreased.
Since this information is not collected centrally, it is not possible to give a general a... Some are slightly increased, some are slightly decreased.
Since this information is not collected centrally, it is not possible to give a general answer.
The number of apprenticeship exam passes in second-chance education has slightly decreased since 2010 (7 266 in 2010 and 6 982 in 2012).
The number of admissions to degree programmes at universities and universities of applied sciences without taking the Reifeprüfung exam has slightly increased.
The number of wba certificates/diplomas issued has increased.
There are many separate initiatives and it is not possible to list all of them here. |
Higher education: decreased
Socio-cultural and sports sector: increased |
VDC: In 2012, 2,758 candidates registered to attend validation sessions and about 1,500 Certificates were eventually awarded (the target was 1,170... VDC: In 2012, 2,758 candidates registered to attend validation sessions and about 1,500 Certificates were eventually awarded (the target was 1,170 Certificates) . In 2009, 1,364 applicants had registered for a VDC procedure.
VAE in HE: more than 1,000 candidates were supported in 2012 compared to 696 in 2011 and 750 in 2010. In terms of admission, 662 were admitted through VAE in 2012, while this was the case for 485 candidates in 2011 and only 302 in 2010 |
The number of certificates for professional qualification issued by CVTs (according to Art. 40 of VET Act) has increased: in 2011 - 1 172 certifica... The number of certificates for professional qualification issued by CVTs (according to Art. 40 of VET Act) has increased: in 2011 - 1 172 certificates were issued compared to 502 certificates in 2010. There is no available information on whether the increase of certificates is due to an increase in the number of applicants |
Globally the number has increased, thanks to the fact that more courses are now accessible via validation.
This is true especially in the Upper Sec... Globally the number has increased, thanks to the fact that more courses are now accessible via validation.
This is true especially in the Upper Secondary Level of VET where the number of validation applications went from 489 in 2010 to 702 in 2011 |
There is no yearly data for the applicants or people received validation through HRDA’s System of Vocational Qualifications. Overall, during 2006... There is no yearly data for the applicants or people received validation through HRDA’s System of Vocational Qualifications. Overall, during 2006-2010, 232 certifications were realised. During 2013, 1 100 applications have been submitted. In the first phase of the system, only companies could apply to seek certification of their employees. In the second phase, all individuals can apply. At the same time, more calls for applications have been issued, so it can be inferred that the flow of beneficiaries has increased and will further increase |
The number of assessments increased significantly until mid-2012, when it steadily fell again, although it remains higher in December 2013 than it ... The number of assessments increased significantly until mid-2012, when it steadily fell again, although it remains higher in December 2013 than it was in January 2010. On average there were 1,822 assessments carried out per month in the period 2010-2013 |
Increased: Access to higher education
Remained the same: External students’ examination |
Remained the same
It is difficult to estimate if there has been an overall increase or decrease of validations across all the different educational programmes. The n... It is difficult to estimate if there has been an overall increase or decrease of validations across all the different educational programmes. The number of validations has increased within VVU and diploma programmes, basic adult education (GVU) and General upper secondary education (HF), remained more or less the same within General adult education (AVU) and dramatically decreased within vocational adult education and training (AMU)
(see table in section 2.7.3 of the inventory) |
In HE the number of applications has increased.
In 2009 there were 6,986 applications (6,040 fully accepted).
In 2010 there were 7,642 applicatio... In HE the number of applications has increased.
In 2009 there were 6,986 applications (6,040 fully accepted).
In 2010 there were 7,642 applications (6,641 fully accepted)
In 2011 there were 8,673 applications (8,248 fully accepted)
In 2012 there were 9,168 applications (8,184 fully accepted). In VET data are available only on school level |
There is no specific data available for comparison; it should also be taken into consideration that EOPPEP’s responsibilities have expanded signi... There is no specific data available for comparison; it should also be taken into consideration that EOPPEP’s responsibilities have expanded significantly since 2010 (at that time, OEEK and successively EOPP was the competent organisation for the certification of IVET graduates). The demand for certification of qualification of IVET graduates is quite steady through the past decade. According to EOPPEP, there has recently been rising demand from the side of private security services personnel who do not hold a recognised professional title. Hence, quite a great share of Adult Trainers of non-formal education (16,042) await for certification while EOPPEP anticipates that other 15,000 will have applied by the end of 2015. There is also a very pressing demand, according to EOPPEP, considering the certification of technical occupations blue collar workforce, e.g. in terms of the implementation of EU environmental regulations regarding gas emission |
In relation to access exams, in 2010-2011, 51 720 students gained access to Intermediate VET and 58 711 students gained access to Higher VET. 1.7 %... In relation to access exams, in 2010-2011, 51 720 students gained access to Intermediate VET and 58 711 students gained access to Higher VET. 1.7 % of the admissions in public universities corresponded to individuals who passed access exams for people over 25; and 0.5 % of university access exams corresponded to people over 40 and 45 years of age.
In relation to the assessment and accreditation process of professional competences acquired through work experience the number of applications has been especially high in 2011, it decreased in 2012, and it increased again in 2013 although the number of applications was not as high as in 2011). The number of applications is related to the number of calls set up and the number of competence units or modules to be evaluated. Approximate data [as of May 2014] :
2010: 1 310
2011: 38 754
2012: 5 055
2013: 22 292 |
All CBQ candidates in 2010 and 2011 (including basic, further and specialist qualifications and apprenticeship training)
2010 201... All CBQ candidates in 2010 and 2011 (including basic, further and specialist qualifications and apprenticeship training)
2010 2011
BQ: 47,547 50,073
FQ: 46,709 45,312
SQ: 23,347 23,234
Tot: 117,603 118,619
Statistics for 2012 for CBQs will be available on the 6.11.
Renewed statistics tool: |
Remained the same
Not info |
No data available |
No data available |
Not possible due to insufficient data |
Number of individuals going through validation:
In 2010 there were 384
In 2011 there were 411
In 2012 there were 423
In 2013 there were 369 |
Libretto Formativo only:
Toscana: 25.000 beneficiaries
ISFOL estimates: 50.000 beneficiaries |
Remained the same
No information |
Validation in the HE sector (at two universities) was available in 2010. These did not engage large numbers of people, and in general have decrease... Validation in the HE sector (at two universities) was available in 2010. These did not engage large numbers of people, and in general have decreased even further since then, because project funding has ended and universities did not provide further funding to keep the sustain the opportunities. According to the Ministry of Education and Science, 646 people in 2012 and 341 people in 2013 have validated their competences at higher education establishments.
Validation in VET was available before 2010 as well. Numbers were not high but there were persons who went through recognition procedures in Chambers of Commerce, industry and Crafts and received a qualification diploma (certificate).According to the Ministry of Education and Science, 47 people in 2013 have validated their competences in the system of VET |
validation has only been implemented in practice since 2010 |
The first candidate for validation in vocational education took the examination of assessing the professional competences acquired in other than fo... The first candidate for validation in vocational education took the examination of assessing the professional competences acquired in other than formal education system and successfully had his competences validated in July 2011. Since then the number of successful candidates has risen considerably. Thus in 2012 400 persons acquired a document certifying their skills and knowledge. In 2013 803 persons have validated their skills and knowledge |
N/A |
Remained the same
The number of applications fluctuates between 15,000 and 20,000 every year. The latest registered number is 17.700 in 2011. We do not know what th... The number of applications fluctuates between 15,000 and 20,000 every year. The latest registered number is 17.700 in 2011. We do not know what the influence of the economic crisis has been from 2012. |
Remained the same
There is a decrease in the number of adults applying for validation relating to upper secondary education, the main reason is that there was a ‘s... There is a decrease in the number of adults applying for validation relating to upper secondary education, the main reason is that there was a ‘surge’ of applications when validation was first introduced, especially in the social and healthcare sectors. Now that this backlog of applications has been processed, there is a more steady number of applications each year.
In the school year 2010-2011, 12.5% (2,457 from a total of 19,609) of adult learners taking part in upper secondary education and training had their prior learning assessed. This represents a fall in comparison to the school year 2009-2010, when 14% of adult learners participating in upper secondary education and training had their prior learning assessed.
In both 2012 and 2013, 7% of the students in post-secondary vocational colleges had been admitted on the basis of their non-formal and informal learning. In 2013, 67% of the students
(as opposed to 56% in 2012) had been admitted on the basis of vocational qualifications, and 20% (30 in 2012) on the basis of general admission requirements to higher education |
According to data provided by the Central Examination Board, in the case of the school sector there has been an increase of 11 % in the number of s... According to data provided by the Central Examination Board, in the case of the school sector there has been an increase of 11 % in the number of students / applicants taking the vocational exam (this includes learners who have undertaken both formal (school) and non-formal (extra-mural) learning) from 230 267 graduates in 2010 to 255 874 graduates in 2013 |
In January 2014 the numbers were effectively reduced to zero, given that the new network of centres is currently being implemented and there are no... In January 2014 the numbers were effectively reduced to zero, given that the new network of centres is currently being implemented and there are no numbers available. .
There is no national data from HE |
In 2010, the total number of certified applicants was 28.000. In only 3 years (2010-2013) the total number was almost doubled, reaching 49.900 cert... In 2010, the total number of certified applicants was 28.000. In only 3 years (2010-2013) the total number was almost doubled, reaching 49.900 certified persons |
Data not available |
Remained the same
According to information of individual schools, the numbers are fluctuating but the differences are small. However, there is no aggregated data to ... According to information of individual schools, the numbers are fluctuating but the differences are small. However, there is no aggregated data to make inferences from |
Given that the process was not yet operational in 2010 the numbers have increased. |
2011: 182
2012: 4 626
2013: 7 115 |
Data not available |
Data not available |
Data not available. Anecdotal evidence suggests that take-up of RPL is very small in scale |
The 2012 Recommendation identifies four distinct phases: IDENTIFICATION of an individual's learning outcomes acquired through non-formal and informal learning; DOCUMENTATION of an individual's learning outcomes acquired through non-formal and informal learning; ASSESSMENT of an individual's learning outcomes acquired through non-formal and informal learning; CERTIFICATION of the results of the assessment of an individual's learning outcomes acquired through non-formal and informal learning in the form of a qualification, or credits leading to a qualification, or in another form, as appropriate (Council of the EU, 2012, p. 3, points 2a to 2d).
Année | Austria | Belgium-DE | Belgium-FR | Bulgaria | Switzerland | Cyprus | Czechia | Germany | Denmark | Estonia | Greece | Spain | Finland | France | Croatia | Hungary | Ireland | Iceland | Italy | Liechtenstein | Lithuania | Luxembourg | Latvia | Malta | Netherlands | Norway | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Sweden | Slovenia | Slovakia | Türkiye | United Kingdom / England and Northern Ireland | United Kingdom / Scotland | United Kingdom / Wales |
2010 |
All public sectorSome public sectorAll private sectorSome private sectorAll third sectorSome third sector
Depends on the purpose of validation:
- acquisition of qualifications/certificates/ entitlements that are part of the formal education and training... Depends on the purpose of validation:
- acquisition of qualifications/certificates/ entitlements that are part of the formal education and training system – focus is on assessment and certification;
- acquisition of certificates without a corresponding qualification in the formal system; – depending on the sector, all four stages or only some (such as documentation and assessment) are used;
- access to certain exams or HE programmes (such as continuous higher education courses offered at universities) requires relevant professional work experience: the focus might be on documentation;
- exemption from courses at HE (mainly Bachelor study programmes at universities of applied sciences): the focus might be on documentation and certification;
- guidance, supporting the process of self-reflection, and recording individual development processes etc. (in the third sector): the focus is more on identification and documentation. |
All public sectorSome public sectorAll private sectorSome private sectorAll third sectorSome third sector
Overall, a validation procedure consists of three steps: recognising/identifying an individual’s competences (‘herkennen’) (this step include... Overall, a validation procedure consists of three steps: recognising/identifying an individual’s competences (‘herkennen’) (this step includes documenting); assessing an individual’s competences on the basis of evidence - by comparing it with the standard and then validation. Validation is carried out by an accredited body of the competences of an individual acquired in a non-formal or informal setting assessed on the basis of prior determined criteria and in accordance with a standard which then leads to certification. |
All public sectorSome public sectorAll private sectorSome private sectorAll third sectorSome third sector
CVET: most assessment and certification (validation sessions involve simulation); less on identification.
In HE: VAE in universities in based on ... CVET: most assessment and certification (validation sessions involve simulation); less on identification.
In HE: VAE in universities in based on the portfolio approach.
Documentation is therefore the core of VAE.
Identification with a VAE counsellor is an important stage.
Certification: a jury will determine whether credits are given for admission or exemptions. |
Information not provided in 2010 Inventory |
All public sectorSome public sectorAll private sectorSome private sectorAll third sectorSome third sector
The stages of validation are not clearly implemented in Cyprus. All practices available regard identification and recognition of prior learning; ce... The stages of validation are not clearly implemented in Cyprus. All practices available regard identification and recognition of prior learning; certification may be achieved, as for example for ICT competences. |
All public sectorSome public sectorAll private sectorSome private sectorAll third sectorSome third sector
The system for VNFIL concerning vocational qualifications is more focused on the process of assessment and certification |
All public sectorSome public sectorAll private sectorSome private sectorAll third sectorSome third sector
All four stages are used in VET, higher education. These approaches aim at a certification for access or training qualification.
In the third secto... All four stages are used in VET, higher education. These approaches aim at a certification for access or training qualification.
In the third sector, these approaches do not aim at a certification for access or training qualification. |
All public sectorSome public sectorAll private sectorSome private sectorAll third sectorSome third sector
In public sector initiatives (sector of education) all four stages are used.
In the private sector and third sector, recognition of prior learning ... In public sector initiatives (sector of education) all four stages are used.
In the private sector and third sector, recognition of prior learning only involves the identification and documentation stages.
Assessment can only be carried out by education providers |
All public sectorSome public sectorAll private sectorSome private sectorAll third sectorSome third sector
In higher education, all stages of the process are used. VET has not yet implemented validation on a large scale and only some cases exist. The OQ ... In higher education, all stages of the process are used. VET has not yet implemented validation on a large scale and only some cases exist. The OQ awarding bodies are using the stages of validation but do not clearly name the process as validation |
All public sectorSome public sectorAll private sectorSome private sectorAll third sectorSome third sector
Immigrants can obtain the Greek Language Competence Certificate irrespectively of the way they have obtained the language skills.
The same holds f... Immigrants can obtain the Greek Language Competence Certificate irrespectively of the way they have obtained the language skills.
The same holds for the validation of ICT competence by the state.
The European Computer Driving License (ECDL) is an ICT competence certificate provided by the private sector through examination of individuals. 99 % of examinations are based on the automated test evaluation system (aTES).
Non-formal learning is also assessed and recognised through public adult learning providers. Completion of training programmes at Vocational Training Centres (KEK) lead to a certificate of attendance and have recognition in the private sector, but not in the public sector. It should be noted that these are isolated examples; there is no coherent and systematic validation |
All public sectorSome public sectorAll private sectorSome private sectorAll third sectorSome third sector
Validation is exclusively a public process. It always includes assessment and certification. In the case of partial exemptions documentation is als... Validation is exclusively a public process. It always includes assessment and certification. In the case of partial exemptions documentation is also used.
In relation to the assessment and accreditation procedures of professional competences acquired through work experience it is not clear, but it seems that all four stages will be used in the validation process in public sector initiatives.
At the same time, the private sector is involved in small-scale initiatives and they seem strong in identification. |
All public sectorSome public sectorAll private sectorSome private sectorAll third sectorSome third sector
Yes. It is made very transparent in the Individualisation process (CBQs).
However, in Finland the aim is to gain a part qualification or a full qua... Yes. It is made very transparent in the Individualisation process (CBQs).
However, in Finland the aim is to gain a part qualification or a full qualification. The different stages are hardly used independently or separately at any sector. |
All public sectorSome public sectorAll private sectorSome private sectorAll third sectorSome third sector
The main type of validation in France (VAE) is a public sector initiative. VAE can lead to certification. However, there are other forms validation... The main type of validation in France (VAE) is a public sector initiative. VAE can lead to certification. However, there are other forms validation of non-formal and information learning not leading to a formal certification. |
All public sectorSome public sectorAll private sectorSome private sectorAll third sectorSome third sector
In private sector all four stages can be recognised in the examples of sectoral approaches (e.g. Croatian Chamber of Trades and Crafts).
In the pub... In private sector all four stages can be recognised in the examples of sectoral approaches (e.g. Croatian Chamber of Trades and Crafts).
In the public sector: identification and documentation (e.g. Croatian Employment Service).
In the third sector: identification and documentation. |
All public sectorSome public sectorAll private sectorSome private sectorAll third sectorSome third sector
Identification, documentation and assessment is typical in the higher education and adult training sector. The results of the assessments can inclu... Identification, documentation and assessment is typical in the higher education and adult training sector. The results of the assessments can include exemption from some requirements of the study programmes (subjects, modules, obligatory internship).
In employment services and in the voluntary work sector, the identification of skills is dominant. |
All public sectorSome public sectorAll private sectorSome private sectorAll third sectorSome third sector
Depends on the sector and purpose (e.g. in the HE sector, RPL is used for access, exemption or full award). |
All public sectorSome public sectorAll private sectorSome private sectorAll third sectorSome third sector
All four stages are used with the target group in adult learning. In Iceland, a validation process must include all four stages otherwise it is not... All four stages are used with the target group in adult learning. In Iceland, a validation process must include all four stages otherwise it is not called validation.
Some of the stages may be used in other sectors depending on the sector and purpose (e.g. in the higher education sector, prior learning may be used to support access, in the third sector, the focus tends to be on initial guidance, reflection and recognising and identifying skills, and gathering evidence in portfolio). |
All public sectorSome public sectorAll private sectorSome private sectorAll third sectorSome third sector
All the experiences share the same methodological framework.
The certification process sometimes is not so foreseen in the procedure also because s... All the experiences share the same methodological framework.
The certification process sometimes is not so foreseen in the procedure also because some validation experiences are not included in institutional and formalised procedures |
All public sectorSome public sectorAll private sectorSome private sectorAll third sectorSome third sector
Information and advice is the only stage taking place in Liechtenstein itself in vocational education and training (the rest takes place in Switzer... Information and advice is the only stage taking place in Liechtenstein itself in vocational education and training (the rest takes place in Switzerland).
In higher education, all steps are relevant and do take place for admission and crediting |
All public sectorSome public sectorAll private sectorSome private sectorAll third sectorSome third sector
i.e. in the HE sector |
All public sectorSome public sectorAll private sectorSome private sectorAll third sectorSome third sector
The validation procedure follows a 4-step process: Eligibility check – Documentation – Assessment – Certification |
All public sectorSome public sectorAll private sectorSome private sectorAll third sectorSome third sector
All four stages of the validation process (Identification, Documentation, Assessment and Certification) are used in the process of validation, but ... All four stages of the validation process (Identification, Documentation, Assessment and Certification) are used in the process of validation, but it is impossible to say whether some stages are used more than others, as no such research has been conducted at national level |
All public sectorSome public sectorAll private sectorSome private sectorAll third sectorSome third sector
The validation process is still in development. However, all four stages are present in the system of validation that has been developed for the ch... The validation process is still in development. However, all four stages are present in the system of validation that has been developed for the childcare sector. |
All public sectorSome public sectorAll private sectorSome private sectorAll third sectorSome third sector
It is more or less always the same process of raising awareness/target-setting, portfolio-build-up, assessment, validation. |
All public sectorSome public sectorAll private sectorSome private sectorAll third sectorSome third sector
Depends on the sector – e.g. in HE validation is more commonly used to support access, so there is less focus on certification, whereas assessmen... Depends on the sector – e.g. in HE validation is more commonly used to support access, so there is less focus on certification, whereas assessment / certification is the focus of the law on vocational training which permits individuals to pass a crafts or journeyman’s examination based on practical work experience, rather than education and training in school and/or the apprenticeship which would normally be required. |
All public sectorSome public sectorAll private sectorSome private sectorAll third sectorSome third sector
The most common validation method applied in Poland represents a mixed approach. It usually consists of an examination in the form of a test of wor... The most common validation method applied in Poland represents a mixed approach. It usually consists of an examination in the form of a test of work activity (próba pracy), based on checking the practical skills, accompanied by a theoretical part (written or oral examination). |
All public sectorSome public sectorAll private sectorSome private sectorAll third sectorSome third sector
Yes, they are all used in validation in the non-higher education area.
In HE institutions, that have autonomy to decide on scientific and pedagogic... Yes, they are all used in validation in the non-higher education area.
In HE institutions, that have autonomy to decide on scientific and pedagogic issues, some of the validation stages are in practice. But usually they are more focused on assessment and crediting |
All public sectorSome public sectorAll private sectorSome private sectorAll third sectorSome third sector
In the public sector, the legal framework covers all stages, while in the private sector; HR departments are more focused on the assessment during ... In the public sector, the legal framework covers all stages, while in the private sector; HR departments are more focused on the assessment during the recruitment and selection phase, but also as a progress assessment. The third sector promotes to a higher degree the approach of identification and documentation, focusing on the awareness raising of non-formal and informal learning among beneficiaries |
All public sectorSome public sectorAll private sectorSome private sectorAll third sectorSome third sector
The validation process is being developed according to EU guidelines |
All public sectorSome public sectorAll private sectorSome private sectorAll third sectorSome third sector
No information |
All public sectorSome public sectorAll private sectorSome private sectorAll third sectorSome third sector
The focus is primarily on assessment and certification. The processes of identification and documentation are not prominent in the approach defined... The focus is primarily on assessment and certification. The processes of identification and documentation are not prominent in the approach defined in the Act on Lifelong Learning.
The identification process is present in the skills audits as used in public employment services however these are, in practice, rarely used |
All public sectorSome public sectorAll private sectorSome private sectorAll third sectorSome third sector
Testing and certification |
All public sectorSome public sectorAll private sectorSome private sectorAll third sectorSome third sector
Depends on the sector and purpose (e.g. in the HE sector, APEL is often used to support access, so is less about certification, in the third sector... Depends on the sector and purpose (e.g. in the HE sector, APEL is often used to support access, so is less about certification, in the third sector, the focus tends to be on initial guidance, reflection and recognising and identifying skills, and gathering evidence). |
All public sectorSome public sectorAll private sectorSome private sectorAll third sectorSome third sector
Question not specifically addressed in 2010 report. However SCQF handbook states that both formative and summative recognition are possible using R... Question not specifically addressed in 2010 report. However SCQF handbook states that both formative and summative recognition are possible using RPL in Scotland, so it is assumed that all four stages are used in public sector initiatives, although not necessarily all at the same time. |
2014 |
All public sectorSome public sectorAll private sectorSome private sectorAll third sectorSome third sector
This depends on the purpose of validation :
- acquisition of qualifications/certificates/ entitlements that are part of the formal education and tr... This depends on the purpose of validation :
- acquisition of qualifications/certificates/ entitlements that are part of the formal education and training system – the focus is on assessment and certification;
- acquisition of certificates without a corresponding qualification in the formal system; – depending on the sector, all four stages or only some (such as documentation and assessment) are used;
- access to certain exams or HE programmes (such as continuous higher education courses offered at universities) requires relevant professional work experience – the focus might be on documentation;
- exemption from courses in higher education (mainly Bachelor study programmes at universities of applied sciences) – the focus might be on documentation and certification;
- guidance, supporting the process of self-reflection, and recording individual development processes etc. (in the third sector) – the focus is more on identification and documentation. |
All public sectorSome public sectorAll private sectorSome private sectorAll third sectorSome third sector
Overall, a validation procedure consists of three steps: recognising/identifying an individual’s competences (‘herkennen’) (this step include... Overall, a validation procedure consists of three steps: recognising/identifying an individual’s competences (‘herkennen’) (this step includes documenting); assessing an individual’s competences on the basis of evidence by comparing it with the standard and validating by an accredited body the competences of an individual acquired in a non-formal or informal setting assessed on the basis of prior determined criteria and in accordance with a standard which then leads to certification. |
All public sectorSome public sectorAll private sectorSome private sectorAll third sectorSome third sector
No information |
All public sectorSome public sectorAll private sectorSome private sectorAll third sectorSome third sector
So far, validation arrangements in Bulgaria are mostly carried out by the public sector. The use of all four stages depends on the purpose of valid... So far, validation arrangements in Bulgaria are mostly carried out by the public sector. The use of all four stages depends on the purpose of validation, which may be different in the different projects. For example, in the project, ‘’System for validation of non-formal acquired knowledge, skills and competences’, all four stages are used to a similar extent. The project is funded by the ESF and co-funded by the state budget, and the target group includes employed as well as unemployed citizens.
In the private sector, a priority is given to evaluation and certification, as a result of a final examination.
The stages of identification and documentation slightly overlap in the context of the providers of vocational guidance working in the private sector |
All public sectorSome public sectorAll private sectorSome private sectorAll third sectorSome third sector
In the public sector, all four stages of the validation process are considered. To be noted is that the identification and documentation stages are... In the public sector, all four stages of the validation process are considered. To be noted is that the identification and documentation stages are executed together. An additional stage, accreditation, was added between the assessment and certification stages.
In the private and third sector, the stages that are more used are identification and documentation. In a few cases assessment stages are in place, however this assessment does not always lead to a certification |
All public sectorSome public sectorAll private sectorSome private sectorAll third sectorSome third sector
The process of awarding a vocational qualification by the HRDA involves three stages. Although the terms of the Council Recommendation have not bee... The process of awarding a vocational qualification by the HRDA involves three stages. Although the terms of the Council Recommendation have not been adopted, these stages can be recognised as:
a. Diagnosis (identification)
b. Examination of the applicant’s competences and knowledge (assessment) and
c. Certification
Validation of non-formal learning in ICT taking place by private providers and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry only involve examination/formal assessment. |
All public sectorSome public sectorAll private sectorSome private sectorAll third sectorSome third sector
The system for VNFIL concerning vocational qualifications is more focused on the process of assessment and certification
The system in the youth fi... The system for VNFIL concerning vocational qualifications is more focused on the process of assessment and certification
The system in the youth field is more concerned with identification and documentation |
All public sectorSome public sectorAll private sectorSome private sectorAll third sectorSome third sector
Please note, the emphasis on in theory. In practice, mostly the time of working experience (VET), the formal qualification or the comparison of cur... Please note, the emphasis on in theory. In practice, mostly the time of working experience (VET), the formal qualification or the comparison of curricula (access to HE and BQFG) are bases for the assessment. These approaches aim at a certification for access or training qualification.
In the third sector, these approaches do not aim at a certification for access or training qualification. |
All public sectorSome public sectorAll private sectorSome private sectorAll third sectorSome third sector
In public sector initiatives (sector of education) all four stages are used.
In the private sector and third sector, recognition of prior learning ... In public sector initiatives (sector of education) all four stages are used.
In the private sector and third sector, recognition of prior learning only involves the identification and documentation stages.
Assessment can only be carried out by education providers |
All public sectorSome public sectorAll private sectorSome private sectorAll third sectorSome third sector
In higher education, all stages of the validation process are used.
The VET sector has started to implement validation and all stages are present.... In higher education, all stages of the validation process are used.
The VET sector has started to implement validation and all stages are present. The Qualification Authority /Awarding bodies are using the stages of validation but does not clearly name the process as validation |
All public sectorSome public sectorAll private sectorSome private sectorAll third sectorSome third sector
Validation almost exclusively regards assessment (mainly through examination) that leads to certification. This is evident in all validation practi... Validation almost exclusively regards assessment (mainly through examination) that leads to certification. This is evident in all validation practices, from the certification of IEKs and professionals of non-regulated professions run by EOPPEP; to the third sector, where participants in seminars are examined to get certified. However, in the certification of adult trainers of non-formal learning, documentation partially takes place: when applying for the certification, candidates need to prove their teaching experience, so that their competences are assessed.
Assessment is also the dominant stage regarding non-formal learning acquired through public sector seminars. Certification in the third sector also regards examinations/assessment stage |
All public sectorSome public sectorAll private sectorSome private sectorAll third sectorSome third sector
Validation is exclusively a public process. It always includes assessment and certification. In the case of partial exemptions documentation is als... Validation is exclusively a public process. It always includes assessment and certification. In the case of partial exemptions documentation is also used.
In relation to the assessment and accreditation procedures of professional competences acquired through work experience, the four stages are used |
All public sectorSome public sectorAll private sectorSome private sectorAll third sectorSome third sector
Yes. It is made very transparent in the personalisation process (CBQs). In HEIs and VET the processes are similar, but not as detailed or specified... Yes. It is made very transparent in the personalisation process (CBQs). In HEIs and VET the processes are similar, but not as detailed or specified nationally. However, in Finland the aim is to gain a qualification unit or units or a full qualification. The different stages are hardly used independently or separately at any sector. |
All public sectorSome public sectorAll private sectorSome private sectorAll third sectorSome third sector
The main type of validation in France (VAE) is a public sector initiative. VAE leads to a partial or full certification. However, there are other f... The main type of validation in France (VAE) is a public sector initiative. VAE leads to a partial or full certification. However, there are other forms of validation of non-formal and informal learning not leading to a formal certification. |
All public sectorSome public sectorAll private sectorSome private sectorAll third sectorSome third sector
In the private sector all four stages can be recognised in the examples of sectoral approaches (e.g. Croatian Chamber of Trades and Crafts).
In the... In the private sector all four stages can be recognised in the examples of sectoral approaches (e.g. Croatian Chamber of Trades and Crafts).
In the public sector: identification and documentation (e.g. Croatian Employment Service).
In the third sector: identification and documentation.
It is planned to be defined in the Ordinance on recognition and validation of non-formal and informal learning that all four stages of the validation process will be used across all sectors. |
All public sectorSome public sectorAll private sectorSome private sectorAll third sectorSome third sector
Identification, documentation and assessment is typical in the higher education and adult training sector. The result of the assessment can be: a) ... Identification, documentation and assessment is typical in the higher education and adult training sector. The result of the assessment can be: a) exemption from some requirements of the study programmes (subjects, modules, obligatory internship); b) award of ECTS credits for a unit of study programme towards a qualification.
In the employment services; and in the voluntary work sector, the identification of skills is dominant. |
All public sectorSome public sectorAll private sectorSome private sectorAll third sectorSome third sector
Depends on the sector and purpose (e.g. in the HE sector, RPL is used for access, exemption or full award. Within FET it is predominantly used for ... Depends on the sector and purpose (e.g. in the HE sector, RPL is used for access, exemption or full award. Within FET it is predominantly used for access and exemptions and sometimes for achievement of major awards. |
All public sectorSome public sectorAll private sectorSome private sectorAll third sectorSome third sector
All four stages are used with the target group in adult learning. In Iceland, a validation process must include all four stages otherwise it is not... All four stages are used with the target group in adult learning. In Iceland, a validation process must include all four stages otherwise it is not called validation.
Some of the stages may be used in other sectors depending on the sector and purpose (e.g. in the higher education sector, prior learning may be used to support access. In the third sector, the focus tends to be on initial guidance, reflection and recognising and identifying skills, and gathering evidence in portfolio). |
All public sectorSome public sectorAll private sectorSome private sectorAll third sectorSome third sector
The certification process sometimes is not so foreseen in the procedure; also some validation experiences are not included in institutional and for... The certification process sometimes is not so foreseen in the procedure; also some validation experiences are not included in institutional and formalised procedures |
All public sectorSome public sectorAll private sectorSome private sectorAll third sectorSome third sector
Information and advice is the only stage taking place in Liechtenstein itself in vocational education and training (the rest is in Switzerland).
I... Information and advice is the only stage taking place in Liechtenstein itself in vocational education and training (the rest is in Switzerland).
In higher education, all steps are relevant and do take place for admission and crediting |
All public sectorSome public sectorAll private sectorSome private sectorAll third sectorSome third sector
There is no systematic collection of data, so it is difficult to provide an answer here, but in general:
- All four stages used to a similar extent... There is no systematic collection of data, so it is difficult to provide an answer here, but in general:
- All four stages used to a similar extent in the validation process in HE sector initiatives;
- All four stages used to a similar extent in the validation process in the youth (in public sector and third sector to some extent) sector, however only one initiative is available so far;
- Some of the four stages used in the validation process are dominant in the VET / private sector (Assessment and Certification – people have to undertake a theory exam and practical tasks as part of the assessment procedure and in this way previous experience and knowledge is tested) |
All public sectorSome public sectorAll private sectorSome private sectorAll third sectorSome third sector
The validation procedure follows a 4-step process: Eligibility check – Documentation – Assessment – Certification. |
All public sectorSome public sectorAll private sectorSome private sectorAll third sectorSome third sector
Validation in VET includes the use of identification, assessment and certification.
In HE all four stages are used. |
All public sectorSome public sectorAll private sectorSome private sectorAll third sectorSome third sector
The validation process is still in development. However, all four stages are present in the system of validation that has been developed for the ch... The validation process is still in development. However, all four stages are present in the system of validation that has been developed for the childcare sector. |
All public sectorSome public sectorAll private sectorSome private sectorAll third sectorSome third sector
It is more or less always the same process of raising awareness/target-setting, portfolio-build-up, assessment, validation. |
All public sectorSome public sectorAll private sectorSome private sectorAll third sectorSome third sector
Depends on the needs of the individual and the purpose of the validation application.
Also depends on the sector – e.g. in post-secondary VET an... Depends on the needs of the individual and the purpose of the validation application.
Also depends on the sector – e.g. in post-secondary VET and in HE validation is more commonly used to support access, so there is less focus on certification, whereas assessment / certification is the focus of the VET sector, since the Education Act permits individuals to take a final craft or journeyman’s examination based on practical work experience, rather than solely on education and training in school and/or the apprenticeship which would normally be required. (It is not possible to acquire a full Craft or Journeyman’s Certificate through validation. The candidates must still take the final exam.) |
All public sectorSome public sectorAll private sectorSome private sectorAll third sectorSome third sector
No information |
All public sectorSome public sectorAll private sectorSome private sectorAll third sectorSome third sector
In non-higher education, centres will develop all the four stages
In the HE sector validation is linked to ECTS |
All public sectorSome public sectorAll private sectorSome private sectorAll third sectorSome third sector
In the public sector, the legal framework is covering all stages, whilst in the private sector, the HR departments are more focused on assessment i... In the public sector, the legal framework is covering all stages, whilst in the private sector, the HR departments are more focused on assessment in the recruitment and selection phase, but also assessment as a tool to measure progress. The third sector promotes to a higher degree the approach of identification and documentation, focusing on the awareness raising of the benefits of non-formal and informal learning among beneficiaries. |
All public sectorSome public sectorAll private sectorSome private sectorAll third sectorSome third sector
All four stages of the validation process are used to a similar extent in the validation process in the national criteria and guidelines for valida... All four stages of the validation process are used to a similar extent in the validation process in the national criteria and guidelines for validation of competence in Sweden. The four stages are used in the national strategy to describe the stages of an individual person’s steps through the validation process. In addition, Information and Guidance activities precede the four stages in the strategy
In adult education, Certification is accomplished thru a process named ”prövning”. The formal grading is set through the process of “prövning”, which can be defined as an assessment of knowledge and competences in relation to pre-set knowledge requirements in course syllabi. |
All public sectorSome public sectorAll private sectorSome private sectorAll third sectorSome third sector
Where validation takes place, it undergoes all stages. However, understanding and application of each stage may differ. For example, in formal educ... Where validation takes place, it undergoes all stages. However, understanding and application of each stage may differ. For example, in formal education certification will be a “diploma”, while in the private sector it will be a promotion or a job position |
All public sectorSome public sectorAll private sectorSome private sectorAll third sectorSome third sector
The focus is primarily on assessment and certification. The processes of identification and documentation are not prominent in the approach defined... The focus is primarily on assessment and certification. The processes of identification and documentation are not prominent in the approach defined in the Act on Lifelong Learning.
The identification process is present in the skills audits as used in public employment services however these are, in practice, rarely used |
All public sectorSome public sectorAll private sectorSome private sectorAll third sectorSome third sector
Assessment (testing) and certification stages are used. |
All public sectorSome public sectorAll private sectorSome private sectorAll third sectorSome third sector
Depends on the sector and purpose (e.g. in the HE sector, RPL is more often used to support access, so is less about certification, in the third se... Depends on the sector and purpose (e.g. in the HE sector, RPL is more often used to support access, so is less about certification, in the third sector, the focus tends to be on initial guidance, reflection and recognising and identifying skills, and gathering evidence). |
All public sectorSome public sectorAll private sectorSome private sectorAll third sectorSome third sector
SCQF handbook states that both formative and summative recognition are possible using RPL in Scotland, so it is assumed that all four stages are us... SCQF handbook states that both formative and summative recognition are possible using RPL in Scotland, so it is assumed that all four stages are used in public sector initiatives, although not necessarily all at the same time. In the third sector the focus tends to be on the formative side of validation – generally in the process of engaging learners. |
All public sectorSome public sectorAll private sectorSome private sectorAll third sectorSome third sector
For QALL – N/A.
The purpose of QALL is to recognise as a formal unit, learning which otherwise would not have had a ‘value’ on the CQFW. The... For QALL – N/A.
The purpose of QALL is to recognise as a formal unit, learning which otherwise would not have had a ‘value’ on the CQFW. The four stages of validation do not really apply to this procedure, which is about recognising the unit of learning, rather than validating an individual’s learning.
With regard to the other validation opportunities available, the use of the four stages depends on the sector and purpose (e.g. in the HE sector, RPL is more often used to support access, so is less about certification, in the third sector, the focus tends to be on initial guidance, reflection and recognising and identifying skills, and gathering evidence). |
The 2012 Recommendation underlines that the individual must be at the focus of validation arrangements: ‘[the] arrangements for the validation of non-formal and informal learning which enable individuals to (a) have knowledge, skills and competences which have been acquired through non-formal and informal learning validated, including, where applicable, through open educational resources; (b) obtain a full qualification, or, where applicable, part qualification, on the basis of validated non-formal and informal learning experiences’ (Council of the EU, 2012, p. 3, point 1).
Année | Austria | Belgium-DE | Belgium-FR | Bulgaria | Switzerland | Cyprus | Czechia | Germany | Denmark | Estonia | Greece | Spain | Finland | France | Croatia | Hungary | Ireland | Iceland | Italy | Liechtenstein | Lithuania | Luxembourg | Latvia | Malta | Netherlands | Norway | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Sweden | Slovenia | Slovakia | Türkiye | United Kingdom / England and Northern Ireland | United Kingdom / Scotland | United Kingdom / Wales |
2010 |
No framework
There is no uniform legal framework to regulate validation and recognition of non-formal and informal learning in Austria. Nonetheless, in the educ... There is no uniform legal framework to regulate validation and recognition of non-formal and informal learning in Austria. Nonetheless, in the education and training system, different Acts and Regulations include mechanisms and arrangements that enable education and training institutions to recognise learning outcomes acquired in non-formal and informal settings. |
With regard to higher education, the validation process of non-formal and informal learning is defined by the 30 April 2004 decree on making higher... With regard to higher education, the validation process of non-formal and informal learning is defined by the 30 April 2004 decree on making higher education more flexible.
On 15 June 2007, the Flemish Parliament approved the Flemish decree relating to (formal) adult education. The decree pays great attention to the validation of acquired competences, both with regard to dispensations and the certification of acquired competences. The decree sets out a clear approach to the assessment and certification of acquired competences in adult education.
In April 2004, the Flemish government recognised non-formal and informal learning via the Decree on 'Titles of Professional Competence', which later became known as ‘certificates of vocational experience’ |
Multiple framework: one for continuous vocational training (Validation of Competences, VDC), one for higher education, VAE procedure (no links betw... Multiple framework: one for continuous vocational training (Validation of Competences, VDC), one for higher education, VAE procedure (no links between the two).
In higher education, the recognition of non-formal and informal learning was introduced in 1994/1995 and since the Act of March 2004 as VAE. VDC was introduced in 2003/2004.
The VDC Skills Certificates (CVET) are recognised by law. |
No framework
There is no uniform legal framework encompassing all sectors. In relation to VET, Art.40 of the VET Act regulates the opportunities for validation ... There is no uniform legal framework encompassing all sectors. In relation to VET, Art.40 of the VET Act regulates the opportunities for validation and recognition of non-formal and informal learning. The condition is to have at least six months of practical experience and have successfully passed the national examinations in Theory and Practice of Profession.
The Law for amending and expanding the Employment Promotion Act (introduced in 2008), focuses on adult training and stipulates that the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy and the Ministry of Education, Youth and Science should create conditions for the assessment and recognition of the knowledge and skills of adults acquired through non-formal and informal learning.
The provisions of the VET Act mentioned above have limited practical application.
The majority of the validation arrangements relate to the VET sector. |
No framework
No information |
There is a legal framework for further education.
The possibility to exempt students from formal studies is also embedded in the legal frameworks f... There is a legal framework for further education.
The possibility to exempt students from formal studies is also embedded in the legal frameworks for school education and initial VET.
No legal framework in higher education |
No information |
The key legislation on validation of prior learning in Denmark is Act no. 556 of 6 June 2007 .
The legislation for VET (2003) includes a general p... The key legislation on validation of prior learning in Denmark is Act no. 556 of 6 June 2007 .
The legislation for VET (2003) includes a general principle of individual competence assessments as a basis for the preparation of personal education plans for each individual. The personal education plan is based on an assessment of the trainees’ competences and outlines an individual pathway through the VET system.
Since 2007, individuals can gain access to short-cycle and medium-cycle Higher Education (Bachelor-level degrees) based on an individual competence assessment. |
Validation is regulated by various Acts and standards related to the sector e.g. specific legislation relating to HE, VET and occupational qualific... Validation is regulated by various Acts and standards related to the sector e.g. specific legislation relating to HE, VET and occupational qualifications.
Validation in HE is regulated by the University Act and The Standard of Higher Education.
Validation in VET is regulated in the Standard of Vocational Education and the OQ (occupational qualifications) are regulated in the Professions Act |
No framework
The 3879/2010 law entails certain provisions regarding non-formal learning. It has also introduced a new organisation, the National Organisation fo... The 3879/2010 law entails certain provisions regarding non-formal learning. It has also introduced a new organisation, the National Organisation for the Certification of Qualifications (EOPP). EOPP bears the responsibility for the validation of non-formal and informal learning |
There are different laws that frame validation in Spain (Qualifications and Vocational Training Act of 2002, Employment Act from 2003, Education Ac... There are different laws that frame validation in Spain (Qualifications and Vocational Training Act of 2002, Employment Act from 2003, Education Act from 2006, Higher Education Act from 2007). Their links are not clear. The most relevant one for validation is the Royal Decree 1224/2009 on the recognition of professional competences acquired through work experience |
There are separate laws for each educational sector (University, university of applied sciences, vocational adult education and training, Vocationa... There are separate laws for each educational sector (University, university of applied sciences, vocational adult education and training, Vocational education and training and general upper secondary training). Each sectoral piece of legislation recognises VNIL procedures. There are no dead ends between sectors, but individuals are free to move from one sector to another regardless of how they have gained their qualifications. |
Law of 17 January 2002 (VAE) |
No framework
The Croatian Qualification Framework (CROQF) is under development, which is a foundation for the legal framework. |
Link to others
In accordance with the current Act on HE, it is possible to gain credits based on prior work experience (but the number of credits permitted is li... In accordance with the current Act on HE, it is possible to gain credits based on prior work experience (but the number of credits permitted is limited to 30).
According to the Adult Training Act of 2001, adults entering a training programme can ask for the assessment of their prior learning in relation to a given programme (in order to get exemption from some modules). |
Link to others
The Qualifications (Education & Training) Act, 1999 itself, while referring to RPL, does not legislate specifically for a detailed RPL system but r... The Qualifications (Education & Training) Act, 1999 itself, while referring to RPL, does not legislate specifically for a detailed RPL system but rather brought into being a range of institutions which through their policies and procedures has ensured that RPL is now a key issue and one which is being addressed by all sectors of the educational system. The Qualifications Act allows for RPL to be used for access, transfer/progression and the awarding of full awards. |
Link to others
There is the Adult Education Act that gives a framework for validation practices for the target group of those who have not completed education on ... There is the Adult Education Act that gives a framework for validation practices for the target group of those who have not completed education on upper secondary school level. |
Legal frameworks are active at Regional level (where the validation system is formally defined) and in sectoral employers’ associations |
No framework
No information |
Link to others
The legal framework for validation in the VET sector was already in place prior to 2010’ |
Legal basis for validation includes:
- 2008 law on VET completed by Règlement grand-ducal of 11 January 2010
- law of 19 June 2009, law creating t... Legal basis for validation includes:
- 2008 law on VET completed by Règlement grand-ducal of 11 January 2010
- law of 19 June 2009, law creating the University of Luxembourg (2003) |
No framework
The National Qualifications Framework for lifelong learning has indeed been developed, its tertiary levels and descriptors are defined in accordanc... The National Qualifications Framework for lifelong learning has indeed been developed, its tertiary levels and descriptors are defined in accordance with European Qualification Framework. |
The national framework for validation has been formalised through a Legal Notice implemented as part of a series of amendments to the Education Act... The national framework for validation has been formalised through a Legal Notice implemented as part of a series of amendments to the Education Act , which came into force in 2012.The legal regulations provide a framework for validation and for the granting of awards within the Malta Qualifications Framework (MQF).
Legal Notice 296/2012, Government of Malta, (2012), Validation of Non-formal and Informal Learning Regulations, 2012, L.N. 295 of 2012, EDUCATION ACT (CAP. 327) 2012. |
Validation is embedded as a form of examination or access-instrument in laws for VET and HE. The institutions for VET and HE are autonomous in the ... Validation is embedded as a form of examination or access-instrument in laws for VET and HE. The institutions for VET and HE are autonomous in the way they accept VPL certificates |
Challenges identified at the time of writing included: the need for better coordination between different educational levels and their specific rul... Challenges identified at the time of writing included: the need for better coordination between different educational levels and their specific rules and regulations (in particular between upper secondary and higher education), the need for cooperation between different sectors, such as between the labour market and the education system. |
Link to others
The legal environment has been gradually adjusting to meet the demands in this respect and different aspects of non-formal education are regulated ... The legal environment has been gradually adjusting to meet the demands in this respect and different aspects of non-formal education are regulated by separate legislation:- the Act of 27 June 2003 amending the Educational System Act;
- Regulation of the Minister of National Education and Sport on accreditation of centres providing continuing education in out-of-school forms of 20 December 2003;
- Regulation of the Minister of Education and Science of 3 February 2006 on arrangements for adults acquiring and broadening general knowledge, professional or vocational skills and qualifications in non-school settings;
- the Act on Promotion of Employment and Institutions of the Labour Market of 20 April 2004; with subsequent amendments;
- the Act on economic activity freedom of 2 July 2004; with subsequent amendments; and
- the Labour Code of 26 June 1974, with subsequent amendments. |
Link to others
Yes, there is a legal framework for the non-higher education area, linked to the national qualifications system.
In the HE sector there is also a ... Yes, there is a legal framework for the non-higher education area, linked to the national qualifications system.
In the HE sector there is also a legal framework, leading institutions to develop their own practices |
Link to others
In 2004, Law No. 559/2004 gave the National Council for Adult Training (CNFPA) the role of National Authority for Qualifications, with responsibili... In 2004, Law No. 559/2004 gave the National Council for Adult Training (CNFPA) the role of National Authority for Qualifications, with responsibility for the coordination of the National Registry of Qualifications. The CNFPA also has the overall responsibility for validation of non-formal and informal learning at the national level for the authorisation of validation centres and for the certification of individual assessors of professional competences. The validation legal framework is not covering formal educational system and is only linked with full qualifications. |
The Bill on Adult Learning and the Future Development of Adult Education (Vuxnas lärande och utvecklingen av vuxenutbuldingen) (2000/2001:72) emph... The Bill on Adult Learning and the Future Development of Adult Education (Vuxnas lärande och utvecklingen av vuxenutbuldingen) (2000/2001:72) emphasised the fact that any resident in Sweden should be able to have his or her knowledge and competences validated within the framework of municipal adult education, and this validation should be documented. In 2003, the Bill on Validation (Ds 2003:23) (Validering m.m. - fortsatt utveckling av vuxnas lärande) stated that more time should be given to pilot projects and to further discussion before deciding on regulations and passing acts.
In December 2003, the Swedish government appointed the “Swedish National Commission on Validation” (Validerings-delegationen) for the period 2004-2007 to promote and further develop validation methods and enhance (regional) cooperation.
In addition, the Education Act states that immigrants could be offered validation during their course Swedish for immigrants (Sfi), as one of many activities aimed at learning Swedish
more efficiently. The municipality responsible for the Sfi course is required to cooperate with the Swedish Public Employment Service in determining and offering relevant activities to
the Sfi-student. |
Link to others
There is no covering legal framework for validation. Validation is included in individual acts and/or regulations for each sector separately. Legal... There is no covering legal framework for validation. Validation is included in individual acts and/or regulations for each sector separately. Legal arrangements are better established in vocational education, there is some validation in the higher education act, while other education levels have no specific legal information on validation |
Link to others
Framed by the law on Lifelong learning (568/2009 Z.z.), adopted in December 2009 |
The Vocational Qualifications Law No. 5544 frames the arrangements for validation of non-formal and informal learning |
No framework
Not a ‘legal’ framework but ‘regulatory’ arrangements for the Qualifications and Credit Framework, which refer to the ‘Recognition of Pri... Not a ‘legal’ framework but ‘regulatory’ arrangements for the Qualifications and Credit Framework, which refer to the ‘Recognition of Prior Learning’ (RPL). |
No framework
Aside from the guidelines, there are no formal regulations or requirements for the provision of RPL and thus implementation varies |
2014 |
There is no uniform legal framework to regulate validation and recognition of non-formal and informal learning in Austria. Nonetheless, in the educ... There is no uniform legal framework to regulate validation and recognition of non-formal and informal learning in Austria. Nonetheless, in the education and training system, different Acts and Regulations include mechanisms and arrangements that enable education and training institutions to recognise learning outcomes acquired in non-formal and informal settings. |
Flanders is currently working on an integrated approach towards recognition of acquired competences (RAC) including all sectors. (Exemptions are th... Flanders is currently working on an integrated approach towards recognition of acquired competences (RAC) including all sectors. (Exemptions are the sports sector which is a participating partner but will still have its own validation policy; also the socio-cultural sector will not follow the integrated approach yet).
At the moment there are still multiple frameworks covering the different sectors. |
Each of the four systems is governed by a specific legal framework. There is no plan to put a single framework in place |
There is no uniform legal framework encompassing all sectors. In relation to VET, Art.40 of the VET Act regulates the opportunities for validation ... There is no uniform legal framework encompassing all sectors. In relation to VET, Art.40 of the VET Act regulates the opportunities for validation and recognition of non-formal and informal learning. The draft Law for amendment and supplement of the VET Act includes texts on the validation of non-formal and informal learning. This is awaiting approval.
The draft Law on Pre-school and School Education also includes some texts on validation in relation to non-formal and informal learning.
Some aspects of validation, in terms of awarding credit units and access to higher education, are covered by the Higher Education Act. In relation to this requirement, it should be noted that Bulgarian universities have academic autonomy and are self-governing. Training providers implement these possibilities when organising in-house training for private sector clients |
A legal framework is in place for VET (Federal Vocational and Professional Education and Training Act, 2002; Federal Ordinance on Vocational and Pr... A legal framework is in place for VET (Federal Vocational and Professional Education and Training Act, 2002; Federal Ordinance on Vocational and Professional Education and Training, 2003). Meanwhile there are plans (Message of Federal Council for the Promotion of education, research and innovation for 2013-2016, 2012; Federal law project about continuing education, 2003; Initiative aimed at fighting the shortage of qualified staff, 2011) to develop a comprehensive framework covering all types of learning, |
No framework
Validation of non-formal and informal learning for vocational qualifications is realised by the
HRDA through the System of Vocational Qualification... Validation of non-formal and informal learning for vocational qualifications is realised by the
HRDA through the System of Vocational Qualifications. The HRDA has run a study to improve the system focused specifically on validation of non-formal and informal learning that will again concern the attainment of a vocational qualification.
A more comprehensive legal framework is expected to be developed through the work of the Committee working for the development of mechanisms for the validation on non-formal and informal learning until 2018. |
There is a legal framework for further education (CVET)
The possibility to exempt students from formal studies is also embedded in the legal framew... There is a legal framework for further education (CVET)
The possibility to exempt students from formal studies is also embedded in the legal frameworks for school education and initial VET.
No legal framework in higher education |
Frameworks cover VET, higher education, and the Vocational Qualifications Assessment Law, but there are not clear links.
Developed as a comprehens... Frameworks cover VET, higher education, and the Vocational Qualifications Assessment Law, but there are not clear links.
Developed as a comprehensive framework, the NQF currently focuses on formal learning results but is to be extended to non-formal and informal learning results at a later stage. |
The key legislation on validation of prior learning in Denmark is Act no. 556 of 6 June 2007 .
The legislation for VET (2003) includes a general p... The key legislation on validation of prior learning in Denmark is Act no. 556 of 6 June 2007 .
The legislation for VET (2003) includes a general principle of individual competence assessments as a basis for preparation of personal education plans for each individual. The personal education plan is based on an assessment of the trainees’ competences and outlines an individual pathway through the VET system.
Since 2007, individuals can gain access to short-cycle and medium-cycle Higher Education (Bachelor-level degrees) based on an individual competence assessment. |
Validation is regulated by various Acts and standards related to the sector e.g. specific legislation relating to HE, VET, NQF.
Validation in HE is... Validation is regulated by various Acts and standards related to the sector e.g. specific legislation relating to HE, VET, NQF.
Validation in HE is regulated by University Act and The Standard of Higher Education.
Validation in VET is regulated in The Standard of Vocation Education and NQF is regulated in Professions Act |
No framework
A comprehensive legal framework for the certification of ‘outputs’ is in the process of development (2013-2015). In terms of this single framew... A comprehensive legal framework for the certification of ‘outputs’ is in the process of development (2013-2015). In terms of this single framework, EOPPEP will certify qualifications and will also include validation of non-formal and informal learning. A Presidential Decree is anticipated to define the criteria for the newly established certification and validation bodies |
Instead of having a single framework covering all types of learning, there are different laws that frame validation in Spain, targeting different e... Instead of having a single framework covering all types of learning, there are different laws that frame validation in Spain, targeting different education sectors and with clear links between them. The following laws are the most relevant ones: Qualifications and Vocational Training Act of 2002, Employment Act from 2003, Education Act from 2006, Higher Education Act from 2007. The most recent one for validation is the Royal Decree 1224/2009 on the recognition of professional competences acquired through work experience, and the Royal Decree 861/2010 that affects university studies |
There are separate laws for each educational sector (University, university of applied sciences, vocational adult education and training, Vocationa... There are separate laws for each educational sector (University, university of applied sciences, vocational adult education and training, Vocational education and training and general upper secondary training). Each sectoral piece of legislation recognizes VNIL procedures. There are no dead ends between sectors, but individuals are free to move from one sector to another despite how they have gained their qualifications. |
Law of 17 January 2002 (VAE) |
No framework
The Croatian Qualification Framework (CROQF) Act (2013) sets the foundation for the establishment of the legal framework as the Ordinance on recogn... The Croatian Qualification Framework (CROQF) Act (2013) sets the foundation for the establishment of the legal framework as the Ordinance on recognition and validation of non-formal and informal learning. |
Link to others
The Act on HE changed in 2011 and 2012. The limitation on the credit available through validation of prior work experience was abolished. According... The Act on HE changed in 2011 and 2012. The limitation on the credit available through validation of prior work experience was abolished. According to the new rule, at least one-third of the credits should be earned in the institution issuing the diploma (so two-thirds can be acquired in another way).
The new Adult Education Act (2013) retained the previous scheme. Furthermore it made the assessment of prior learning an obligation in vocational education and language training but did nothing to eliminate the circumstances which make its application difficult or impossible in the case of state subsidised programmes. |
Link to others
The Qualifications and Quality Assurance (Education and Training) Act of July 2012 established Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI).
The 2012 Q... The Qualifications and Quality Assurance (Education and Training) Act of July 2012 established Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI).
The 2012 Qualifications and Quality Assurance Act is significant in so far that it is has revoked the Qualifications (Education and Training) Act 1999 and amends the Higher Education Authority Act 1971. The 2012 Act means that QQI will establish policies and criteria for access, transfer and progression (ATP), including credit and RPL. |
Link to others
There is the Adult Education Act and a regulation that gives a framework for validation practices for the target group of those who have not comple... There is the Adult Education Act and a regulation that gives a framework for validation practices for the target group of those who have not completed education at upper secondary school level. |
See Decree 13/13 above |
No framework
But up to now the NQF of Liechtenstein for the Higher Educational System (NQFL-HS) is in place covering levels 6 to 8 of the EQF |
As mentioned above, sectoral policies are in place in the VET sector and HE sector.
No specific sectoral strategies / polices are in place in rel... As mentioned above, sectoral policies are in place in the VET sector and HE sector.
No specific sectoral strategies / polices are in place in relation to validation in the labour market / employment
No specific sectoral strategies / polices are in place in relation to validation in the third sector. Some discussions at the national level in Lithuania were initiated by the Symposium on Recognition of youth work and of non-formal learning, which was organised by the European Youth Forum taken place at the European Youth Centre in Strasbourg in November, 2011. However no credible solutions or initiatives taken by or involving youth organisations and voluntary organisations (except one – where a national project among other activities aimed to develop and implement a competence assessment mechanism for youth workers including those working in the third sector) have been taken so far in the last three years |
Legal basis for validation includes:
- 2008 law on VET completed by Règlement grand-ducal of 11 January 2010
- law of 19 June 2009, law creating t... Legal basis for validation includes:
- 2008 law on VET completed by Règlement grand-ducal of 11 January 2010
- law of 19 June 2009, law creating the University of Luxembourg (2003) |
A legal framework for the processes of validation exists in the education sector which is based on Cabinet regulations. This framework regulates th... A legal framework for the processes of validation exists in the education sector which is based on Cabinet regulations. This framework regulates the possibilities to use the recognition of prior learning for obtaining formal qualifications or to provide credits for formal education programmes.
Within the context of the labour market, especially in the private sector. validation may lead to de facto recognition of skills and entry into employment on the basis of informal/ non-formal learning. The above can be applied also within non-regulated professions.
The extent to which these validation processes are transparent is questionable. In Latvia the national qualifications framework or qualifications system are based on learning outcomes and are linked to arrangements for validation of non-formal and informal learning and, where these exist, to credit point systems. |
The national framework for validation has been formalised through a Legal Notice implemented as part of a series of amendments to the Education Act... The national framework for validation has been formalised through a Legal Notice implemented as part of a series of amendments to the Education Act , which came into force in 2012.The legal regulations provide a framework for validation and for the granting of awards within the Malta Qualifications Framework (MQF). |
Validation is embedded as a form of examination or access instrument in laws for VET and HE. The institutions for VET and HE are autonomous in the ... Validation is embedded as a form of examination or access instrument in laws for VET and HE. The institutions for VET and HE are autonomous in the way they accept VPL certificates.
In some sectors VPL is also regulated as an examination-tool: such as in the financial sector for sector-certificates. |
Legal frameworks in place for all levels and types of education and training. Guidelines are developed for validation in lower and upper secondary... Legal frameworks in place for all levels and types of education and training. Guidelines are developed for validation in lower and upper secondary education. A guide for validation was made in 2013 for access to post-secondary non-university vocational and for recognition of parts of higher education. Particularly the labour market is less legally regulated in this regard, for reasons of social partner autonomy. |
There are two main validation frameworks in place covering vocational education and training in general and another one for the craft system.. For ... There are two main validation frameworks in place covering vocational education and training in general and another one for the craft system.. For example, vocational qualification or learning outcomes acquired in vocational school can be used to move on to a crafts examination, and vice versa.
According to the project on the amendment of Higher Education Act the general rules of recognition of prior learning are going to be introduced in the higher education system. |
Link to others
There is a legal framework in the non-higher education sector that provides the framework for validation. It has been implemented since January 201... There is a legal framework in the non-higher education sector that provides the framework for validation. It has been implemented since January 2014.
In the HE sector there is also a legal framework, enabling institutions to develop their own validation practices |
Link to others
Currently, only qualification related validation is in place. A set of specific methodologies on validation of different forms of learning were dra... Currently, only qualification related validation is in place. A set of specific methodologies on validation of different forms of learning were drafted, but not all of them were in place at the end of 2013. There is no clear link between the approaches of different initiatives |
The Education Act (Skollagen, 2010:800) states the intention to undertake validation in all types of adult education, including Swedish for immigra... The Education Act (Skollagen, 2010:800) states the intention to undertake validation in all types of adult education, including Swedish for immigrants (Sfi). The definition states ”Validation is a process which involves a structured assessment, evaluation, documentation and recognition of knowledge and competences possessed by a person independently of how it is acquired”.
The possibility for validation is regulated in the Ordinance for Adult Education (SFS 2011:1108). The Swedish National Agency for Education is responsible for promoting validation within adult education. The publication ‘Validation within adult education 2013’ was published by the Swedish National Agency for Education to support adult education providers with their responsibilities to perform validation. Validation is not regulated at other levels of formal education, but it is seen as a useful tool for admission to and credit transfer within higher education. |
Strong initiatives are in place to unify or at least transparently link the different sectors. At the moment, links exist within formal education a... Strong initiatives are in place to unify or at least transparently link the different sectors. At the moment, links exist within formal education and the labour market. The links between voluntary sector and formal education, voluntary sector and the labour market, non-formal education and labour market depend on each subject in question (employer, school). |
Link to others
Framed by the law on Lifelong learning (568/2009 Z.z.), adopted in December 2009. However, this legislation does not cover general education nor hi... Framed by the law on Lifelong learning (568/2009 Z.z.), adopted in December 2009. However, this legislation does not cover general education nor higher education. the focus is on professional qualifications |
The Vocational Qualifications Law No. 5544 frames the arrangements for validation of non-formal and informal learning |
No framework
There is no ‘legal’ framework. There are ‘regulatory’ arrangements for the QCF, which refer to the ‘Recognition of Prior Learning’ (RPL... There is no ‘legal’ framework. There are ‘regulatory’ arrangements for the QCF, which refer to the ‘Recognition of Prior Learning’ (RPL) and there is a Quality Code for HE, which also refers to RPL. |
No framework
Aside from the SCQF guidelines, there are no formal regulations or requirements for the provision of RPL and thus implementation varies. There is a... Aside from the SCQF guidelines, there are no formal regulations or requirements for the provision of RPL and thus implementation varies. There is also now a UK-wide Quality Code for HE, which refers to RPL. |
No framework
There is no specific legislation relating to validation, or legal right to validation |
The Recommendation pays particular attention to the role of guidance and counselling in taking forward validation. Member States should ensure within validation arrangements that ‘information and guidance on the benefits of, and opportunities for, validation, as well as on the relevant procedures, are available to individuals and organisations’ and ‘the validation of non-formal and informal learning is supported by appropriate guidance and counselling and is readily accessible’ (Council of EU, 2012, p. 3, points 3b and 3e).
Année | Austria | Belgium-DE | Belgium-FR | Bulgaria | Switzerland | Cyprus | Czechia | Germany | Denmark | Estonia | Greece | Spain | Finland | France | Croatia | Hungary | Ireland | Iceland | Italy | Liechtenstein | Lithuania | Luxembourg | Latvia | Malta | Netherlands | Norway | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Sweden | Slovenia | Slovakia | Türkiye | United Kingdom / England and Northern Ireland | United Kingdom / Scotland | United Kingdom / Wales |
2010 |
no info
Information and guidance to individual candidates is only provided in certain cases (usually by the institution offering the validation measure, su... Information and guidance to individual candidates is only provided in certain cases (usually by the institution offering the validation measure, such as adult education providers) and only in some cases is it publicly financed (e.g. as part of career guidance) |
yes, for certain aspects
Publicly financed for labour market sector and private provision for higher education sector |
Some level of guidance provided by validation centres (CVET) which are publicly funded for implementing validation. Focus on assessing candidates�... Some level of guidance provided by validation centres (CVET) which are publicly funded for implementing validation. Focus on assessing candidates’ chances of success for validating the chosen Units (prior to registering for validation session), rather than strictly speaking professional, career or education guidance.
Guidance provided in universities by VAE counsellors (focusing on identifying and documenting competences) but still in development |
no info
Validation arrangements generally include provision for information and guidance to candidates. Information regarding sources of funding, aspects a... Validation arrangements generally include provision for information and guidance to candidates. Information regarding sources of funding, aspects and stages of the validation process is not provided in 2010 Inventory |
No publicly financed
Higher education institutions inform individuals on their validation procedures. An EU-funded project, “Diaplus”, in which Cyprus participated ... Higher education institutions inform individuals on their validation procedures. An EU-funded project, “Diaplus”, in which Cyprus participated also focused on information and guidance provision in the information and communications technology sector |
No publicly financed
This was one of the shortcomings underlined in the 2010 inventory |
yes, for certain aspects
Concerning approaches provided by the Federal Government or the Länder.
Concerning different bottom-up-approaches with mainly public funding |
No information |
Guidance is provided in all HEIs for prospective applicants. To some extent, guidance is provided in VET institutions. For occupational standards e... Guidance is provided in all HEIs for prospective applicants. To some extent, guidance is provided in VET institutions. For occupational standards each awarding body organises the process of assessment and may include guidance as the first step |
Information has been provided in the form of campaigns, regarding Greek language certificate for immigrants and ICT and language competences for th... Information has been provided in the form of campaigns, regarding Greek language certificate for immigrants and ICT and language competences for the public |
Yes, Information, advice and guidance on validation of professional competences is provided by the education and employment administrations (at nat... Yes, Information, advice and guidance on validation of professional competences is provided by the education and employment administrations (at national and AC level), local governments, social partners, Chambers of Commerce, and other authorised institutions.
A web platform was to be designed during the first year of the application to provide information and advice to individuals |
Guidance is the right of the individual in the validation process in CBQs (VET). In HEIs guidance procedures in validation are being developed in a... Guidance is the right of the individual in the validation process in CBQs (VET). In HEIs guidance procedures in validation are being developed in a national development project (University of Turku) |
Initial information and guidance is always provided free of charge to candidates as VAE is an individual right. However, some intensive guidance me... Initial information and guidance is always provided free of charge to candidates as VAE is an individual right. However, some intensive guidance measures during the second phase of the procedure can be charged to candidates).
Guidance services are generally provided free of charge to jobseekers. Different forms of financial support are available (depending on the awarding authority, status of the candidate, etc.) |
No publicly financed
The information and guidance is available for the existing validation practice in some sectors. It is, however, not available yet on national level... The information and guidance is available for the existing validation practice in some sectors. It is, however, not available yet on national level as part of the national validation system |
No publicly financed
Institutional level pilots in higher education provide preliminary information and guidance during the process. In these cases, the guidance servic... Institutional level pilots in higher education provide preliminary information and guidance during the process. In these cases, the guidance service is based on the voluntary activity of teachers and/or some administrative staff |
General view that the information and guidance available is very disparate and there is a significant gap in the level of advice and guidance avail... General view that the information and guidance available is very disparate and there is a significant gap in the level of advice and guidance available to the learner. Guidance in terms of both quality and quantity is improving but as the base was very low there is still much to be done. |
Information and guidance are embedded in the defined validation process (regulation). The LLL centres managing validation projects have career coun... Information and guidance are embedded in the defined validation process (regulation). The LLL centres managing validation projects have career counsellors available and trained for validation through contracts with the ETSC. The majority of counsellors have a diploma or a master´s degree in Educational and Vocational Counselling |
Information and guidance is envisaged namely in the earlier steps of the process at regional level. Information and guidance also necessary to ensu... Information and guidance is envisaged namely in the earlier steps of the process at regional level. Information and guidance also necessary to ensure the real need and awareness of the individual and avoid waste of time and resources in providing services not really necessary |
Information and guidance are provided on the benefits of, and opportunities for validation, as well as on the relevant procedures |
No publicly financed
Information and guidance within the two HE initiatives were provided on the benefits of, and opportunities for validation, as well as on the releva... Information and guidance within the two HE initiatives were provided on the benefits of, and opportunities for validation, as well as on the relevant procedures |
Guidance is provided by different agencies (Ministry of Education, education and training institutions, University of Luxembourg, and Luxembourg Li... Guidance is provided by different agencies (Ministry of Education, education and training institutions, University of Luxembourg, and Luxembourg Lifelong Learning Centre).
Different types of guidance are provided:
- General guidance (provided by all stakeholders having a basic knowledge of VAE)
- Support to candidates during the elaboration of their application
- Advice concerning the possibility of applying for partial validation |
Individual information and guidance is aimed to be provided (as stipulated by the legislative acts) by the educational institutions conducting the ... Individual information and guidance is aimed to be provided (as stipulated by the legislative acts) by the educational institutions conducting the validation process. The public educational institutions will allocate public funding for ensuring the function. However, there is no stand-alone and targeted public funding foreseen for the implementation of this function. In the HE sector the degree of public funding that could be earmarked for ensuring this function depends thus on the degree of availability of public funding (consider for example private HEIs). There are several public institutions (e.g. State Employment Agency) that are involved in providing information, advice and guidance, but basically they do so as part of their everyday activities and responsibilities |
Whilst the national system of validation is being developed, the childcare sector already has a system of validation up and running. As part of thi... Whilst the national system of validation is being developed, the childcare sector already has a system of validation up and running. As part of this, the Employment Training Centre (ETC) has main responsibility for providing information and guidance to candidates throughout the process |
EVC-providers (about 115) have this as their responsibility. |
Provision of guidance varies. In the education and training sector, the responsibility for information and guidance is held at directorate and coun... Provision of guidance varies. In the education and training sector, the responsibility for information and guidance is held at directorate and county levels in upper secondary education and training, and at institutional level in higher education. The Norwegian Labour and Welfare Service (NAV) is responsible for information and guidance in their labour market institutions but they are dependent on input from the education sector in relation to educational matters |
no info
Information about the process of validation of non-formal and informal learning at the current stage is scarce and the discussion on the issue rema... Information about the process of validation of non-formal and informal learning at the current stage is scarce and the discussion on the issue remains limited to a narrow group of specialists and educators. It is still a new element in the Polish educational reality that will require wide dissemination.
In validation related projects the validation process is preceded by instructions on the procedure, the conditions of recruitment, location and time of a course, and the principles of successful completion. The organiser of the validation process provides also relevant information and instructions related to the exam |
yes, for certain aspects
Information and guidance are stages of the validation system; they are publicly financed and available in CNO.
Universities and Polytechnics that o... Information and guidance are stages of the validation system; they are publicly financed and available in CNO.
Universities and Polytechnics that offer validation practices to their students have information and guidance stages in this process |
No publicly financed
Pre-service guidance tends to be provided only by the evaluators who work for validation centres |
Individuals are normally informed about validation through student or work counsellors in municipalities (adult education at upper secondary level)... Individuals are normally informed about validation through student or work counsellors in municipalities (adult education at upper secondary level) and the national employment service. The national Agency is also about to develop an online tool on where individuals can be guided to different actors and answers depending on their current situation and the reason why validation might be of interest to them |
Again, VET level is more organised and provides better information and guidance, prevalently on the internet, but seminars are also organised and l... Again, VET level is more organised and provides better information and guidance, prevalently on the internet, but seminars are also organised and leaflets printed and distributed. For the higher education level, each institution is responsible for informing regarding their specific processes on validation. Labour market and third sector are not particularly active in informing about validation |
No publicly financed
Guidance infrastructure is in general a weak point of Slovak lifelong learning policies and its improvement is one of the aspects of the Slovak lif... Guidance infrastructure is in general a weak point of Slovak lifelong learning policies and its improvement is one of the aspects of the Slovak lifelong learning strategy. There is, for the moment, no national and systematic structure of educational guidance aimed at adults.
Consequently it remains unclear what the role of guidance institutions in the process of recognition of NFIL will be |
No information |
Insufficient evidence to assess this indicator –indicator selected based on author’s own assessment.
IAG is available at the level of the lear... Insufficient evidence to assess this indicator –indicator selected based on author’s own assessment.
IAG is available at the level of the learning provider but is not necessarily specifically dedicated to validation / or is not specifically dedicated IAG (e.g. in a HE institution, guidance on an APL application may be given by a member of academic staff rather than by an IAG member of staff). |
Skills Development Scotland (SDS) provides career information, advice and guidance services and works closely with the SCQF Partnership in the impl... Skills Development Scotland (SDS) provides career information, advice and guidance services and works closely with the SCQF Partnership in the implementation of RPL and the SCQF in Scotland. Apart from the role of Skills Development Scotland, responsibility for information, advice and guidance is devolved to the learning providers and provision therefore varies. |
2014 |
yes, for certain aspects
Information and guidance to individual candidates is only provided in certain cases (usually by the institution offering the validation measure, su... Information and guidance to individual candidates is only provided in certain cases (usually by the institution offering the validation measure, such as adult education providers) and only in some cases is it publicly financed (e.g. as part of career guidance). |
yes, for certain aspects
Publicly financed information and guidance for labour market sector; and private provision equivalent for higher education sector |
Yes, important, recent initiative: 2013 Year of Competences. Generally, commitment of public authorities on the issue |
The stages are identification, documentation and assessment.
There is no integrated national system for validation of non-formal and informal lear... The stages are identification, documentation and assessment.
There is no integrated national system for validation of non-formal and informal learning, and therefore statements refer to validation arrangements implemented within specific projects. In relation to the project, ‘System for validation of non-formal acquired knowledge, skills and competences’, validation arrangements include provision of information and guidance at all stages of the validation process and this is publically financed |
yes, for certain aspects
It is necessary to distinguish between individual information to access validation (free in all sectors) and the guidance during the procedure for ... It is necessary to distinguish between individual information to access validation (free in all sectors) and the guidance during the procedure for the production of the required documents or portfolios.
In HE the guidance is charged to the user, and in the Upper Secondary Level of VET it is usually free for those who want to achieve a first qualification |
Provision of guidance to individuals is given within the current System of Vocational Qualifications of the HRDA. During the diagnosis stage (ident... Provision of guidance to individuals is given within the current System of Vocational Qualifications of the HRDA. During the diagnosis stage (identification), candidates discuss with the internal examiner their goals and knowledge-skills-competence (as identified in their self-assessment). However, this is not a structured guidance process. This weakness has been highlighted by HRDA and so the proposed new route of validation of non-formal and informal learning for vocational qualification includes a structured provision of guidance |
Jobseekers can be guided to VNFIL as part of the advice given by public employment services but the extent to which this actually takes place remai... Jobseekers can be guided to VNFIL as part of the advice given by public employment services but the extent to which this actually takes place remains unclear |
yes, for certain aspects
Concerning approaches provided by the Federal Government or the Länder.
Concerning different bottom-up-approaches with primarily public funding |
No information |
Guidance is provided in all HEI for prospective applicants. Guidance is provided in VET institutions. For occupational standards each awarding body... Guidance is provided in all HEI for prospective applicants. Guidance is provided in VET institutions. For occupational standards each awarding body organises the process of assessment and may include guidance as the first step |
Information on the certification offered by EOPPEP can be found in the organisation’s website. The authority and responsibility for provision of ... Information on the certification offered by EOPPEP can be found in the organisation’s website. The authority and responsibility for provision of information falls into the Guidance and Counselling Division of EOPPEP, which holds specific responsibilities and implements various initiatives towards this aim |
Yes, Information, advice and guidance on validation of professional competences is provided by the education and employment administrations (at nat... Yes, Information, advice and guidance on validation of professional competences is provided by the education and employment administrations (at national and Autonomous Community level), local governments, social partners, chambers of commerce, and other authorised institutions.
For example the web platform TodoFP portal- was designed to provide information and advice to individuals. Information is also provided in the website of the National Public Employment Service (SEPE, Ministry of Employment)
ACREDITA is the tool that the Ministry of Education offers individuals to see if they can apply for the accreditation of competencies and to explain them the process |
Guidance is the right of the individual in the validation process in CBQs (VET) and IVET. In HEIs guidance procedure also cover the entire procedur... Guidance is the right of the individual in the validation process in CBQs (VET) and IVET. In HEIs guidance procedure also cover the entire procedure where validation practices are in place |
yes, for certain aspects
Initial information and guidance is always provided free of charge to candidates as VAE is an individual right. However, the counselling which is p... Initial information and guidance is always provided free of charge to candidates as VAE is an individual right. However, the counselling which is proposed during the second phase of the procedure (filling up the portfolio) is charged to candidates.
Different forms of financial support are available (depending on the awarding authority, status of the candidate, etc.) |
no info
The information and guidance is available for the existing validation practice in some sectors.
Information and guidance to candidates are forese... The information and guidance is available for the existing validation practice in some sectors.
Information and guidance to candidates are foreseen as an important part of the Ordinance on recognition and validation of non-formal and informal learning
N/a for validation on national level as the system is not yet implemented |
No publicly financed
Institution level pilots in higher education provide preliminary information and guidance service during the process. In these cases, the guidance ... Institution level pilots in higher education provide preliminary information and guidance service during the process. In these cases, the guidance service is based on the voluntary activity of teachers and/or some administrative staff |
General view that the information and guidance available is very disparate and there is a significant gap in the level of advice and guidance avail... General view that the information and guidance available is very disparate and there is a significant gap in the level of advice and guidance available to the learner. Owing to structural reform learners may engage directly with the education and social protection services and awareness of available RPL varies significantly. Guidance in terms of both quality and quantity is improving, but the base relating to RPL is low. A significant requirement is the agreement of a common language around RPL which would be helpful for learners. |
Information and guidance are embedded in the defined validation process (regulation). The LLL centres managing validation projects have career coun... Information and guidance are embedded in the defined validation process (regulation). The LLL centres managing validation projects have career counsellors available and trained for validation through contracts with the ETSC. The majority of counsellors have a diploma or a master´s degree in Educational and Vocational Counselling |
Information and guidance is envisaged namely in the earlier steps of the process both at a national and regional level |
Information and guidance are provided on the benefits of, and opportunities for validation, as well as on the relevant procedures |
No publicly financed
Available validation arrangements generally include provision for information and guidance to candidates on an individual basis.
Information and g... Available validation arrangements generally include provision for information and guidance to candidates on an individual basis.
Information and guidance is usually provided on the relevant validation procedures and less on the benefits of, and opportunities for validation |
Guidance is provided by different agencies (Ministry of Education, education and training institutions, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg Lifelo... Guidance is provided by different agencies (Ministry of Education, education and training institutions, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg Lifelong Learning Centre).
- Different types of guidance are provided:
- General guidance (provided by all stakeholders having a basic knowledge of VAE and the qualification system)
- Support to candidates during the elaboration of their application
- Advice concerning the possibility of applying for partial validation |
Individual information and guidance is provided (as stipulated by legislative acts) by the educational institutions conducting the validation proce... Individual information and guidance is provided (as stipulated by legislative acts) by the educational institutions conducting the validation process. The public educational institutions thus allocate public funding for supporting this function. However there is no stand-alone and targeted public funding foreseen for the implementation of this function. In the HE sector the degree of public funding that could be earmarked for ensuring this function depends thus on the degree of availability of public funding (private HEIs). There are several public institutions (e.g. State Employment Agency) that are involved in providing information, advice and guidance, but basically they do so as part of their everyday activities and responsibilities |
Whilst the national system of validation is being developed, the childcare sector already has a system of validation up and running. As part of thi... Whilst the national system of validation is being developed, the childcare sector already has a system of validation up and running. As part of this, the Employment Training Centre (ETC) has main responsibility for providing information and guidance to candidates throughout the process |
EVC-providers generally have the obligation to offer good information and advice on why, how and when to enter a validation-procedure. This obligat... EVC-providers generally have the obligation to offer good information and advice on why, how and when to enter a validation-procedure. This obligation is stipulated in the code. |
Information and guidance is the first of the four stages of validation in Norway. For example, the guidelines on validation relating to upper secon... Information and guidance is the first of the four stages of validation in Norway. For example, the guidelines on validation relating to upper secondary education state that: The guidance stage starts when the applicant contacts the county administration. Through guidance, it becomes clear whether the purpose of the validation is to be enrolled in upper secondary education, or undergo validation in order to prove competence (knowledge and skills) in individual subjects at upper secondary level |
No information |
no info
None of these situations is adjusted.
The financing of CQEP activity is global. Centres give information and guidance to individuals -which is a s... None of these situations is adjusted.
The financing of CQEP activity is global. Centres give information and guidance to individuals -which is a stage before the RVCC process - and these activities are supported by the funding of the centre |
No publicly financed
Information and guidance should be provided on the benefits of, and opportunities for validation, as well as on the relevant procedures.
This que... Information and guidance should be provided on the benefits of, and opportunities for validation, as well as on the relevant procedures.
This question excludes information campaigns about validation for the general public. The focus is on advice and guidance to individuals |
Information and guidance should be provided on the benefits of, and opportunities for validation, as well as on the relevant procedures. Advice an... Information and guidance should be provided on the benefits of, and opportunities for validation, as well as on the relevant procedures. Advice and guidance for candidates is available at: and The public authorities, such as public employment service and education institutions etc. with responsibility for validation provide advice and guidance for individual candidates |
No information |
No publicly financed
A network providing information, advice and guidance is just in process of development |
Information and guidance is provided on the benefits of, opportunities for validation and on the procedures before, during and after validation |
IAG is available at the level of the learning provider but is not necessarily specifically dedicated to validation / or is not specifically dedicat... IAG is available at the level of the learning provider but is not necessarily specifically dedicated to validation / or is not specifically dedicated IAG (e.g. in a HE institution, guidance on an APL application may be given by a member of academic staff rather than by an IAG member of staff). |
Information on RPL is provided on the SCQF website. Apart from this, responsibility for information, advice and guidance is devolved to the learnin... Information on RPL is provided on the SCQF website. Apart from this, responsibility for information, advice and guidance is devolved to the learning providers and provision therefore varies. |
As in England and Northern Ireland, IAG is available at the level of the learning provider but is not necessarily specifically dedicated to validat... As in England and Northern Ireland, IAG is available at the level of the learning provider but is not necessarily specifically dedicated to validation / or is not specifically dedicated IAG (e.g. in a HE institution, guidance on an APL application may be given by a member of academic staff rather than by an IAG member of staff)
Not applicable to QALL process of recognising non-formal learning in CQFW units. |
Année | Austria | Belgium-DE | Belgium-FR | Bulgaria | Switzerland | Cyprus | Czechia | Germany | Denmark | Estonia | Greece | Spain | Finland | France | Croatia | Hungary | Ireland | Iceland | Italy | Liechtenstein | Lithuania | Luxembourg | Latvia | Malta | Netherlands | Norway | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Sweden | Slovenia | Slovakia | Türkiye | United Kingdom / England and Northern Ireland | United Kingdom / Scotland | United Kingdom / Wales |
2010 |
Central governmentOther government organisationsEducational InstitutionsEmployment servicesEmployersTrade UnionsYouth stakeholdersVolunteering stakeholdersNational Youth CouncilOther stakeholdersVPLno info
Ministries and the social partner organisations are the main actors in raising awareness on validation but the other actors listed also have an act... Ministries and the social partner organisations are the main actors in raising awareness on validation but the other actors listed also have an active role |
Central governmentOther government organisationsEducational InstitutionsEmployment servicesEmployersTrade UnionsYouth stakeholdersVolunteering stakeholdersNational Youth CouncilOther stakeholdersVPLno info
All actors are involved and an expertise network for EVC providers (around 200) was launched in 2009 which includes an official EVC website (see: w... All actors are involved and an expertise network for EVC providers (around 200) was launched in 2009 which includes an official EVC website (see: and which is directed by a ‘promotoren’ (supervisors) team supported by AKOV |
Central governmentOther government organisationsEducational InstitutionsEmployment servicesEmployersTrade UnionsYouth stakeholdersVolunteering stakeholdersNational Youth CouncilOther stakeholdersVPLno info
No information |
Central governmentOther government organisationsEducational InstitutionsEmployment servicesEmployersTrade UnionsYouth stakeholdersVolunteering stakeholdersNational Youth CouncilOther stakeholdersVPLno info
The educational institutions and particularly the Centres for Information and Professional Orientation (licensed by NAVET) play a main role in supp... The educational institutions and particularly the Centres for Information and Professional Orientation (licensed by NAVET) play a main role in supporting school and university students in choosing a future career or direction for an initial or further qualification |
Central governmentOther government organisationsEducational InstitutionsEmployment servicesEmployersTrade UnionsYouth stakeholdersVolunteering stakeholdersNational Youth CouncilOther stakeholdersVPLno info
No raising awareness activities have been found |
Central governmentOther government organisationsEducational InstitutionsEmployment servicesEmployersTrade UnionsYouth stakeholdersVolunteering stakeholdersNational Youth CouncilOther stakeholdersVPLno info
Trade unions may have a role but it is less apparent
Youth stakeholders and volunteering stakeholders – this concerns in particular competence p... Trade unions may have a role but it is less apparent
Youth stakeholders and volunteering stakeholders – this concerns in particular competence profiles in non-formal education |
Central governmentOther government organisationsEducational InstitutionsEmployment servicesEmployersTrade UnionsYouth stakeholdersVolunteering stakeholdersNational Youth CouncilOther stakeholdersVPLno info
All mentioned stakeholders assume an active role |
Central governmentOther government organisationsEducational InstitutionsEmployment servicesEmployersTrade UnionsYouth stakeholdersVolunteering stakeholdersNational Youth CouncilOther stakeholdersVPLno info
No information |
Central governmentOther government organisationsEducational InstitutionsEmployment servicesEmployersTrade UnionsYouth stakeholdersVolunteering stakeholdersNational Youth CouncilOther stakeholdersVPLno info
The most active role was taken by Foundation Archimedes, which was the coordinator of the ESF programme Primus. The Ministry of Education and Resea... The most active role was taken by Foundation Archimedes, which was the coordinator of the ESF programme Primus. The Ministry of Education and Research have been leading the programmes TULE and KUTSE for HE and VET drop-outs to return to their studies, validating their non-formal and informal experience |
Central governmentOther government organisationsEducational InstitutionsEmployment servicesEmployersTrade UnionsYouth stakeholdersVolunteering stakeholdersNational Youth CouncilOther stakeholdersVPLno info
The General Secretariat for LLL, and OEEK provide guidance and support on validation of ICT and languages |
Central governmentOther government organisationsEducational InstitutionsEmployment servicesEmployersTrade UnionsYouth stakeholdersVolunteering stakeholdersNational Youth CouncilOther stakeholdersVPLno info
Education and employment administrations (at national and Autonomous Communities level), local governments, social partners, Chambers of Commerce, ... Education and employment administrations (at national and Autonomous Communities level), local governments, social partners, Chambers of Commerce, the evaluation centres (e.g. National Centres of Reference). |
Central governmentOther government organisationsEducational InstitutionsEmployment servicesEmployersTrade UnionsYouth stakeholdersVolunteering stakeholdersNational Youth CouncilOther stakeholdersVPLno info
No information |
Central governmentOther government organisationsEducational InstitutionsEmployment servicesEmployersTrade UnionsYouth stakeholdersVolunteering stakeholdersNational Youth CouncilOther stakeholdersVPLno info
This is a shared responsibility.
Other stakeholders involved are regional authorities and sectoral training funds financed by employers’ contribu... This is a shared responsibility.
Other stakeholders involved are regional authorities and sectoral training funds financed by employers’ contributions and in charge of offering continuous vocational training |
Central governmentOther government organisationsEducational InstitutionsEmployment servicesEmployersTrade UnionsYouth stakeholdersVolunteering stakeholdersNational Youth CouncilOther stakeholdersVPLno info
No information |
Central governmentOther government organisationsEducational InstitutionsEmployment servicesEmployersTrade UnionsYouth stakeholdersVolunteering stakeholdersNational Youth CouncilOther stakeholdersVPLno info
Awareness raising is part of the development project on validation. In addition there are LLL programme related organisations engaged in awareness ... Awareness raising is part of the development project on validation. In addition there are LLL programme related organisations engaged in awareness raising on validation as part of awareness raising on LLL (on their web site, work-shops and publications on the issue) |
Central governmentOther government organisationsEducational InstitutionsEmployment servicesEmployersTrade UnionsYouth stakeholdersVolunteering stakeholdersNational Youth CouncilOther stakeholdersVPLno info
Central governmentOther government organisationsEducational InstitutionsEmployment servicesEmployersTrade UnionsYouth stakeholdersVolunteering stakeholdersNational Youth CouncilOther stakeholdersVPLno info
The ETSC distributes information to stakeholders in validation projects being initiated. LLL centres provide information also to stakeholders and i... The ETSC distributes information to stakeholders in validation projects being initiated. LLL centres provide information also to stakeholders and individuals in the target group. Trade unions and employer organisations also take part in spreading information about the concept and its possibilities |
Central governmentOther government organisationsEducational InstitutionsEmployment servicesEmployersTrade UnionsYouth stakeholdersVolunteering stakeholdersNational Youth CouncilOther stakeholdersVPLno info
Regions and Trade Unions have been the most active promoters of the validation perspective |
Central governmentOther government organisationsEducational InstitutionsEmployment servicesEmployersTrade UnionsYouth stakeholdersVolunteering stakeholdersNational Youth CouncilOther stakeholdersVPLno info
Central government: Liechtenstein Office for Vocational Education and Vocational Counselling (ABB)/Education Ministry (Schulamt)
Volunteering stake... Central government: Liechtenstein Office for Vocational Education and Vocational Counselling (ABB)/Education Ministry (Schulamt)
Volunteering stakeholders: Foundation Adult Education Liechtenstein |
Central governmentOther government organisationsEducational InstitutionsEmployment servicesEmployersTrade UnionsYouth stakeholdersVolunteering stakeholdersNational Youth CouncilOther stakeholdersVPLno info
No information |
Central governmentOther government organisationsEducational InstitutionsEmployment servicesEmployersTrade UnionsYouth stakeholdersVolunteering stakeholdersNational Youth CouncilOther stakeholdersVPLno info
This is a joint responsibility of stakeholders. Other stakeholders involved are
- Luxembourg Lifelong Learning
- Centre/Chambre des salaries as we... This is a joint responsibility of stakeholders. Other stakeholders involved are
- Luxembourg Lifelong Learning
- Centre/Chambre des salaries as well as the Chamber of commerce |
Central governmentOther government organisationsEducational InstitutionsEmployment servicesEmployersTrade UnionsYouth stakeholdersVolunteering stakeholdersNational Youth CouncilOther stakeholdersVPLno info
For example Ministry of Education and Science, State Service of Education Quality (mainly VE), State Employment Agency, Academic Information Centre... For example Ministry of Education and Science, State Service of Education Quality (mainly VE), State Employment Agency, Academic Information Centre, all involved educational institutions |
Central governmentOther government organisationsEducational InstitutionsEmployment servicesEmployersTrade UnionsYouth stakeholdersVolunteering stakeholdersNational Youth CouncilOther stakeholdersVPLno info
The development of the validation system is led by the NCFHE, however all partners and stakeholders play (and in the future will play) an active ro... The development of the validation system is led by the NCFHE, however all partners and stakeholders play (and in the future will play) an active role in raising awareness of this. Currently, with the validation system established for the childcare sector, the main source of information and advice is from the ETC, as lead delivery partner for the validation activity (until the establishing of the relevant Sector Skills Units) |
Central governmentOther government organisationsEducational InstitutionsEmployment servicesEmployersTrade UnionsYouth stakeholdersVolunteering stakeholdersNational Youth CouncilOther stakeholdersVPLno info
No information |
Central governmentOther government organisationsEducational InstitutionsEmployment servicesEmployersTrade UnionsYouth stakeholdersVolunteering stakeholdersNational Youth CouncilOther stakeholdersVPLno info
Responsibility for information provision is held at directorate and county levels in upper secondary education and training, and at institutional l... Responsibility for information provision is held at directorate and county levels in upper secondary education and training, and at institutional level for HE. NAV is responsible for information and guidance in its labour market institutions. The Ministry of Education and Research and the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Organisation also provide information about validation on their websites. Many other stakeholders also provide web-based information, including the county authorities and higher education institutions |
Central governmentOther government organisationsEducational InstitutionsEmployment servicesEmployersTrade UnionsYouth stakeholdersVolunteering stakeholdersNational Youth CouncilOther stakeholdersVPLno info
At a project level, the validation process usually addresses a specific group of people with experience in certain areas (e.g. in baking, in gas in... At a project level, the validation process usually addresses a specific group of people with experience in certain areas (e.g. in baking, in gas installation, etc.) and the recruitment process is supported by promotion in the press, radio and television. Yet, direct contacts with potential ‘possessors’ of specific skills identified by the training institutions operating in the regions are considered as the most important means of raising awareness and recruitment. Hence, long-term functioning of a training company in a local or regional labour market is the most effective form of recruitment or promotion of validation |
Central governmentOther government organisationsEducational InstitutionsEmployment servicesEmployersTrade UnionsYouth stakeholdersVolunteering stakeholdersNational Youth CouncilOther stakeholdersVPLno info
In the framework of the New Opportunities Initiative, not only does the government have an active role in raising awareness but also other types of... In the framework of the New Opportunities Initiative, not only does the government have an active role in raising awareness but also other types of institutions are involved.
In HE only HEIs assume an active role |
Central governmentOther government organisationsEducational InstitutionsEmployment servicesEmployersTrade UnionsYouth stakeholdersVolunteering stakeholdersNational Youth CouncilOther stakeholdersVPLno info
There is still a lack of active promotion and dissemination of information regarding validation of non-formal and informal learning in Romania. The... There is still a lack of active promotion and dissemination of information regarding validation of non-formal and informal learning in Romania. The recruitment and promotion is generally carried out by validation centres themselves through various means (leaflets, brochures, etc.). CNFPA has also been involved in raising awareness about validation and its benefits through its website and published brochures |
Central governmentOther government organisationsEducational InstitutionsEmployment servicesEmployersTrade UnionsYouth stakeholdersVolunteering stakeholdersNational Youth CouncilOther stakeholdersVPLno info
The Swedish National Agency for Higher Education has the main role in raising awareness on validation |
Central governmentOther government organisationsEducational InstitutionsEmployment servicesEmployersTrade UnionsYouth stakeholdersVolunteering stakeholdersNational Youth CouncilOther stakeholdersVPLno info
No information |
Central governmentOther government organisationsEducational InstitutionsEmployment servicesEmployersTrade UnionsYouth stakeholdersVolunteering stakeholdersNational Youth CouncilOther stakeholdersVPLno info
Given the very early stages of development of this approach no large scale awareness raising or information campaigns have been carried out |
Central governmentOther government organisationsEducational InstitutionsEmployment servicesEmployersTrade UnionsYouth stakeholdersVolunteering stakeholdersNational Youth CouncilOther stakeholdersVPLno info
No information |
Central governmentOther government organisationsEducational InstitutionsEmployment servicesEmployersTrade UnionsYouth stakeholdersVolunteering stakeholdersNational Youth CouncilOther stakeholdersVPLno info
Guidance published by Ofqual / QAA; Learning and Skills Council gave information to providers on RARPA; specialist advice and guidance on RPL to in... Guidance published by Ofqual / QAA; Learning and Skills Council gave information to providers on RARPA; specialist advice and guidance on RPL to individuals mainly given by learning providers, other initiatives (e.g. third sector, private sector) are responsible for their own advice and guidance. Existing IAG providers may direct learners to NVQs. |
Central governmentOther government organisationsEducational InstitutionsEmployment servicesEmployersTrade UnionsYouth stakeholdersVolunteering stakeholdersNational Youth CouncilOther stakeholdersVPLno info
Guidance on RPL (most notably in the form of the SCQF handbook and an ‘RPL toolkit’) has been in place since 2005, which can be applied across ... Guidance on RPL (most notably in the form of the SCQF handbook and an ‘RPL toolkit’) has been in place since 2005, which can be applied across all education and training sectors, including higher education . See notes for indicator 14 |
2014 |
Central governmentOther government organisationsEducational InstitutionsEmployment servicesEmployersTrade UnionsYouth stakeholdersVolunteering stakeholdersNational Youth CouncilOther stakeholdersVPLno info
Ministries and the social partner organisations are the main actors in raising awareness on validation but the other actors listed also have an act... Ministries and the social partner organisations are the main actors in raising awareness on validation but the other actors listed also have an active role. |
Central governmentOther government organisationsEducational InstitutionsEmployment servicesEmployersTrade UnionsYouth stakeholdersVolunteering stakeholdersNational Youth CouncilOther stakeholdersVPLno info
All actors involved and an expertise network for EVC providers (around 200) was launched in 2009 which includes an official EVC website (see: www.v... All actors involved and an expertise network for EVC providers (around 200) was launched in 2009 which includes an official EVC website (see: and which is directed by a ‘promotoren’ (supervisors) team supported by AKOV |
Central governmentOther government organisationsEducational InstitutionsEmployment servicesEmployersTrade UnionsYouth stakeholdersVolunteering stakeholdersNational Youth CouncilOther stakeholdersVPLno info
No information |
Central governmentOther government organisationsEducational InstitutionsEmployment servicesEmployersTrade UnionsYouth stakeholdersVolunteering stakeholdersNational Youth CouncilOther stakeholdersVPLno info
At this stage of development, educational and training institutions, as well as youth information and counselling centres, assume the most active r... At this stage of development, educational and training institutions, as well as youth information and counselling centres, assume the most active role in raising awareness |
Central governmentOther government organisationsEducational InstitutionsEmployment servicesEmployersTrade UnionsYouth stakeholdersVolunteering stakeholdersNational Youth CouncilOther stakeholdersVPLno info
Every organisation is responsible for raising awareness, but in general, level of sensitisation and information is low |
Central governmentOther government organisationsEducational InstitutionsEmployment servicesEmployersTrade UnionsYouth stakeholdersVolunteering stakeholdersNational Youth CouncilOther stakeholdersVPLno info
HRDA promotes its System of Vocational Qualifications through advertisements in the media. Awareness-raising events for companies have also taken p... HRDA promotes its System of Vocational Qualifications through advertisements in the media. Awareness-raising events for companies have also taken place at local level, where CEOs and sectoral representatives are invited by the HRDA. The Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry participates in an annual education fair, run by the Ministry of Education, to raise awareness on the ICT certificate it offers to any individual, irrespectively of the learning path taken. The Chamber also promotes awareness through its members (companies) |
Central governmentOther government organisationsEducational InstitutionsEmployment servicesEmployersTrade UnionsYouth stakeholdersVolunteering stakeholdersNational Youth CouncilOther stakeholdersVPLno info
Trade unions may have a role but it is less apparent
Youth stakeholders and volunteering stakeholders – this concerns in particular competence p... Trade unions may have a role but it is less apparent
Youth stakeholders and volunteering stakeholders – this concerns in particular competence profiles in non-formal education |
Central governmentOther government organisationsEducational InstitutionsEmployment servicesEmployersTrade UnionsYouth stakeholdersVolunteering stakeholdersNational Youth CouncilOther stakeholdersVPLno info
All mentioned stakeholders assume an active role |
Central governmentOther government organisationsEducational InstitutionsEmployment servicesEmployersTrade UnionsYouth stakeholdersVolunteering stakeholdersNational Youth CouncilOther stakeholdersVPLno info
No information |
Central governmentOther government organisationsEducational InstitutionsEmployment servicesEmployersTrade UnionsYouth stakeholdersVolunteering stakeholdersNational Youth CouncilOther stakeholdersVPLno info
The most active role was taken by Foundation Archimedes, which was the coordinator of the ESF programme Primus. As the programme is ending this yea... The most active role was taken by Foundation Archimedes, which was the coordinator of the ESF programme Primus. As the programme is ending this year the responsibility for raising awareness goes to institutions themselves. Importantly, the Estonian RPL Association sees awareness building as one of their main goals.
Foundation INNOVE is responsible for raising awareness and leading a RPL – specialists network RPL at VET institutions. Ministry of Education and Research have been leading programmes TULE and KUTSE for HE and VET drop-outs to return to the studies, validating their non-formal and informal experience |
Central governmentOther government organisationsEducational InstitutionsEmployment servicesEmployersTrade UnionsYouth stakeholdersVolunteering stakeholdersNational Youth CouncilOther stakeholdersVPLno info
No relevant activities found |
Central governmentOther government organisationsEducational InstitutionsEmployment servicesEmployersTrade UnionsYouth stakeholdersVolunteering stakeholdersNational Youth CouncilOther stakeholdersVPLno info
Education and employment administrations (at national and Autonomous Community level), local governments, social partners, Chambers of Commerce, th... Education and employment administrations (at national and Autonomous Community level), local governments, social partners, Chambers of Commerce, the evaluation centres.
In 2011, there were governmental campaigns at national level to raise awareness on the assessment and accreditation of professional competences acquired through work experience. At regional level, once the calls are set up there are usually campaigns too |
Central governmentOther government organisationsEducational InstitutionsEmployment servicesEmployersTrade UnionsYouth stakeholdersVolunteering stakeholdersNational Youth CouncilOther stakeholdersVPLno info
All have their own roles and are active to the extent they find necessary. Main principles are in national legislation |
Central governmentOther government organisationsEducational InstitutionsEmployment servicesEmployersTrade UnionsYouth stakeholdersVolunteering stakeholdersNational Youth CouncilOther stakeholdersVPLno info
This is a shared responsibility. All the actors listed play an active role in raising awareness.
Other stakeholders involved are regional authoriti... This is a shared responsibility. All the actors listed play an active role in raising awareness.
Other stakeholders involved are regional authorities and sectoral training funds financed by employers’ contributions and in charge of offering continuous vocational training |
Central governmentOther government organisationsEducational InstitutionsEmployment servicesEmployersTrade UnionsYouth stakeholdersVolunteering stakeholdersNational Youth CouncilOther stakeholdersVPLno info
Includes EQF NCP |
Central governmentOther government organisationsEducational InstitutionsEmployment servicesEmployersTrade UnionsYouth stakeholdersVolunteering stakeholdersNational Youth CouncilOther stakeholdersVPLno info
The awareness raising is part of the development project on validation. Besides there are LLL programme related organisations engaged in awareness ... The awareness raising is part of the development project on validation. Besides there are LLL programme related organisations engaged in awareness raising on validation as part of awareness raising on LLL (information on their web site, work-shops and publications on the issue) |
Central governmentOther government organisationsEducational InstitutionsEmployment servicesEmployersTrade UnionsYouth stakeholdersVolunteering stakeholdersNational Youth CouncilOther stakeholdersVPLno info
Generally speaking advice and guidance on RPL to individuals is mainly given by learning providers. Other initiatives (e.g. third sector, private s... Generally speaking advice and guidance on RPL to individuals is mainly given by learning providers. Other initiatives (e.g. third sector, private sector) are responsible for their own advice and guidance. QQI, government departments, SOLAS (Department of Social Protection and Department of Education and Skills), funding authorities, HEA, SOLAS, and providers in higher and further education and training and within ETBs will potentially have a role to play in raising awareness on validation |
Central governmentOther government organisationsEducational InstitutionsEmployment servicesEmployersTrade UnionsYouth stakeholdersVolunteering stakeholdersNational Youth CouncilOther stakeholdersVPLno info
The ETSC distributes information to stakeholders in validation projects being initiated. LLL centres provide information also to stakeholders and i... The ETSC distributes information to stakeholders in validation projects being initiated. LLL centres provide information also to stakeholders and individuals in the target group. Trade Unions and Employer organisations also take part in disseminating information about the concept and its possibilities |
Central governmentOther government organisationsEducational InstitutionsEmployment servicesEmployersTrade UnionsYouth stakeholdersVolunteering stakeholdersNational Youth CouncilOther stakeholdersVPLno info
No information |
Central governmentOther government organisationsEducational InstitutionsEmployment servicesEmployersTrade UnionsYouth stakeholdersVolunteering stakeholdersNational Youth CouncilOther stakeholdersVPLno info
Central government: Liechtenstein Office for Vocational Education and Vocational Counselling (ABB)/Education Ministry (Schulamt)
Volunteering stake... Central government: Liechtenstein Office for Vocational Education and Vocational Counselling (ABB)/Education Ministry (Schulamt)
Volunteering stakeholders: Foundation Adult Education Liechtenstein |
Central governmentOther government organisationsEducational InstitutionsEmployment servicesEmployersTrade UnionsYouth stakeholdersVolunteering stakeholdersNational Youth CouncilOther stakeholdersVPLno info
It is the author’s view that this is the weakest aspect of the validation initiatives that are available in Lithuania. In general the responsibil... It is the author’s view that this is the weakest aspect of the validation initiatives that are available in Lithuania. In general the responsibility for raising awareness on validation is assigned to the institutions that offer such possibilities, but it does not really work in practice |
Central governmentOther government organisationsEducational InstitutionsEmployment servicesEmployersTrade UnionsYouth stakeholdersVolunteering stakeholdersNational Youth CouncilOther stakeholdersVPLno info
This is a joint responsibility of stakeholders. Other stakeholders involved are Luxembourg Lifelong Learning Centre/Chambre des salaries as well as... This is a joint responsibility of stakeholders. Other stakeholders involved are Luxembourg Lifelong Learning Centre/Chambre des salaries as well as the Chamber of commerce |
Central governmentOther government organisationsEducational InstitutionsEmployment servicesEmployersTrade UnionsYouth stakeholdersVolunteering stakeholdersNational Youth CouncilOther stakeholdersVPLno info
Central governmentOther government organisationsEducational InstitutionsEmployment servicesEmployersTrade UnionsYouth stakeholdersVolunteering stakeholdersNational Youth CouncilOther stakeholdersVPLno info
The development of the validation system is led by the NCFHE, however all partners and stakeholders play (and in the future will play) an active ro... The development of the validation system is led by the NCFHE, however all partners and stakeholders play (and in the future will play) an active role in raising awareness of this. Currently, within the validation system established for the childcare sector, the main source of information and advice is from the ETC, as lead delivery partner for the validation activity (until the establishing of the relevant Sector Skills Units) |
Central governmentOther government organisationsEducational InstitutionsEmployment servicesEmployersTrade UnionsYouth stakeholdersVolunteering stakeholdersNational Youth CouncilOther stakeholdersVPLno info
EVC-providers generally have the obligation to offer good information and advice on why, how and when to enter a validation-procedure. This obligat... EVC-providers generally have the obligation to offer good information and advice on why, how and when to enter a validation-procedure. This obligation is stipulated in the code. |
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Various stakeholders have responsibility for promoting the opportunities, rights and benefits of validation at both local and national level. Vox, ... Various stakeholders have responsibility for promoting the opportunities, rights and benefits of validation at both local and national level. Vox, the Norwegian Agency for Lifelong Learning, and the Directorate for Education and Training are active in this, along with the Ministry of Education and Research and the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Organisation that provide information about validation on their websites.
For upper secondary education and training it is the responsibility of the county authorities to provide information on validation opportunities to the public.
In HE Institutions, the staff providing guidance to validation candidates varies – it may be staff in charge of admission or teachers.
As part of the follow-up of the 2005 White Paper Education Strategy, and to increase awareness, Vox received project funds from the Ministry of Education and Research to produce the validation guides mentioned above |
Central governmentOther government organisationsEducational InstitutionsEmployment servicesEmployersTrade UnionsYouth stakeholdersVolunteering stakeholdersNational Youth CouncilOther stakeholdersVPLno info
No information |
Central governmentOther government organisationsEducational InstitutionsEmployment servicesEmployersTrade UnionsYouth stakeholdersVolunteering stakeholdersNational Youth CouncilOther stakeholdersVPLno info
Since January 2014, central government and other public organisations are involved in the preparation of the new network centres.
In higher educa... Since January 2014, central government and other public organisations are involved in the preparation of the new network centres.
In higher education, only HEIs assume an active role. |
Central governmentOther government organisationsEducational InstitutionsEmployment servicesEmployersTrade UnionsYouth stakeholdersVolunteering stakeholdersNational Youth CouncilOther stakeholdersVPLno info
There is a lack of integrated approaches between the main institutions and networks responsible for counselling and guidance on one hand and the eq... There is a lack of integrated approaches between the main institutions and networks responsible for counselling and guidance on one hand and the equivalent agencies responsible for validation, on the other hand. The Ministry of Education is responsible for counselling services in schools and universities; the Ministry of Labour through its Employment Agencies is responsible for counselling unemployed people; and the validation centres are functioning under the National Authority for Qualification supervision. There is little coordination between those parallel services and very rarely are there opportunities for an individual to have access to integrated services, according to their specific needs |
Central governmentOther government organisationsEducational InstitutionsEmployment servicesEmployersTrade UnionsYouth stakeholdersVolunteering stakeholdersNational Youth CouncilOther stakeholdersVPLno info
The Swedish National Agency for Higher Vocational Education has the main role in raising awareness about validation. Other relevant stakeholders ar... The Swedish National Agency for Higher Vocational Education has the main role in raising awareness about validation. Other relevant stakeholders are also raising awareness on validation within their areas of responsibilities (Public Employment Service, the Swedish
National Agency for Education, the Swedish Council for Higher Education, the National
Council of Adult Education (third sector education covering liberal adult education including folk high schools, study circles, etc.). |
Central governmentOther government organisationsEducational InstitutionsEmployment servicesEmployersTrade UnionsYouth stakeholdersVolunteering stakeholdersNational Youth CouncilOther stakeholdersVPLno info
No information |
Central governmentOther government organisationsEducational InstitutionsEmployment servicesEmployersTrade UnionsYouth stakeholdersVolunteering stakeholdersNational Youth CouncilOther stakeholdersVPLno info
As explained above, this is currently ensured through project activities and is still in development |
Central governmentOther government organisationsEducational InstitutionsEmployment servicesEmployersTrade UnionsYouth stakeholdersVolunteering stakeholdersNational Youth CouncilOther stakeholdersVPLno info
No information |
Central governmentOther government organisationsEducational InstitutionsEmployment servicesEmployersTrade UnionsYouth stakeholdersVolunteering stakeholdersNational Youth CouncilOther stakeholdersVPLno info
No information |
Central governmentOther government organisationsEducational InstitutionsEmployment servicesEmployersTrade UnionsYouth stakeholdersVolunteering stakeholdersNational Youth CouncilOther stakeholdersVPLno info
Guidance on RPL (most notably in the form of the SCQF handbook and an ‘RPL toolkit’) can be applied across all education and training sectors, ... Guidance on RPL (most notably in the form of the SCQF handbook and an ‘RPL toolkit’) can be applied across all education and training sectors, including higher education .
See above. |
Central governmentOther government organisationsEducational InstitutionsEmployment servicesEmployersTrade UnionsYouth stakeholdersVolunteering stakeholdersNational Youth CouncilOther stakeholdersVPLno info
No information |
The Recommendation emphasises the importance of coordination of and appropriate information on validation. The Member States are invited to ‘promote the involvement in the development and implementation of the elements and principles […] of all relevant stakeholders, such as employers, trade unions, chambers of industry, commerce and skilled crafts, national entities involved in the process of recognition of professional qualifications, employment services, youth organisations, youth workers, education and training providers, and civil society organisations’. The Member States are further called to ‘promote coordination on validation arrangements between stakeholders in the education, training, employment and youth sectors, as well as between those in other relevant policy areas’ (Council of EU, 2012, p. 4, points 4 and 5).
Année | Austria | Belgium-DE | Belgium-FR | Bulgaria | Switzerland | Cyprus | Czechia | Germany | Denmark | Estonia | Greece | Spain | Finland | France | Croatia | Hungary | Ireland | Iceland | Italy | Liechtenstein | Lithuania | Luxembourg | Latvia | Malta | Netherlands | Norway | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Sweden | Slovenia | Slovakia | Türkiye | United Kingdom / England and Northern Ireland | United Kingdom / Scotland | United Kingdom / Wales |
2010 |
No priority
The majority of the validation initiatives and arrangements are linked to the adult education sector. However, relevant arrangements can also be id... The majority of the validation initiatives and arrangements are linked to the adult education sector. However, relevant arrangements can also be identified in VET, higher education or in other sectors. The numbers of beneficiaries are not systematically collected |
Legislation has been developed for the labour market and education and training sectors |
Education and training
Validation is mainly focused on vocational skills and targets job seekers. At the end of 2008 115 VDC certificates related to 37 occupations had be... Validation is mainly focused on vocational skills and targets job seekers. At the end of 2008 115 VDC certificates related to 37 occupations had been created.
However VAE in HE is also publicly funded and is framed by national legislation. However the system is highly decentralised (HE institutional autonomy) |
No priority
The majority of the validation arrangements relate to the VET sector |
No priority
Validation is not officially in place in any education level.
However, in adult education and most specifically in continuous VET, recognition of ... Validation is not officially in place in any education level.
However, in adult education and most specifically in continuous VET, recognition of prior learning will take place through the System of Vocational Qualifications that HRDA is developing |
Education and training
Further education (focusing on adults) |
No priority
Due to a lack of a single national arrangement |
No priority
The approach to validation is to make non-formal and informal learning visible and in that perspective there is no priority between sectors |
Education and training
Higher education has been given priority and developments have been very rapid due to ESF-funded programme Primus |
Education and training
Validation of non-formal and informal learning mainly regards non-formal learning acquired through CVET/adult learning.
Also, language and ICT com... Validation of non-formal and informal learning mainly regards non-formal learning acquired through CVET/adult learning.
Also, language and ICT competences are also given priority; the same holds for Greek language competence of immigrants |
Education and training
Validation is exclusively a public process. It always includes assessment and certification. In the case of partial exemptions documentation is als... Validation is exclusively a public process. It always includes assessment and certification. In the case of partial exemptions documentation is also used.
In relation to the assessment and accreditation procedures of professional competences acquired through work experience it is not clear, but it seems that all four stages will be used in the validation process in public sector initiatives.
At the same time, the private sector is involved in small-scale initiatives and they seem strong in identification |
Labour market
There are no national arrangements for validation in other sectors than education and training. CBQ (VET) are given priority. HEIs are autonomous, ... There are no national arrangements for validation in other sectors than education and training. CBQ (VET) are given priority. HEIs are autonomous, i.e. they decide on their policies by themselves |
No priority
Validation is theoretically possible for all types of qualifications listed in the national directory of qualifications (RNCP) – expect for quali... Validation is theoretically possible for all types of qualifications listed in the national directory of qualifications (RNCP) – expect for qualifications related to regulated professions |
no info
No information |
Education and training
The recognition of the prior work experiences of students (based on HE Act 2005 regulations) is in practice working in close connection with the cr... The recognition of the prior work experiences of students (based on HE Act 2005 regulations) is in practice working in close connection with the credit-transfer scheme. It is common practice for evening and correspondence programmes in some fields of education.
The prior learning assessment in the adult training sector is a scheme to support the customisation of training provision but the practice is not really widespread. This is because the need for customisation is contradictory to the group-based organisation of the training provision |
No priority
No specific priority but early signs that validation has an important role to play (through labour market activation programmes and through educati... No specific priority but early signs that validation has an important role to play (through labour market activation programmes and through education) in up-skilling and re-skilling the labour force |
Education and training
The target group is adults who have not completed education at upper secondary school level |
No priority
No national arrangements
Even though the labour market (any sector) stakeholders and actors are mainly involved in the process and even though they... No national arrangements
Even though the labour market (any sector) stakeholders and actors are mainly involved in the process and even though they cover an important role in the national arrangements for validation |
no info
No information |
no info
No information |
no info
No information |
Education and training
The vocational sector was given priority due to the economic crisis and the resulting need for measures to promote employability of individuals and... The vocational sector was given priority due to the economic crisis and the resulting need for measures to promote employability of individuals and their integration into the labour market |
No priority
Once established, the national system for validation will cover all sectors within the education system. Currently, a system for validation is alre... Once established, the national system for validation will cover all sectors within the education system. Currently, a system for validation is already operating in one vocational area, namely the childcare sector |
Yes, education sector: VET and HE.
Yes, volunteering sector (scouting). |
Education and training
Adults without completed upper secondary education (which includes VET) have a statutory right to upper secondary education, tailored to their need... Adults without completed upper secondary education (which includes VET) have a statutory right to upper secondary education, tailored to their needs and based on an assessment of their informal and non-formal learning, so this sector could be considered a priority |
no info
No information |
No priority
The formal education and training sector is strongly involved in validation, in the non-higher education area. New Opportunities (NO) network centr... The formal education and training sector is strongly involved in validation, in the non-higher education area. New Opportunities (NO) network centres integrate national organisations of education and training providers belonging to the public, cooperative and private sectors, such as vocational training centres (87), basic and secondary schools (196), professional schools (42), training enterprises (15), private
education institutions (6), schools under other Ministries than the Ministry of Education (8) and Higher Education Institutions (7). In addition to hosting NO Centres, the formal education sector is also involved at structural level and staff from the sector help to deliver validation (e.g. administrators, teachers and trainers).
No specific priority is given to HE. |
Labour market
The validation of non-formal and informal learning is based only on professional competences acquired through CVET organised in formal, informal an... The validation of non-formal and informal learning is based only on professional competences acquired through CVET organised in formal, informal and non-formal contexts. The results of validation of non-formal and informal learning are not currently recognised in the formal education system (i.e., certified competences through validation of non-formal and informal learning cannot facilitate entry or mobility in the formal education system). |
Education and training
The formal education and training sector is a key provider of validation in Sweden.
Formal educational institutions such as universities and adult ... The formal education and training sector is a key provider of validation in Sweden.
Formal educational institutions such as universities and adult education providers also have an important role in adapting validation to their needs and contexts and implementing validation accordingly. The choices of providers of validation in Sweden typically reflect the specific context of validation. In 2009 and 2010 many providers of industry-specific validations have been chosen by the Swedish National Agency for Higher Vocational Education and the Public Employment Service, either through a procurement process, or through approval by different business sector organisations |
Education and training
Education and training
In theory, the law applies to vocational education and training, and higher education but the implementation focuses primarily on further vocationa... In theory, the law applies to vocational education and training, and higher education but the implementation focuses primarily on further vocational education and training |
Education and training
No priority
QCF due to be fully embedded in 2011. |
Labour market
Drive at national level for increased implementation of RPL appears to stem mainly from an economic – i.e. workforce development - perspective, s... Drive at national level for increased implementation of RPL appears to stem mainly from an economic – i.e. workforce development - perspective, since it is expected to bring benefits to both the individual and the economy overall |
2014 |
No priority
No specific priority.
The majority of the validation initiatives and arrangements are linked to the adult education sector (second-chance education... No specific priority.
The majority of the validation initiatives and arrangements are linked to the adult education sector (second-chance education). However, relevant arrangements can also be identified in or linked to VET, higher education or in other sectors. The numbers of beneficiaries are not systematically collected. |
Legislation has been developed for the labour market and education and training sectors |
Education and training
The public authorities have developed a highly standardised and centralised VNFIL system in continuous VET.
For legal and institutional reasons V... The public authorities have developed a highly standardised and centralised VNFIL system in continuous VET.
For legal and institutional reasons VNFIL in HE is highly decentralised, it does not mean that it is not a priority |
No priority
No specific priority.
Originally, in Bulgaria, the majority of validation arrangements have been implemented in relation to the VET sector. It is n... No specific priority.
Originally, in Bulgaria, the majority of validation arrangements have been implemented in relation to the VET sector. It is not that this sector has been given a priority, but there are some structural conditions (such as legal regulations), which facilitate the implementation of validation arrangements in VET more than in any other sector. There are examples of validation arrangements also in higher education, in particular, in the fields of Art and Engineering.
A legislative initiative is expected to support employment with the opportunity to validate skills and qualifications, as a means also to help employers and the private sector develop their human resource policies |
Education and training
As mentioned above the VET sector has been given priority |
Labour market
The System of Vocational Qualifications by HRDA is the more advanced approach to validation that is available in the country. Through the System, v... The System of Vocational Qualifications by HRDA is the more advanced approach to validation that is available in the country. Through the System, vocational profiles were drawn by technical committees and expert authors, for various seniority levels within a profile. Each level is a vocational qualification. Any individual can apply to go through the process where his/her knowledge-skills-competences will be assessed and if successful, one can get the vocational qualification that is highly respected by the labour market |
Education and training
Further education (CVET) (focusing on adults - especially on retraining) |
No priority
No specific priority at the moment.
This is due to a lack of a single national arrangement. Priority for certain sectors is under discussion |
No priority
No. The approach to validation is to make non-formal and informal learning visible and in that perspective there is no priority between sectors |
Education and training
Higher education has been given priority and developments have been very rapid due to ESF funded programme Primus that is coming to end in 2013.
V... Higher education has been given priority and developments have been very rapid due to ESF funded programme Primus that is coming to end in 2013.
VET sector has been developing rapidly with in the past few years as well as NQF |
Education and training
EOPPEP certifies learning from the Institutes of Vocational Training (IEKs) that are included in IVET and are non-formal learning providers. Accord... EOPPEP certifies learning from the Institutes of Vocational Training (IEKs) that are included in IVET and are non-formal learning providers. According to a law of September 2013, (law 4186/2013) non-formal learning is also provided by Vocational Training Schools, Lifelong learning centres and Colleges. Graduates from these providers, except Colleges, will be eligible to sit examinations run by EOPPEP and get certification |
Education and training
Among the education sectors, it is in VET where validation is more rooted. With respect to labour market sectors, there is not any given priority, ... Among the education sectors, it is in VET where validation is more rooted. With respect to labour market sectors, there is not any given priority, but there is a higher tendency to participate in the validation process in those productive sectors which are being regulated and for which a qualification will be needed in order to get a job |
Education and training
There are no national arrangements for validation in other sectors than education and training. CBQs and IVET are given priority. HEIs are autonomo... There are no national arrangements for validation in other sectors than education and training. CBQs and IVET are given priority. HEIs are autonomous, i.e. they decide on their policies by themselves |
No priority
Validation is theoretically possible for all types of qualifications listed in the national directory of qualifications (RNCP) – except for quali... Validation is theoretically possible for all types of qualifications listed in the national directory of qualifications (RNCP) – except for qualifications related to regulated professions |
no info
No information |
Education and training
The first development project was launched in higher education (but it was not an explicit policy priority) |
No priority
No specific priority but definite signs that validation has an important role to play (through labour market activation programmes and through educ... No specific priority but definite signs that validation has an important role to play (through labour market activation programmes and through education) in up-skilling and re-skilling the labour force and through regulatory requirements e.g. in Early Childhood Care and Education. |
Education and training
The target group are adults who have not completed education at upper secondary school level |
No priority
No specific priority.
Even though there are not formalised specific priorities, the labour market (any sector) stakeholders and actors are mainly i... No specific priority.
Even though there are not formalised specific priorities, the labour market (any sector) stakeholders and actors are mainly involved in the process and will cover an important role in the national arrangements for validation |
no info
No information |
Education and training
”Given priority” would not be an accurate description. It is simply that in these sectors some laws have already been introduced in terms of va... ”Given priority” would not be an accurate description. It is simply that in these sectors some laws have already been introduced in terms of validation of non-formal and informal learning.
Most comprehensive national arrangements for validation so far are in place in VET sector (although they all are very recent).
Then – in HE sector.
Some – regarding general education and adult education
Some –youth sector (i.e. the national project implemented by the Department of Youth Affairs under the Ministry of Social Security)
None – third sector
None – labour market sectors |
no info
No information |
Education and training
As already mentioned in the 2010 update the vocational sector was given priority by government due to the economic crisis which resulted in the nee... As already mentioned in the 2010 update the vocational sector was given priority by government due to the economic crisis which resulted in the need for measures that promoted employability of individuals and their integration into the labour market |
No priority
Once established, the national system for validation will cover all sectors within the education system. Currently, a system for validation is alre... Once established, the national system for validation will cover all sectors within the education system. Currently, a system for validation is already operating in one vocational area, namely the childcare sector |
Yes, education sector, HE.
Yes, welfare sector, VET
Yes, third sector, VET |
Education and training
Adults without completed upper secondary education (which includes VET) have a statutory right to upper secondary education, tailored to their need... Adults without completed upper secondary education (which includes VET) have a statutory right to upper secondary education, tailored to their needs and based on an assessment of their informal and non-formal learning, so this sector could be considered a priority. in addition to primary education |
Education and training
Current arrangement for validation apply mainly to the VET sector, especially school and craft systems. Universal arrangements are going to be intr... Current arrangement for validation apply mainly to the VET sector, especially school and craft systems. Universal arrangements are going to be introduced together with the implementation of PQF |
Education and training
At the moment we do not have any further information on this subject |
Labour market
No information |
At the beginning much validation was project-funded through EU Lifelong Learning Programmes and the European Social Fund. Formal education and trai... At the beginning much validation was project-funded through EU Lifelong Learning Programmes and the European Social Fund. Formal education and training institutions, mainly adult education providers, are key providers of validation. A number of sectors and partners involved in the labour market have developed the so called sector models, e.g. construction model, CNC-model, retail trade etc. These models operate according to national sector standards outside of the educational system and are subcontracted by PES |
Education and training
Adult education, VET, tertiary education |
Education and training
In theory, the law applies to vocational education and training, and higher education but the implementation focuses primarily on further vocationa... In theory, the law applies to vocational education and training, and higher education but the implementation focuses primarily on further vocational education and training |
Education and training
No information |
Education and training
RPL is embedded in the Regulatory Arrangements for the QCF, which covers VET qualifications. The Quality Code for HE covers the HE sector. General ... RPL is embedded in the Regulatory Arrangements for the QCF, which covers VET qualifications. The Quality Code for HE covers the HE sector. General (primary, secondary) education and the third sector do not appear to be given priority. |
No priority
Since 2010 there has been notable activity in the HE sector (although this is not prioritised in the national arrangements). |
no info
No information |
Année | Austria | Belgium-DE | Belgium-FR | Bulgaria | Switzerland | Cyprus | Czechia | Germany | Denmark | Estonia | Greece | Spain | Finland | France | Croatia | Hungary | Ireland | Iceland | Italy | Liechtenstein | Lithuania | Luxembourg | Latvia | Malta | Netherlands | Norway | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Sweden | Slovenia | Slovakia | Türkiye | United Kingdom / England and Northern Ireland | United Kingdom / Scotland | United Kingdom / Wales |
2010 |
Author’s estimations |
Awareness still rather low overall |
Awareness is still low |
General public: still rather low but improving. |
No specific information available. The level of awareness could be considered low. |
In 2010 the practice was still very much in its early stages and little known |
Although there is an increasing awareness of validation e.g. in the context of demographic change, in general there is a strong formal system in Ge... Although there is an increasing awareness of validation e.g. in the context of demographic change, in general there is a strong formal system in Germany that leads to restricted attention. |
No information |
There have been several campaigns for validation. It is noted that HE students are most aware of validation, but public awareness of validation pos... There have been several campaigns for validation. It is noted that HE students are most aware of validation, but public awareness of validation possibilities in VET and professional awarding committees is rising. This is because information on validation has been targeted to the students in HE. Guidance practitioners in the education sector have a good overview of validation |
Validation of non-formal and informal learning is not broadly known to the public due to lack of relative practices and the high esteem of official... Validation of non-formal and informal learning is not broadly known to the public due to lack of relative practices and the high esteem of official qualifications in the local culture.
Validation is known to policy officers that have been working on the broader field of qualification/skills and NQF development, as well as the social partners that have been included in consulting committees on the development of the NQF and of occupational profiles |
No information available |
The CBQs are very popular in Finland and they have existed for such a long time and that even the general public is well aware of the possibility. ... The CBQs are very popular in Finland and they have existed for such a long time and that even the general public is well aware of the possibility. Guidance practitioners in education and in employment sectors are core stakeholders in the CBQ system.
HEIs have started to raise awareness among their guidance practitioners in a national validation project (University of Turku). |
no info
There is limited information available on the level of awareness among the general public.
Guidance practitioners can also be qualified to deliver ... There is limited information available on the level of awareness among the general public.
Guidance practitioners can also be qualified to deliver guidance to VAE candidates. |
Since the initiative for creating the national system for the validation of prior learning is in its early beginnings, most of the relevant informa... Since the initiative for creating the national system for the validation of prior learning is in its early beginnings, most of the relevant information is shared with the professional public and national stakeholders for the purpose of consultations. |
Insufficient evidence to assess this indicator. Awareness is based on author’s own experiences (even if the term is known there are many misinter... Insufficient evidence to assess this indicator. Awareness is based on author’s own experiences (even if the term is known there are many misinterpretations - in higher education it is typical that teachers mix-up credit transfer with validation). |
Guidance is published by NQAI, HETAC and FETAC. FAS (employment authority) also provide information in relation to RPL. Generally speaking advice a... Guidance is published by NQAI, HETAC and FETAC. FAS (employment authority) also provide information in relation to RPL. Generally speaking advice and guidance on RPL to individuals is mainly given by learning providers, other initiatives (e.g. third sector, private sector) are responsible for their own advice and guidance. |
Awareness amongst the general public is mostly within the certified trades.
The concept is not publicly disseminated since validation processes are... Awareness amongst the general public is mostly within the certified trades.
The concept is not publicly disseminated since validation processes are only open to a specific target group in several sectors. Guidance practitioners receive information about validation strategies in their education sector. Guidance practitioners in LLL centres are validation staff. |
The awareness is very high but in a quite restricted community of practitioners |
Guidance practitioners in the employment sector have little knowledge because the practitioners themselves are in Switzerland |
No information |
no info
No information available |
Due to the very recent activities in creating the legislative framework, the level of general public awareness on validation can be best described ... Due to the very recent activities in creating the legislative framework, the level of general public awareness on validation can be best described as “few”. At the same time both the guidance practitioners in the education sector and in the employment sector are better informed about the validation possibilities than the general public, which has no extensive exposure to changes in legislation and rely more on word of mouth and specifically tailored information campaigns. |
The NCFHE, as part of the process of development of a national system of validation, is charged with developing and delivering an awareness-raising... The NCFHE, as part of the process of development of a national system of validation, is charged with developing and delivering an awareness-raising campaign at a national level, including conferences, briefings, etc. This process is currently in its infancy, as the national system is still being developed.
The established nature of stakeholder networks in Malta mean that awareness amongst partners and stakeholder organisations about the developing validation system is already good. |
The provision of information has been identified as one of the challenges faced by the Norwegian system of validation. Although the provision of in... The provision of information has been identified as one of the challenges faced by the Norwegian system of validation. Although the provision of information is already in general good, it appears that it does not always reach out to the appropriate target audiences. There is anecdotal evidence that for those who are not familiar with the education system – both individuals and stakeholders from the labour market – it can be hard to find information about validation and to understand how the validation system works. Furthermore, the provision of information tends to depend on the financial situation of the county in question. |
no info
No information |
The majority of the general public, trainers, teachers and guidance practitioners are aware of validation practices in non-higher education. |
There are no coherent initiatives to inform the wide public about the validation opportunities |
The formal education sector and employment service working under the Government are aware of their responsibilities on validation |
Awareness is generally low. Specific groups within the general public (e.g. students with acquaintances involved in validation, unemployed who are ... Awareness is generally low. Specific groups within the general public (e.g. students with acquaintances involved in validation, unemployed who are instructed to try validation for improving employability) are more aware of the possibilities than others. The private sector is the weakest in this regard |
no info
As explained above, this procedure is only in a very early stage of implementation and therefore it is not possible to know the level of awareness |
Since the validation is new in Turkey, the general public does not know much about it.
- Guidance practitioners in the education and the employment... Since the validation is new in Turkey, the general public does not know much about it.
- Guidance practitioners in the education and the employment sectors have the most information on validation processes since they act as the source of information. |
Insufficient evidence to assess this indicator – which is based on author’s own assessment. A lack of awareness amongst learners in the HE sect... Insufficient evidence to assess this indicator – which is based on author’s own assessment. A lack of awareness amongst learners in the HE sector has been identified. |
no info
Not possible to assess on basis of 2010 update |
2014 |
Author’s estimations |
Awareness still rather low overall. |
General public: still rather low but improving.
Guidance practitioners: yes, most, mostly about VNFIL in CVET (less in HE) but need to better dire... General public: still rather low but improving.
Guidance practitioners: yes, most, mostly about VNFIL in CVET (less in HE) but need to better direct potential candidates toward appropriate organisation |
Generally speaking, in Bulgaria, society is not yet ready to accept fully and without reservation non-traditional qualifications acquired through v... Generally speaking, in Bulgaria, society is not yet ready to accept fully and without reservation non-traditional qualifications acquired through validation. There is also a reluctance to consider qualifications acquired through validation equal to formally acquired qualifications.
There is a perception that validation is a time-consuming process and that is difficult and complicated, requiring a lot of effort to be implemented successfully.[few]
The level of awareness amongst guidance practitioners in the education sector is higher than the level of awareness in relation to the general public. [most]
Very often representatives of the private sector consider validation as a sole responsibility of the state and do not see their own place and duties in this process. Therefore, the level of awareness among guidance practitioners in the employment sector is expected to be lower compared with that of guidance practitioners in the education sector. [some] |
The awareness of validation varies across regional contexts. In general, it is higher in the French speaking area and lower in the others. Guidance... The awareness of validation varies across regional contexts. In general, it is higher in the French speaking area and lower in the others. Guidance practitioners in the education sector are more aware than those in the employment sector |
There is no specific data regarding the level of awareness on validation of the general public and guidance practitioners. However one can estimate... There is no specific data regarding the level of awareness on validation of the general public and guidance practitioners. However one can estimate the level of awareness from the number of applications that have been submitted during 2013 (about 1 100 applications) one could conclude that at least some groups of people are well aware of the System of Vocational Qualifications . According to HRDA, most guidance practitioners seem to be aware of validation opportunities in Cyprus.
Although the HRDA System of Vocational Qualifications and the ICT certificates offered by private providers and the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry are well-known, the concept of validation and of non-formal and informal learning overall seems to be less known to the wider public. |
The number of people who undertook VNFIL increased significantly since 2010 |
Although there is rising awareness of validation e.g. in the context of demographic change, in general there is a strong formal system in Germany t... Although there is rising awareness of validation e.g. in the context of demographic change, in general there is a strong formal system in Germany that so far gas led to restricted attention to validation. |
For the guidance practitioners, awareness is increasing. |
There have been several campaigns for validation.
It is noted that HE students are most aware of validation, but the awareness is growing among VE... There have been several campaigns for validation.
It is noted that HE students are most aware of validation, but the awareness is growing among VET students and VET-practitioners. This is because information on validation has been targeted mostly to the students in HE. Guidance practitioners in the education sector have a good overview of validation
The private sector is lagging behind in terms of raising awareness |
no info
No official data. The certification opportunity that EOPPEP offers is known among IEK graduates. The latest law on secondary education allows gradu... No official data. The certification opportunity that EOPPEP offers is known among IEK graduates. The latest law on secondary education allows graduates from more non-formal learning providers to get certified; but since this was only introduced in September 2013, the level of awareness is probably still developing. According to EOPPEP data, the demand for certification of qualification of IVET graduates, of private security services personnel who do not hold a recognised professional title and of Adult Trainers of non-formal education is relatively high. Given that the Institutional Framework for IVET is in place since 1992, and that certification exams usually take place at least once a year, among 8,000 to 10,000 candidates apply in each examinations period. Indicatively, in the last examinations period of 2012-2013 9,468 candidates applied. Moreover, in the Adult Trainers for non formal education Register, since 2001, when it has been established, 8,312 trainers have been certified and other 16,042 await certification |
no info
No information available, but in economic crisis situations, individuals need to be able to have their competences accredited, to make them visi... No information available, but in economic crisis situations, individuals need to be able to have their competences accredited, to make them visible |
The CBQs are very popular in Finland and they have existed for such a long time that even the general public is well aware of the possibility. Guid... The CBQs are very popular in Finland and they have existed for such a long time that even the general public is well aware of the possibility. Guidance practitioners in education and in employment sectors are core stakeholders in the CBQ system.
In HEIs there is currently an extensive awareness raising process going on. |
no info
There is limited information available on the level of awareness among the general public, though public campaigns of information (newspapers artic... There is limited information available on the level of awareness among the general public, though public campaigns of information (newspapers articles, radio, TV programmes) have been carried out. Guidance and counselling practitioners are often qualified to support VAE candidates. |
Since the initiative for creating the national system for the validation of prior learning is a still being set up, most of the relevant informatio... Since the initiative for creating the national system for the validation of prior learning is a still being set up, most of the relevant information is shared with the professional public for the purpose of consultations and information dissemination. |
There is insufficient evidence to assess this indicator – awareness is based on author’s own experiences (even if the term is known there are m... There is insufficient evidence to assess this indicator – awareness is based on author’s own experiences (even if the term is known there are many misinterpretations – in higher education it is typical that teachers mix-up credit transfer with validation). |
There is little information to answer this question fully. Since the 2010 update, it would seem that the focus on Labour Market Activation (LMA) an... There is little information to answer this question fully. Since the 2010 update, it would seem that the focus on Labour Market Activation (LMA) and up-skilling the low skilled and unemployed has generated greater awareness of the role and benefits of RPL. In general awareness also appears to relate to individual provider context and in their development of an appropriate response for region according to strategic objectives and capacity. It is also affected by pending legislation, Professional Directives etc.
Public |
Awareness amongst the public is mostly within the certified trades.
The concept is not publicly disseminated since validation processes are only op... Awareness amongst the public is mostly within the certified trades.
The concept is not publicly disseminated since validation processes are only open to a specific target group in several sectors. Guidance practitioners receive information about validation strategies in their education. Guidance practitioners in LLL centres are validation staff. |
As there is not a strategy in place, there is not yet a wide national promotion of this opportunity.
At a regional level the practitioners are quit... As there is not a strategy in place, there is not yet a wide national promotion of this opportunity.
At a regional level the practitioners are quite well informed and aware |
Guidance practitioners in the employment sector have little knowledge because the practitioners themselves are in Switzerland |
The general public [none] – there is lack of lifelong learning culture in Lithuania and most of the population do not know what validation means.... The general public [none] – there is lack of lifelong learning culture in Lithuania and most of the population do not know what validation means.
- Guidance practitioners in the education sector [few or none] – they are not formally involved or mentioned as playing a certain role in validation initiatives in the national legal framework, so it can be assumed that most of them are not familiar with the validation of non-formal and informal learning as such.
- Guidance practitioners in the employment sector [none] - they are not formally involved or mentioned as playing a certain role in validation initiatives in the national legal framework, so it can be assumed that most of them are not familiar with the validation of non-formal and informal learning as such |
no info
Guidance practitioners and stakeholders are well informed about VAE opportunities. However, no evidence is available on the level of awareness on v... Guidance practitioners and stakeholders are well informed about VAE opportunities. However, no evidence is available on the level of awareness on validation amongst the general public |
Due to the recent creation of the legislative framework, the level of awareness on validation can be best described as “some”. At the same time... Due to the recent creation of the legislative framework, the level of awareness on validation can be best described as “some”. At the same time both the guidance practitioners in the education sector and in the employment sector are better informed about the validation possibilities than the general public. The latter has no extensive exposure to changes in legislation and relies more on viva voce (an oral examination) and specific tailored information campaigns. |
The NCFHE, as part of the process of development of a national system of validation, is charged with developing and delivering an awareness-raising... The NCFHE, as part of the process of development of a national system of validation, is charged with developing and delivering an awareness-raising campaign at a national level, including conferences, briefings, etc. This process is currently in its infancy, as the national system is still being developed.
The established nature of stakeholder networks in Malta mean that awareness amongst partners and stakeholder organisations about the developing validation system is already good. |
The public has knowledge of validation opportunities only if they stumble on it or if a guidance adviser, personnel officer, boss, trade union repr... The public has knowledge of validation opportunities only if they stumble on it or if a guidance adviser, personnel officer, boss, trade union representative, etc. points to it.
There is no (longer) a national information campaign. The amount of awareness raising depends on the sector and the context. Research pointed out that it is very important that HRD professionals with knowledge of validation play a very important role in awareness raising. The website of the Kenniscentrum EVC is visited by over 350.000 visitors per year. 49 of the 50 visitors are employees and general public |
No additional information on this aspect gathered for 2014 update. It is assumed that the assessment made in 2010 still stands:
The provision of i... No additional information on this aspect gathered for 2014 update. It is assumed that the assessment made in 2010 still stands:
The provision of information has been identified as one of the challenges faced by the Norwegian system of validation. Although the provision of information is already in general good, it appears that it does not always reach out to the appropriate target audiences. There is anecdotal evidence that for those who are not familiar with the education system – both individuals and stakeholders from the labour market – it can be hard to find information about validation and to understand how the validation system works. Furthermore, the provision of information tends to depend on the financial situation of the county in question. |
The information is easily accessible, though general public seems to have less interest in this area. |
no info
There is no information about this topic. (Insufficient evidence to assess this indicator) |
There are relatively limited initiatives to enhance the awareness of validation practices amongst the general public. Guidance practitioners could ... There are relatively limited initiatives to enhance the awareness of validation practices amongst the general public. Guidance practitioners could be better informed, but they are not working within a system of integrated methodologies that are designed to guide the direct beneficiaries towards validation. |
The formal education sector and employment service working within Government are aware of their responsibilities on validation. The general public ... The formal education sector and employment service working within Government are aware of their responsibilities on validation. The general public has access to information on validation, but concern is likely to be limited to those interested in lifelong learning. |
Individuals typically obtain information from friends, employment service, educational institutions and the internet.
Practitioners are well inform... Individuals typically obtain information from friends, employment service, educational institutions and the internet.
Practitioners are well informed through newsletters, seminars. Employment sector’s awareness depends on individual company’s inclination towards validation |
As explained above, this procedure is only in a very early stage of implementation and therefore it is not possible to know the level of awareness |
Since the validation is new in Turkey, the general public is not really aware of it.
- Guidance practitioners in the education and the employment s... Since the validation is new in Turkey, the general public is not really aware of it.
- Guidance practitioners in the education and the employment sectors have the most information on validation processes since they act as the source of information. |
Insufficient evidence to assess this indicator – judgements have been made on the basis of the author’s own assessment. |
Estimate based on author’s impressions |
no info
Insufficient evidence to assess. |
Année | Austria | Belgium-DE | Belgium-FR | Bulgaria | Switzerland | Cyprus | Czechia | Germany | Denmark | Estonia | Greece | Spain | Finland | France | Croatia | Hungary | Ireland | Iceland | Italy | Liechtenstein | Lithuania | Luxembourg | Latvia | Malta | Netherlands | Norway | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Sweden | Slovenia | Slovakia | Türkiye | United Kingdom / England and Northern Ireland | United Kingdom / Scotland | United Kingdom / Wales |
2010 |
No results for this year |
no info
no info
no info
no info
No results for this year |
2014 |
no info
no info
no info
no info
no info
Année | Austria | Belgium-DE | Belgium-FR | Bulgaria | Switzerland | Cyprus | Czechia | Germany | Denmark | Estonia | Greece | Spain | Finland | France | Croatia | Hungary | Ireland | Iceland | Italy | Liechtenstein | Lithuania | Luxembourg | Latvia | Malta | Netherlands | Norway | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Sweden | Slovenia | Slovakia | Türkiye | United Kingdom / England and Northern Ireland | United Kingdom / Scotland | United Kingdom / Wales |
2010 |
No results for this year |
no info
no info
no info
no info
No results for this year |
2014 |
no info
no info
no info
no info
no info
no info
Année | Austria | Belgium-DE | Belgium-FR | Bulgaria | Switzerland | Cyprus | Czechia | Germany | Denmark | Estonia | Greece | Spain | Finland | France | Croatia | Hungary | Ireland | Iceland | Italy | Liechtenstein | Lithuania | Luxembourg | Latvia | Malta | Netherlands | Norway | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Sweden | Slovenia | Slovakia | Türkiye | United Kingdom / England and Northern Ireland | United Kingdom / Scotland | United Kingdom / Wales |
2010 |
No single national organisation
There is no national institution responsible for validation across all sectors; respective procedures or measures involve different institutions an... There is no national institution responsible for validation across all sectors; respective procedures or measures involve different institutions and actors with different roles and responsibilities |
No single national organisation
Three policy areas, namely Work and Social Economy, Education and Training and Culture, Youth, Sport and Media are critical to non-formal and infor... Three policy areas, namely Work and Social Economy, Education and Training and Culture, Youth, Sport and Media are critical to non-formal and informal learning. Since June 2009 the Flemish Government has three different Ministers for these areas.
With respect to the certificate for vocational experience, a specific procedure was developed to deal with the different aspects of validation.
The decree of 30 April 2004 regarding the acquisition of a title of professional competence outlined an initial framework with regard to procedures and responsibilities. The Flemish government was given key decision-making responsibilities, with support from the SERV and the Education Council (VLOR) |
No single national organisation
VDC is handled by a Consortium consisting of the five most important public sector training providers: FOREM (The Walloon Employment and Vocational... VDC is handled by a Consortium consisting of the five most important public sector training providers: FOREM (The Walloon Employment and Vocational Training Service), Bruxelles Formation (Public Sector Training Agency), Enseignement de Promotion Sociale (Adult education provider), IFAPME (Training Agency for the Self Employed), and SFPME (training Service for Small and Medium-Sized enterprises). The consortium creates common standards for VDC and hands out Skills Certificates.
Higher education institutes are responsible for VAE. Advisory bodies are used for cooperation and dialogue between institutions, but there is no common procedure. In 2008 a VAE Platform was created to facilitate this work. The Ministry of the French Community (DG Non-Compulsory Education and Scientific research) plays a facilitating role between stakeholders and advisory bodies |
No single national organisation
There is no national institution responsible for validation across all sectors. Respective procedures involve different actors with different appro... There is no national institution responsible for validation across all sectors. Respective procedures involve different actors with different approaches and responsibilities |
No single national organisation
Since validation practices are not yet in place, let alone a formal strategy, there is no national authority/institution in charge. However, HRDA p... Since validation practices are not yet in place, let alone a formal strategy, there is no national authority/institution in charge. However, HRDA plays key role in continuous VET and develops the System for the Vocational Qualifications |
One national organisation
The ministry of education is in charge of the overall framework and methodology. Several ministries govern the practice concerning qualifications t... The ministry of education is in charge of the overall framework and methodology. Several ministries govern the practice concerning qualifications that are within their responsibilities |
No single national organisation
No information |
No single national organisation
Different bodies have a different possibility to contribute to this.
Ministry of Education
NVR, National Knowledge Centre for Validation of Prior L... Different bodies have a different possibility to contribute to this.
Ministry of Education
NVR, National Knowledge Centre for Validation of Prior Learning.
EVA, The Danish Evaluation Institute.
None of these has a formal responsibility for overseeing validation practices |
No single national organisation
There is no national organisation |
One national organisation
The National Organisation for the Certification of Qualifications (EOPP). EOPP bears the responsibility of validating non-formal and informal learn... The National Organisation for the Certification of Qualifications (EOPP). EOPP bears the responsibility of validating non-formal and informal learning |
No single national organisation
The central government, in cooperation with the Autonomous Communities, is responsible for overseeing validation at all levels of the education sys... The central government, in cooperation with the Autonomous Communities, is responsible for overseeing validation at all levels of the education system.
The National Institute of Education Assessment (INEE) along with the National Agency of Assessment, Quality and Accreditation (ANECA) for university education are responsible of the assessment of the education system in the Ministry of Education |
One national organisation
VET is overseen by the National Board of education. However, there is no specific agency or unit overseeing validation in general, since validation... VET is overseen by the National Board of education. However, there is no specific agency or unit overseeing validation in general, since validation is embedded in the formal education system. HEIs are autonomous, i.e. no national organisation |
No single national organisation
The general institutional framework for VAE is under the responsibility of the Ministry in charge of employment (overseeing lifelong learning), alt... The general institutional framework for VAE is under the responsibility of the Ministry in charge of employment (overseeing lifelong learning), although specific rules and practices for implementation are under the responsibility of each Ministry awarding qualifications.
Responsibility for implementation of VAE depends on the type of qualification targeted |
No single national organisation
No information |
No single national organisation
In the validation development project (launched in 2009) the experts recommended the establishment of a national validation knowledge centre |
No single national organisation
Though the Department of Education & Skills plays a central role in all matters pertaining to education at all levels, responsibility for validatio... Though the Department of Education & Skills plays a central role in all matters pertaining to education at all levels, responsibility for validation is devolved to the NQAI and through NQAI, HETAC (Higher Education and Training Awards Council) and FETAC (Further Education and Training Awards Council) |
One national organisation
Based on a service contract with the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, the ETSC has the role of developing a national strategy in coopera... Based on a service contract with the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, the ETSC has the role of developing a national strategy in cooperation with accredited LLL centres, upper secondary schools, and social partners. The ETSC makes contracts with awarded LLL centres for specific validation projects, gathers results and statistics, oversees quality, and provides training for validation staff |
No single national organisation
The answer refers to regional level systems |
No single national organisation
Validation in HE is done by: Schulamt Liechtenstein
Validation for formal VET is done by: Amt für Berufsbildung in coordination with Switzerland
T... Validation in HE is done by: Schulamt Liechtenstein
Validation for formal VET is done by: Amt für Berufsbildung in coordination with Switzerland
There is no validation organisation for non-formal and informal education yet |
No single national organisation
Only ad hoc initiatives were implemented in two universities |
No single national organisation
Secondary level: Ministry of national education
- Higher education: Ministry of higher education |
No single national organisation
The State Service of Education Quality supervises validation as one of the tasks executed by the educational institutions that have an influence on... The State Service of Education Quality supervises validation as one of the tasks executed by the educational institutions that have an influence on the quality of education at national level |
One national organisation
The NCFHE is leading on the development of a national validation system, and is also charged with related activity such as national awareness-raisi... The NCFHE is leading on the development of a national validation system, and is also charged with related activity such as national awareness-raising campaigns |
One national organisation
i.e. the covenant-partners behind the Quality-code for EVC (government, social partners, education-sectors and UWV)
The Kenniscentrum EVC supports ... i.e. the covenant-partners behind the Quality-code for EVC (government, social partners, education-sectors and UWV)
The Kenniscentrum EVC supports and gives information and training for APL providers. |
One national organisation
The Agency for Lifelong Learning (Vox) develops, analyses and disseminates knowledge about adult learning, including non-formal and in-formal learn... The Agency for Lifelong Learning (Vox) develops, analyses and disseminates knowledge about adult learning, including non-formal and in-formal learning |
No single national organisation
Responsibilities are divided between various ministries. The Ministry for National Education and the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy are respo... Responsibilities are divided between various ministries. The Ministry for National Education and the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy are responsible for the definition and renewal of qualification standards in vocational education and training. The Ministry of Education is also in charge of the quality and organisation of vocational education in general but the core curricula (podstawy programowe kształcenia w zawodzie) are prepared in consultation with the respective Ministries for the particular vocational field (e.g. the Ministry of Health is responsible for standards in medical professions).
As for adult continuing education, several levels of state administration are in charge, with the key responsible bodies at the central level including:
- The Minister for National Education, whose competences include formulation of overall policies concerning education;
- The Minister for Labour and Social Policy, who lays down conditions and procedures for attending training and other forms of vocational activation by the unemployed and job seekers;
- The Minister for Finance, who proposes the budget assumptions for a given budget year and tax allowances; and
- The Minister for Science and Higher Education, who is responsible for administration, preparation and implementation of the strategy and policies for the development of higher education. |
One national organisation
ANQ – validation in non-higher education
Ministry of Education and Science (Higher Education sector) — validation in HE |
One national organisation
The CNFPA has the overall responsibility for validation of non-formal and informal learning at the national level. More specifically, as stipulated... The CNFPA has the overall responsibility for validation of non-formal and informal learning at the national level. More specifically, as stipulated by Law 253/2003, the CNFPA is responsible for the authorisation of validation centres and for the certification of individual assessors of professional competences (CNFPA, 2005).CNFPA is also responsible for issuing formal certificates which record the achievements of an individual following the assessment procedure |
One national organisation
The Swedish National Agency for Higher Education under the Swedish Government |
No single national organisation
No information |
One national organisation
The ministry of education is the main initiator of the overall approach and the legislative framework.
Regional council for education has to approv... The ministry of education is the main initiator of the overall approach and the legislative framework.
Regional council for education has to approve the request of schools (not of higher education institutions) for accreditation to carry out NFIL before such accreditation is delivered
In the mid-term there is a willingness to create regional networks of accredited institutions for recognition of NFIL |
One national organisation
No single national organisation
Ofqual has responsibility for the QCF in England and NI . Awarding bodies are responsible for establishing opportunities for RPL. In relation to HE... Ofqual has responsibility for the QCF in England and NI . Awarding bodies are responsible for establishing opportunities for RPL. In relation to HE, the QAA has published guidelines relating to APL. NIACE provides training in relation to RARPA. |
No single national organisation
No information |
2014 |
No single national organisation
There is no national institution responsible for validation across all sectors; respective procedures or measures involve different institutions an... There is no national institution responsible for validation across all sectors; respective procedures or measures involve different institutions and actors with different roles and responsibilities.
There are now overall coordination arrangements or platforms for validation activities in place. Validation activities exist in many contexts, but lack coherence. Coordination has only started recently in the context of the NQF implementation and the implementation of the lifelong learning strategy (LLL: 2020). |
No single national organisation
AKOV will have the main role in validation once the integrated approach will be in place.
The Flemish government was given key decision-making res... AKOV will have the main role in validation once the integrated approach will be in place.
The Flemish government was given key decision-making responsibilities, with support from the SERV and the Education Council (VLOR).
The Department of Work in the Flemish government awards the certificate for vocational experience. This work is carried out through specific assessment centres.
On other educational levels, validation is carried out by educational institutions, associations of educational institutions or through specific projects and third sector services |
No single national organisation
No information |
No single national organisation
There is no national institution responsible for validation across all educational sectors and there is no uniform legal framework. Therefore, it i... There is no national institution responsible for validation across all educational sectors and there is no uniform legal framework. Therefore, it is not clear for each sector, exactly which institution(s) will administer and methodologically ensure the validation procedures. In relation to compulsory education, this may be the Ministry of Education, Youth and Science; in relation to VET – the National Agency for Vocational Education and Training. Regarding higher education – it is difficult to say, given the autonomy of the Bulgarian universities |
One national organisation
The State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation SERI. |
One national organisation
The HRDA is the responsible organisation for promoting lifelong learning; more specifically, vocational education and training (VET), outside the f... The HRDA is the responsible organisation for promoting lifelong learning; more specifically, vocational education and training (VET), outside the formal education system HRDA runs the System of Vocational Qualifications that allows individuals to obtain a vocational qualification, regardless of the learning pathways that the relevant knowledge, skills, and competences have been developed. HRDA is governed by a tripartite 13-member Board of Governors, including government, employer and trade union representatives |
One national organisation
The ministry of education is in charge of the overall framework and methodology. Several ministries govern the practice concerning qualifications t... The ministry of education is in charge of the overall framework and methodology. Several ministries govern the practice concerning qualifications that are within their responsibilities |
No single national organisation
The working group on validation of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research preparing possible national ways to validation mechanisms |
No single national organisation
Different bodies have a different possibility to contribute to this.
Ministry of Education, Ministry of Science, Innovation and Higher Education,
N... Different bodies have a different possibility to contribute to this.
Ministry of Education, Ministry of Science, Innovation and Higher Education,
NVR, National Knowledge Centre for Validation of Prior Learning.
EVA, The Danish Evaluation Institute.
None of these has a formal responsibility for overseeing validation practices |
No single national organisation
Discussions are being held in the Ministry of Education and Research about establishing such an institution. However, there is currently no nationa... Discussions are being held in the Ministry of Education and Research about establishing such an institution. However, there is currently no national organisation, but an NGO has been established – the Estonian RPL Association |
One national organisation
EOPPEP certifies graduates from non-formal learning providers (those specified by the latest law on Reforming Secondary Education-4186/2013). EOPPE... EOPPEP certifies graduates from non-formal learning providers (those specified by the latest law on Reforming Secondary Education-4186/2013). EOPPEP works towards the development of a National System for Certification of Outputs/Qualifications. The introduction of a system for the validation of non-formal and informal learning falls under this goal. A comprehensive national system for the validation of non-formal and informal learning is not yet included under this goal |
One national organisation
The central government, in cooperation with the Autonomous Communities, is responsible for overseeing validation at all levels of the education sys... The central government, in cooperation with the Autonomous Communities, is responsible for overseeing validation at all levels of the education system.
The National Institute of Education Assessment (INEE) along with the National Agency of Assessment, Quality and Accreditation (ANECA) for university education are responsible of the assessment of the education system in the Ministry of Education |
One national organisation
VET (CBQs and IVET) is overseen by the National Board of education. However, there is no specific agency or unit overseeing validation in general, ... VET (CBQs and IVET) is overseen by the National Board of education. However, there is no specific agency or unit overseeing validation in general, since validation is embedded in the formal education system. HEIs are autonomous, i.e. no national organisation |
No single national organisation
The general institutional framework for VAE is under the responsibility of the Ministry in charge of employment (overseeing lifelong learning), alt... The general institutional framework for VAE is under the responsibility of the Ministry in charge of employment (overseeing lifelong learning), although specific rules and practices for implementation are under the responsibility of each Ministry awarding qualifications.
Responsibility for implementation of VAE depends on the type of qualification targeted |
No single national organisation
Quality assurance agencies will monitor the implementation of programmes for validation (according to the CROQF Act). |
No single national organisation
No information |
No single national organisation
There are many different stakeholders with differing responsibilities. QQI has specific responsibility to devise policies under which providers of... There are many different stakeholders with differing responsibilities. QQI has specific responsibility to devise policies under which providers of education and training may provide RPL services in an agreed quality assurance framework |
One national organisation
Based on a service contract with the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, the ETSC has the role of developing a national strategy in coopera... Based on a service contract with the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, the ETSC has the role of developing a national strategy in cooperation with accredited LLL centres, upper secondary schools, and social partners. The ETSC makes contracts with awarded LLL centres for specific validation projects, gathers results and statistics, oversees quality, and provides training for validation staff |
No single national organisation
No information |
No single national organisation
Validation in HE is done by: Schulamt Liechtenstein
Validation for formal VET is done by: Amt für Berufsbildung in coordination with Switzerland.
... Validation in HE is done by: Schulamt Liechtenstein
Validation for formal VET is done by: Amt für Berufsbildung in coordination with Switzerland.
There is no validation organisation for non-formal and informal education yet |
No single national organisation
No single national organisation with specific responsibility for overseeing validation, e.g.:
- in the VET sector - the Ministry of Education and ... No single national organisation with specific responsibility for overseeing validation, e.g.:
- in the VET sector - the Ministry of Education and Science and the Qualifications and Vocational Education and Training Development Centre under the Ministry of Education and Science;
- in the HE sector – the Ministry of Education and Science and the Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education;
In the youth sector - Department of Youth Affairs under the Ministry of Social Security and Labour |
No single national organisation
Secondary level: Ministry of National Education
- Higher education: Ministry of Higher Education |
No single national organisation
The State Service of Education Quality supervises validation as one of the tasks executed by educational institutions. These tasks have an influenc... The State Service of Education Quality supervises validation as one of the tasks executed by educational institutions. These tasks have an influence on the quality of education at national level |
One national organisation
The NCFHE is leading on the development of a national validation system, and is also charged with related activity such as national awareness-raisi... The NCFHE is leading on the development of a national validation system, and is also charged with related activity such as national awareness-raising campaigns |
One national organisation
The Kenniscentrum EVC used to have an overall responsibility for encouraging the use of EVC. An important point is supporting the Quality Code, man... The Kenniscentrum EVC used to have an overall responsibility for encouraging the use of EVC. An important point is supporting the Quality Code, managed by the Covenant-partners. The Kenniscentrum EVC is also responsible for public relations and communication, training, research and further development. |
One national organisation
The Agency for Lifelong Learning (Vox) maintains an overview at national level of the Norwegian approach to validation of non-formal and informal l... The Agency for Lifelong Learning (Vox) maintains an overview at national level of the Norwegian approach to validation of non-formal and informal learning for adults, while the Directorate for Education and Training supervises validation in lower and upper secondary education. The Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (NOKUT) supervises education above upper secondary level |
No single national organisation
There are multiple institutions in charge of overseeing validation practices, depending on the system (education, craft, sectoral qualifications et... There are multiple institutions in charge of overseeing validation practices, depending on the system (education, craft, sectoral qualifications etc.) |
One national organisation
Validation in non-higher education practices —ANQEP
Validation in HE — Ministry of Education and Science (Higher Education sector) |
One national organisation
National Authority for Qualifications (NAQ) |
No single national organisation
One organisation has responsibility for coordinating and supporting the national structure of validation - the Swedish National Agency for Higher V... One organisation has responsibility for coordinating and supporting the national structure of validation - the Swedish National Agency for Higher Vocational Education under the Swedish Government |
No single national organisation
No information |
One national organisation
The ministry of education is the main initiator of the overall approach and the legislative framework.
In the mid-term there is a willingness to cr... The ministry of education is the main initiator of the overall approach and the legislative framework.
In the mid-term there is a willingness to create regional networks of accredited institutions for recognition of NFIL |
One national organisation
The VQA under the MoNE |
No single national organisation
Ofqual has responsibility for the QCF in England and NI. Awarding bodies are responsible for establishing opportunities for RPL. In relation to HE,... Ofqual has responsibility for the QCF in England and NI. Awarding bodies are responsible for establishing opportunities for RPL. In relation to HE, the QAA has published a Quality Code with reference to RPL. NIACE provides training / guidance in relation to RARPA. |
No single national organisation
No information |
No single national organisation
The Welsh Government leads on the implementation of the CQFW with partners including HEFCW and external social partners located in Government depar... The Welsh Government leads on the implementation of the CQFW with partners including HEFCW and external social partners located in Government departments, agencies, Awarding Organisations, higher education and training providers |
Année | Austria | Belgium-DE | Belgium-FR | Bulgaria | Switzerland | Cyprus | Czechia | Germany | Denmark | Estonia | Greece | Spain | Finland | France | Croatia | Hungary | Ireland | Iceland | Italy | Liechtenstein | Lithuania | Luxembourg | Latvia | Malta | Netherlands | Norway | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Sweden | Slovenia | Slovakia | Türkiye | United Kingdom / England and Northern Ireland | United Kingdom / Scotland | United Kingdom / Wales |
2010 |
Room for improvement
Allocation of responsibilities is quite clear but maybe less efficient since there is no overall coordination. For example, methods and approaches ... Allocation of responsibilities is quite clear but maybe less efficient since there is no overall coordination. For example, methods and approaches could be better shared across sectors. |
Efficient allocation of responsibilities
Three policy areas, namely Work and Social Economy, Education and Training and Culture, Youth, Sport and Media are critical to non-formal and infor... Three policy areas, namely Work and Social Economy, Education and Training and Culture, Youth, Sport and Media are critical to non-formal and informal learning. Since June 2009 the Flemish Government has three different Ministers for these areas.
With respect to the certificate for vocational experience, a specific procedure was developed to deal with the different aspects of validation.
The decree of 30 April 2004 regarding the acquisition of a title of professional competence outlined an initial framework with regard to procedures and responsibilities. The Flemish government was given key decision-making responsibilities, with support from the SERV and the Education Council (VLOR). |
Cannot be assessed
Responsibilities are clearly allocated within each sector, CVET and HE. Efficiency: no data.
Responsibilities of external partners (e.g. PES) in ... Responsibilities are clearly allocated within each sector, CVET and HE. Efficiency: no data.
Responsibilities of external partners (e.g. PES) in relation to VNFIL (e.g. guidance) less clear. |
Room for improvement
So far it is not clear which entity will administer / ensure methodologically the validation process. The amendments of the VET Act that are curren... So far it is not clear which entity will administer / ensure methodologically the validation process. The amendments of the VET Act that are currently being developed aim to organise the process of validation at all levels - national, regional, and provider level. The amendments are likely to specify the division of responsibilities between those institutions that have a role in the validation of non-formal and informal learning |
Cannot be assessed
It is difficult to answer this question, because of the lack of validation activity taking place in Cyprus. Education and labour market are governe... It is difficult to answer this question, because of the lack of validation activity taking place in Cyprus. Education and labour market are governed by different national institutions/authorities. Stakeholders from the labour market (employers, trade unions etc.), however, participate in HRDA’s Board. It could be argued that stakeholders are indirectly involved in validation. |
Efficient allocation of responsibilities
The legislation defines who is in charge of what. There appears to be no confusion over main roles |
Efficient allocation of responsibilities
There is a distinctive appreciation of the different roles of the social partners (employers, employees), Federal institutions and the Länder. |
Efficient allocation of responsibilities
There is a common understanding that it is the sector of education that has the right to make the assessment and certification. |
Room for improvement
Allocation is not clear as HE has been leading validation implementation and has not included many stakeholders in the process |
Room for improvement
Although EOPP has been recognised as the responsible organisation for validation of non-formal and informal learning, the validation is not yet imp... Although EOPP has been recognised as the responsible organisation for validation of non-formal and informal learning, the validation is not yet implemented. So ambiguity arises from the largely fragmented CVET, and the lack of a coherent legal framework that will also include the private sector and the third sector |
Efficient allocation of responsibilities
In a specific way, for the assessment and accreditation of professional competences through the Royal Decree 1224/2009,
The national government is ... In a specific way, for the assessment and accreditation of professional competences through the Royal Decree 1224/2009,
The national government is responsible for managing the national system of validation (Ministry of Education and Ministry of Employment). The national body responsible for overseeing validation in relation to VET is the National Institute of Qualifications (under the Ministry of Education).
AACC are responsible for setting up the calls for examination and requirements and carrying out the validation process. Local administrations, social agents, chambers of commerce and other public and private organisations participate in the validation process. They can provide information and orientation to individuals. At the same time, the most representative social partners (trade unions and employers organisations) can request official calls for application in response to particular sector needs |
Efficient allocation of responsibilities
In CBQs the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders are defined by laws, regulations and guidelines. The roles and responsibilities are defined ... In CBQs the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders are defined by laws, regulations and guidelines. The roles and responsibilities are defined in detail. In HEIs the stakeholder responsibilities are relatively ill-defined, but processes are being developed and networks formed. |
Cannot be assessed
Responsibility for implementation of VAE depends on the type of qualification targeted. |
Room for improvement
No information |
Room for improvement
The Act on HE and the Act on Adult training delegate all tasks and responsibilities to higher education and training institutions. |
Efficient allocation of responsibilities
As mentioned above, HETAC and FETAC have established their own policy approaches to validation based on the NQAI 2005 principles. In practice, the ... As mentioned above, HETAC and FETAC have established their own policy approaches to validation based on the NQAI 2005 principles. In practice, the application of validation is devolved to the learning provider within their respective sectors who are obliged to comply with the requirements of their associated awarding body. There is a degree of differentiation in the approaches taken to validation, both between different providers and within providers themselves. |
Efficient allocation of responsibilities
The validation process is clearly defined and described in steps that emphasise clear allocation of responsibilities. The development of the concep... The validation process is clearly defined and described in steps that emphasise clear allocation of responsibilities. The development of the concept is a cooperative measure for a specific target group. |
Efficient allocation of responsibilities
The answer refers to regional level systems |
Efficient allocation of responsibilities
The approach seems like the best solution for the very small size of the country |
Room for improvement
Only a legal framework for validation of non-formal and informal learning relating to VET existed prior to 2010 in Lithuania |
Cannot be assessed
No information available |
Efficient allocation of responsibilities
The legal framework clearly describes the stakeholders and their responsibilities. |
Efficient allocation of responsibilities
The relatively small geographical area and the well-established networks of stakeholders have resulted in a well-defined allocated of responsibilit... The relatively small geographical area and the well-established networks of stakeholders have resulted in a well-defined allocated of responsibilities between partner organisations. The relatively recently established NCFHE is a central lead organisation in the validation area, supported by key stakeholders such as the Education Training Centre – overseen by the Government Department for Lifelong Learning. |
Efficient allocation of responsibilities
The validation process is very transparent. It points out concretely who does what and how in this process. |
Efficient allocation of responsibilities
Directorate for Education and Training, an executive subordinate agency of the Ministry of Education and research, bears the overall national respo... Directorate for Education and Training, an executive subordinate agency of the Ministry of Education and research, bears the overall national responsibility for supervision of primary and secondary education and training, including documentation and validation of formal, non-formal and informal learning outcomes.
Agency for Lifelong Learning (Vox), develops, analyses and disseminates knowledge about adult learning, including non-formal and in-formal learning.
Regional education authorities have set up one or more ‘assessment centres’ for validation of prior learning in upper secondary education.
Higher Education Institutions set up their own procedures for validation, based on their own curricula for their study programmes.
Norwegian Labour and Welfare Service (NAV) is expected to assist job seekers when applying for a new job by for example providing advice on how to document prior learning in CVs and in other forms of documentation. |
Room for improvement
No clear responsibilities, because validation is still in development.
There are some validation practices, but these are not framed in a national ... No clear responsibilities, because validation is still in development.
There are some validation practices, but these are not framed in a national framework with clear allocation of responsibilities. |
Efficient allocation of responsibilities
No information |
Room for improvement
There is no coordination mechanism in place and this is one of the main causes for the small number beneficiaries of the validation services. Much ... There is no coordination mechanism in place and this is one of the main causes for the small number beneficiaries of the validation services. Much more remains to be done in the next years in order to better link the assessment centres with employment services and with the formal education system |
Efficient allocation of responsibilities
Clear and efficient allocation of responsibilities amongst stakeholders are being defined by the Agency. |
Room for improvement
Validation and recognition processes are run by each institution and according to the educational level each have their own way of organising the p... Validation and recognition processes are run by each institution and according to the educational level each have their own way of organising the process and sharing responsibility |
Cannot be assessed
Since the system is not yet up and running, it is difficult to assess this indicator |
Efficient allocation of responsibilities
The VQA regulations define the allocation of responsibilities |
Room for improvement
As mentioned above, in general the application of validation is devolved to the learning provider, or at times to departments within the learning p... As mentioned above, in general the application of validation is devolved to the learning provider, or at times to departments within the learning provider. As such, there is a great deal of differentiation in the approaches taken to validation, both between different providers and within providers themselves. |
Efficient allocation of responsibilities
SCQF has an RPL network and RPL interest group in Social Services Sector.
Responsibility for the delivery of RPL is held at the level of the provi... SCQF has an RPL network and RPL interest group in Social Services Sector.
Responsibility for the delivery of RPL is held at the level of the provider - only SCQF Credit Rating Bodies can formally award SCQF Levels and Credit Points through RPL. |
2014 |
Room for improvement
Allocation of responsibilities is quite clear but maybe less efficient since there is no overall coordination. For example, methods and approaches ... Allocation of responsibilities is quite clear but maybe less efficient since there is no overall coordination. For example, methods and approaches could be better shared across sectors. |
Efficient allocation of responsibilities
The allocation of responsibilities amongst stakeholders is generally clear and efficient in the education and labour market sector. |
Efficient allocation of responsibilities
Clear allocation of responsibilities in Belgium across stakeholders involved in the education sector. This is less clear for PES and other employme... Clear allocation of responsibilities in Belgium across stakeholders involved in the education sector. This is less clear for PES and other employment services (need for more clarification and stakeholders are working on it). The third sector is not really involved. |
Room for improvement
There is no overall coordination of responsibilities.
It is important to acknowledge that the VET Act applies only to educational levels correspon... There is no overall coordination of responsibilities.
It is important to acknowledge that the VET Act applies only to educational levels corresponding to "vocational secondary" education. Educational levels "Bachelor" and "Master" are covered by the Higher Education Act, where changes are expected and legislative initiatives are planned on the process of "validation" |
Cannot be assessed
In the VET sector, the responsibilities and roles are clearly divided among cantons, confederation, and professional organisations.
However, the di... In the VET sector, the responsibilities and roles are clearly divided among cantons, confederation, and professional organisations.
However, the distribution of responsibilities is still not very organized in the rest of the Swiss educational system.
Furthermore, it is not possible to identify the responsibilities and the roles assigned to the other private sectors and the third sector. |
Efficient allocation of responsibilities
Stakeholders sit on the Board of HRDA, the leading authority for the System of Vocational Qualifications where validation takes place in Cyprus. St... Stakeholders sit on the Board of HRDA, the leading authority for the System of Vocational Qualifications where validation takes place in Cyprus. Stakeholders, including also representatives of trade union, employers, and employees organisations sat in the Technical Committees that developed the occupational profiles in the system of HRDA.
According to the Ministry of Education, a clear allocation of tasks is also envisioned to be adopted in the work of the Technical Committee mentioned above. |
Efficient allocation of responsibilities
The legislation defines who is in charge of what. There appears to be no confusion over main roles |
Efficient allocation of responsibilities
There is a distinctive appreciation of the different roles of the social partners (employers, employees), Federal institutions, and the Länder. |
Efficient allocation of responsibilities
There is a common understanding that it is the sector of education that has the right to make the assessment and certification. |
Room for improvement
Allocation is not clear as HE has been leading validation implementation and has not included many stakeholders in the process |
Efficient allocation of responsibilities
In terms of IVET certification stakeholder participation and responsibilities are clear. According to the relevant legal framework in the Central E... In terms of IVET certification stakeholder participation and responsibilities are clear. According to the relevant legal framework in the Central Examinations Committee for the Certification of Vocational Training, participate: a) one representative of the General Confederation of Greek Workers (GSEE) and b) one joint representative of the employers organisation.
Likewise, in the Advisory Committee for the Certification of Occupational Profiles participate: a) a representative of the employers’ organisations of the specific profession and b) a representative of the employees body of the relevant occupation |
Efficient allocation of responsibilities
In a specific way, for the assessment and accreditation of professional competences through the Royal Decree 1224/2009,
the Ministry of Education ... In a specific way, for the assessment and accreditation of professional competences through the Royal Decree 1224/2009,
the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Employment in 2011 , established an inter-ministerial commission, formed by representatives of the General Directorate of VET (Ministry of Education) and of the State Public Employment Service (Ministry of Employment). Its mission is to monitor and assess the procedure for recognition of skills acquired through work experience.
Autonomous Communities are responsible for setting up the calls for validation and carrying out the process. Local administrations, social agents, chambers of commerce and other public and private organisations participate in providing information about the validation process. At the same time, the most representative social partners (trade unions and employers organisations) can request official calls for application in response to particular sector needs |
Efficient allocation of responsibilities
In CBQs the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders are defined by laws, regulations and guidelines. The roles and responsibilities are defined ... In CBQs the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders are defined by laws, regulations and guidelines. The roles and responsibilities are defined in detail. In HEIs the stakeholder responsibilities vary from organisation to organisation. |
Cannot be assessed
Responsibilities are clearly shared across the range of stakeholders : the State (laws, coordination of general orientations, evaluation ), Regions... Responsibilities are clearly shared across the range of stakeholders : the State (laws, coordination of general orientations, evaluation ), Regions (general information and guidance, evaluation), financing (Regions, National Agency for unemployed, social partners), implementation (institutions) |
Room for improvement
The CROQF Act prescribes responsibilities of specific ministries and national bodies in terms of the qualifications framework. The Ordinance on rec... The CROQF Act prescribes responsibilities of specific ministries and national bodies in terms of the qualifications framework. The Ordinance on recognition and validation of non-formal and informal learning will regulate further allocation of responsibilities |
Room for improvement
The Act on HE and the Act on Adult training delegate all tasks and responsibilities to the higher education and adult training institutions |
Efficient allocation of responsibilities
QQI is responsible for qualifications policy. QQI must also establish policies and criteria for access transfer and progression to programmes of ed... QQI is responsible for qualifications policy. QQI must also establish policies and criteria for access transfer and progression to programmes of education and training which include recognition of prior learning. Providers of education and training must establish and implement procedures based on these policies and criteria and are subject to be review by QQI. |
Efficient allocation of responsibilities
The validation process is clearly defined and described in steps that emphasise clear allocation of responsibilities. The development of the concep... The validation process is clearly defined and described in steps that emphasise clear allocation of responsibilities. The development of the concept is a cooperative measure for a specific target group. |
Efficient allocation of responsibilities
The allocation of responsibilities is clear at a national level but not yet implemented while is clear and efficient at regional level |
Efficient allocation of responsibilities
The approach seems like the best solution for the very small size of the country |
Room for improvement
The national validation framework is being developed at the moment. The majority of amendments / new laws were adopted in the last three years. It ... The national validation framework is being developed at the moment. The majority of amendments / new laws were adopted in the last three years. It appears that the responsibilities are allocated in the legal acts, but it is another question how they are carried out in practice. For instance, it is not clear which institutions are responsible for concrete measures that would favour take-up of validation. Formally this responsibility is assigned to the institutions that offer validation opportunities (e.g. universities, accredited certification authorities), however it does not appear to be working effectively in practical terms, because take-up is very low |
Efficient allocation of responsibilities
No information |
Efficient allocation of responsibilities
The legal framework clearly describes the stakeholders and their responsibilities |
Efficient allocation of responsibilities
The relatively small geographical area and the well-established networks of stakeholders have resulted in a well-defined allocation of responsibili... The relatively small geographical area and the well-established networks of stakeholders have resulted in a well-defined allocation of responsibilities between partner organisations. The recently established NCFHE is a central lead organisation in the validation area, supported by key stakeholders such as the Education Training Centre – overseen by the Government Department for Lifelong Learning |
Efficient allocation of responsibilities
The validation process is transparent. It points out concretely in this process who does what and how. |
Efficient allocation of responsibilities
The Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training bears the overall national responsibility for supervision lower and upper secondary education ... The Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training bears the overall national responsibility for supervision lower and upper secondary education and training, including documentation and validation of formal, non-formal and informal learning outcomes.
Vox has responsibility to maintain an overview at national level of the Norwegian approach to validation of non-formal and informal learning.
All regional education authorities have set up one or more ‘assessment centres’ for validation of prior learning in upper secondary education, which may also be used for applicants at lower educational levels.
Post-secondary VET and Higher Education Institutions set up their own procedures for validation, based on their own curricula for their study programmes, and in collaboration with NOKUT, which also provides advice.
The Norwegian Labour and Welfare Service (NAV) is expected to assist job seekers applying for a new job by for example providing advice on how to document prior learning in CVs and in other forms of documentation.
VOFO is involved in national-level dialogue regarding validation. |
Room for improvement
There are two competing systems (education and craft), multiple institutions responsible for ‘regulated professions’ and multiple non-public or... There are two competing systems (education and craft), multiple institutions responsible for ‘regulated professions’ and multiple non-public organisations covering sectoral qualifications, often similar to qualifications covered by other systems. |
Efficient allocation of responsibilities
Due to the current situation, there is no information about this subject in non-higher education practices.
In HE, the allocation of responsibiliti... Due to the current situation, there is no information about this subject in non-higher education practices.
In HE, the allocation of responsibilities is clear. |
Room for improvement
There is no coordination mechanism in place and this is one of the main causes for the small number of beneficiaries of the validation services. Mu... There is no coordination mechanism in place and this is one of the main causes for the small number of beneficiaries of the validation services. Much more remains to be done in future years in order to better link the assessment centres with employment services and with the formal education system |
Efficient allocation of responsibilities
In some parts.
The national criteria and guidelines for validation describes key actors and their roles and responsibilities |
Room for improvement
Each institution is responsible for their own validation process and to allocate responsibilities for implementing and executing the process of val... Each institution is responsible for their own validation process and to allocate responsibilities for implementing and executing the process of validation. Typically, formal responsibility is allocated to the leader of the department or organisation: dean/rector in higher education, head of HRM/executive manager in companies |
Cannot be assessed
Since the system is not yet fully up and running, it is difficult to assess this indicator |
Efficient allocation of responsibilities
The VQA is the only responsible organisation and coordinates the allocation of responsibilities. |
Room for improvement
At national level, there is no single institution driving forward RPL. As mentioned above, in general the application of validation is devolved to ... At national level, there is no single institution driving forward RPL. As mentioned above, in general the application of validation is devolved to the awarding organization / learning provider, or at times to departments within the learning provider. As such, there is a great deal of differentiation in the approaches taken to validation, both between different providers and within providers themselves. |
Efficient allocation of responsibilities
SCQF has an RPL network. There is also a network for RPL in the HE sector.
Responsibility for the delivery of RPL is held at the level of the prov... SCQF has an RPL network. There is also a network for RPL in the HE sector.
Responsibility for the delivery of RPL is held at the level of the provider - only SCQF Credit Rating Bodies can formally award SCQF Levels and Credit Points through RPL |
Cannot be assessed
Insufficient evidence to assess |
Année | Austria | Belgium-DE | Belgium-FR | Bulgaria | Switzerland | Cyprus | Czechia | Germany | Denmark | Estonia | Greece | Spain | Finland | France | Croatia | Hungary | Ireland | Iceland | Italy | Liechtenstein | Lithuania | Luxembourg | Latvia | Malta | Netherlands | Norway | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Sweden | Slovenia | Slovakia | Türkiye | United Kingdom / England and Northern Ireland | United Kingdom / Scotland | United Kingdom / Wales |
2010 |
Stakeholders are, for example, involved in the validation policy design, and in the design of specific initiatives (many of them are developed thro... Stakeholders are, for example, involved in the validation policy design, and in the design of specific initiatives (many of them are developed through bottom-up processes). But since there is no overall validation system in place - these activities, except for those related to the formal system, are not coordinated at a national level. |
Overall, relevant stakeholders are relatively well involved in the design of validation in the education and labour market sector. |
For each occupation for which VDC is used, management and labour representatives and training providers from various sectors form a Commission for ... For each occupation for which VDC is used, management and labour representatives and training providers from various sectors form a Commission for Skill Unit Standards. Partners from education, business, trade unions and other training providers collaborate also in assessing future needs of businesses, in redefining training provisions and placing more emphasis on skills.
High (CVET)
Medium (HE) |
Although tripartite bodies at the national, regional and local levels take part in consultations on the development and implementation of the polic... Although tripartite bodies at the national, regional and local levels take part in consultations on the development and implementation of the policies on VET and employment, their involvement in developing validation initiatives is as yet low.
Within individual companies, there are stakeholders interested in developing validation methodologies, although actions have been limited so far |
There is no validation policy or relevant formal initiatives in place, so stakeholders have not yet defined their level of involvement. However, th... There is no validation policy or relevant formal initiatives in place, so stakeholders have not yet defined their level of involvement. However, the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry offers certification of prior learning in ICT |
The development of NSK standards is a responsibility of sectoral councils which represent stakeholders
The methodology was developed based on testi... The development of NSK standards is a responsibility of sectoral councils which represent stakeholders
The methodology was developed based on testing which was done with education as well as labour market representatives |
In Germany there is basically a distinctive cooperation of the four stakeholders mentioned above. Especially in the area of VET the main principle ... In Germany there is basically a distinctive cooperation of the four stakeholders mentioned above. Especially in the area of VET the main principle is consensus |
Unknown. The level of engagement differs across stakeholders and institutions and cannot be assessed. Many stakeholders may have a high level of en... Unknown. The level of engagement differs across stakeholders and institutions and cannot be assessed. Many stakeholders may have a high level of engagement, although the activities are limited. |
The engagement of various stakeholders has been low. HE have tried to cooperate with employers but there has been a lack of interest from employers... The engagement of various stakeholders has been low. HE have tried to cooperate with employers but there has been a lack of interest from employers.
Also, cooperation between HE, VET and OQ awarding bodies is limited, thus each sector develops policies and initiatives for validation separately |
The 3879/2010 law engages stakeholders in the development of LLL structures. Representatives from trade unions and social partners, as well as repr... The 3879/2010 law engages stakeholders in the development of LLL structures. Representatives from trade unions and social partners, as well as representatives from HE are included in the National LLL Committee. Although the Committee does not focus on validation of non-formal and informal learning, it is expected to promote it. Since 2007, the National Accreditation Centre for Continuing Vocational Training (EKEPIS) has developed and certified 202 occupational profiles. Social partners were closely involved, coming from all economic sectors and the industry |
The education administration has always been interested in recognising people´s prior learning - so that individuals do not study again what they ... The education administration has always been interested in recognising people´s prior learning - so that individuals do not study again what they have already learned – and accrediting their prior learning to make them visible.
Also, the employment administration has always been interested in the accreditation of the acquired professional competences gained through work experience.
Employers, trade unions, and others have a consultative role through the participating bodies, such as the General Council for Professional Training and the State Education General Council.
With the approval of the Royal Decree 1224/2009, trade unions and business organisations can request official announcements (calls for application) for particular private sector needs |
The Finnish CBQ system is a tripartite system, in which all stakeholders have an equally important role in different stages: development of qualifi... The Finnish CBQ system is a tripartite system, in which all stakeholders have an equally important role in different stages: development of qualification requirements, QA (Qualification Committees), organizing validation procedures and assessment. The stakeholder organisations are employer and employee organisations, training providers, private practitioners, and educational authorities. |
High (social partners, educational and training stakeholders )- Medium (Other organisations)
Social partners are strongly involved at the national... High (social partners, educational and training stakeholders )- Medium (Other organisations)
Social partners are strongly involved at the national level in shaping the institutional framework – education providers are responsible for developing a VE process for each of the qualifications they award. |
The inclusion of stakeholders in shaping the occupational and qualification standards is just being fostered and will be further developed my means... The inclusion of stakeholders in shaping the occupational and qualification standards is just being fostered and will be further developed my means of EU IPA (Instrument of pre-accession) funded projects. |
Some representatives of stakeholders have been invited in the development project (launched in 2009) to participate in the workshops, but they have... Some representatives of stakeholders have been invited in the development project (launched in 2009) to participate in the workshops, but they have no clearly defined mission or message to represent, because stakeholders have not yet adopted a concept of validation. |
Stakeholders have been involved in different ways and across different sectors – mainly through different initiatives that have been in place; fo... Stakeholders have been involved in different ways and across different sectors – mainly through different initiatives that have been in place; for example a number of employers/private sector organisations have been involved through the Skillsnet activities. A number of HE institutions have been involved through the Strategic Innovation Fund and Framework Implementation Network group. Stakeholder engagement seems relatively contained to certain FE, HE stakeholders and some private sector organisations. |
Quality guidelines for the initiation of validation in new sectors require the involvement of all relevant stakeholders. Steering groups are formed... Quality guidelines for the initiation of validation in new sectors require the involvement of all relevant stakeholders. Steering groups are formed for each sector, which sets the stage for validation (standards, intake criteria, recruitment etc.). This is a crucial element for valid results. |
The answer refers to regional level systems.
Moreover social, professional and economic stakeholders are highly involved in the practices and exper... The answer refers to regional level systems.
Moreover social, professional and economic stakeholders are highly involved in the practices and experiences |
National stakeholders are engaged through consultations or working groups in all areas.
There is a great deal of orientation towards Switzerland an... National stakeholders are engaged through consultations or working groups in all areas.
There is a great deal of orientation towards Switzerland and lots of cooperation and networks with stakeholders from Switzerland |
Only ad hoc initiatives were implemented in two universities before 2010 |
The set-up of validation procedures is relatively recent in Luxembourg; but the adoption of national legislation on VAE was a result of a long-stan... The set-up of validation procedures is relatively recent in Luxembourg; but the adoption of national legislation on VAE was a result of a long-standing cooperation between stakeholders |
Stakeholders are engaged through consultation or working groups, or as representatives in different legislative bodies e.g. elaborating occupation... Stakeholders are engaged through consultation or working groups, or as representatives in different legislative bodies e.g. elaborating occupational standards or learning outcomes of the programmes in the HE sector. The level of engagement is considered high, and there are many supportive structures developed for ensuring the involvement of stakeholders at the governmental level (e.g. National Tripartite Cooperation Sub-Council (employers, public institutions and trade unions)). |
As lead organisation on the development of a national system for validation, the NCFHE is consulting with relevant stakeholders across all educatio... As lead organisation on the development of a national system for validation, the NCFHE is consulting with relevant stakeholders across all educational sectors. In a landscape where relationships are already well-established, this is a relatively straightforward process.
This is also the case in the development of Occupational Standards, where the NCFHE is consulting with sector specific organisations as well as experts in their particular field. |
At macro-level (national)
Employers union
Trade unions
UWV (unemployment agencies)
Universities of Applied Sciences
Open Un... At macro-level (national)
Employers union
Trade unions
UWV (unemployment agencies)
Universities of Applied Sciences
Open University
Third sector-organisations
At (meso-) sector-level only several sectors through their training funds.
At micro-level: not much ownership of EVC by candidates |
Vox undertaking project in 2010/2011 to address the challenges associated with implementing validation, which included the need for better coordina... Vox undertaking project in 2010/2011 to address the challenges associated with implementing validation, which included the need for better coordination between different educational levels and their specific rules and regulations (in particular between upper secondary and higher education), and the need for cooperation between different sectors, such as between the labour market and the education system. |
No information on the level of engagement of relevant stakeholders in shaping the design of validation policies and initiatives at national level. |
High level of engagement in non-higher education validation.
Low level of engagement in HE (with a few exemptions) |
Only sectoral committees might have a role in designing and providing recommendations for specific sector related assessment criteria. |
Key stakeholders are engaged, for example through consultations and working groups with the coordination of the Swedish National Agency for Higher ... Key stakeholders are engaged, for example through consultations and working groups with the coordination of the Swedish National Agency for Higher Education. Official agencies, such as the Public Employment Service, the Swedish
National Agency for Education, the National Agency for Higher Education, the National Council of Adult Education (third sector education covering liberal adult education including folk high schools, study circles, etc.) and the Agency for Higher Education Services. |
Education and training: Medium to High
Labour market & third sector: Low
Education and training stakeholders’ involvement depends on the educat... Education and training: Medium to High
Labour market & third sector: Low
Education and training stakeholders’ involvement depends on the education level (vocational and higher education more involved than others), other sectors’ involvement is low |
The private sector, as organised in employers’ and sectoral organisations, has an important role in defining the qualifications system and the qu... The private sector, as organised in employers’ and sectoral organisations, has an important role in defining the qualifications system and the qualifications standards.
Private companies can also become accredited providers of non-formal learning under the law on lifelong learning. In fact, in Slovakia, the majority of requalification courses as well as continuing vocational education and training are provided by private institutions. Such accreditation gives their certificates issued after final assessment national value.
Third sector organisations can become accredited providers of non-formal learning. All such accredited providers issue certificates of national validity following the successful assessment of candidate’s knowledge, skills and competences as defined in the education programme |
Stakeholders from the public, private and the third sector are highly engaged in the development of validation policies |
Little information available relating to this indicator but author’s own assessment is:
Medium |
RPL network
RPL interest group
HEI RPL network |
2014 |
Stakeholders are, for example, involved in the validation policy design, and in the design of specific initiatives (many of them are developed thro... Stakeholders are, for example, involved in the validation policy design, and in the design of specific initiatives (many of them are developed through bottom-up processes). But since there is no overall validation system in place these activities, except for those related to the formal system, are not coordinated on a national level. |
Overall, relevant stakeholders are relatively well involved in the design of validation in the education and labour market sector. |
In CVET, there is good (improved) coordination thanks to the creation of the French-speaking Professions and Qualifications Service (Service Franco... In CVET, there is good (improved) coordination thanks to the creation of the French-speaking Professions and Qualifications Service (Service Francophone des Métiers et des Qualifications – SFMQ). Social partners are involved in the process of designing occupation standards. |
In relation to VET, the level of engagement is gradually increasing. There is a change in the
attitude of employers, who now have a more positive ... In relation to VET, the level of engagement is gradually increasing. There is a change in the
attitude of employers, who now have a more positive attitude and acceptance towards validation, expressed in growing support for validation arrangements. One example for growing involvement of stakeholders is the project, ‘System for validation of non-formal acquired knowledge, skills and competences’. The partnership consists of relevant ministries, the Public Employment Agency and the social partners i.e. Bulgarian Industrial Association (BIA), Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria (CITUB), Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and Confederation of Labour Podkrepa.Bulgarian. Legislation does not allow, at this stage, direct participation of other " relevant stakeholders” in the process of validation. With respect to the development of policies or processes where “other stakeholders” take part, these parties act exclusively for projects at local and regional level |
Between 2005 and 2009, due to the validation project for VET, most of the stakeholders were strongly involved (consultations, workshops, etc.).
Sin... Between 2005 and 2009, due to the validation project for VET, most of the stakeholders were strongly involved (consultations, workshops, etc.).
Since then the consultation process for validation seems to have slowed down. Currently, public authorities and professional organisations are the ones developing and defining the procedures.
Also, the involvement of the third sector and youth organisations is weak |
Stakeholders seem to be highly engaged in the validation of non-formal and informal learning as this takes place in Cyprus, mainly through the Syst... Stakeholders seem to be highly engaged in the validation of non-formal and informal learning as this takes place in Cyprus, mainly through the System of Vocational Qualifications of the HRDA. HRDA itself is governed by a 13-member Board where representatives of government and social partners sit.
According to the Ministry of Education, a multi-stakeholder approach is also envisioned to be adopted in the work of the Technical Committee mentioned above. |
The development of NSK standards is a responsibility of sectoral councils which represent stakeholders
The methodology was developed based on test... The development of NSK standards is a responsibility of sectoral councils which represent stakeholders
The methodology was developed based on testing which was done with education as well as labour market representatives |
In Germany, there is distinctive cooperation between the stakeholders. Especially in the area of VET, the main principle is consensus. This princi... In Germany, there is distinctive cooperation between the stakeholders. Especially in the area of VET, the main principle is consensus. This principle was a directive for the development of the NQF |
The level of engagement differs across stakeholders and institutions. Many stakeholders may have a high level of engagement, while others have a lo... The level of engagement differs across stakeholders and institutions. Many stakeholders may have a high level of engagement, while others have a low engagement. For example, the level of engagement of stakeholders in the education sector as well as trade unions and employers' associations is high, while the level of engagement of e.g. the employment sector is low |
The engagement of various stakeholders has been low. HE has tried to cooperate with employers but there has been lack of interest from the employer... The engagement of various stakeholders has been low. HE has tried to cooperate with employers but there has been lack of interest from the employers’ side.
In addition cooperation between HE, VET and OQ awarding bodies has been limited. Qualification Authority supports developing supporting materials, courses and competence-based evaluations among stakeholders (ESF programme for developing professional qualifications system) |
Regarding the assessment and certification of non-formal learning and of professionals from non-regulated professions by EOPPEP, stakeholders have ... Regarding the assessment and certification of non-formal learning and of professionals from non-regulated professions by EOPPEP, stakeholders have a central role: they can run IEKs and/or lifelong learning centres; also, representatives from scientific committees, professional chambers and social partners sit in the Central Examination Committee for Vocational Training Certification (KEEPEK).
Stakeholders also sit in the Prefectural Committees for Vocational Training (Perifereiaki Epitropi Epaggelmatikis Katartisis-PEEP) that the 2010 law on Lifelong learning introduced. PEEPs are responsible for shaping the supply of VET at local level, to match the relevant labour market.
In the article 26, paragraph 1 of the law 4186/2013 a new form of Regional lifelong learning governance is introduced, via the “Lifelong learning Directorate”, which is located in the administrative centre of each regional unit |
The education administration has always been interested in recognising people´s prior learning - so that individuals do not study again what they ... The education administration has always been interested in recognising people´s prior learning - so that individuals do not study again what they have already learned – and accrediting their prior learning to make them visible.
Also, the employment administration has always been interested in the accreditation of the acquired professional competences gained through work experience.
Employers, trade unions, and others have a consultative role through the participating bodies, such as the General Council for Professional Training and the State Education General Council.
Furthermore, trade unions and business organisations can request official announcements (calls for application) for particular private sector needs). This participation is quite recent and more time will be needed so that it can be effective |
The Finnish CBQ system is a tripartite system, in which all stakeholders have an equally important role at different stages: development of qualifi... The Finnish CBQ system is a tripartite system, in which all stakeholders have an equally important role at different stages: development of qualification requirements, QA (by Qualification Committees), organising validation procedures and assessment. The stakeholder organisations are employer and employee organisations, training providers, private practitioners, and educational authorities. |
See above
Social partners are engaged through consultations at the national and regional level on the development of validation policies which are... See above
Social partners are engaged through consultations at the national and regional level on the development of validation policies which are part of the policies for employment. |
The Ordinance on recognition and validation of non-formal and informal learning will be proposed by the Council for drafting of the CROQF Act and o... The Ordinance on recognition and validation of non-formal and informal learning will be proposed by the Council for drafting of the CROQF Act and other acts. This Council is composed of all the relevant stakeholders from the education, training, employment and youth sectors including trade unions and chambers. |
Stakeholders are not active in the field of validation (they are not really aware). |
Stakeholders have been involved in different ways and across different sectors – mainly through different initiatives that have been in place for... Stakeholders have been involved in different ways and across different sectors – mainly through different initiatives that have been in place for example a number of employers/private sector organisations have been involved through the Skillnets activities. A number of HE institutions have been involved through the Strategic Innovation Fund and FIN (Framework Implementation Network) group. Stakeholder engagement seems relatively contained to certain FE, HE stakeholders and some private sector organisations.
Employer organisations and representatives are involved in the development of initiatives in a response to a labour market need or legislation.
As mentioned above, the QQI is currently engaging stakeholders in the design and development of RPL through its recent consultation |
Quality guidelines for the initiation of validation in new sectors require the involvement of all relevant stakeholders. Steering groups are formed... Quality guidelines for the initiation of validation in new sectors require the involvement of all relevant stakeholders. Steering groups are formed for each sector, which sets the stage for validation (standards, intake criteria, recruitment etc.). This is a crucial element for valid results. |
Social, professional and economic stakeholders are highly involved in the practices and experiences. Not yet clear however the level and modalities... Social, professional and economic stakeholders are highly involved in the practices and experiences. Not yet clear however the level and modalities of involvement in the implementation of the national framework |
National stakeholders are engaged through consultations or working groups in all areas.
There is a great deal of orientation towards Switzerland an... National stakeholders are engaged through consultations or working groups in all areas.
There is a great deal of orientation towards Switzerland and lots of cooperation and networks with stakeholders from Switzerland |
High – in the VET sector, various stakeholders are involved: education and training providers and employment sectors (including employers, chambe... High – in the VET sector, various stakeholders are involved: education and training providers and employment sectors (including employers, chambers of industry, commerce and skilled crafts, national entities involved in the process of recognition of professional qualifications), but not really employment services.
- Representatives of education and training providers were involved in the validation policy design, such as the development of relevant standards to be used during the assessment process / in the delivery of validation (design of tasks, participation in the assessment process);
- National entities involved in the process of recognition of professional qualifications were involved in validation policy design, overall monitoring of the process, monitoring of the quality assurance;
- Employers, chambers of industry, commerce and skilled crafts – were engaged through consultations / working groups and they are those who actually have a right to be accredited as certification authorities.
High (VET sector)
Low (HE and youth sectors)
Low – in the HE sector – most of the validation initiatives were developed internally by the HE institutions.
Relatively low – in the youth sector - youth organisations and youth workers from the third sector were consulted to some extent in the project The Development of an Integrated Youth Policy” , implemented by the Department of Youth Affairs under the Ministry of Social Security, but the involvement in the design of the validation system and mechanism for youth workers was rather low |
The set-up of validation procedures is relatively recent in Luxembourg; but the adoption of national legislation on VAE was a result of a of a cons... The set-up of validation procedures is relatively recent in Luxembourg; but the adoption of national legislation on VAE was a result of a of a consultation process based on the existing dialogue between stakeholders |
Stakeholders are engaged through consultation or working groups, or as representatives in different legislative bodies e.g. elaborating occupationa... Stakeholders are engaged through consultation or working groups, or as representatives in different legislative bodies e.g. elaborating occupational standards or learning outcomes of the programmes in the HE sector. The level of engagement is considered high, and there are many supportive structures developed for ensuring the involvement of stakeholders at governmental level (e.g. National Tripartite Cooperation Sub-Council (employers, public institutions and trade unions)). |
As lead organisation on the development of a national system for validation, the NCFHE is consulting with relevant stakeholders across all educatio... As lead organisation on the development of a national system for validation, the NCFHE is consulting with relevant stakeholders across all educational sectors. In a landscape where relationships are already well-established, this is a relatively straightforward process.
This is also the case in the development of Occupational Standards, where the NCFHE is consulting with sector specific organisations as well as experts in their particular field |
Since the macro-level partners in validation are working in partnership in the context of the Covenant, the process is now focusing on setting the ... Since the macro-level partners in validation are working in partnership in the context of the Covenant, the process is now focusing on setting the boundaries of the partners at meso-level: sector- and branch-organisations, third sector-organisations, schools and universities.
At the micro-level of validation in relation to candidates - this is also clear: they have personal responsibility for filling in their portfolios. |
The Directorate for Education and Training is in regular contact with the Ministry, the County Governors, the County education authorities the soc... The Directorate for Education and Training is in regular contact with the Ministry, the County Governors, the County education authorities the social partners, Vox, VOFO and the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Service (NAV).
During the recent work carried out by Vox to prepare two sets of guidelines relating to validation in HE and post-secondary vocational education and training sectors, working groups were set up for each sector.
In addition, the Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training is developing guidelines relating to validation in lower and upper secondary education, in cooperation with relevant stakeholders |
Stakeholders are engaged through consultations or working groups (in the case of the NQF). |
Due to the current situation, there is no information about this subject in non-higher education practices.
In HE, the allocation of responsibiliti... Due to the current situation, there is no information about this subject in non-higher education practices.
In HE, the allocation of responsibilities is clear. |
Only sectoral committees might have a role in designing and providing recommendations for specific sector related assessment criteria |
High within some sectors.
Key stakeholders are engaged, for example through consultations and working groups with the coordination of the Swedish N... High within some sectors.
Key stakeholders are engaged, for example through consultations and working groups with the coordination of the Swedish National Agency for Higher Vocational Education. Official agencies, such as the Public Employment Service, the Swedish National Agency for Education, the Swedish Council for Higher Education and the National Council of Adult Education (third sector education covering liberal adult education including folk high schools, study circles, etc.) all have separate minor responsibilities or governmental commissions to work on validation within their areas of responsibilities. |
Overall, the level of stakeholder engagement is low. However, when a policy or strategy or legislation change is being developed or proposed, relev... Overall, the level of stakeholder engagement is low. However, when a policy or strategy or legislation change is being developed or proposed, relevant stakeholders are always invited to participate in the making or debating process.
So far, government, adult education, VET and higher education practitioners were somewhat more included than private sector and third sector stakeholders (except for NVQF), but inclusion is improving on behalf of third sector organisations’ initiatives |
The Ministry of education shapes the design of validation policies and initiatives, in cooperation with representatives of: employers, employees, r... The Ministry of education shapes the design of validation policies and initiatives, in cooperation with representatives of: employers, employees, regional authorities, education and training institutions and central public administration |
The VQA comprises a large variety of stakeholders (e.g., ministries, trade unions, education and training, chambers, employment services) that are ... The VQA comprises a large variety of stakeholders (e.g., ministries, trade unions, education and training, chambers, employment services) that are actively involved in policy making processes through consultations and working group activities |
RPL was introduced into the QCF regulatory arrangements after a period of consultation. QAA engaged HE stakeholders through consultations on the de... RPL was introduced into the QCF regulatory arrangements after a period of consultation. QAA engaged HE stakeholders through consultations on the development of the Quality Code for HE. Projects have been undertaken to try to encourage employers to have their non-formal learning recognised via the QCF. No notable engagement with the third sector. |
RPL network (includes representatives from across different education and training sectors, including employers, professional bodies and the Scotti... RPL network (includes representatives from across different education and training sectors, including employers, professional bodies and the Scottish Government)
Consultation/ reviews of existing RPL toolkit
HE RPL network |
The implementation of the CQFW has been carried out with the Welsh Government in the lead but supported by various other stakeholders |
Année | Austria | Belgium-DE | Belgium-FR | Bulgaria | Switzerland | Cyprus | Czechia | Germany | Denmark | Estonia | Greece | Spain | Finland | France | Croatia | Hungary | Ireland | Iceland | Italy | Liechtenstein | Lithuania | Luxembourg | Latvia | Malta | Netherlands | Norway | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Sweden | Slovenia | Slovakia | Türkiye | United Kingdom / England and Northern Ireland | United Kingdom / Scotland | United Kingdom / Wales |
2010 |
National GovernmentRegionsProductive sectorsEducation providersno info
Data are only collected for certain initiatives or measures. For example, the number of candidates taking external exams is collected centrally; an... Data are only collected for certain initiatives or measures. For example, the number of candidates taking external exams is collected centrally; and the number of candidates taking part in competence portfolio or balance initiatives is collected by the institutions offering these measures |
National GovernmentRegionsProductive sectorsEducation providersno info
No information |
National GovernmentRegionsProductive sectorsEducation providersno info
Yes for CVET and HE but no detailed breakdown.
No reliable data systematically collected. |
National GovernmentRegionsProductive sectorsEducation providersno info
There is no data available. Although validation opportunities are now provided for in the legislation, there is currently little take-up in practic... There is no data available. Although validation opportunities are now provided for in the legislation, there is currently little take-up in practice |
National GovernmentRegionsProductive sectorsEducation providersno info
Since 1999, 25,000 people have taken the ECDL examinations. During 2010, the first year of its implementation, 24 sat the exams for the ECDL Comput... Since 1999, 25,000 people have taken the ECDL examinations. During 2010, the first year of its implementation, 24 sat the exams for the ECDL Computerised Accounting Competences |
National GovernmentRegionsProductive sectorsEducation providersno info
there is no data collection on outcomes beyond certification |
National GovernmentRegionsProductive sectorsEducation providersno info
Länder collect data at a sub-national level.
Data is collected on:
- Access to higher education
- External students’ examination
- For example P... Länder collect data at a sub-national level.
Data is collected on:
- Access to higher education
- External students’ examination
- For example ProfilPASS-system |
National GovernmentRegionsProductive sectorsEducation providersno info
No information |
National GovernmentRegionsProductive sectorsEducation providersno info
HEI collect data on validation |
National GovernmentRegionsProductive sectorsEducation providersno info
No information |
National GovernmentRegionsProductive sectorsEducation providersno info
In Spain data on validation is limited. Only recently (2009) was a process for the validation of professional competences put in place at national ... In Spain data on validation is limited. Only recently (2009) was a process for the validation of professional competences put in place at national level. There is some longitudinal data on the use of validation for educational purposes. |
National GovernmentRegionsProductive sectorsEducation providersno info
Validation procedures are embedded in the CBQs, i.e. each individual goes through a validation process. There is no available data on the extent of... Validation procedures are embedded in the CBQs, i.e. each individual goes through a validation process. There is no available data on the extent of validation (e.g. how many credits of how many modules). The National Board of Education collects data from the education providers on the individuals who start CBQs and who have gained qualifications in the CBQ system |
National GovernmentRegionsProductive sectorsEducation providersno info
VAE: data from all Ministries
2008: Between 72 000 and 75 000 applications, of which approx. 53 000 have actually been assessed.
About half of the ... VAE: data from all Ministries
2008: Between 72 000 and 75 000 applications, of which approx. 53 000 have actually been assessed.
About half of the applications relate to qualifications awarded by the national Ministry of Education.
No data on other validation procedures
No data provided on validation outcomes |
National GovernmentRegionsProductive sectorsEducation providersno info
None of the listed. But, in the field of trades, there are Chambers of Trades and Crafts (national and regional level) which collect data on the nu... None of the listed. But, in the field of trades, there are Chambers of Trades and Crafts (national and regional level) which collect data on the number of validation applications / on validation outcomes that is comprehensive, and up to date |
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No data collection |
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n/a |
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Education providers are mainly in adult education.
The LLL centres managing validation projects report to the ETSC on number of individuals who pa... Education providers are mainly in adult education.
The LLL centres managing validation projects report to the ETSC on number of individuals who participate in validation projects. Validation is conducted in groups of 12-20 individuals in a specific field.
LLL centres report to the ETSC on project outcomes and related statistics |
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No reliable data at any level.
Lombardia, Emilia Romagna and Veneto regions are able to collect the number of applications but not the validation o... No reliable data at any level.
Lombardia, Emilia Romagna and Veneto regions are able to collect the number of applications but not the validation outcomes |
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But the education providers in vocational education and training are in Switzerland |
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HE establishments (two in total in 2010) |
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No detailed data available on applications
- Higher education: 651 candidates (since the start?)
- Adult learning (Luxembourg Lifelong Learning cen... No detailed data available on applications
- Higher education: 651 candidates (since the start?)
- Adult learning (Luxembourg Lifelong Learning centre): about 10 candidates per year
- No data on outcomes |
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According to the draft ‘‘‘Regulation of the Cabinet of Ministers on the validation process of competence acquired through non-formal and info... According to the draft ‘‘‘Regulation of the Cabinet of Ministers on the validation process of competence acquired through non-formal and informal learning, accredited education institutions and accredited examination centres will have to keep records and register the cases of the validation of non-formal and informal learning |
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Currently, the system for validation is in place only within the childcare sector. To date, the number of individuals who have been through the val... Currently, the system for validation is in place only within the childcare sector. To date, the number of individuals who have been through the validation process is approximately 40, with around 100 waiting to progress onto the system |
A survey is carried out by the ministry.
No, although accredited providers need to be able to prove they work with trained assessors and guiders.
T... A survey is carried out by the ministry.
No, although accredited providers need to be able to prove they work with trained assessors and guiders.
There are 115 accredited providers.
There is no standard for the professionalism of assessors/guiders; they do however need to follow a training course.
Validation outcomes: 2010: 22,300 |
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All regional education authorities have set up one or more ‘assessment centres’ for validation of prior learning in upper secondary education, ... All regional education authorities have set up one or more ‘assessment centres’ for validation of prior learning in upper secondary education, which collect data on the candidates who have undergone validation. These data are incorporated into a national-level register.
Data is also available from the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service on university applicants using validation to support their application |
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No information |
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According to ANQ data (April 2010) 324,370 Adults granted a certificate through RVCC processes (i.e. as a result of validation processes and comple... According to ANQ data (April 2010) 324,370 Adults granted a certificate through RVCC processes (i.e. as a result of validation processes and complementary learning).
HE institutions do not disseminate data on the number of validation applications.
HE providers collect data relating to their institution only |
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There is no data collection system in order to trace the validation process. Data are collected only based on the evaluation reports send by the va... There is no data collection system in order to trace the validation process. Data are collected only based on the evaluation reports send by the validation centres to CNFPA. The indicators are only collected on the number of accredited centres, number of issued certificates, occupations/qualifications. The data are not regularly updated |
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The collection of national data regarding validation in Sweden has not yet been prioritised although many providers of validation hold their own re... The collection of national data regarding validation in Sweden has not yet been prioritised although many providers of validation hold their own registers on their validation activities.
However, a national database for individuals going though validation is currently being developed. The aim is to begin gathering data during the autumn of 2010 |
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No information |
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No data is currently available with regard to recognition of non-formal and informal learning in view of full or partial qualifications as the impl... No data is currently available with regard to recognition of non-formal and informal learning in view of full or partial qualifications as the implementation process has only just started |
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There is not enough information in the 2010 report to answer this question |
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HE providers will collect data relating to their institution only. |
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No data is available at national level on the number of people who have undergone RPL in Scotland. Beneficiary numbers would be produced at the lev... No data is available at national level on the number of people who have undergone RPL in Scotland. Beneficiary numbers would be produced at the level of the individual learning provider. It is therefore likely that these figures will always be hidden, as RPL is almost always devolved to the level of the individual with institutional support and guidance provided on a personalised basis.
Individual universities may use their own internal management information systems to monitor / track students who have benefited from RPL. |
2014 |
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Data are only collected for certain initiatives or measures. For example, the number of candidates taking external exams is collected centrally; th... Data are only collected for certain initiatives or measures. For example, the number of candidates taking external exams is collected centrally; the number of candidates taking part in competence portfolio or balance initiatives is collected by the institutions offering these measures. |
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No information |
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For the three main VNFIL systems in BE, the coordinating bodies in charge collect comprehensive data. |
In relation to VET, the National Vocational Educational Agency requires the Centres for Vocational Training (CVTs) to present annual data on the nu... In relation to VET, the National Vocational Educational Agency requires the Centres for Vocational Training (CVTs) to present annual data on the number of documents they have issued as a result of the validation of non-formal and informal learning. However, NAVET does not verify the reliability of the data collected by the CVTs.
In relation to higher education, data is not collected centrally. There may be some data in relation to single projects |
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There is no complete statistical picture of validation practices and no systematic data collection at the national level.
Some data is available fo... There is no complete statistical picture of validation practices and no systematic data collection at the national level.
Some data is available for the VET sector (upper secondary and higher VET) |
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HRDA has records for the number of applicants and the number of people who acquired a vocational qualification.
The Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and ... HRDA has records for the number of applicants and the number of people who acquired a vocational qualification.
The Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry has rough estimates of the trends/flow of people involved in their examinations for the ICT certificate |
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there is no data collection on outcomes beyond certification |
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Länder collect data at a sub-national level.
Data is collected on:
- Vocational Qualifications Assessment Law
- Access to higher education
- Exter... Länder collect data at a sub-national level.
Data is collected on:
- Vocational Qualifications Assessment Law
- Access to higher education
- External students’ examination
- For example ProfilPASS-system |
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All education providers are obliged to collect data on the validation outcomes |
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HEI collects data on validation applications and total of ECTS credit points awarded.
VET has launched an initiative to start collecting data.
Qua... HEI collects data on validation applications and total of ECTS credit points awarded.
VET has launched an initiative to start collecting data.
Qualification Authority has data of the number of occupational certificates, partial qualification certificates and competence certificates applied and awarded |
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EOPPEP collects data on the number of applicants and those certified; data is available by specialisation and prefecture.
EOPPEP also keeps records... EOPPEP collects data on the number of applicants and those certified; data is available by specialisation and prefecture.
EOPPEP also keeps records of all previous certification periods of IVET graduates and maintains an integrated Register of Trainers of Adults for non-formal education |
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The Ministry of Education in cooperation with the Autonomous Community collects data systematically, via the Sub Directorate General for Statistics... The Ministry of Education in cooperation with the Autonomous Community collects data systematically, via the Sub Directorate General for Statistics and Studies of the Ministry of Education, in order to provide annual statistics and monitor and assess the education system at all levels.
Autonomous Communities must provide information about all calls for the validation procedure |
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Validation procedures are embedded in the CBQs, i.e. each individual goes through a validation process. There is no available data on the extent of... Validation procedures are embedded in the CBQs, i.e. each individual goes through a validation process. There is no available data on the extent of validation (for example, how many credits of how many modules). The National Board of Education collects data from the education providers on the individuals who start CBQs and who have gained qualifications in the CBQ system |
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Data collected from different ministries and centralised:
Around 60-65 0000 applications are considered eligible per year.
About 30 000 full qual... Data collected from different ministries and centralised:
Around 60-65 0000 applications are considered eligible per year.
About 30 000 full qualifications are awarded per year |
National GovernmentRegionsProductive sectorsEducation providersno info
N/a for validation at national level as the system is not yet implemented.
But, in the field of trades, there are Chambers of Trades and Crafts (n... N/a for validation at national level as the system is not yet implemented.
But, in the field of trades, there are Chambers of Trades and Crafts (national and regional level) which collect data on the number of validation applications / on validation outcomes that is comprehensive, and up to date |
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No data collection |
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No single consistent data collection framework nationally. |
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The data is mainly for adult education.
The LLL centres managing validation projects report to the ETSC on number of individuals who participate i... The data is mainly for adult education.
The LLL centres managing validation projects report to the ETSC on number of individuals who participate in validation projects. Validation is conducted in groups of 12-20 individuals in a specific field.
LLL centres report to the ETSC on project outcomes and related statistics |
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Lombardia, Emilia Romagna and Veneto regions are able to collect the number of applications but not the validation outcomes. |
National GovernmentRegionsProductive sectorsEducation providersno info
But the education providers in vocational education and training are in Switzerland |
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There are no institutions that would collect data centrally either on the number of applications or validation outcomes. Individual universities or... There are no institutions that would collect data centrally either on the number of applications or validation outcomes. Individual universities or accredited certification authorities had to be contacted individually to obtain the data. |
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Data concerning the take up of validation from the spring of 2010 until the 31 August of 2013 is available from the Ministry of National Education ... Data concerning the take up of validation from the spring of 2010 until the 31 August of 2013 is available from the Ministry of National Education .
- 950 requests (first step of the application) have been submitted;
- 743 applications were considered eligible;
- 285 portfolios (second step of the application) were assessed;
- 150 candidates were entitled to a validation of their learning outcomes (91 full qualifications awarded and 60 partial validation)
Data on flows of beneficiaries from other validation providers is not in the public domain |
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The accredited education institutions and accredited examination centres have to keep records and it is necessary to register cases of the provisio... The accredited education institutions and accredited examination centres have to keep records and it is necessary to register cases of the provision of the validation of non-formal and informal learning.
In 2012 the most popular among the vocational qualifications were house-manager (200 successful candidates), inspector of state border guard (72 successful applicants), and car mechanics (49 successful candidates).
In 2013, the most popular among the vocational qualifications were house-manager (213 successful candidates), carer (170 successful applicants), nanny (116 successful candidates) and welder (113 successful candidates).
In other educational sectors it is a bit more difficult to collect data, since very often it results in partial recognition |
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Currently, the system for validation is in place only within the childcare sector. To date, the number of individuals who have been through the val... Currently, the system for validation is in place only within the childcare sector. To date, the number of individuals who have been through the validation process is approximately 80, with around 100 waiting to progress onto the system |
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No information
Validation outcomes: 2012 approx. 17000 |
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Data collected for this report was taken from the Directorate of Education and Training’s ‘Education Mirror’.
The regional ‘assessment cen... Data collected for this report was taken from the Directorate of Education and Training’s ‘Education Mirror’.
The regional ‘assessment centres’ for validation of prior learning in upper secondary education collect data on the candidates who have undergone validation. These data are incorporated into a national-level register.
Data are also available from the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service on the number of higher education applicants seeking admission on the basis of validation and on the number of admissions based on validation. Data on the number of students admitted on the basis of validation in post-secondary VET are collected by the DBH-F database and published in annual reports by the Ministry. |
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Central Examination Board collects all data concerning vocational examinations, while the Educational Information System collects all the data conc... Central Examination Board collects all data concerning vocational examinations, while the Educational Information System collects all the data concerning learning processes, including schools system and vocational training for juveniles organised by employers |
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Due to the current situation, there is no information about this topic |
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No information |
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In the current situation, it is difficult to collect data on the number of validation applications and validation outcomes, since there is no syste... In the current situation, it is difficult to collect data on the number of validation applications and validation outcomes, since there is no systematic data collection mechanism within the different areas of the national structure. Many providers of validation hold their own registers covering their own validation activities |
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No information |
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The ministry of education has data on the number of successfully passed examinations |
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No information |
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Data collection is identified as a problem in the NIACE study on RPL within the QCF.
Some education providers may collect data on individuals unde... Data collection is identified as a problem in the NIACE study on RPL within the QCF.
Some education providers may collect data on individuals undergoing RPL processes – this may however not even be at central, rather at departmental level. |
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No data is available at national level on the number of people who have undergone RPL in Scotland. Beneficiary numbers would be produced at the lev... No data is available at national level on the number of people who have undergone RPL in Scotland. Beneficiary numbers would be produced at the level of the individual learning provider.
Individual universities may use their own internal management information systems to monitor / track students who have benefited from RPL. |
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No data currently collected except in HE sector, by HESA – which only started 2012/13 |
Année | Austria | Belgium-DE | Belgium-FR | Bulgaria | Switzerland | Cyprus | Czechia | Germany | Denmark | Estonia | Greece | Spain | Finland | France | Croatia | Hungary | Ireland | Iceland | Italy | Liechtenstein | Lithuania | Luxembourg | Latvia | Malta | Netherlands | Norway | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Sweden | Slovenia | Slovakia | Türkiye | United Kingdom / England and Northern Ireland | United Kingdom / Scotland | United Kingdom / Wales |
2010 |
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No results for this year |
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No results for this year |
2014 |
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Année | Austria | Belgium-DE | Belgium-FR | Bulgaria | Switzerland | Cyprus | Czechia | Germany | Denmark | Estonia | Greece | Spain | Finland | France | Croatia | Hungary | Ireland | Iceland | Italy | Liechtenstein | Lithuania | Luxembourg | Latvia | Malta | Netherlands | Norway | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Sweden | Slovenia | Slovakia | Türkiye | United Kingdom / England and Northern Ireland | United Kingdom / Scotland | United Kingdom / Wales |
2010 |
MalesFemalesYoung peopleThe low-qualifiedEarly school leaversVET students/ applicantsHE students/ applicantsAdult learnersJobseekers/ unemployed peopleIndividuals at risk of unemploymentVolunteersWorkers in specific professions / sectorsExperienced and older workersMigrants / refugeesOtherNot info
Data on user groups are not collected centrally. |
MalesFemalesYoung peopleThe low-qualifiedEarly school leaversVET students/ applicantsHE students/ applicantsAdult learnersJobseekers/ unemployed peopleIndividuals at risk of unemploymentVolunteersWorkers in specific professions / sectorsExperienced and older workersMigrants / refugeesOtherNot info
Higher education sector: females
Labour market sector: males |
MalesFemalesYoung peopleThe low-qualifiedEarly school leaversVET students/ applicantsHE students/ applicantsAdult learnersJobseekers/ unemployed peopleIndividuals at risk of unemploymentVolunteersWorkers in specific professions / sectorsExperienced and older workersMigrants / refugeesOtherNot info
CVET (VDC): Almost half of applicants were job seekers.
No reliable data in HE. |
MalesFemalesYoung peopleThe low-qualifiedEarly school leaversVET students/ applicantsHE students/ applicantsAdult learnersJobseekers/ unemployed peopleIndividuals at risk of unemploymentVolunteersWorkers in specific professions / sectorsExperienced and older workersMigrants / refugeesOtherNot info
Not info |
MalesFemalesYoung peopleThe low-qualifiedEarly school leaversVET students/ applicantsHE students/ applicantsAdult learnersJobseekers/ unemployed peopleIndividuals at risk of unemploymentVolunteersWorkers in specific professions / sectorsExperienced and older workersMigrants / refugeesOtherNot info
No information |
MalesFemalesYoung peopleThe low-qualifiedEarly school leaversVET students/ applicantsHE students/ applicantsAdult learnersJobseekers/ unemployed peopleIndividuals at risk of unemploymentVolunteersWorkers in specific professions / sectorsExperienced and older workersMigrants / refugeesOtherNot info
There is no data about other break down of applicants
The main target group are adults in general
To obtain certain trade licences one has to demo... There is no data about other break down of applicants
The main target group are adults in general
To obtain certain trade licences one has to demonstrate that they have a relevant qualification
Other means: People wishing to get qualifications that are linked to the possibility to obtain a trade licence |
MalesFemalesYoung peopleThe low-qualifiedEarly school leaversVET students/ applicantsHE students/ applicantsAdult learnersJobseekers/ unemployed peopleIndividuals at risk of unemploymentVolunteersWorkers in specific professions / sectorsExperienced and older workersMigrants / refugeesOtherNot info
Concerning External students’ examination
Concerning access to higher education |
MalesFemalesYoung peopleThe low-qualifiedEarly school leaversVET students/ applicantsHE students/ applicantsAdult learnersJobseekers/ unemployed peopleIndividuals at risk of unemploymentVolunteersWorkers in specific professions / sectorsExperienced and older workersMigrants / refugeesOtherNot info
No data available |
MalesFemalesYoung peopleThe low-qualifiedEarly school leaversVET students/ applicantsHE students/ applicantsAdult learnersJobseekers/ unemployed peopleIndividuals at risk of unemploymentVolunteersWorkers in specific professions / sectorsExperienced and older workersMigrants / refugeesOtherNot info
Data is available for validation in HE. More generally, the majority of users of validation opportunities are HE students |
MalesFemalesYoung peopleThe low-qualifiedEarly school leaversVET students/ applicantsHE students/ applicantsAdult learnersJobseekers/ unemployed peopleIndividuals at risk of unemploymentVolunteersWorkers in specific professions / sectorsExperienced and older workersMigrants / refugeesOtherNot info
ECDL, ICT state certificate and foreign language certificate can be accessed by anyone.
Greek language certificate regards only immigrants |
MalesFemalesYoung peopleThe low-qualifiedEarly school leaversVET students/ applicantsHE students/ applicantsAdult learnersJobseekers/ unemployed peopleIndividuals at risk of unemploymentVolunteersWorkers in specific professions / sectorsExperienced and older workersMigrants / refugeesOtherNot info
No information in the 2010 report. However, for the first call for validation, priority was given to those over 25 years without previous qualifica... No information in the 2010 report. However, for the first call for validation, priority was given to those over 25 years without previous qualifications |
MalesFemalesYoung peopleThe low-qualifiedEarly school leaversVET students/ applicantsHE students/ applicantsAdult learnersJobseekers/ unemployed peopleIndividuals at risk of unemploymentVolunteersWorkers in specific professions / sectorsExperienced and older workersMigrants / refugeesOtherNot info
In the CBQ (VET) system most of the individuals are low-qualified (or early school leavers) and in employment. The second biggest group is the unem... In the CBQ (VET) system most of the individuals are low-qualified (or early school leavers) and in employment. The second biggest group is the unemployed or people at risk of unemployment. |
MalesFemalesYoung peopleThe low-qualifiedEarly school leaversVET students/ applicantsHE students/ applicantsAdult learnersJobseekers/ unemployed peopleIndividuals at risk of unemploymentVolunteersWorkers in specific professions / sectorsExperienced and older workersMigrants / refugeesOtherNot info
Information not included in 2010 report. |
MalesFemalesYoung peopleThe low-qualifiedEarly school leaversVET students/ applicantsHE students/ applicantsAdult learnersJobseekers/ unemployed peopleIndividuals at risk of unemploymentVolunteersWorkers in specific professions / sectorsExperienced and older workersMigrants / refugeesOtherNot info
No data available |
MalesFemalesYoung peopleThe low-qualifiedEarly school leaversVET students/ applicantsHE students/ applicantsAdult learnersJobseekers/ unemployed peopleIndividuals at risk of unemploymentVolunteersWorkers in specific professions / sectorsExperienced and older workersMigrants / refugeesOtherNot info
The schemes in operation concern these groups of students. |
MalesFemalesYoung peopleThe low-qualifiedEarly school leaversVET students/ applicantsHE students/ applicantsAdult learnersJobseekers/ unemployed peopleIndividuals at risk of unemploymentVolunteersWorkers in specific professions / sectorsExperienced and older workersMigrants / refugeesOtherNot info
Some individual initiatives focusing on specific target groups have been identified. These tend to be related to HE (adult learners) and VET |
MalesFemalesYoung peopleThe low-qualifiedEarly school leaversVET students/ applicantsHE students/ applicantsAdult learnersJobseekers/ unemployed peopleIndividuals at risk of unemploymentVolunteersWorkers in specific professions / sectorsExperienced and older workersMigrants / refugeesOtherNot info
In the last three years, 82 % of participants in validation were males and 18% females. The explanation is that validation takes place mostly withi... In the last three years, 82 % of participants in validation were males and 18% females. The explanation is that validation takes place mostly within the certified trades. Validation is a specific measure for the low-qualified, so the majority are without formal education at upper secondary school level. The low-qualified are in most risk of unemployment. |
MalesFemalesYoung peopleThe low-qualifiedEarly school leaversVET students/ applicantsHE students/ applicantsAdult learnersJobseekers/ unemployed peopleIndividuals at risk of unemploymentVolunteersWorkers in specific professions / sectorsExperienced and older workersMigrants / refugeesOtherNot info
No specific options and no data |
MalesFemalesYoung peopleThe low-qualifiedEarly school leaversVET students/ applicantsHE students/ applicantsAdult learnersJobseekers/ unemployed peopleIndividuals at risk of unemploymentVolunteersWorkers in specific professions / sectorsExperienced and older workersMigrants / refugeesOtherNot info
Too small numbers to answer this question reasonably |
MalesFemalesYoung peopleThe low-qualifiedEarly school leaversVET students/ applicantsHE students/ applicantsAdult learnersJobseekers/ unemployed peopleIndividuals at risk of unemploymentVolunteersWorkers in specific professions / sectorsExperienced and older workersMigrants / refugeesOtherNot info
No information |
MalesFemalesYoung peopleThe low-qualifiedEarly school leaversVET students/ applicantsHE students/ applicantsAdult learnersJobseekers/ unemployed peopleIndividuals at risk of unemploymentVolunteersWorkers in specific professions / sectorsExperienced and older workersMigrants / refugeesOtherNot info
No data available |
MalesFemalesYoung peopleThe low-qualifiedEarly school leaversVET students/ applicantsHE students/ applicantsAdult learnersJobseekers/ unemployed peopleIndividuals at risk of unemploymentVolunteersWorkers in specific professions / sectorsExperienced and older workersMigrants / refugeesOtherNot info
In 2010, the legislative framework is in its development phase. The vocational sector is given priority due to the economic crisis in Latvia and th... In 2010, the legislative framework is in its development phase. The vocational sector is given priority due to the economic crisis in Latvia and the need therefore for measures that promote employability of individuals (especially low-qualified, jobseekers and unemployed people) to alleviate their integration into the labour market. Since the system of validation itself is not yet in place, it is hard to provide information on potential specific target groups. The Ministry of Welfare plans to cover the costs of validation to unemployed people and job seekers under the action ‘Training of Unemployed Persons and Job ’Seekers’. |
MalesFemalesYoung peopleThe low-qualifiedEarly school leaversVET students/ applicantsHE students/ applicantsAdult learnersJobseekers/ unemployed peopleIndividuals at risk of unemploymentVolunteersWorkers in specific professions / sectorsExperienced and older workersMigrants / refugeesOtherNot info
There is currently no identified group which could be defined as dominant in relation to validation in Malta. It could be argued that those in the ... There is currently no identified group which could be defined as dominant in relation to validation in Malta. It could be argued that those in the childcare sector are the dominant user group however this is down to situation, as validation system has already been set up for this sector. |
MalesFemalesYoung peopleThe low-qualifiedEarly school leaversVET students/ applicantsHE students/ applicantsAdult learnersJobseekers/ unemployed peopleIndividuals at risk of unemploymentVolunteersWorkers in specific professions / sectorsExperienced and older workersMigrants / refugeesOtherNot info
No information |
MalesFemalesYoung peopleThe low-qualifiedEarly school leaversVET students/ applicantsHE students/ applicantsAdult learnersJobseekers/ unemployed peopleIndividuals at risk of unemploymentVolunteersWorkers in specific professions / sectorsExperienced and older workersMigrants / refugeesOtherNot info
It has been reported that by the end of 2006, more than 60,000 adults had acquired formal qualifications at upper secondary level which take accoun... It has been reported that by the end of 2006, more than 60,000 adults had acquired formal qualifications at upper secondary level which take account of their non-formal and informal learning outcomes and allow for a shortened period of training. More than 10,000 adults lacking formal qualifications have been offered admission to a study programme in higher education, based on documented prior learning.
Validation seems to be more common among students of health and social studies - as many as 57% of these students have undergone a validation process. Furthermore, among those who obtained a final qualification in health and social studies, a full 70% had undergone validation.
72% of the applications to HE based on validation of prior learning were women – which may be linked to the fact that the most popular subjects for validation applicants are health and social studies. |
MalesFemalesYoung peopleThe low-qualifiedEarly school leaversVET students/ applicantsHE students/ applicantsAdult learnersJobseekers/ unemployed peopleIndividuals at risk of unemploymentVolunteersWorkers in specific professions / sectorsExperienced and older workersMigrants / refugeesOtherNot info
Validation seems to be more common amongst students of health and social studies |
MalesFemalesYoung peopleThe low-qualifiedEarly school leaversVET students/ applicantsHE students/ applicantsAdult learnersJobseekers/ unemployed peopleIndividuals at risk of unemploymentVolunteersWorkers in specific professions / sectorsExperienced and older workersMigrants / refugeesOtherNot info
According to ANQ data, by April 2010, 324,370 adults had been granted a certificate through RVCC processes (i.e. as a result of validation processe... According to ANQ data, by April 2010, 324,370 adults had been granted a certificate through RVCC processes (i.e. as a result of validation processes and complementary learning). Since 2007 55 % of those granted certificates were women and 45% were men. The age-group 35-44 years is the most represented (39%), followed by the age-group age 45-54 years (25.8%) and by 25-34 years (23.2%). People older than 65 (7%) and between 18 and 24 years old (4.3%) are less represented. Regarding their situation in the job market, data show that 74.2% are employed and 21.5% unemployed; 4.3% are identified as in another situation. |
MalesFemalesYoung peopleThe low-qualifiedEarly school leaversVET students/ applicantsHE students/ applicantsAdult learnersJobseekers/ unemployed peopleIndividuals at risk of unemploymentVolunteersWorkers in specific professions / sectorsExperienced and older workersMigrants / refugeesOtherNot info
There are no desegregated data, but the general view is that highly educated and high skilled adult learners are applying the most. Certificates we... There are no desegregated data, but the general view is that highly educated and high skilled adult learners are applying the most. Certificates were issued for different occupations, the most common being construction, social assistance, agriculture and commerce |
MalesFemalesYoung peopleThe low-qualifiedEarly school leaversVET students/ applicantsHE students/ applicantsAdult learnersJobseekers/ unemployed peopleIndividuals at risk of unemploymentVolunteersWorkers in specific professions / sectorsExperienced and older workersMigrants / refugeesOtherNot info
Foreign-born people in Sweden |
MalesFemalesYoung peopleThe low-qualifiedEarly school leaversVET students/ applicantsHE students/ applicantsAdult learnersJobseekers/ unemployed peopleIndividuals at risk of unemploymentVolunteersWorkers in specific professions / sectorsExperienced and older workersMigrants / refugeesOtherNot info
MalesFemalesYoung peopleThe low-qualifiedEarly school leaversVET students/ applicantsHE students/ applicantsAdult learnersJobseekers/ unemployed peopleIndividuals at risk of unemploymentVolunteersWorkers in specific professions / sectorsExperienced and older workersMigrants / refugeesOtherNot info
No data is currently available with regard to recognition of non-formal and informal learning in view of full or partial qualifications as the impl... No data is currently available with regard to recognition of non-formal and informal learning in view of full or partial qualifications as the implementation process has only just started |
MalesFemalesYoung peopleThe low-qualifiedEarly school leaversVET students/ applicantsHE students/ applicantsAdult learnersJobseekers/ unemployed peopleIndividuals at risk of unemploymentVolunteersWorkers in specific professions / sectorsExperienced and older workersMigrants / refugeesOtherNot info
The validation process is at a very early stage to answer this question |
MalesFemalesYoung peopleThe low-qualifiedEarly school leaversVET students/ applicantsHE students/ applicantsAdult learnersJobseekers/ unemployed peopleIndividuals at risk of unemploymentVolunteersWorkers in specific professions / sectorsExperienced and older workersMigrants / refugeesOtherNot info
Data not available. |
MalesFemalesYoung peopleThe low-qualifiedEarly school leaversVET students/ applicantsHE students/ applicantsAdult learnersJobseekers/ unemployed peopleIndividuals at risk of unemploymentVolunteersWorkers in specific professions / sectorsExperienced and older workersMigrants / refugeesOtherNot info
Data not available |
2014 |
MalesFemalesYoung peopleThe low-qualifiedEarly school leaversVET students/ applicantsHE students/ applicantsAdult learnersJobseekers/ unemployed peopleIndividuals at risk of unemploymentVolunteersWorkers in specific professions / sectorsExperienced and older workersMigrants / refugeesOtherNot info
Data on user groups are not collected centrally. |
MalesFemalesYoung peopleThe low-qualifiedEarly school leaversVET students/ applicantsHE students/ applicantsAdult learnersJobseekers/ unemployed peopleIndividuals at risk of unemploymentVolunteersWorkers in specific professions / sectorsExperienced and older workersMigrants / refugeesOtherNot info
Higher education sector: females. 70% of the candidates are women which is linked to the fact that the majority of demand is in the education and h... Higher education sector: females. 70% of the candidates are women which is linked to the fact that the majority of demand is in the education and health care sectors.
Almost 46% of candidates had as highest obtained a qualification at secondary education;. 1.34% of candidates had no secondary education qualification which demonstrates that people without the necessary qualifications but with relevant work experience are being reached.
Labour market sector: females. In 2012 for the first time since the start of the work experience certificate, more women than men received a certificate (respectively 59.9% and 40.1%). This shift is related to the increasing popularity of the new professions which seem to attract especially women. In terms of age group, the largest group obtaining certificates in 2012 were the 26 to 44 years old with 53.99%. Furthermore, there has been a significant increase of people older than 55 years old (19.3%) in 2012 whereas a decrease in the 16 to 25 years old obtaining work experience certificates (12.47%) was observed. Finally, in terms of educational level, of those following an EVC procedure in 2012, 31.17% were educated at a lower level; 42.78% at a medium level and 25.04% at a high level. |
MalesFemalesYoung peopleThe low-qualifiedEarly school leaversVET students/ applicantsHE students/ applicantsAdult learnersJobseekers/ unemployed peopleIndividuals at risk of unemploymentVolunteersWorkers in specific professions / sectorsExperienced and older workersMigrants / refugeesOtherNot info
VDC: slightly higher proportion of men. The majority of candidates were jobseekers (64%). Only 26% of candidates were active on the labour market ... VDC: slightly higher proportion of men. The majority of candidates were jobseekers (64%). Only 26% of candidates were active on the labour market (most of them were employed, self-employed candidates were a minority).
VAE in HE: slightly higher proportion of women. Tertiary degree holders are over-represented. Job seekers remain a small proportion (around 20%).
Males (VDC)
Females (HE)
Job seekers/unemployed people (VDC) |
MalesFemalesYoung peopleThe low-qualifiedEarly school leaversVET students/ applicantsHE students/ applicantsAdult learnersJobseekers/ unemployed peopleIndividuals at risk of unemploymentVolunteersWorkers in specific professions / sectorsExperienced and older workersMigrants / refugeesOtherNot info
The needs analysis carried out in the project, ‘System for validation of non-formal acquired knowledge, skills and competences’, provides a lis... The needs analysis carried out in the project, ‘System for validation of non-formal acquired knowledge, skills and competences’, provides a list of initiatives, which have taken place in the period between 2005 and 2013. Most of the beneficiaries include individuals at risk of unemployment as well as workers in specific professions and/or sectors |
MalesFemalesYoung peopleThe low-qualifiedEarly school leaversVET students/ applicantsHE students/ applicantsAdult learnersJobseekers/ unemployed peopleIndividuals at risk of unemploymentVolunteersWorkers in specific professions / sectorsExperienced and older workersMigrants / refugeesOtherNot info
Cannot be assessed.
As mentioned above, adults, VET qualifications (low qualified, workers in specific profession, or experienced and older worker... Cannot be assessed.
As mentioned above, adults, VET qualifications (low qualified, workers in specific profession, or experienced and older workers), and HE qualifications have more validation possibilities.
Currently there are not many opportunities for other groups |
MalesFemalesYoung peopleThe low-qualifiedEarly school leaversVET students/ applicantsHE students/ applicantsAdult learnersJobseekers/ unemployed peopleIndividuals at risk of unemploymentVolunteersWorkers in specific professions / sectorsExperienced and older workersMigrants / refugeesOtherNot info
With regard to HRDA’s System of Vocational Qualifications, the dominant user group of validation is the workers in specific professions/sectors t... With regard to HRDA’s System of Vocational Qualifications, the dominant user group of validation is the workers in specific professions/sectors that the System currently refers to. HRDA assesses that interest in these groups is rather strong. |
MalesFemalesYoung peopleThe low-qualifiedEarly school leaversVET students/ applicantsHE students/ applicantsAdult learnersJobseekers/ unemployed peopleIndividuals at risk of unemploymentVolunteersWorkers in specific professions / sectorsExperienced and older workersMigrants / refugeesOtherNot info
There is no data about other break down of applicants
The main target group are adults in general To obtain certain trade licences one has to demon... There is no data about other break down of applicants
The main target group are adults in general To obtain certain trade licences one has to demonstrate that they have a relevant qualification.
Others means: People wishing to get qualifications that are linked to the possibility to obtain a trade licence |
MalesFemalesYoung peopleThe low-qualifiedEarly school leaversVET students/ applicantsHE students/ applicantsAdult learnersJobseekers/ unemployed peopleIndividuals at risk of unemploymentVolunteersWorkers in specific professions / sectorsExperienced and older workersMigrants / refugeesOtherNot info
Concerning the External students’ examination
Concerning access to higher education
Concerning Vocational Qualifications Assessment Law |
MalesFemalesYoung peopleThe low-qualifiedEarly school leaversVET students/ applicantsHE students/ applicantsAdult learnersJobseekers/ unemployed peopleIndividuals at risk of unemploymentVolunteersWorkers in specific professions / sectorsExperienced and older workersMigrants / refugeesOtherNot info
No information |
MalesFemalesYoung peopleThe low-qualifiedEarly school leaversVET students/ applicantsHE students/ applicantsAdult learnersJobseekers/ unemployed peopleIndividuals at risk of unemploymentVolunteersWorkers in specific professions / sectorsExperienced and older workersMigrants / refugeesOtherNot info
Data is available for validation in HE. The majority of users of validation opportunities are HE students, but VET use it more each year |
MalesFemalesYoung peopleThe low-qualifiedEarly school leaversVET students/ applicantsHE students/ applicantsAdult learnersJobseekers/ unemployed peopleIndividuals at risk of unemploymentVolunteersWorkers in specific professions / sectorsExperienced and older workersMigrants / refugeesOtherNot info
Given the focus of EOPPEP’s process of certification, applicants are either IVET graduates (IVET-ISCED 4), professionals of private security with... Given the focus of EOPPEP’s process of certification, applicants are either IVET graduates (IVET-ISCED 4), professionals of private security without formal qualifications (non-regulated profession) and adult trainers in non-formal learning that are usually highly qualified and experienced. More specifically, EOPPEP keeps specific data in relation to gender, education attainment, working/teaching experience, ICT, foreign language proficiency etc. regarding the Register of Adult Trainers for non-formal education. This information is utilised to formulate and continuously update the qualifications e - portfolio of trainers |
MalesFemalesYoung peopleThe low-qualifiedEarly school leaversVET students/ applicantsHE students/ applicantsAdult learnersJobseekers/ unemployed peopleIndividuals at risk of unemploymentVolunteersWorkers in specific professions / sectorsExperienced and older workersMigrants / refugeesOtherNot info
In relation to the assessment and accreditation procedure of professional competences acquired through work experience, although data still needs t... In relation to the assessment and accreditation procedure of professional competences acquired through work experience, although data still needs to be confirmed; the dominant user groups vary depending on the type of sector; for instance, whereas in the sector of pre-primary education and care of dependent people the main profile seems to be low qualified women; the main profile of the sector of repair and maintenance of vehicles are men. It also seems that the people that apply more for validation are those in the age group 30-50.
Mainly early school leavers sit for the validation procedure because they want to continue education via VET studies.
Generally, low qualified individuals use the validation process in order to gain a VET Diploma. |
MalesFemalesYoung peopleThe low-qualifiedEarly school leaversVET students/ applicantsHE students/ applicantsAdult learnersJobseekers/ unemployed peopleIndividuals at risk of unemploymentVolunteersWorkers in specific professions / sectorsExperienced and older workersMigrants / refugeesOtherNot info
In the CBQ (VET) system most of the individuals are low-qualified (or early school leavers) and in employment. The second biggest group is people ... In the CBQ (VET) system most of the individuals are low-qualified (or early school leavers) and in employment. The second biggest group is people who are unemployed or at risk of unemployment.
In HEIs the users are all HE students who want to have their skills validated. |
MalesFemalesYoung peopleThe low-qualifiedEarly school leaversVET students/ applicantsHE students/ applicantsAdult learnersJobseekers/ unemployed peopleIndividuals at risk of unemploymentVolunteersWorkers in specific professions / sectorsExperienced and older workersMigrants / refugeesOtherNot info
Based on profile of VAE applicants in 2011:
74.1% of candidates were female;
71.5% of applicants were aged 30- 49;
70.5% of applicants were employ... Based on profile of VAE applicants in 2011:
74.1% of candidates were female;
71.5% of applicants were aged 30- 49;
70.5% of applicants were employed;
53.2% of applications concerned Level V diplomas (lowest level of the French qualification framework). |
MalesFemalesYoung peopleThe low-qualifiedEarly school leaversVET students/ applicantsHE students/ applicantsAdult learnersJobseekers/ unemployed peopleIndividuals at risk of unemploymentVolunteersWorkers in specific professions / sectorsExperienced and older workersMigrants / refugeesOtherNot info
No data available |
MalesFemalesYoung peopleThe low-qualifiedEarly school leaversVET students/ applicantsHE students/ applicantsAdult learnersJobseekers/ unemployed peopleIndividuals at risk of unemploymentVolunteersWorkers in specific professions / sectorsExperienced and older workersMigrants / refugeesOtherNot info
The schemes in operation concern these groups of students..
Mostly part-time students having work experience. |
MalesFemalesYoung peopleThe low-qualifiedEarly school leaversVET students/ applicantsHE students/ applicantsAdult learnersJobseekers/ unemployed peopleIndividuals at risk of unemploymentVolunteersWorkers in specific professions / sectorsExperienced and older workersMigrants / refugeesOtherNot info
Some individual initiatives focusing on specific target groups have been identified. These tend to be related to HE (adult learners) and VET |
MalesFemalesYoung peopleThe low-qualifiedEarly school leaversVET students/ applicantsHE students/ applicantsAdult learnersJobseekers/ unemployed peopleIndividuals at risk of unemploymentVolunteersWorkers in specific professions / sectorsExperienced and older workersMigrants / refugeesOtherNot info
In the last three years, 67% of participants in validation were males and 33% females. The reason for this is that validation takes place mostly wi... In the last three years, 67% of participants in validation were males and 33% females. The reason for this is that validation takes place mostly within the certified trades. Validation is a specific measure for the low qualified, so the majority is without formal education at upper secondary school level. The low qualified are at most risk of unemployment. |
MalesFemalesYoung peopleThe low-qualifiedEarly school leaversVET students/ applicantsHE students/ applicantsAdult learnersJobseekers/ unemployed peopleIndividuals at risk of unemploymentVolunteersWorkers in specific professions / sectorsExperienced and older workersMigrants / refugeesOtherNot info
No information |
MalesFemalesYoung peopleThe low-qualifiedEarly school leaversVET students/ applicantsHE students/ applicantsAdult learnersJobseekers/ unemployed peopleIndividuals at risk of unemploymentVolunteersWorkers in specific professions / sectorsExperienced and older workersMigrants / refugeesOtherNot info
No information |
MalesFemalesYoung peopleThe low-qualifiedEarly school leaversVET students/ applicantsHE students/ applicantsAdult learnersJobseekers/ unemployed peopleIndividuals at risk of unemploymentVolunteersWorkers in specific professions / sectorsExperienced and older workersMigrants / refugeesOtherNot info
Information is not collected systematically, but numbers are so far very low. However, this is understandable as validation initiatives in all sect... Information is not collected systematically, but numbers are so far very low. However, this is understandable as validation initiatives in all sectors are relatively new, for instance, at the moment validation services of competences acquired in non-formal and informal adult education system are provided at 33 higher education establishments. The majority of them have approved internal validation procedures in 2013 as part of the Project FORMALIS - ‘The Development of Validation System of Competences Acquired through Non-formal and Informal Learning at Higher Education Institutions‘, which was implemented between April 2012 – 2014 by the Career and Competence Centre of Vytautas Magnus University. As mentioned above, according to the Ministry of Education and Science, 646 people in 2012 and 341 people in 2013 have validated their competences at higher education establishments); 47 people in 2013 have validated their competences in the system of VET.
At the moment a national project called “The Development of an Integrated Youth Policy” is being implemented by the Department of Youth Affairs under the Ministry of Social Security and which inter alia aims at implementation of the youth worker certification system along with a competence assessment mechanism covering validation of non-formal and informal learning of youth workers. As part of this project, 600 youth workers will validate their competences |
MalesFemalesYoung peopleThe low-qualifiedEarly school leaversVET students/ applicantsHE students/ applicantsAdult learnersJobseekers/ unemployed peopleIndividuals at risk of unemploymentVolunteersWorkers in specific professions / sectorsExperienced and older workersMigrants / refugeesOtherNot info
Detailed data on the users of validation procedures is not in the public domain. |
MalesFemalesYoung peopleThe low-qualifiedEarly school leaversVET students/ applicantsHE students/ applicantsAdult learnersJobseekers/ unemployed peopleIndividuals at risk of unemploymentVolunteersWorkers in specific professions / sectorsExperienced and older workersMigrants / refugeesOtherNot info
In 2010, when the legislative framework was in its development phase, the vocational sector was given priority due to the economic crisis in Latvia... In 2010, when the legislative framework was in its development phase, the vocational sector was given priority due to the economic crisis in Latvia and the need for measures to promote employability of individuals (especially low-qualified, jobseekers and unemployed people). No preference is given to any gender. |
MalesFemalesYoung peopleThe low-qualifiedEarly school leaversVET students/ applicantsHE students/ applicantsAdult learnersJobseekers/ unemployed peopleIndividuals at risk of unemploymentVolunteersWorkers in specific professions / sectorsExperienced and older workersMigrants / refugeesOtherNot info
There is currently no identified group which could be defined as dominant in relation to validation in Malta. It could be argued that those in the ... There is currently no identified group which could be defined as dominant in relation to validation in Malta. It could be argued that those in the childcare sector are the dominant user group however this is down to situation, as validation system has already been set up for this sector. |
MalesFemalesYoung peopleThe low-qualifiedEarly school leaversVET students/ applicantsHE students/ applicantsAdult learnersJobseekers/ unemployed peopleIndividuals at risk of unemploymentVolunteersWorkers in specific professions / sectorsExperienced and older workersMigrants / refugeesOtherNot info
Most validation is in relation to exemptions or to facilitate access to a qualification. This is mainly for employability.
In volunteering validati... Most validation is in relation to exemptions or to facilitate access to a qualification. This is mainly for employability.
In volunteering validation is used to reward volunteers. The majority of candidates are male and the focus is on NLQF level 2 to 4. |
MalesFemalesYoung peopleThe low-qualifiedEarly school leaversVET students/ applicantsHE students/ applicantsAdult learnersJobseekers/ unemployed peopleIndividuals at risk of unemploymentVolunteersWorkers in specific professions / sectorsExperienced and older workersMigrants / refugeesOtherNot info
Further breakdown of data not identified for this report. |
MalesFemalesYoung peopleThe low-qualifiedEarly school leaversVET students/ applicantsHE students/ applicantsAdult learnersJobseekers/ unemployed peopleIndividuals at risk of unemploymentVolunteersWorkers in specific professions / sectorsExperienced and older workersMigrants / refugeesOtherNot info
Current arrangements for validation concerns mainly VET system, including: schools and craft systems, and system of vocational training for adults ... Current arrangements for validation concerns mainly VET system, including: schools and craft systems, and system of vocational training for adults provided by the employment offices. These groups are the main “clients” of the Polish VET system. |
MalesFemalesYoung peopleThe low-qualifiedEarly school leaversVET students/ applicantsHE students/ applicantsAdult learnersJobseekers/ unemployed peopleIndividuals at risk of unemploymentVolunteersWorkers in specific professions / sectorsExperienced and older workersMigrants / refugeesOtherNot info
There is no information about this topic |
MalesFemalesYoung peopleThe low-qualifiedEarly school leaversVET students/ applicantsHE students/ applicantsAdult learnersJobseekers/ unemployed peopleIndividuals at risk of unemploymentVolunteersWorkers in specific professions / sectorsExperienced and older workersMigrants / refugeesOtherNot info
There are no desegregated data, but the general view is that highly educated and highly skilled adult learners are applying the most. |
MalesFemalesYoung peopleThe low-qualifiedEarly school leaversVET students/ applicantsHE students/ applicantsAdult learnersJobseekers/ unemployed peopleIndividuals at risk of unemploymentVolunteersWorkers in specific professions / sectorsExperienced and older workersMigrants / refugeesOtherNot info
Foreign-born people in Sweden |
MalesFemalesYoung peopleThe low-qualifiedEarly school leaversVET students/ applicantsHE students/ applicantsAdult learnersJobseekers/ unemployed peopleIndividuals at risk of unemploymentVolunteersWorkers in specific professions / sectorsExperienced and older workersMigrants / refugeesOtherNot info
No data for candidates’ in HE.
In National Vocational Qualifications’ system: there is a data base of all issued certificates and the demograph... No data for candidates’ in HE.
In National Vocational Qualifications’ system: there is a data base of all issued certificates and the demographic characteristics of the people who acquired the certificates. Dominant user group of the NPQ system are people with EQF level 1 or 2. Other characteristics depend on qualifications (age, gender, nationality) |
MalesFemalesYoung peopleThe low-qualifiedEarly school leaversVET students/ applicantsHE students/ applicantsAdult learnersJobseekers/ unemployed peopleIndividuals at risk of unemploymentVolunteersWorkers in specific professions / sectorsExperienced and older workersMigrants / refugeesOtherNot info
Breakdown of the data is not available
However they are in vast majority of cases persons seeking to set up a business, in need of a trade licence ... Breakdown of the data is not available
However they are in vast majority of cases persons seeking to set up a business, in need of a trade licence and who do not possess the required formal qualifications |
MalesFemalesYoung peopleThe low-qualifiedEarly school leaversVET students/ applicantsHE students/ applicantsAdult learnersJobseekers/ unemployed peopleIndividuals at risk of unemploymentVolunteersWorkers in specific professions / sectorsExperienced and older workersMigrants / refugeesOtherNot info
Males. But it shall be noted that at the reporting period the vocational sectors open to validation are male-dominated sectors (e.g. construction, ... Males. But it shall be noted that at the reporting period the vocational sectors open to validation are male-dominated sectors (e.g. construction, welding). People in the age group of 25-29 comprise the dominant age group.
Furthermore, people without any formal qualifications comprise most of the applicants. |
MalesFemalesYoung peopleThe low-qualifiedEarly school leaversVET students/ applicantsHE students/ applicantsAdult learnersJobseekers/ unemployed peopleIndividuals at risk of unemploymentVolunteersWorkers in specific professions / sectorsExperienced and older workersMigrants / refugeesOtherNot info
Data not available |
MalesFemalesYoung peopleThe low-qualifiedEarly school leaversVET students/ applicantsHE students/ applicantsAdult learnersJobseekers/ unemployed peopleIndividuals at risk of unemploymentVolunteersWorkers in specific professions / sectorsExperienced and older workersMigrants / refugeesOtherNot info
Data not available |
MalesFemalesYoung peopleThe low-qualifiedEarly school leaversVET students/ applicantsHE students/ applicantsAdult learnersJobseekers/ unemployed peopleIndividuals at risk of unemploymentVolunteersWorkers in specific professions / sectorsExperienced and older workersMigrants / refugeesOtherNot info
Data not available |
Année | Austria | Belgium-DE | Belgium-FR | Bulgaria | Switzerland | Cyprus | Czechia | Germany | Denmark | Estonia | Greece | Spain | Finland | France | Croatia | Hungary | Ireland | Iceland | Italy | Liechtenstein | Lithuania | Luxembourg | Latvia | Malta | Netherlands | Norway | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Sweden | Slovenia | Slovakia | Türkiye | United Kingdom / England and Northern Ireland | United Kingdom / Scotland | United Kingdom / Wales |
2010 |
Individual projects and initiatives
Most measures and initiatives can be linked with second-chance education. Beneficiaries (low-qualified and early school leavers) seek to enhance th... Most measures and initiatives can be linked with second-chance education. Beneficiaries (low-qualified and early school leavers) seek to enhance their employability or to gain access to HE programmes. Some initiatives are particularly directed towards migrants. Those applying for the professional title 'Ingenieur' may be seeking to make their professional status visible. Other initiatives are targeted at professionals who want to gain access to regulated professions or professional positions (Berufspositionen).
Many of the competence audit or portfolio initiatives particularly focus on empowerment of the participants |
No specific targeting
No information |
Disadvantaged groups
Because VFNIL is partly funded through ESF, the systems should aim at reaching unemployed/job seekers.
Individuals primarily targeted by the Valida... Because VFNIL is partly funded through ESF, the systems should aim at reaching unemployed/job seekers.
Individuals primarily targeted by the Validation of competences procedures are job seekers, who represented more than 70% of the applicants to VDC between 2005 and 2008. However the objective of the VDC procedure is to reach a wider public, including employees and enterprises.
Public employment services were involved rapidly to ensure that jobseekers were properly oriented towards validation centres when relevant |
Individual projects and initiatives
The ‘Validation of Mentoring’ project and its successor – ‘Validation of Mentoring 2’ targeted disabled or disadvantaged people as they a... The ‘Validation of Mentoring’ project and its successor – ‘Validation of Mentoring 2’ targeted disabled or disadvantaged people as they are most likely to be affected by a lack of formal qualifications and reduced chances for employability |
No disadvantaged groups were identified |
No specific targeting
No information |
Individual projects and initiatives
There are different approaches in different areas for different target groups: VET and HE applicants |
Disadvantaged groups
Low qualified people are targeted, but it is a right for the individual so everybody has the possibility to engage in validation |
Individual projects and initiatives
There was a project targeting at HE and VET drop outs to provide them with an opportunity to finish their studies (programmes TULE and KUTSE) |
No specific targeting
Disadvantaged groups can attend CVET programmes under the Operational Programme, Employment and Vocational Training. The certification provided is ... Disadvantaged groups can attend CVET programmes under the Operational Programme, Employment and Vocational Training. The certification provided is not recognised in the public or private sector |
No information in the 2010 report |
No specific targeting
No information |
Individual projects and initiatives
Examples mentioned in the 2010 fiche in relation to VAE include: unemployed individuals, the disabled, civil servants, inmates.
In relation with ot... Examples mentioned in the 2010 fiche in relation to VAE include: unemployed individuals, the disabled, civil servants, inmates.
In relation with other validation procedures, target groups mentioned include young people and old people |
No data available |
No specific targeting
No information |
No specific targeting
n/a |
Disadvantaged groups
Targeting is mainly to the low-qualified. About one third of people on the labour market in Iceland have not completed education on upper secondary... Targeting is mainly to the low-qualified. About one third of people on the labour market in Iceland have not completed education on upper secondary school level. The majority of those have developed competences through work. This learning is being targeted in the national validation strategy and made visible through a defined validation process |
No specific targeting
No information |
No specific targeting
No information |
No specific targeting
No groups are given priority in national / regional strategies or policies on validation |
No information |
No specific targeting
See above: low-qualified, jobseekers and unemployed people |
Individual projects and initiatives
No targeted measures are in place.
Targeting: unemployed people. |
Individual projects and initiatives
Targeting the following groups: the unemployed, prisoners |
No specific targeting
Three pilot projects carried out over period 2006-2008 aiming to increase the number of unemployed persons who undergo validation at upper secondar... Three pilot projects carried out over period 2006-2008 aiming to increase the number of unemployed persons who undergo validation at upper secondary level.
Three-year pilot project implemented to test use of validation for prisoners |
No specific targeting
There are examples of projects that focus on specific groups, such as disabled people, adult learners, unemployed (including long-term unemployed) |
No specific targeting
No information |
Individual projects and initiatives
No information |
Individual projects and initiatives
Migrants |
Disadvantaged groups
The unemployment service targets jobseekers, unemployed people and especially Individuals at risk of unemployment, mostly in collaboration with VET... The unemployment service targets jobseekers, unemployed people and especially Individuals at risk of unemployment, mostly in collaboration with VET institutions. Early school leavers are targeted by adult education providers and higher education institutions aim at existing students, potential students and drop-out students |
No specific targeting
People needing requalification – either in the context of collective redundancy procedures or because they are already unemployed – are expecte... People needing requalification – either in the context of collective redundancy procedures or because they are already unemployed – are expected to be one major target group |
Individual projects and initiatives
Targeting the following groups: refugees and asylum seekers, workers affected by restructuring, voluntary and community sector, older workers, youn... Targeting the following groups: refugees and asylum seekers, workers affected by restructuring, voluntary and community sector, older workers, young people, workers in the IT sector, childcare professionals |
Individual projects and initiatives
Some individual initiatives focusing on specific target groups have been identified. These tend to be ad hoc, small-scale initiatives supported by ... Some individual initiatives focusing on specific target groups have been identified. These tend to be ad hoc, small-scale initiatives supported by short / medium-term EU or national funding sources such as ESF and Big Lottery.
Targeting the following groups: workers in social services sector, youth workers, young people ‘at risk’, people who have been made redundant, migrant workers and refugees. |
Other groups
No information |
2014 |
Individual projects and initiatives
Most measures and initiatives can be linked with second-chance education. Beneficiaries (low-qualified and early school leavers) seek to enhance th... Most measures and initiatives can be linked with second-chance education. Beneficiaries (low-qualified and early school leavers) seek to enhance their employability or to gain access to higher or further education programmes. Some initiatives are targeted towards migrants. Those applying for the professional title Ingenieur may seek to make their professional status visible. Other initiatives target professionals who want to gain access to regulated professions or professional positions (Berufspositionen).
Many of the competence audit or portfolio initiatives particularly focus on empowerment of the participants. |
Disadvantaged groups
The government pays specific attention to giving extra chances to people who are part of risk groups such as ethnic minorities, older people, peopl... The government pays specific attention to giving extra chances to people who are part of risk groups such as ethnic minorities, older people, people with a lower level of education and people with a disability. The work experience certificate can strengthen the labour market position of these people. In 2012, around 82.97% of the candidates were part of one of the risk target groups. Overall, since the start of the certificate in April 2006 until December 2012, 88% of the candidates were from a risk target group |
Disadvantaged groups
Jobseekers, unemployed are given priority (mostly because the three main systems are funded partly through ESF). |
Individual projects and initiatives
There are individual projects targeting low-qualified workers (the ValidAid project ), early school leavers (CREATE project)... There are individual projects targeting low-qualified workers (the ValidAid project ), early school leavers (CREATE project) , and migrants (the VALEU project) |
Disadvantaged groups
In the VET sector, low qualified people are targeted. In the HE sector, workers in specific professions / sectors are targeted.
In addition, there... In the VET sector, low qualified people are targeted. In the HE sector, workers in specific professions / sectors are targeted.
In addition, there are specific projects that target women (Federal PET Diploma in family SME managers) and immigrants (Erasmus European Project ALLinHE) |
Other groups
At the current stage of the System of Vocational Qualifications priority is given to the hotel and catering industry, construction industry, wholes... At the current stage of the System of Vocational Qualifications priority is given to the hotel and catering industry, construction industry, wholesale and retail trade, manufacturing sector, motor vehicles repairing sector, systems and networks of communication and computers, trainer of VET, and hairdresser.
HRDA, however, has launched training and work placement programmes for the unemployed and women to boost their employability. These programmes do not include though a validation process or even some of the validation stages |
No specific targeting
No information |
Individual projects and initiatives
There are different approaches in different areas for different target groups: migrants / refugees |
Disadvantaged groups
Low qualified people are targeted, but it is a right for the individual so everybody has the possibility to benefit from recognition of prior learn... Low qualified people are targeted, but it is a right for the individual so everybody has the possibility to benefit from recognition of prior learning |
Individual projects and initiatives
There was a project targeting HE and VET drop-outs, to provide them an opportunity to finish their studies (programmes KUTSE and TULE).
The projec... There was a project targeting HE and VET drop-outs, to provide them an opportunity to finish their studies (programmes KUTSE and TULE).
The projects were not as successful as hoped for. Many students who returned to studies did not finish due to lack of support measures and lack of motivation |
No specific targeting
No information |
No specific targeting
Not in a general sense. However, some official accreditation and validation procedures have been given priority, namely those needed for the exerci... Not in a general sense. However, some official accreditation and validation procedures have been given priority, namely those needed for the exercise of recently regulated professions |
No specific targeting
The skills programme is intended for young people aged 20–29 who lack a post-basic education qualification entirely. Through the skills programme... The skills programme is intended for young people aged 20–29 who lack a post-basic education qualification entirely. Through the skills programme, young people under the age of 30 with no qualification or degree are provided with the opportunity to complete a vocational qualification or a unit of it. Training can be provided at an educational institute or in the form of apprenticeship training.
It is intended that Guidance and counselling will be increased. This type of support helps supports young adults to apply for education and to complete their education
Skills programme for young adults with no qualification or degree 2013–2016 |
No specific targeting
In principle, validation is an individual right and is accessible by all groups. Some support measures to encourage some groups (especially the une... In principle, validation is an individual right and is accessible by all groups. Some support measures to encourage some groups (especially the unemployed and/or low-skilled and/or young people), or some sectors to engage in validation are in place. This depends on the employment policies of each Region |
No data available |
No specific targeting
No information |
Individual projects and initiatives
Initiatives increasingly targeted towards low qualified, unemployed and qualified unemployed. |
Disadvantaged groups
The low qualified are the key focus. About 30 % of people on the labour market in Iceland have not completed education at upper secondary school le... The low qualified are the key focus. About 30 % of people on the labour market in Iceland have not completed education at upper secondary school level. The majority of those have developed competences through work. This learning is being targeted in the national validation strategy and made visible through a defined validation process |
Disadvantaged groups
Unemployed people in Regional systems
Volunteers, Workers in specific professions / sectors, Migrants / refugees in various projects and initiativ... Unemployed people in Regional systems
Volunteers, Workers in specific professions / sectors, Migrants / refugees in various projects and initiatives |
No specific targeting
Projects like “AWICO” as well as “ich.auch” are focused on people disadvantaged on the labour market and/or in the educational system becau... Projects like “AWICO” as well as “ich.auch” are focused on people disadvantaged on the labour market and/or in the educational system because of their low formal qualification level |
No specific targeting
No information |
No information |
No specific targeting
See above: low-qualified, jobseekers and unemployed people, and also workers in specific professions / sectors |
Individual projects and initiatives
No targeted measures are in place |
Disadvantaged groups
The groups are: migrants (incidentally) and jobseekers (structurally). There are also projects in certain sectors which evidence a need for skilled... The groups are: migrants (incidentally) and jobseekers (structurally). There are also projects in certain sectors which evidence a need for skilled workers at a certain level. For example healthcare from level NLQF 2 to NLQF level 3 and 4. |
Disadvantaged groups
Validation of informal and non-formal learning related to lower and upper secondary education is free for the following groups:
People with a stat... Validation of informal and non-formal learning related to lower and upper secondary education is free for the following groups:
People with a statutory right to complete their education from primary school to upper secondary education and training (costs are normally borne by county councils);
People who are unable to work due to disability (costs are borne by the Labour and Welfare Service);
People having signed a ‘jobseekers’ agreement with the Labour and Welfare Service can under some circumstances have their prior learning experiences assessed for free. One precondition is that the employment office considers the assessment to be necessary for getting the job seekers back to work.
Recognition of formal and non-formal qualifications is free in post-secondary VET and higher education |
Disadvantaged groups
In the case of individual projects, the arrangements are targeting specific disadvantaged groups, such as low-qualified, unemployed people, disable... In the case of individual projects, the arrangements are targeting specific disadvantaged groups, such as low-qualified, unemployed people, disabled people, early school leavers etc.
In the case of national arrangements, there is no specific targeting |
Disadvantaged groups
In the new legislation of CQEP centres, disadvantaged groups will be given priority in relation to validation |
Individual projects and initiatives
Disadvantaged groups are given priority, but only declarative in the Education Law. |
Individual projects and initiatives
Migrants |
Individual projects and initiatives
Higher education targets drop-out students to continue studying and graduates to enrol in postgraduate programmes, the employment service targets u... Higher education targets drop-out students to continue studying and graduates to enrol in postgraduate programmes, the employment service targets unemployed and groups with low employability and migrants, adult education institutions target low qualified, youth organizations target volunteers and young (first-time) job-seekers or unemployed.
Targeting the unemployed but also the general public |
No specific targeting
No data is currently available; although the project Qual'n'Guide, described in the 2014 report, targets the unemployed |
No specific targeting
No information |
Disadvantaged groups
Young people ‘at risk’ of dropping out of school / who have already dropped out, young people involved in the scouting movement, adult educator... Young people ‘at risk’ of dropping out of school / who have already dropped out, young people involved in the scouting movement, adult educators
Aside from ad hoc initiatives, e.g. the RAGU initiative for refugees. |
No information |
One of the Key Actions of the CQFW Implementation Plan is to enable “Quality Assured Lifelong Learning (QALL) into the framework to facilitate le... One of the Key Actions of the CQFW Implementation Plan is to enable “Quality Assured Lifelong Learning (QALL) into the framework to facilitate learning and recognise achievement across a far broader spectrum”. The Plan refers to working with “significant employment sectors and key priority areas of the Welsh economy such as health, care, public sector, engineering and social justice (...) hard to reach learners group and communities for the recognition of learning (...) professional and sector bodies accrediting their provision into the CQFW” |
The Recommendation stresses the importance of linking validation arrangements to national qualifications systems and frameworks. Member States should enable individuals to ‘obtain a full qualification or, where applicable, part qualification on the basis of validated non-formal and informal learning experiences’ (Council of EU, 2012, p. 3, point 1b). They should ensure that ‘validation arrangements are linked to national qualifications frameworks and are in line with the European qualifications framework’ (ibid. point 3a), that ‘synergies exist between validation arrangements and credit systems applicable in the formal education and training system, such as ECTS and ECVET’ (ibid. p. 4, point 3j).
Année | Austria | Belgium-DE | Belgium-FR | Bulgaria | Switzerland | Cyprus | Czechia | Germany | Denmark | Estonia | Greece | Spain | Finland | France | Croatia | Hungary | Ireland | Iceland | Italy | Liechtenstein | Lithuania | Luxembourg | Latvia | Malta | Netherlands | Norway | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Sweden | Slovenia | Slovakia | Türkiye | United Kingdom / England and Northern Ireland | United Kingdom / Scotland | United Kingdom / Wales |
2010 |
Under discussion
The NQF is under development. It is planned that it will encompass qualifications from all forms of learning but political decisions have not yet b... The NQF is under development. It is planned that it will encompass qualifications from all forms of learning but political decisions have not yet been made. Since almost all qualifications from the formal system that are planned to be included in the NQF can be obtained by passing exams without participating in the relevant programmes, a close link between non-formal and informal learning and the NQF can be assumed. How and to what extent qualifications from outside the formal system will be included in the NQF has not been decided yet. |
Under discussion
Individuals can acquire qualifications inside or outside education or through a procedure for the recognition of acquired competences (RAC). By usi... Individuals can acquire qualifications inside or outside education or through a procedure for the recognition of acquired competences (RAC). By using a learning outcomes approach, the Flemish Qualifications Framework (NQF) will be a support for the recognition of non-formal and informal learning and for increasing the relevance of the education and training system by adapting the curriculum to societal expectations and demands of industry.
The NQF will be used as the reference framework for the validation procedures in the Flemish Community. Once the qualifications standards are developed, and are linked to the Flemish QF and adopted by the
Flemish Government, they will underpin the assessment of learning outcomes of non-formal and informal learning. In this way these assessments will be comparable in content with those for the learning outcomes of formal learning. |
Under discussion
NQF not yet in place. The French community has worked on a NQF linked to EQF since 2006. The efforts put into validation of non-formal and informal... NQF not yet in place. The French community has worked on a NQF linked to EQF since 2006. The efforts put into validation of non-formal and informal learning, involving broad stakeholder groups, can be beneficial for a broader development of the NQF. |
Under discussion
The Bulgarian National Qualifications Framework (BQF) is under development. It is planned that the BQF will provide the normative basis for validat... The Bulgarian National Qualifications Framework (BQF) is under development. It is planned that the BQF will provide the normative basis for validation |
No discussion
The NQF is under development and is considered a prerequisite for validation. No specific national plans on introducing a validation system were id... The NQF is under development and is considered a prerequisite for validation. No specific national plans on introducing a validation system were identified. |
Access and/or acquire
The VNFIL process for vocational qualifications concerns those qualifications that are registered in the NSK (qualification register). All these qu... The VNFIL process for vocational qualifications concerns those qualifications that are registered in the NSK (qualification register). All these qualifications are also in the Czech NQF. However not all the qualifications in the NQF can be accessed through NFIL.
Candidates who have obtained NSK certificates through VNFIL and wish to obtain the related qualification from the formal system can do so by sitting the final assessment without having to undergo a formal training programme |
No discussion
No information |
Access and/or acquire
Yes, but the national qualification framework is currently not implemented |
Under discussion
Learning acquired through non-formal/informal learning can be used to acquire a qualification, but this is possible only for occupational standards... Learning acquired through non-formal/informal learning can be used to acquire a qualification, but this is possible only for occupational standards for full qualifications. HE and VET allow validation for exemptions |
Under discussion
NQF is established via the law 3879/2010 and is currently in the process of development. The National Authority for the Certification of Qualificat... NQF is established via the law 3879/2010 and is currently in the process of development. The National Authority for the Certification of Qualifications (EOPP) has also been established in terms of the above mentioned law. Validation of non-formal and informal learning is expected to be promoted through the establishment of the NQF |
No discussion
Insufficient information in the 2010 report to respond to this question. In 2010, there was no NQF, and links to the EQF were not strong across the... Insufficient information in the 2010 report to respond to this question. In 2010, there was no NQF, and links to the EQF were not strong across the board |
Access and/or acquire
There are no dead ends in the Finnish education system regardless of how the individual has gained the qualification. The NQF does not have a legal... There are no dead ends in the Finnish education system regardless of how the individual has gained the qualification. The NQF does not have a legal status yet, but the legislation concerning different education levels ensures flexible pathways and embraces validation. |
Access and/or acquire
Validation is theoretically possible for all types of qualifications listed in the national directory of qualifications (RNCP). |
Access and/or acquire
The possibility of the link is foreseen in the CROQF, but needs to be further developed in terms of additional legal framework |
Under discussion
The development of the validation scheme for higher education (within the development of the National Development Programme) and the development of... The development of the validation scheme for higher education (within the development of the National Development Programme) and the development of the NQF is organised under the same project management. The linking is obvious but the form of it is not yet elaborated. |
Access and/or acquire
Yes. The validation of non-formal and informal learning was considered as part of the referencing exercises associated with the NQF and the EQF. |
Under discussion
The link is available on EQF 1-4 (upper secondary school level). The Icelandic NQF is still in development though at this point in time. |
Under discussion
The NQF itself is under discussion so far. |
Under discussion
No information yet |
Under discussion
In 2010 a conceptual framework of the NQF was available, learning acquired through non-formal / informal means was included, but the links were not... In 2010 a conceptual framework of the NQF was available, learning acquired through non-formal / informal means was included, but the links were not yet established |
Under discussion
In 2010, the NQF was still under development in Luxembourg – it was planned that validation would be linked to the NQF |
Under discussion
The National Qualifications Framework provides the basis for linkage, although the exact method of linking is still under discussion.
National lev... The National Qualifications Framework provides the basis for linkage, although the exact method of linking is still under discussion.
National level descriptors have been developed according to the European Overarching qualifications framework of the Bologna process and has been linked to levels 5-8 of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF). |
Access and/or acquire
Malta has had a comprehensive national qualifications framework for lifelong learning (Malta Qualifications Framework, MQF) in place since June 200... Malta has had a comprehensive national qualifications framework for lifelong learning (Malta Qualifications Framework, MQF) in place since June 2007. Within the new national framework for validation, non-formal and informal learning would be assessed against the standards set in the MQF. |
Access and/or acquire
Applying for a qualification is possible; in practice it is used for getting access and exemptions. So this element is building up.
VET: all levels... Applying for a qualification is possible; in practice it is used for getting access and exemptions. So this element is building up.
VET: all levels
HE: bachelor levels, only at universities of applied sciences
Open university, bachelor level in Law. |
Under discussion
N/A – NQF in development at time of writing |
Under discussion
One of the key elements of the prospective National Qualifications System (NQF) is the establishment and implementation of rules, procedures, and a... One of the key elements of the prospective National Qualifications System (NQF) is the establishment and implementation of rules, procedures, and an institutional setting for validation and recognition of qualifications acquired in the non-formal and informal learning context |
Access and/or acquire
Yes, in the non-higher education area.
In HE, validation is linked to obtaining ECTS and to academic degrees. |
No discussion
Only a formal link between the use of learning outcomes and validation of non-formal and informal learning. However, evidence suggests that this li... Only a formal link between the use of learning outcomes and validation of non-formal and informal learning. However, evidence suggests that this link is still not operational as there is a lack of coherence in the qualifications system (e.g., lack of permeability between the IVET, CVET and HE systems) and there is still no functional NQF (Cedefop 2010). |
Under discussion
The National Agency for Higher Vocational Education is the national coordination point for
Sweden’s work on the NQF and European Qualifications F... The National Agency for Higher Vocational Education is the national coordination point for
Sweden’s work on the NQF and European Qualifications Framework (EQF). A suggestion for a qualification framework consisting of eight levels has been put forward and is now being reviewed by different stakeholders. The manner through which validation will be linked to the NQF has not yet been decided. More information is to be found at |
Access and/or acquire
Since no NQF exist in Slovenia, yet, VET QF is the subject here. These indicators apply to initiatives and practice in higher education, as well |
Under discussion
The law on lifelong learning also defines the Slovak qualifications system (Národná sústava kvalifikácií) which will be based on a public regi... The law on lifelong learning also defines the Slovak qualifications system (Národná sústava kvalifikácií) which will be based on a public register of qualifications standards and assessment standards for full and partial qualifications required to undertake professional activities. The recognition of non-formal and informal learning in order to achieve full and partial qualifications will be done on the basis of these qualifications and assessment standards.
The qualifications register is a precondition for the implementation of the recognition of non-formal and informal learning that leads to full or partial qualifications. The register is also the basis for the future qualifications framework.
Note that the qualifications system and the qualifications and assessment standards are being defined but this process is in its early stages.
The national qualifications framework is one element of the qualifications system |
Under discussion
The work for the development of the NQF is in its very early stages |
Access and/or acquire
Link to QCF (not all qualifications on QCF at time of writing) |
Access and/or acquire
The methodology for recognition of prior learning is based on the 12-level Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF). This Framework aims... The methodology for recognition of prior learning is based on the 12-level Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF). This Framework aims to be all-inclusive and to take account of all types of learning, including formal, non-formal and informal learning across all sectors (public, private and the voluntary sector). However, the framework is not intended to be used solely as a way of categorising and understanding qualifications or to formally credit prior learning. It is also intended to be used to support learners to identify their level of competences and skills against the framework and plan their learning and career development accordingly. The framework is therefore intended to support formative recognition, as well as summative recognition. |
2014 |
Under discussion
The NQF was referenced to the EQF in 2012 but so far only so called ‘reference qualifications’ are assigned to levels. Thus, the NQF has not ye... The NQF was referenced to the EQF in 2012 but so far only so called ‘reference qualifications’ are assigned to levels. Thus, the NQF has not yet reached operative level. It is planned that it will encompass qualifications from all forms of learning but political decisions have not yet been made. Since almost all qualifications from the formal system (excluding higher education) that are planned to be included in the NQF can be obtained by passing exams without participating in the relevant programmes, a close link between non-formal and informal learning and the NQF can be assumed. Furthermore, in some cases programmes leading to qualifications that are planned to be included can be accessed based on validation. How and to what extent qualifications from outside the formal system will be included in the NQF has not been decided yet. Currently, a test and simulation phase is carried out. |
Under discussion
Once the new integrated validation framework is implemented, the validation of learning acquired through non-formal and informal means could be use... Once the new integrated validation framework is implemented, the validation of learning acquired through non-formal and informal means could be used to acquire a qualification on the NQF (Flemish qualification structure). This will only be possible though in so far as providers are offering validation pathways in line with the NQF and are fulfilling the criteria of external quality assurance as will be stipulated in the new Decree on external quality assurance for VET |
Under discussion
NQF not operational yet. |
Under discussion
According to the draft report on Referencing the National Qualifications (BQF) Framework to the European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Lear... According to the draft report on Referencing the National Qualifications (BQF) Framework to the European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning and to EHEA, BQF will facilitate the validation of non-formal and informal learning |
Under discussion
SERI News, October 2013: |
Access and/or acquire
The NQF is under final revision and the final version is anticipated to be ready at the beginning of 2014. The vocational qualifications awarded th... The NQF is under final revision and the final version is anticipated to be ready at the beginning of 2014. The vocational qualifications awarded through the System of Vocational Qualifications provide validation of prior learning. The System of Vocational Qualifications is included in the NQF (NCF). The Ministry of Education and Culture suggested to the Council of Ministers to create a Committee for the validation of non-formal and informal learning. Also, the Ministry suggested to the Council to recognise non-formal and informal learning when referring an individual to NCF levels 5 and 6, so that previous work experience and non-formal training are recognised as part of a qualification.
Level 1 on the NQF is the starting point of the evaluation of the non- formal and informal learning. As a prerequisite, the elementary school certificate will help the candidates prepare a portfolio that will be under the evaluation of the committee. Parallel with the eight levels of the NCF, the System of Vocational Qualifications is in place, under the control of the HRDA.
Finally, the Committee that has been established stated clearly in its first meeting that the whole effort should be closely linked with the process for the development of the National Qualification Framework. |
Access and/or acquire
The VNFIL process for vocational qualifications concerns those qualifications that are registered in the NSK (qualification register). All these qu... The VNFIL process for vocational qualifications concerns those qualifications that are registered in the NSK (qualification register). All these qualifications are also in the Czech NQF. However not all the qualifications in the NQF can be accessed through VNFIL.
Candidates who have obtained NSK certificates through VNFIL and wish to obtain the related qualification from the formal system can do so by sitting the final assessment without having to undergo to formal training programme |
Under discussion
It is discussed in the working group on validation of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. While the NQF shall promote the validation o... It is discussed in the working group on validation of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. While the NQF shall promote the validation of non-formal and informal learning, there is not a direct link yet.[ Added in their version to the indicator]. |
Access and/or acquire
Yes, the national qualifications framework was only put in place in 2011. |
Access and/or acquire
Learning acquired through non-formal/informal learning can be used to acquire a qualification or partial qualification, (but for occupational stand... Learning acquired through non-formal/informal learning can be used to acquire a qualification or partial qualification, (but for occupational standards it is only possible for a full qualification). HE allows validation for the exemption of studies. VET allows validation for access and exemption of studies |
Under discussion
The Hellenic Qualifications Framework (HQF) has been established by means of the law 3879/2010 and has been announced by the Ministry of Education ... The Hellenic Qualifications Framework (HQF) has been established by means of the law 3879/2010 and has been announced by the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs in July 2013. Moreover the Referencing Report of the HQF has been submitted and presented at the AG of EQF in December 2013. It is anticipated that when the HQF is fully in place, the certifications currently provided by EOPPEP and validation of non-formal learning overall will be included in HQF levels |
Under discussion
Although the Spanish National Qualifications Framework (MECU) is still under development, the education system is clearly organised in levels. VET ... Although the Spanish National Qualifications Framework (MECU) is still under development, the education system is clearly organised in levels. VET Diplomas are based on learning outcomes and support lifelong learning since they include the possibility of acquiring the Diplomas through validation procedures of non-formal and informal learning |
Access and/or acquire
There are no dead ends in the Finnish education system regardless of how the individual has gained the qualification. The NQF does not have a legal... There are no dead ends in the Finnish education system regardless of how the individual has gained the qualification. The NQF does not have a legal status yet, but the legislation concerning different education levels ensures flexible pathways and it embraces validation. |
Access and/or acquire
Validation (VAE) is theoretically possible for all qualifications covered in the French NQF.
Another form of validation (“VAP 85”) can be used ... Validation (VAE) is theoretically possible for all qualifications covered in the French NQF.
Another form of validation (“VAP 85”) can be used to grant access to higher education programmes |
Access and/or acquire
The link is foreseen in the CROQF Act (unit of learning outcome can be acquired through non-formal/informal means), but needs to be further develop... The link is foreseen in the CROQF Act (unit of learning outcome can be acquired through non-formal/informal means), but needs to be further developed in terms of additional legal framework (by the Ordinance on recognition and validation of non-formal and informal learning). |
Under discussion
The development of the validation scheme for higher education (within the framework of the National Development Programme) and the development of t... The development of the validation scheme for higher education (within the framework of the National Development Programme) and the development of the NQF is organised under the same project management. The linking is obvious but the form of it is not yet elaborated. |
Access and/or acquire
Yes. The validation of non-formal and informal learning was considered as part of the referencing exercises associated with the NQF and the EQF |
Under discussion
The link is available on EQF 1-4 (upper secondary school level). The Icelandic NQF is still in development though at this point in time. |
Access and/or acquire
According to the Decree 13/13 every qualification, fully or partially, can be accessible by formal, non formal or informal learning. |
Access and/or acquire
No information yet |
Access and/or acquire
NQF is fully developed. It is fully compatible with the EQF.
Links are available at all levels of the qualification framework |
Access and/or acquire
All the qualifications referenced to the national framework can be obtained through validation |
Access and/or acquire
General education, VE, HE
All 8 levels are actually implemented and linked at least to formal education. The Latvian QF has been referenced to th... General education, VE, HE
All 8 levels are actually implemented and linked at least to formal education. The Latvian QF has been referenced to the EQF since 2011 |
Access and/or acquire
Malta has had a comprehensive national qualifications framework for lifelong learning (Malta Qualifications Framework, MQF) in place since June 200... Malta has had a comprehensive national qualifications framework for lifelong learning (Malta Qualifications Framework, MQF) in place since June 2007. Within the new national framework for validation, non-formal and informal learning would be assessed against the standards set in the MQF |
Access and/or acquire
This aspect is building up. Going for a qualification is possible. However in practice validation is used for facilitating access and securing exem... This aspect is building up. Going for a qualification is possible. However in practice validation is used for facilitating access and securing exemptions.
VET: all levels
HE: bachelor levels, only at universities of applied sciences
Open university, bachelor level in Law
At this moment there are ECVET-pilots in which NLQF descriptors are used as a basis for ECVET units and APL. The overall aim is to achieve a better connection between the NLQF, ECVET and APL. |
Under discussion
NQF established December 2011. Implementation of qualifications framework expected end 2012 in higher education, expected in 2014 for the other lev... NQF established December 2011. Implementation of qualifications framework expected end 2012 in higher education, expected in 2014 for the other levels. A committee has been nominated to look into the possibility of including non-formal learning provision in the NQF. The committee report should be finalised by the end of 2014. |
Under discussion
It should be noted, that the NQF has not been implemented yet. According to the Polish referencing report, validation is a part of an integrated qu... It should be noted, that the NQF has not been implemented yet. According to the Polish referencing report, validation is a part of an integrated qualifications system in Poland. Currently, pilots of validation procedures for selected qualifications are being conducted as a part of the process of preparing implementation of the NQF in Poland. When the NQF is implemented, it will be possible to use non-formal or informal learning to access a qualification that is on the framework. |
Access and/or acquire
In non-higher education it is possible to obtain a qualification at levels NQF (1-4)
In HE, obtaining the qualification involves obtaining an acade... In non-higher education it is possible to obtain a qualification at levels NQF (1-4)
In HE, obtaining the qualification involves obtaining an academic degree |
Under discussion
Currently the NQF is under approval. There are some links with the qualifications acquired in continuous training, but not with those related to th... Currently the NQF is under approval. There are some links with the qualifications acquired in continuous training, but not with those related to the qualifications acquired in the formal educational system |
Under discussion
The Swedish National Agency for Higher Vocational Education has received a commission from the Government to propose a Swedish National Qualificati... The Swedish National Agency for Higher Vocational Education has received a commission from the Government to propose a Swedish National Qualification Framework (SeQF). The framework consists of eight levels. Validation is recommended to have a role in the future development of the SeQF. This means that the qualifications and standards that will be included in the SeQF should also be subject to validation and thus contribute to better quality assurance in validation. Further information at:
There is no national qualifications framework in Sweden as yet. A proposal from the Government is expected in early 2014. |
Access and/or acquire
This applies fully to VET, while for other levels NFIL learning can be used to acquire a formal education qualification following the NQF |
Under discussion
As already described in the 2010 Inventory, the act on lifelong learning also defines the national qualifications system (Národná sústava kvalif... As already described in the 2010 Inventory, the act on lifelong learning also defines the national qualifications system (Národná sústava kvalifikácií). It will be based on a public register of qualifications standards and assessment standards for full and partial qualifications required to undertake professional activities.A national project on the development of the qualifications register has just started (autumn 2013). This national project will develop qualifications and assessment standards for a range of qualifications. It will also define the procedure for recognition of NFIL.
The national qualifications framework is one element of the qualifications system |
Under discussion
A qualification gained by non-formal and informal learning can be placed on the NQF only if it is quality assured. The link between the NQF and val... A qualification gained by non-formal and informal learning can be placed on the NQF only if it is quality assured. The link between the NQF and validation arrangements will become clear after the adoption of the NQF |
Access and/or acquire
QCF Regulatory Arrangements allow for RPL. |
Access and/or acquire
The methodology for recognition of prior learning is based on the 12-level Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF). This Framework aims... The methodology for recognition of prior learning is based on the 12-level Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF). This Framework aims to be all-inclusive and to take account of all types of learning, including formal, non-formal and informal learning across all sectors (public, private and the voluntary sector). However, the framework is not intended to be used solely as a way of categorising and understanding qualifications or to formally credit prior learning. It is also intended to be used to support learners to identify their level of competences and skills against the framework and plan their learning and career development accordingly. The framework is therefore intended to support formative recognition, as well as summative recognition. |
Access and/or acquire
CQFW allows for recognition of non-formal learning in the form of QALL units.
QCF Regulatory Arrangements allow for RPL |
Année | Austria | Belgium-DE | Belgium-FR | Bulgaria | Switzerland | Cyprus | Czechia | Germany | Denmark | Estonia | Greece | Spain | Finland | France | Croatia | Hungary | Ireland | Iceland | Italy | Liechtenstein | Lithuania | Luxembourg | Latvia | Malta | Netherlands | Norway | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Sweden | Slovenia | Slovakia | Türkiye | United Kingdom / England and Northern Ireland | United Kingdom / Scotland | United Kingdom / Wales |
2010 |
In some
Austria currently does not have an explicit national credit system. Validation can be used to acquire credits towards a module of a programme in HE... Austria currently does not have an explicit national credit system. Validation can be used to acquire credits towards a module of a programme in HE (ECTS is used).
Modularised structures can only be found in some segments of the formal system but are more common in adult education and outside the formal system. |
No link
The modularisation project aims at establishing such a link through the development of a common set of competence standards.
The linking of credits... The modularisation project aims at establishing such a link through the development of a common set of competence standards.
The linking of credits to non-formal and informal learning paths or, more concretely, to qualifications is probably the next step in the process towards the recognition of non-formal and informal learning in Belgium. However, ECTS study points cannot be used for the allocation of credits in such learning contexts because the study points are based on the number of hours of learning activity. This applies to a lesser extent to training courses following non-formal learning paths, because study points are sometimes involved.
However, it is impossible to give credits for informal learning paths on the basis of study points. In the NQF, credits are therefore not linked to study points |
In some
Shift since 1991 towards a modular approach in vocational training (transferable units). Validation mechanism compatible with the European measures... Shift since 1991 towards a modular approach in vocational training (transferable units). Validation mechanism compatible with the European measures underway; the framework of European Credit for Vocational and Educational Training (ECVET), a complement of the Europass certificate.
In HE: use of ECTS in HE degree and to determine number of credits that exemptions can cover when candidates are admitted through VAE. |
under discussion
The amendments to the VET Act envisage that validation will be linked to a credit system, which is currently being developed in VET as part of the ... The amendments to the VET Act envisage that validation will be linked to a credit system, which is currently being developed in VET as part of the implementation of the LLL Strategy. The new system envisages a modularised structure for acquiring qualifications. Each module (unit educational content) contains units of knowledge which will be linked to learning outcomes. Each learning outcome will be equal to a credit. The total number of credits will be awarded based on the existing professional standards |
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ECVET is not in place in Cyprus. However, higher education institutions use ECTS. Such credits can be used by higher education institutions to reco... ECVET is not in place in Cyprus. However, higher education institutions use ECTS. Such credits can be used by higher education institutions to recognise prior learning, when they evaluate entry or transfer requirements.
The Continuing Education Centre of the University of Cyprus has assigned learning outcomes and credits to modules of some of the lifelong learning programmes it offers. |
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In 2010 there was no credit system in VET which would have enabled this |
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In HE, the credit system (ECTS) is in use and the modularised structure supports the validation process. Individuals can be awarded competence cert... In HE, the credit system (ECTS) is in use and the modularised structure supports the validation process. Individuals can be awarded competence certificates on the basis of validation.
The credit system is not in use in VET. Work is still in progress regarding how ECVET in general can be applied to the Danish VET system. |
In all
In higher education, ECTS credits are awarded as a result of validation. The amount of credits awarded depends on the application but in general th... In higher education, ECTS credits are awarded as a result of validation. The amount of credits awarded depends on the application but in general there are no limits on the amount of credits awarded. The only limitation is that the final thesis or exam cannot be awarded through validation. ECVET has not yet been applied to vocational education in Estonia thus no credits are awarded for learning in this sector |
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Law 3879/2010 foresees that one of the aims of the National Authority for the Certification of Qualifications (EOPP) is to cater for the developm... Law 3879/2010 foresees that one of the aims of the National Authority for the Certification of Qualifications (EOPP) is to cater for the development and implementation of a credit transfer system in VET |
In some
The validation of non-formal and informal learning can result in the award of modules from the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications, w... The validation of non-formal and informal learning can result in the award of modules from the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications, which is ‘an instrument of the Spanish National System for Qualifications and Vocational Training (SNCFP) which arranges the professional qualifications (likely to be recognised and accredited) identified in the productive system according to competences appropriate for an occupational performance’ .
There are no mentions of credits, although in 2010, the Ministry of Education was working on the legal framework for higher education (which should mention ECTS credits) |
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Validation is strongly linked to credit systems and modularised qualifications. VET qualifications are modular and it is common to take part qualif... Validation is strongly linked to credit systems and modularised qualifications. VET qualifications are modular and it is common to take part qualifications. HEIs have used ECTS since 2005. |
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No information |
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The possibility of the link is foreseen in the CROQF, but needs to be further developed in terms of additional legal framework.
It is foreseen t... The possibility of the link is foreseen in the CROQF, but needs to be further developed in terms of additional legal framework.
It is foreseen that the validation can be used to acquire credits towards a qualification (e.g. ECTS, ECVET) and/or it can be used to acquire a module of or partial qualification |
under discussion
In higher education, credit award is permitted for the validation of prior work experiences (maximum 30 credits). The most typical result of assess... In higher education, credit award is permitted for the validation of prior work experiences (maximum 30 credits). The most typical result of assessment is exemption from some requirements of the study programme, mostly internship, but the obligatory internship is a requirement of the study programme which has no credit value. The validation procedure is often linked to the already existing credit-transfer bodies in higher education institutions. |
In some
A twin track approach has been pursued (one for further education and training, and one for higher education and training). The way forward on cred... A twin track approach has been pursued (one for further education and training, and one for higher education and training). The way forward on credit is currently more clearly signposted for higher education and training within the context of the Bologna process. There is a general acceptance and use of the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) in higher education institutions.
In general, the NQF supports the development of credit systems and their linkage to Framework learning outcomes. |
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Validation against standards of curricula gives results in an amount of credit units at upper secondary school level. |
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The Regional validation systems in place are based on the use of Qualifications modularized in Competence Units consistent with ECVET. |
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under discussion
Neither ECVET nor ECTS were fully developed and introduced before 2010 |
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Partial validation – exemptions of credits – is possible in higher education |
under discussion
Validation is linked to ECTS in HE.
In the vocational education it is planned to implement the European Credit system for Vocational Education and ... Validation is linked to ECTS in HE.
In the vocational education it is planned to implement the European Credit system for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET), which will allow individually transferring, validating and accumulating the formal, non-formal and informal learning outcomes to 2014. It is planned to introduce modularised VE. |
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The developing national validation system will be directly linked to the MQF, which awards credit and ultimately qualifications. The development wo... The developing national validation system will be directly linked to the MQF, which awards credit and ultimately qualifications. The development work for this is ongoing. |
In some
In the Netherlands a credit system only exists in HE (ECTS). In VET there is a national standard for all qualifications; it is however not yet cred... In the Netherlands a credit system only exists in HE (ECTS). In VET there is a national standard for all qualifications; it is however not yet credit-based |
In some
In vocational training, the 1980 Law on vocational training permits candidates to achieve a partial certificate at any level through validation. Ca... In vocational training, the 1980 Law on vocational training permits candidates to achieve a partial certificate at any level through validation. Candidates then have the right to access a modular course, in order to achieve a full apprenticeship certificate. |
under discussion
Validation is not yet linked to the acquisition of credits/modules. The validation system will be supported by the adaptation of the European Credi... Validation is not yet linked to the acquisition of credits/modules. The validation system will be supported by the adaptation of the European Credit Transfer System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET) until 2011 and its subsequent implementation by linking it with the National Qualifications Framework. In the future, the implementation of the National Vocational Qualification Standards, training modules and validation of competences in Poland should form an integral structure adding transparency to the NQF. |
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In non-higher education, validation is linked to the National Catalogue of Qualifications and to modularised training.
In the HE sector validation ... In non-higher education, validation is linked to the National Catalogue of Qualifications and to modularised training.
In the HE sector validation is linked to ECTS and academic degrees. |
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In Romania the credit system has only been introduced thus far in the tertiary education system and there is no formal link between validation and ... In Romania the credit system has only been introduced thus far in the tertiary education system and there is no formal link between validation and the credit system. Moreover, validation is only connected to full qualifications |
In all
Swedish curricula are on the whole outcomes-based. Each formal education level has its own unit-based credit system which can be used when validati... Swedish curricula are on the whole outcomes-based. Each formal education level has its own unit-based credit system which can be used when validating an individual’s knowledge, skills and competences. The assessor must decide which credit system could be applicable to that specific individual. The decision must rest upon which kind and level of knowledge should be assessed. |
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Prior knowledge recognition is awarded with ECTS or equivalent according to the institution of validation and the educational level in discussion |
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There is no credit system in vocational education and training and the delivery of initial VET is not modularised. However, the law on Lifelong lea... There is no credit system in vocational education and training and the delivery of initial VET is not modularised. However, the law on Lifelong learning (568/2009 Z.z) introduced the possibility of progressive accumulation of learning through two options:
- On the one hand full qualifications can be composed of partial qualifications and partial qualifications can be accumulated through recognition of non-formal and informal learning to achieve a full qualification.
- On the other hand quality assured further education programmes (non-formal learning) can be based on modules (one module should correspond to at least 10 education hours (45 minutes) of learning activities). Modules can be accumulated to complete the programme.
In higher education, universities are required to use ECTS but it is not yet clear whether and how ECTS will be used for recognition of non-formal and informal learning in higher education |
under discussion
The work on the transfer of credits is in progress. |
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Link to QCF (not all qualifications on QCF at time of writing). Possible link to credits in HE sector, if APEL used to award credits (but it seems ... Link to QCF (not all qualifications on QCF at time of writing). Possible link to credits in HE sector, if APEL used to award credits (but it seems to be more commonly used for admissions purposes). |
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The SCQF is based on Credit Points. According to the SCQF handbook, summative recognition of prior learning can be used to award SCQF Credit Points... The SCQF is based on Credit Points. According to the SCQF handbook, summative recognition of prior learning can be used to award SCQF Credit Points. Following a formal assessment SCQF Credit Points can be awarded to recognise prior learning that has not already been assessed or credit rated. |
2014 |
In some
Austria currently does not have an explicit national credit system. Modularised structures can be found in higher education and only in some segmen... Austria currently does not have an explicit national credit system. Modularised structures can be found in higher education and only in some segments of the formal system but are more common in adult education and outside the formal system.
Validation can be used to acquire credits towards a module of a programme in higher education (ECTS is used).
Currently, a new ECVET strategy is being developed and a consultation process was launched at the beginning of October 2013. The strategy suggests that ECVET should not only be used for supporting mobility but also in the national lifelong learning context for facilitating permeability and validation of non-formally and informally acquired competences. |
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The modularisation project aims at establishing such a link through the development of a common set of competence standards.
Learning outcomes that... The modularisation project aims at establishing such a link through the development of a common set of competence standards.
Learning outcomes that have been acquired previously can after a successful assessment or validation of the learning outcomes lead to an acquisition of the corresponding credits. |
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As in 2010, in HE: use of ECTS in HE degree and to determine number of credits that exemptions can cover when candidates are admitted through VAE |
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Validation can be used to acquire credit units (ECTS) towards a programme in higher education. According to the HE Act, credit units in each educat... Validation can be used to acquire credit units (ECTS) towards a programme in higher education. According to the HE Act, credit units in each educational subject are formed from a schedule of lectures, practical exercises and tutorials, independent training work, results from examinations and other assessment methods, in line with the definitions set down by higher education institutions. Credits could be awarded also for participation in practical training and for defended course work or diploma thesis, if such activities are included in the syllabus |
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In the VET sector, validation is used to acquire a module or unit of a qualification or a complete qualification.
In the HE sector, the validation... In the VET sector, validation is used to acquire a module or unit of a qualification or a complete qualification.
In the HE sector, the validation is used to acquire ECTS credits
There are plans to connect the validation system with the ECVET system. However, at the moment, besides some pilot projects, there are no concrete action plans |
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ECTS are used in higher education and validation of non-formal and informal learning could take place in theory, given that higher education instit... ECTS are used in higher education and validation of non-formal and informal learning could take place in theory, given that higher education institutions are autonomous to make such decisions. Nonetheless, this is a rare practice.
ECVET is not yet in place. The implementation of the NQF is expected to promote the use of ECVET and thus, the validation of non-formal and informal learning. |
under discussion
There is no credit system in VET. There is no link with ECTS in higher education. However, the 2012 amendment to the VNFIL legal act introduced the... There is no credit system in VET. There is no link with ECTS in higher education. However, the 2012 amendment to the VNFIL legal act introduced the possibility for accumulation and transfer of assessed modules across different vocational qualifications achieved through VNFIL
Thus a person who has – through NFIL – acquired competence required for another vocational qualification registered in the NSK can get recognition for relevant parts of that qualification in view of another qualification in the NSK if they apply for it
This process is however still in development |
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No information |
In some
In HE, the credit system ECTS is in use and validation is linked to the modularised structure in HE programmes.
In VET and adult education validat... In HE, the credit system ECTS is in use and validation is linked to the modularised structure in HE programmes.
In VET and adult education validation is linked to credit transfer and modules. ECVET is not used in the Danish VET programmes, but are used for mobility/exchange of VET-students when ECVET is applied for |
In some
In higher education ECTS credits are awarded as a result of validation. The amount of credits awarded depends on the application but in general the... In higher education ECTS credits are awarded as a result of validation. The amount of credits awarded depends on the application but in general there are no limits on the amount of credits awarded. The only limitation is that the final thesis or exam cannot be awarded through validation. ECVET implementation has started. There are some pilot projects which award ECVET credits and since 2014. the use of EstVET CP, which follows the principles of ECVET, has started to be implemented |
under discussion
ECTS is used in higher education and since 2011 it is in place for PhDs as well.
The 2010 Lifelong learning law underlined the use of ECVET and EOP... ECTS is used in higher education and since 2011 it is in place for PhDs as well.
The 2010 Lifelong learning law underlined the use of ECVET and EOPPEP was identified as the National Contact Point. The latest reforming law (4186/2013; 17/09/2013) for upper secondary VET linked the use of ECVET and vocational profiles developed by EOPPEP with modularised curricula. Given that EOPPEP certifies IVET/ISCED 4, this is an indirect link between ECVET-modularised VET (non-formal) curricula and validation that leads to professional certification and development. More specifically, in article 18 paragraph 3 of the law 4186/2013 it is anticipated that IVET curricula is possible to interlink learning outcomes to credit points, in terms of implementation of the National Qualifications Framework and ECVET, as stated in the Recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council of June 18 2009 (E.E. C 155/02 of 8.07.2009) |
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The validation of non-formal and informal learning can result in the partial or full Diploma through modules accumulation of the corresponding Di... The validation of non-formal and informal learning can result in the partial or full Diploma through modules accumulation of the corresponding Diploma
In university education, since 2010, work experience can be recognised for up to 15 % of the total number of credits that constitute the curriculum of an undergraduate or master degree.
In higher education, which includes higher VET and university education, ECTS are used.
In VET, both Diplomas and Certificates are designed in accumulative units, but no ECVET points are assigned to them, however |
In all
Validation is strongly linked to credit systems and modularised qualifications. CBQs are modular, but credits do not apply. IVET uses credits and w... Validation is strongly linked to credit systems and modularised qualifications. CBQs are modular, but credits do not apply. IVET uses credits and will have ECVET credits in 2015. HEIs have used ECTS since 2005 and the degrees are somewhat modular. |
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No information |
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The link is foreseen in the CROQF Act, but needs to be further developed by the Ordinance on recognition and validation of non-formal and informal ... The link is foreseen in the CROQF Act, but needs to be further developed by the Ordinance on recognition and validation of non-formal and informal learning.
It is foreseen that the validation can be used to acquire units of learning outcomes expressed in credits towards a qualification (e.g. HROO, ECTS, ECVET). |
under discussion
In higher education, credit award is allowed for the validation of prior work experiences. The most typical output of validation is exemption from ... In higher education, credit award is allowed for the validation of prior work experiences. The most typical output of validation is exemption from some requirements of the study programme. The validation procedure is often linked to the already operating credit-transfer bodies in higher education institutions. |
In some
A twin track approach has been pursued (one for further education and training, and one for higher education and training). Since the establishment... A twin track approach has been pursued (one for further education and training, and one for higher education and training). Since the establishment of the QQI and its consultation on RPL, the way in which validation is used (and linked to credit) within FE and HE may change following the consultation. This is still open for debate. The way forward on credit is currently more clearly understood for higher education and training within the context of the Bologna process. There is a general acceptance and use of the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) in higher education institutions. Within further education and training, FETAC awards now made by QQI use credits within awards, but minor awards represent the smallest number of credit that can be achieved. The credit value of minor awards varies according to the volume and level of the award. In general, the NQF supports the development of credit systems and their linkage to Framework learning outcomes. |
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Validation against standards of curricula gives results in an amount of credit units at upper secondary school level. |
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The Regional validation systems are all based on the use of Qualifications modularized in Competence Units consistent with ECVET. The implementatio... The Regional validation systems are all based on the use of Qualifications modularized in Competence Units consistent with ECVET. The implementation of the "National Repertory of education, training and professional qualifications" envisaged in the Decree 13/13 will have the same characteristics. |
In some
Recognition of non-formal and informal learning for the achievement of a qualification up to a maximum of one-sixth of the necessary workload (in E... Recognition of non-formal and informal learning for the achievement of a qualification up to a maximum of one-sixth of the necessary workload (in ECTS credit points) for the whole qualification. Validation can be used to acquire a module or unit of a qualification in higher education |
In some
There is a credit system in HE that permits validation.
A modularised system for the VET sector is currently being developed. According to the pr... There is a credit system in HE that permits validation.
A modularised system for the VET sector is currently being developed. According to the proposed methodology for the design of modular programmes, in the introductory module assessment and validation of learners skills and knowledge has to be carried out.
Validation can be used to acquire credits towards a qualification (ECTS). Once the modularised system in the VET sector is developed, validation will be used to acquire a module or unit towards a qualification (ECVET). |
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No information |
In some
In vocational education, the plan is to implement the European Credit system for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET), which will... ECTS in HE.
In vocational education, the plan is to implement the European Credit system for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET), which will allow individually the transfer, validation and accumulation of the formal, non-formal and informal learning outcomes. It is also planned to introduce modularised VE. |
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The developing national validation system will be directly linked to the MQF, which awards credit and ultimately qualifications. The development wo... The developing national validation system will be directly linked to the MQF, which awards credit and ultimately qualifications. The development work for this is ongoing. |
In some
In the Netherlands ECTS exists in HE. ECVET for VET is being developed based on learning outcomes. ECTS is not based on learning outcomes.
The pra... In the Netherlands ECTS exists in HE. ECVET for VET is being developed based on learning outcomes. ECTS is not based on learning outcomes.
The practice of awarding credits for exemptions in terms of modules depends on how the VET-school and university have built up their curriculum: modularised or concentric. HE institutions are autonomous. |
In some
In terms of awarding credits or partial qualifications, the Education Act permits candidates to achieve a partial qualification at any level throug... In terms of awarding credits or partial qualifications, the Education Act permits candidates to achieve a partial qualification at any level through validation. Candidates then have the right to access further learning and training, in order to achieve a full Craft or Journeyman’s Certificate.
In HE it is not possible to obtain a full qualification through validation. Individuals can gain exemption from courses and modules, however. These will be identified both in terms of content and credits on the diploma and the Diploma Supplement as having been obtained through validation.
In post-secondary VET, too, exemption from courses and modules can be obtained through validation. Both this validation possibility and a national credit system were introduced in regulations of 1 August 2013, so there is as yet little practice as to the link between validation and credits.
In upper secondary education, ‘certificates of competence’ (kompetansebevis) are awarded to recognise that an individual has achieved certain learning outcomes within an upper secondary curriculum. The certificates can serve as a stand-alone evidence of competences. |
under discussion
The validation framework for VET currently enables acquiring smaller (than before) qualifications, which are made of units of learning outcomes.
Wh... The validation framework for VET currently enables acquiring smaller (than before) qualifications, which are made of units of learning outcomes.
When the NQF is implemented, it will be possible to use validation to acquire credits towards a qualification or learning outcomes using ECVET and ECTS. |
In some
In the framework of RVCC processes, validation is linked to the National Catalogue of Qualifications and to modularised training.
In the HE sector ... In the framework of RVCC processes, validation is linked to the National Catalogue of Qualifications and to modularised training.
In the HE sector validation is linked to ECTS |
under discussion
Some initiatives are under discussion, but there is no legal framework or methodologies to allow links |
In all
Validation can be used to acquire credits or points towards a qualification, e.g. in upper secondary education subjects.
The Swedish curricula are ... Validation can be used to acquire credits or points towards a qualification, e.g. in upper secondary education subjects.
The Swedish curricula are on the whole outcome-based. Each formal education level has its own unit-based credit system, which can be used when validating an individual’s knowledge, skills and competences. Validation can result in both partial and full qualifications in adult education but in higher education there is no possibility for a full qualification. Standards developed by different business sector organisations are used as trade specific frameworks for the validation of vocational knowledge, skills and competences. These are mainly occupational standards focusing on an outcome-based evaluation of the extent to which an individual knows a certain occupation or trade. |
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Vocational qualifications in Slovakia are not based on units and they do not use a credit system. The idea is that the Slovak qualifications system... Vocational qualifications in Slovakia are not based on units and they do not use a credit system. The idea is that the Slovak qualifications system will differentiate between full or partial qualifications and it is likely that there will be a possibility to accumulate the partial qualifications to have easier access to the full qualification but this has not yet been defined and agreed |
No link
Currently, it is not possible to use validation to acquire credits towards a qualification. Yet, there is work going on to enable it. |
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Validation can be used to award credit for units or full qualifications on the QCF. RPL can also be used to award HE credits (but it seems to be mo... Validation can be used to award credit for units or full qualifications on the QCF. RPL can also be used to award HE credits (but it seems to be more commonly used for admissions purposes). |
In all
The SCQF is based on Credit Points. According to the SCQF handbook, summative recognition of prior learning can be used to award SCQF Credit Points... The SCQF is based on Credit Points. According to the SCQF handbook, summative recognition of prior learning can be used to award SCQF Credit Points. Following a formal assessment SCQF Credit Points can be awarded to recognise prior learning that has not already been assessed or credit rated. |
In some
CQFW allows for recognition of non-formal learning in the form of QALL units.
Validation can be used to award credit for units or full qualificati... CQFW allows for recognition of non-formal learning in the form of QALL units.
Validation can be used to award credit for units or full qualifications on the QCF. RPL can also be used to award HE credits (but it seems to be more commonly used for admissions purposes). |
The Recommendation asks Member States to ensure that ‘qualifications or, where applicable, parts of qualifications obtained by means of the validation of non-formal and informal learning experiences comply with agreed standards that are either the same as, or equivalent to, the standards for qualifications obtained through formal education programmes’ (Council of EU, 2012, p. 3, point 3h).
Année | Austria | Belgium-DE | Belgium-FR | Bulgaria | Switzerland | Cyprus | Czechia | Germany | Denmark | Estonia | Greece | Spain | Finland | France | Croatia | Hungary | Ireland | Iceland | Italy | Liechtenstein | Lithuania | Luxembourg | Latvia | Malta | Netherlands | Norway | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Sweden | Slovenia | Slovakia | Türkiye | United Kingdom / England and Northern Ireland | United Kingdom / Scotland | United Kingdom / Wales |
2010 |
Same qualificationsSame certification agenciesSame quality assurance processesLinked to quality assurance processesRight for individuals to apply for recognitionNoneother
Almost all qualifications from the formal system (school system and dual system but not HE) can be obtained by passing exams without participating ... Almost all qualifications from the formal system (school system and dual system but not HE) can be obtained by passing exams without participating in the relevant programmes (‘external exams’). Preparatory courses are often offered outside the formal system but assessment and certification is done by the same bodies as in the formal system. External exams with providers from the formal system employ the same quality assurance procedures as for traditional exams |
Same qualificationsSame certification agenciesSame quality assurance processesLinked to quality assurance processesRight for individuals to apply for recognitionNoneother
The Flemish government was attributed key decision-making responsibilities, with support from the SERV and the Education Council (VLOR).
The Depart... The Flemish government was attributed key decision-making responsibilities, with support from the SERV and the Education Council (VLOR).
The Department of Work in the Flemish government awards the certificate for vocational experience. This work is undertaken within specific assessment centres.
On other educational levels, validation is carried out by educational institutions, associations of educational institutions or through specific projects and third sector services.
No single national organisation |
Same qualificationsSame certification agenciesSame quality assurance processesLinked to quality assurance processesRight for individuals to apply for recognitionNoneother
Certificates are not equivalent to qualifications obtained in formal education. However occupational standards used by Consortium based on French R... Certificates are not equivalent to qualifications obtained in formal education. However occupational standards used by Consortium based on French ROME (job profile database) and defined in cooperation with sector representatives. Methodology developed by the Consortium to define these occupational and assessment standards |
Same qualificationsSame certification agenciesSame quality assurance processesLinked to quality assurance processesRight for individuals to apply for recognitionNoneother
In relation to VET, validation leads to the same qualifications as those awarded through formal education. The certification agencies and the quali... In relation to VET, validation leads to the same qualifications as those awarded through formal education. The certification agencies and the quality assurance processes are the same as those used for formal education |
Same qualificationsSame certification agenciesSame quality assurance processesLinked to quality assurance processesRight for individuals to apply for recognitionNoneother
This is not applicable in Cyprus |
Same qualificationsSame certification agenciesSame quality assurance processesLinked to quality assurance processesRight for individuals to apply for recognitionNoneother
VNFIL does not concern the same qualifications as formal education. It can concern parts of formal qualifications only |
Same qualificationsSame certification agenciesSame quality assurance processesLinked to quality assurance processesRight for individuals to apply for recognitionNoneother
Different mechanisms depending on the particular approach |
Same qualificationsSame certification agenciesSame quality assurance processesLinked to quality assurance processesRight for individuals to apply for recognitionNoneother
The individual educational institution has to build its own system for quality assurance. The institutions are obliged to evaluate the procedure an... The individual educational institution has to build its own system for quality assurance. The institutions are obliged to evaluate the procedure and the methodology used |
Same qualificationsSame certification agenciesSame quality assurance processesLinked to quality assurance processesRight for individuals to apply for recognitionNoneother
Institutions develop their own quality assurance procedures, which need to be coherent with either the higher education standard or the vocational ... Institutions develop their own quality assurance procedures, which need to be coherent with either the higher education standard or the vocational education standard. Several institutions have quality assurance committees, which regularly examine validation assessments and make recommendations and suggestions.
In HE diploma supplements subjects obtained by validation are clearly marked.
The NQF does not state on professional certificates if validation was used |
Same qualificationsSame certification agenciesSame quality assurance processesLinked to quality assurance processesRight for individuals to apply for recognitionNoneother
Non-formal and informal learning are not officially validated, so there is no link to formal qualifications |
Same qualificationsSame certification agenciesSame quality assurance processesLinked to quality assurance processesRight for individuals to apply for recognitionNoneother
The qualifications gained through formal education and through validation are the same, and have the same referents for their assessment.
In VET... The qualifications gained through formal education and through validation are the same, and have the same referents for their assessment.
In VET, the referents for the assessment of most professional competences are described in the National Catalogue of Occupational Standards |
Same qualificationsSame certification agenciesSame quality assurance processesLinked to quality assurance processesRight for individuals to apply for recognitionNoneother
Certification is identical in CBQs and school based VET. The education system does not differentiate between competences gained through validation ... Certification is identical in CBQs and school based VET. The education system does not differentiate between competences gained through validation or formal learning. In HEIs, if validation procedures are in place, credits are awarded. Certification does not differentiate between credits gained through validation and formal learning |
Same qualificationsSame certification agenciesSame quality assurance processesLinked to quality assurance processesRight for individuals to apply for recognitionNoneother
No information |
Same qualificationsSame certification agenciesSame quality assurance processesLinked to quality assurance processesRight for individuals to apply for recognitionNoneother
No information |
Same qualificationsSame certification agenciesSame quality assurance processesLinked to quality assurance processesRight for individuals to apply for recognitionNoneother
Full or partial qualifications are not awarded through validation. In practice, for the assessment of prior learning, the reference is always the s... Full or partial qualifications are not awarded through validation. In practice, for the assessment of prior learning, the reference is always the same as in the formal education |
Same qualificationsSame certification agenciesSame quality assurance processesLinked to quality assurance processesRight for individuals to apply for recognitionNoneother
n/a |
Same qualificationsSame certification agenciesSame quality assurance processesLinked to quality assurance processesRight for individuals to apply for recognitionNoneother
Credit points obtained through validation are certified by the upper secondary school participating in that specific project |
Same qualificationsSame certification agenciesSame quality assurance processesLinked to quality assurance processesRight for individuals to apply for recognitionNoneother
The sector and regional provisions usually entitle the same agencies with formal training as well as validation |
Same qualificationsSame certification agenciesSame quality assurance processesLinked to quality assurance processesRight for individuals to apply for recognitionNoneother
In VET all professions are certified and quality assured. With the certificate at the end of an obligatory apprenticeship (2-4 years) all individua... In VET all professions are certified and quality assured. With the certificate at the end of an obligatory apprenticeship (2-4 years) all individuals are recognized |
Same qualificationsSame certification agenciesSame quality assurance processesLinked to quality assurance processesRight for individuals to apply for recognitionNoneother
But only available in two universities (HE establishments) in 2010 |
Same qualificationsSame certification agenciesSame quality assurance processesLinked to quality assurance processesRight for individuals to apply for recognitionNoneother
No information |
Same qualificationsSame certification agenciesSame quality assurance processesLinked to quality assurance processesRight for individuals to apply for recognitionNoneother
The amendments of Vocational Education Law adopted in June 2010 stipulated that the validation processes that result in the award of a vocational q... The amendments of Vocational Education Law adopted in June 2010 stipulated that the validation processes that result in the award of a vocational qualification will be based on existing Occupational Standards, in the same way as with regular after-VET-programme assessment, meaning that person will be able to receive the same qualification document as if he/she participated in a regular educational programme |
Same qualificationsSame certification agenciesSame quality assurance processesLinked to quality assurance processesRight for individuals to apply for recognitionNoneother
There is a strong commitment from the NCFHE and other stakeholders and partners that the validation process should lead to the same qualifications ... There is a strong commitment from the NCFHE and other stakeholders and partners that the validation process should lead to the same qualifications as those gained through formal education. The system is currently being developed at a national level, and this framework will incorporate common approaches |
Same qualificationsSame certification agenciesSame quality assurance processesLinked to quality assurance processesRight for individuals to apply for recognitionNoneother
No information |
Same qualificationsSame certification agenciesSame quality assurance processesLinked to quality assurance processesRight for individuals to apply for recognitionNoneother
Adults have the right to have their knowledge and skills documented at all levels and areas within the public education system, independently of ho... Adults have the right to have their knowledge and skills documented at all levels and areas within the public education system, independently of how these competences were acquired |
Same qualificationsSame certification agenciesSame quality assurance processesLinked to quality assurance processesRight for individuals to apply for recognitionNoneother
No information |
Same qualificationsSame certification agenciesSame quality assurance processesLinked to quality assurance processesRight for individuals to apply for recognitionNoneother
No information |
Same qualificationsSame certification agenciesSame quality assurance processesLinked to quality assurance processesRight for individuals to apply for recognitionNoneother
A person can only acquire complete qualifications through validation, but only related to occupational standards in place |
Same qualificationsSame certification agenciesSame quality assurance processesLinked to quality assurance processesRight for individuals to apply for recognitionNoneother
The aim is that validation leads to the same qualifications as those awarded through formal education |
Same qualificationsSame certification agenciesSame quality assurance processesLinked to quality assurance processesRight for individuals to apply for recognitionNoneother
No information |
Same qualificationsSame certification agenciesSame quality assurance processesLinked to quality assurance processesRight for individuals to apply for recognitionNoneother
Formal education and qualifications achieved through recognition are not equivalent. The latter do not provide the individual with the so called �... Formal education and qualifications achieved through recognition are not equivalent. The latter do not provide the individual with the so called ‘level of education’.
However the qualifications standards being developed for assessment and recognition of NFIL are expected to be comparable to the education standards in the formal system |
Same qualificationsSame certification agenciesSame quality assurance processesLinked to quality assurance processesRight for individuals to apply for recognitionNoneother
No information |
Same qualificationsSame certification agenciesSame quality assurance processesLinked to quality assurance processesRight for individuals to apply for recognitionNoneother
No information |
Same qualificationsSame certification agenciesSame quality assurance processesLinked to quality assurance processesRight for individuals to apply for recognitionNoneother
No information |
2014 |
Same qualificationsSame certification agenciesSame quality assurance processesLinked to quality assurance processesRight for individuals to apply for recognitionNoneother
Almost all qualifications from the formal system (school system and dual system but not higher education) can be obtained by passing exams without ... Almost all qualifications from the formal system (school system and dual system but not higher education) can be obtained by passing exams without participating in the relevant programmes (‘external exams’). Preparatory courses are often offered outside the formal system but assessment and certification is done by the same bodies as in the formal system. ‘External exams’ with providers from the formal system employ the same quality assurance procedures as for traditional exams |
Same qualificationsSame certification agenciesSame quality assurance processesLinked to quality assurance processesRight for individuals to apply for recognitionNoneother
No information |
Same qualificationsSame certification agenciesSame quality assurance processesLinked to quality assurance processesRight for individuals to apply for recognitionNoneother
Validation does not lead to award of qualifications awarded through formal education.
VAE procedures can give access to formal education and train... Validation does not lead to award of qualifications awarded through formal education.
VAE procedures can give access to formal education and training programmes |
Same qualificationsSame certification agenciesSame quality assurance processesLinked to quality assurance processesRight for individuals to apply for recognitionNoneother
In Bulgaria, there are educational and training standards, the so-called State Education Requirements (SERs), used in formal education and training... In Bulgaria, there are educational and training standards, the so-called State Education Requirements (SERs), used in formal education and training. These standards are the same as the standards that support the delivery of validation. Assessment and evaluation criteria defined in SERs apply also to validation arrangements and are used in the same way.
The process of acquiring professional qualification through formal education are not different from those obtained by the validation process in practice.
It is hoped that the validation process will provide access to professional training for adults with a more flexible and specialised procedure different from that of formal secondary / vocational education |
Same qualificationsSame certification agenciesSame quality assurance processesLinked to quality assurance processesRight for individuals to apply for recognitionNoneother
No information |
Same qualificationsSame certification agenciesSame quality assurance processesLinked to quality assurance processesRight for individuals to apply for recognitionNoneother
In higher education, where validation can take place, there are no relevant mechanisms in place |
Same qualificationsSame certification agenciesSame quality assurance processesLinked to quality assurance processesRight for individuals to apply for recognitionNoneother
As described above VNFIL does not concern the same qualifications as formal education. The vocational qualifications are sometimes a component of t... As described above VNFIL does not concern the same qualifications as formal education. The vocational qualifications are sometimes a component of the formal qualifications but they are not the same type of qualifications. A discussion is ongoing on developing closer links between initial and further education and training. The training programmes in initial VET are expected to better reflect the labour market standards captured in the NSK qualifications |
Same qualificationsSame certification agenciesSame quality assurance processesLinked to quality assurance processesRight for individuals to apply for recognitionNoneother
There are different mechanisms depending on the particular approach |
Same qualificationsSame certification agenciesSame quality assurance processesLinked to quality assurance processesRight for individuals to apply for recognitionNoneother
The individual educational institution has to build its own system for quality assurance. The institutions are obliged to evaluate the procedure ... The individual educational institution has to build its own system for quality assurance. The institutions are obliged to evaluate the procedure and the methodology used |
Same qualificationsSame certification agenciesSame quality assurance processesLinked to quality assurance processesRight for individuals to apply for recognitionNoneother
Institutions develop their own quality assurance procedures, which need to be coherent with either the higher education standard or the vocational ... Institutions develop their own quality assurance procedures, which need to be coherent with either the higher education standard or the vocational education standard. Several institutions have quality assurance committees, which regularly examine validation assessments and make recommendations and suggestions.
In HE diploma supplements, subjects obtained by validation are clearly marked. Since 2014, the same applies to VET certificates.
The OQ awarding bodies do not state on certificates if validation was used |
Same qualificationsSame certification agenciesSame quality assurance processesLinked to quality assurance processesRight for individuals to apply for recognitionNoneother
No information |
Same qualificationsSame certification agenciesSame quality assurance processesLinked to quality assurance processesRight for individuals to apply for recognitionNoneother
The qualifications gained through formal education and through validation are the same, and have the same referents for their assessment.
In VET... The qualifications gained through formal education and through validation are the same, and have the same referents for their assessment.
In VET, the referents for the assessment of most professional competences are described in the National Catalogue of Occupational Standards |
Same qualificationsSame certification agenciesSame quality assurance processesLinked to quality assurance processesRight for individuals to apply for recognitionNoneother
Certification is identical. The education system does not differentiate between competences gained through validation or formal learning. There are... Certification is identical. The education system does not differentiate between competences gained through validation or formal learning. There are no sectoral differences |
Same qualificationsSame certification agenciesSame quality assurance processesLinked to quality assurance processesRight for individuals to apply for recognitionNoneother
Validation (VAE) is recognised as an individual right. Qualifications awarded via VAE are identical to those awarded via participation in formal ed... Validation (VAE) is recognised as an individual right. Qualifications awarded via VAE are identical to those awarded via participation in formal education. It is the core principle of the VAE |
Same qualificationsSame certification agenciesSame quality assurance processesLinked to quality assurance processesRight for individuals to apply for recognitionNoneother
The unit of learning outcomes in the CROQF Register, which is a part of a qualification, is a basis for validation of non-formal and informal learn... The unit of learning outcomes in the CROQF Register, which is a part of a qualification, is a basis for validation of non-formal and informal learning as well |
Same qualificationsSame certification agenciesSame quality assurance processesLinked to quality assurance processesRight for individuals to apply for recognitionNoneother
Full or partial qualifications are not awarded through validation.
In practice, for assessment of prior learning, the reference is always the same... Full or partial qualifications are not awarded through validation.
In practice, for assessment of prior learning, the reference is always the same as in formal education |
Same qualificationsSame certification agenciesSame quality assurance processesLinked to quality assurance processesRight for individuals to apply for recognitionNoneother
n/a |
Same qualificationsSame certification agenciesSame quality assurance processesLinked to quality assurance processesRight for individuals to apply for recognitionNoneother
Credit points obtained through validation are certified by the upper secondary school participating in that specific project. Validated credit poin... Credit points obtained through validation are certified by the upper secondary school participating in that specific project. Validated credit points, once inserted into the database, are transferable between upper secondary schools |
Same qualificationsSame certification agenciesSame quality assurance processesLinked to quality assurance processesRight for individuals to apply for recognitionNoneother
The sector and regional provisions usually entitle the same agencies to undertake formal training as well as validation.
The quality assurance as... The sector and regional provisions usually entitle the same agencies to undertake formal training as well as validation.
The quality assurance aspects are not yet defined in the national framework |
Same qualificationsSame certification agenciesSame quality assurance processesLinked to quality assurance processesRight for individuals to apply for recognitionNoneother
In VET all professions are certified and quality assured. With the certificate at the end of an obligatory apprenticeship (2-4 years) all individua... In VET all professions are certified and quality assured. With the certificate at the end of an obligatory apprenticeship (2-4 years) all individuals are recognized |
Same qualificationsSame certification agenciesSame quality assurance processesLinked to quality assurance processesRight for individuals to apply for recognitionNoneother
Validation leads to the same qualifications as those awarded through formal education (VET, HE);
- The certification agencies (mainly social partne... Validation leads to the same qualifications as those awarded through formal education (VET, HE);
- The certification agencies (mainly social partners, training centres of large companies etc.) used for validation are the same as those for formal education (VET); In the current procedures an important role is played by VET providers, A person willing to validate his competences and receive a qualification (equivalent to one awarded through formal education) has to approach a VET provider who is implementing a relevant programme. S/He has to present proofs of their experience, recommendations, etc. The VET provider, after assessing the evidence, proposes further training (if needed) and includes the person into the list of persons who are ready to take the final qualification exam in an external certification institution (external competence assessment institution). After a successful examination the VET provider awards a qualification certificate (in future a qualification diploma).
- The quality assurance processes for validation are the same as those used for formal education; responsibility for QA rests within the validation providers;
- There is a right for individuals to apply for recognition in the formal sector (educational institutions are required to offer validation processes, this is not a practice at their discretion) (VET, HE) |
Same qualificationsSame certification agenciesSame quality assurance processesLinked to quality assurance processesRight for individuals to apply for recognitionNoneother
No information |
Same qualificationsSame certification agenciesSame quality assurance processesLinked to quality assurance processesRight for individuals to apply for recognitionNoneother
For the assessment of non-formal learning, acquired professional competences use the same examination model as in the formal VET system. The method... For the assessment of non-formal learning, acquired professional competences use the same examination model as in the formal VET system. The methodology of the examination content development is the same for 1 to 3 qualification levels (national qualification framework). The examination committee consists only of employer members. Qualification examination is used in the case of VET |
Same qualificationsSame certification agenciesSame quality assurance processesLinked to quality assurance processesRight for individuals to apply for recognitionNoneother
There is a strong commitment from the NCFHE and other stakeholders and partners that the validation process should lead to the same qualifications ... There is a strong commitment from the NCFHE and other stakeholders and partners that the validation process should lead to the same qualifications as those gained through formal education. The system is currently being developed at a national level, and this framework will incorporate common approaches |
Same qualificationsSame certification agenciesSame quality assurance processesLinked to quality assurance processesRight for individuals to apply for recognitionNoneother
The validation mechanism works for all sectors in the same way. There are however problems of accepting certificates (e.g. EVC certificates) of non... The validation mechanism works for all sectors in the same way. There are however problems of accepting certificates (e.g. EVC certificates) of non formal learning by the institutes of formal learning. |
Same qualificationsSame certification agenciesSame quality assurance processesLinked to quality assurance processesRight for individuals to apply for recognitionNoneother
Guidelines have been developed to support validation in the HE and non-university vocational education sectors, as well as for primary, lower and u... Guidelines have been developed to support validation in the HE and non-university vocational education sectors, as well as for primary, lower and upper secondary. The reference for validation is the formal programmes (Curricula for upper secondary education and training are decided at national level and study-plans for HE are decided at the individual institution).
Individuals have a right to apply for recognition of formal, informal and non-formal learning at all levels and types of education and training |
Same qualificationsSame certification agenciesSame quality assurance processesLinked to quality assurance processesRight for individuals to apply for recognitionNoneother
No information |
Same qualificationsSame certification agenciesSame quality assurance processesLinked to quality assurance processesRight for individuals to apply for recognitionNoneother
No information |
Same qualificationsSame certification agenciesSame quality assurance processesLinked to quality assurance processesRight for individuals to apply for recognitionNoneother
The certification agencies used for validation are the same as those for formal education, but only related to occupational standards.
There are no... The certification agencies used for validation are the same as those for formal education, but only related to occupational standards.
There are no mechanisms in place for validation in relation to obtaining the same type of certification for high-school (baccalaureate) or university education |
Same qualificationsSame certification agenciesSame quality assurance processesLinked to quality assurance processesRight for individuals to apply for recognitionNoneother
In sector specific validation outside of formal education it is common to award the same qualification as for non-formal vocational education.
Val... In sector specific validation outside of formal education it is common to award the same qualification as for non-formal vocational education.
Validation within formal education has no specific quality assurance process |
Same qualificationsSame certification agenciesSame quality assurance processesLinked to quality assurance processesRight for individuals to apply for recognitionNoneother
In Slovenia there are two types of VET qualifications; one type of VET qualifications can be acquired following the school path (VET system) and th... In Slovenia there are two types of VET qualifications; one type of VET qualifications can be acquired following the school path (VET system) and the other type can be acquired following the path of recognition of non-formal learning (NVQ system).Therefore, there are also two main (legally regulated) routes to the recognition of non-formally and informally acquired knowledge in Slovenia, for the purposes of (a) further participation in formal education and (b) recognition of occupational competence in the labour market (NVQ system). In the process of recognition of non-formally acquired knowledge through evaluation, we establish the comparability of the candidate's non-formally acquired knowledge, skills and competences with standards of knowledge |
Same qualificationsSame certification agenciesSame quality assurance processesLinked to quality assurance processesRight for individuals to apply for recognitionNoneother
Formal education and qualifications achieved through recognition are not equivalent. The latter do not provide the individual with the so called �... Formal education and qualifications achieved through recognition are not equivalent. The latter do not provide the individual with the so called ‘level of education’.
However the qualifications standards being developed for assessment and recognition of NFIL are expected to be comparable to the education standards in the formal system- |
Same qualificationsSame certification agenciesSame quality assurance processesLinked to quality assurance processesRight for individuals to apply for recognitionNoneother
No information |
Same qualificationsSame certification agenciesSame quality assurance processesLinked to quality assurance processesRight for individuals to apply for recognitionNoneother
No information |
Same qualificationsSame certification agenciesSame quality assurance processesLinked to quality assurance processesRight for individuals to apply for recognitionNoneother
No information |
Same qualificationsSame certification agenciesSame quality assurance processesLinked to quality assurance processesRight for individuals to apply for recognitionNoneother
No information |
The Recommendation asks Member States to ensure that ‘transparent quality assurance measures in line with existing quality assurance frameworks are in place that support reliable, valid and credible assessment methodologies and tools’ (Council of EU, 2012, p. 3, point 3f).
Année | Austria | Belgium-DE | Belgium-FR | Bulgaria | Switzerland | Cyprus | Czechia | Germany | Denmark | Estonia | Greece | Spain | Finland | France | Croatia | Hungary | Ireland | Iceland | Italy | Liechtenstein | Lithuania | Luxembourg | Latvia | Malta | Netherlands | Norway | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Sweden | Slovenia | Slovakia | Türkiye | United Kingdom / England and Northern Ireland | United Kingdom / Scotland | United Kingdom / Wales |
2010 |
Due to the wide distribution of responsibilities across various ministries, there is no overall quality assurance framework for validation of non-f... Due to the wide distribution of responsibilities across various ministries, there is no overall quality assurance framework for validation of non-formal and informal learning and it is not seen as necessary.
Different ministries and sections within these ministries are responsible for the different qualifications in the formal system and also for the relevant quality assurance activities. Since most procedures and initiatives for validating non-formally or informally acquired knowledge belong to the formal education system and/or aim at a qualification equivalent to one of the formal system, the same quality assurance activities as in the formal system are relevant. |
The main body in Flanders overseeing quality assurance for pathways leading to professional qualifications is AKOV (Agency for Quality Assurance in... The main body in Flanders overseeing quality assurance for pathways leading to professional qualifications is AKOV (Agency for Quality Assurance in Education and Training).
The quality assurance framework for higher education does not fall currently under AKOV and is still very fragmented. For example the associations in the higher education sector and the adult education centres have differences in their procedures, standards and methodologies.
For the work experience certificate, the quality assurance framework is regulated by the funding scheme. More specifically by content guidelines (script/test) and the quality label (ESF or equivalent) and the ESF audit mechanisms. Furthermore, the assessment instrument is examined by an independent commission (validation commission) consisting of experts in EVC and in the relevant experience field.
Responsibility for the quality assurance of certificates in the sports sector lies with BLOSO. |
CVET: Yes, a framework specifically for validation, in line with existing quality assurance frameworks and effectively supporting reliable, valid a... CVET: Yes, a framework specifically for validation, in line with existing quality assurance frameworks and effectively supporting reliable, valid and credible assessments.
HE: - Yes, a framework for the sector which encompasses validation. System very recently implemented; existence of important variations between institutions in methods, approaches, and treatment of applications. Highly decentralised process and too recently implemented for the establishment of stable, harmonised procedures. VAE platform for universities: one of the main missions is to foster such harmonisation of reliable assessment practices by VAE jury. |
There is no overall quality assurance framework for validation of formal and non-formal learning.
A quality assurance framework for the vocational... There is no overall quality assurance framework for validation of formal and non-formal learning.
A quality assurance framework for the vocational education and training sector in Bulgaria is still in the process of being set up. Validation is expected to fall under the general quality assurance framework rather than following separate quality assurance mechanisms |
No specific quality assurance framework for validation |
Defined in the 2006 legislation |
No information |
No overall binding quality framework but general principles. The educational institutions are responsible for quality assurance and evaluation. |
Common RPL principles have been agreed with HEIs and VET. It is expected that in due course vocational education and professional qualification val... Common RPL principles have been agreed with HEIs and VET. It is expected that in due course vocational education and professional qualification validation processes will follow the agreed set of principles |
There is no national quality assurance framework regarding validation in any educational sector. The public and private organisations that are invo... There is no national quality assurance framework regarding validation in any educational sector. The public and private organisations that are involved in validation can implement any quality assurance system |
There is a general quality assurance framework for the education system as a whole. In the near future, there could be a specific framework for the... There is a general quality assurance framework for the education system as a whole. In the near future, there could be a specific framework for the validation procedure in relation to the assessment and accreditation procedure of professional competences acquired through work experience |
There is a quality assurance framework in place in HE and in VET. A quality assurance framework is planned for general upper secondary education.
T... There is a quality assurance framework in place in HE and in VET. A quality assurance framework is planned for general upper secondary education.
There is no specific QA framework for validation in any sector, but QA is embedded in the system and enforced with laws and regulations especially in adult VET. |
Concerning VAE, there is no single quality assurance framework in place but each awarding body is responsible for developing quality assurance syst... Concerning VAE, there is no single quality assurance framework in place but each awarding body is responsible for developing quality assurance systems. A quality charter was developed in 2008 to outline key principles for the provision of support to candidates |
There is a general quality assurance framework for VET, but it is not related to validation. |
No information |
The FE and HE awarding bodies ensure that their systems of quality assurance embrace RPL.
No specific QA framework in place for other sectors. |
This is in development. The LLL centres are working with the ETSC on self-assessments based on the European Quality Mark (EQM). The centres turn in... This is in development. The LLL centres are working with the ETSC on self-assessments based on the European Quality Mark (EQM). The centres turn in reports to the ETSC on each validation project, reviewing the results and statistics. Meetings are held with project managers. A training course is offered to validation staff. The majority of assessors come from the upper secondary school system. The regulation on evaluation and monitoring in upper secondary schools covers internal and external evaluation on this aspect, overseen by the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture. |
No information |
Because of the small size of the country Swiss and European quality standards play a decisive role in vocational as well as in higher education |
Quality assurance framework was developed internally by HE establishments |
No overall quality assurance framework for validation is in place. The different institutions in charge of implementing validation processes are re... No overall quality assurance framework for validation is in place. The different institutions in charge of implementing validation processes are responsible for overseeing their quality. At the secondary level, the VAE procedure is aligned with EU guidelines on validation |
There is a legal framework in place for validating the non-formal and informal learning for national level 1-3 vocational qualifications (regulated... There is a legal framework in place for validating the non-formal and informal learning for national level 1-3 vocational qualifications (regulated professions and higher professional education excluded). According to the draft regulations the main quality assurance body is the State Service of Education Quality. There is of course a functioning quality assurance framework in place for higher education (based on European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance). However, the legal framework for validation and quality assurance framework for validation is still under governmental discussion |
There is no quality assurance framework in place. |
Insufficient evidence to assess. Author’s own assessment: |
In relation to upper secondary education, there is no national framework for quality assurance and its application varies across the different coun... In relation to upper secondary education, there is no national framework for quality assurance and its application varies across the different counties, which presents a challenge at national level to ensure that an overall standard of quality is maintained. A need for quality assurance standards has been identified, which will be developed by the relevant governmental institutions, coordinated and overseen by Vox.
In relation to HE, each institution is responsible for the quality of these services. The Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education, NOKUT, has overall responsibility for the quality of services in HE. |
No information |
Quality assurance is established in the non-higher education area.
In HE, there is a quality assurance framework in place, but not linked to valida... Quality assurance is established in the non-higher education area.
In HE, there is a quality assurance framework in place, but not linked to validation. |
The quality assurance procedures in place are related to the authorization of the assessment centres and the relevance of the procedures for the qu... The quality assurance procedures in place are related to the authorization of the assessment centres and the relevance of the procedures for the qualification standards. CNFPA is the main body responsible for the quality assurance processes in this field. More specifically, CNFPA is responsible for the following: authorisation and monitoring of the assessment centres; Certification of the assessors as well as the internal and external quality checkers or observers. |
Not fully developed yet nationally |
No information |
The overall framework for quality assurance for recognition of non-formal and informal learning is defined in the law on lifelong learning |
There is a national framework for the quality assurance of validation. The organisations need to be accredited according to the TS EN 17024 standar... There is a national framework for the quality assurance of validation. The organisations need to be accredited according to the TS EN 17024 standards in order to be authorised for the testing and certification. The VQA has a supervisory role in this process |
Awarding bodies are responsible for assuring the quality of the qualifications they offer, for ensuring that their approved centres (i.e. learning ... Awarding bodies are responsible for assuring the quality of the qualifications they offer, for ensuring that their approved centres (i.e. learning providers) have in place arrangements for the recognition of prior learning and to recognise, and monitor on an ongoing basis, the centres offering assessment leading to awards within the QCF.
In HE, the QAA has published a set of guidelines to support Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in accrediting prior learning.
RARPA (for adult education) is seen as a quality assurance mechanism in itself, as its aim is to support the recognition and recording of learner progress and achievement on courses where no external qualification or certification is offered. |
SCQF has quality assurance arrangements. |
2014 |
Awarding bodyAdult educationCVETHEHE, youth sectorVETVET, HEExisting framework includes validationGuidelines
Due to the wide distribution of responsibilities across various ministries, there is no overall quality assurance framework for validation of non-f... Due to the wide distribution of responsibilities across various ministries, there is no overall quality assurance framework for validation of non-formal and informal learning and it is not seen as necessary.
Different ministries and sections within these ministries are responsible for the different qualifications in the formal system and also for the relevant quality assurance activities. Since most procedures and initiatives for validating non-formally or informally acquired knowledge belong to the formal education system and/or aim at a qualification equivalent to part of the formal system, the same quality assurance activities as in the formal system are relevant. |
Awarding bodyAdult educationCVETHEHE, youth sectorVETVET, HEExisting framework includes validationGuidelines
The main body in Flanders overseeing quality assurance for pathways leading to professional qualifications is AKOV (Agency for Quality Assurance in... The main body in Flanders overseeing quality assurance for pathways leading to professional qualifications is AKOV (Agency for Quality Assurance in Education and Training).
The quality assurance framework for higher education does not fall currently under AKOV and is still very fragmented; for example the associations in the higher education sector and the adult education centres have differences in their procedures, standards and methodologies in place.
For the work experience certificate, the quality assurance framework is regulated by the funding scheme. More specifically by content guidelines (script/test) and the quality label (ESF or equivalent) and the ESF audit mechanisms. Furthermore, the assessment instrument is assessed by an independent commission (validation commission) consisting of experts in EVC and in the relevant experience field.
Responsibility for the quality assurance of certificates in the sports sector lies with BLOSO. |
Awarding bodyAdult educationCVETHEHE, youth sectorVETVET, HEExisting framework includes validationGuidelines
VDC/CVET: Yes, a framework specifically for validation, in line with existing quality assurance frameworks and effectively supporting reliable, val... VDC/CVET: Yes, a framework specifically for validation, in line with existing quality assurance frameworks and effectively supporting reliable, valid and credible assessments.
VAE/HE: - Yes, a framework specifically for validation, but does not meet all the conditions above. |
Awarding bodyAdult educationCVETHEHE, youth sectorVETVET, HEExisting framework includes validationGuidelines
There is no overall quality assurance framework for validation of formal and non-formal learning. Single projects make use of internal mechanisms f... There is no overall quality assurance framework for validation of formal and non-formal learning. Single projects make use of internal mechanisms for quality assurance. However, on a system level, these mechanisms are not transparent and complete |
Awarding bodyAdult educationCVETHEHE, youth sectorVETVET, HEExisting framework includes validationGuidelines
No information |
Awarding bodyAdult educationCVETHEHE, youth sectorVETVET, HEExisting framework includes validationGuidelines
HRDA quality assures the process of the System of Vocational Qualifications by having in place criteria for the selection of examination centres (r... HRDA quality assures the process of the System of Vocational Qualifications by having in place criteria for the selection of examination centres (requirements for infrastructure, management structure and human resources) and of internal and external examiners. Verifiers, who are responsible for safeguarding the transparency of the process, are also selected through a pre-defined process. After each examination, examiners and the verifier provide the HRDA with their assessment of the process. |
Awarding bodyAdult educationCVETHEHE, youth sectorVETVET, HEExisting framework includes validationGuidelines
Defined in the 2006 legislation |
Awarding bodyAdult educationCVETHEHE, youth sectorVETVET, HEExisting framework includes validationGuidelines
No national framework |
Awarding bodyAdult educationCVETHEHE, youth sectorVETVET, HEExisting framework includes validationGuidelines
No overall binding quality framework but general principles. The educational institutions are responsible for quality assurance and evaluation. |
Awarding bodyAdult educationCVETHEHE, youth sectorVETVET, HEExisting framework includes validationGuidelines
Common validation principles have been agreed with HEIs. It is expected that in due course, vocational education and professional qualification val... Common validation principles have been agreed with HEIs. It is expected that in due course, vocational education and professional qualification validation processes will follow the agreed set of principles |
Awarding bodyAdult educationCVETHEHE, youth sectorVETVET, HEExisting framework includes validationGuidelines
There is no quality assurance framework in place specific for validation. EOPPEP however as the competent organisation for the implementation of ce... There is no quality assurance framework in place specific for validation. EOPPEP however as the competent organisation for the implementation of certification policy and processes, is quality assured by the EFQM |
There is a general quality assurance framework for the education system as a whole. In the near future, there could be a specific framework for th... There is a general quality assurance framework for the education system as a whole. In the near future, there could be a specific framework for the validation procedure in relation to the assessment and accreditation procedure of professional competences acquired through work experience |
Awarding bodyAdult educationCVETHEHE, youth sectorVETVET, HEExisting framework includes validationGuidelines
There is a quality assurance framework in place in HE and in VET. A quality assurance framework is planned for general upper secondary education.
T... There is a quality assurance framework in place in HE and in VET. A quality assurance framework is planned for general upper secondary education.
There is no specific QA framework specifically for validation in any sector, but QA is embedded in the system and enforced with laws and regulations especially in adult VET. |
Awarding bodyAdult educationCVETHEHE, youth sectorVETVET, HEExisting framework includes validationGuidelines
Concerning VAE, there is no single quality assurance framework in place but each awarding body is responsible for developing quality assurance syst... Concerning VAE, there is no single quality assurance framework in place but each awarding body is responsible for developing quality assurance systems, most of the time, through legal provisions. A quality charter was developed in 2008 to outline key principles for the provision of counselling/support to candidates (“accompagnement”) and a national quality charter for the members of juries has been set by the VAE inter-ministerial committee. |
Awarding bodyAdult educationCVETHEHE, youth sectorVETVET, HEExisting framework includes validationGuidelines
There is a general quality assurance framework for VET, but it is not related to validation.
According to The CROQF Act, quality assurance related ... There is a general quality assurance framework for VET, but it is not related to validation.
According to The CROQF Act, quality assurance related to the procedure for recognition and validation of units of learning outcomes shall be performed by an accredited quality assurance institution. |
Awarding bodyAdult educationCVETHEHE, youth sectorVETVET, HEExisting framework includes validationGuidelines
Yes, a framework for the sector which encompasses validation, but does not meet all the conditions above |
Awarding bodyAdult educationCVETHEHE, youth sectorVETVET, HEExisting framework includes validationGuidelines
Yes where RPL leads to programmes leading to awards, or directly to awards on the National Framework of Qualifications. The FE and HE awarding bodi... Yes where RPL leads to programmes leading to awards, or directly to awards on the National Framework of Qualifications. The FE and HE awarding bodies ensure that their systems of quality assurance embrace RPL.
No specific QA framework in place for other sectors. |
Awarding bodyAdult educationCVETHEHE, youth sectorVETVET, HEExisting framework includes validationGuidelines
The regulation for adult education (1163/2011) states that validation should be executed by accredited educational providers, which provide service... The regulation for adult education (1163/2011) states that validation should be executed by accredited educational providers, which provide services based on the Adult Education Act. The regulation defines the content of the validation process and states that validation staff must participate in training. The LLL centres are accredited through the European Quality Mark (EQM) by the BSI in Iceland (a certified accreditation body) in cooperation with the ETSC. Specific criteria for validation processes will be developed in 2014 and linked to the EQM accreditation process. The ETSC has participated in the development of a quality model in cooperation with the Nordic Countries.
The majority of assessors come from the upper secondary school system. The regulation on evaluation and monitoring in upper secondary schools covers internal and external evaluation on this aspect, overseen by the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture. |
Awarding bodyAdult educationCVETHEHE, youth sectorVETVET, HEExisting framework includes validationGuidelines
The Italy EQF Referencing Report outlines all the quality assurance frameworks related to the different sectors according to the EQF referencing cr... The Italy EQF Referencing Report outlines all the quality assurance frameworks related to the different sectors according to the EQF referencing criteria |
Awarding bodyAdult educationCVETHEHE, youth sectorVETVET, HEExisting framework includes validationGuidelines
Because of the small size of the country Swiss and European quality standards play a decisive role in vocational as well as in higher education |
Awarding bodyAdult educationCVETHEHE, youth sectorVETVET, HEExisting framework includes validationGuidelines
The majority of validation initiatives that have been implemented in Lithuania so far, include a well-developed quality assurance framework. Howeve... The majority of validation initiatives that have been implemented in Lithuania so far, include a well-developed quality assurance framework. However, there is no agreed quality assurance framework in terms of specific standard, guidelines, etc. for validation procedures in the VET sector |
Awarding bodyAdult educationCVETHEHE, youth sectorVETVET, HEExisting framework includes validationGuidelines
No overall quality assurance framework for validation is in place. The different institutions in charge of implementing validation processes are re... No overall quality assurance framework for validation is in place. The different institutions in charge of implementing validation processes are responsible for overseeing their quality. At the secondary level, the VAE procedure is aligned with EU guidelines on validation |
Awarding bodyAdult educationCVETHEHE, youth sectorVETVET, HEExisting framework includes validationGuidelines
The external quality assurance procedures in Latvia foresee the writing of annual self-assessment reports as part of the quality checks of all inst... The external quality assurance procedures in Latvia foresee the writing of annual self-assessment reports as part of the quality checks of all institutional activities by external experts (as part of a peer review).
The State Service of Education Quality - while considering delegating the task of performing the validation process of competence acquired through non-formal and informal learning - examines issues such as: accreditation information on the programme, institution or the centre; qualification of the personnel and the available resources; information about implementing the recommendations by the accreditation expert’s commission report.... |
Awarding bodyAdult educationCVETHEHE, youth sectorVETVET, HEExisting framework includes validationGuidelines
There has been no quality assurance framework that has yet been formalised |
Awarding bodyAdult educationCVETHEHE, youth sectorVETVET, HEExisting framework includes validationGuidelines
For more information about de quality code for validation: For more information about de quality code for validation:
One of the elements missing is a quality standard for assessors and guidance staff. |
Awarding bodyAdult educationCVETHEHE, youth sectorVETVET, HEExisting framework includes validationGuidelines
At the moment, there is no national framework for quality assurance in relation to validation. It is thought that the guidelines recently developed... At the moment, there is no national framework for quality assurance in relation to validation. It is thought that the guidelines recently developed will help to encourage a more standardised quality and more equality among counties in the validation procedure. |
Awarding bodyAdult educationCVETHEHE, youth sectorVETVET, HEExisting framework includes validationGuidelines
The development of a quality assurance framework for integrated qualifications system is currently in process. All qualifications included in the i... The development of a quality assurance framework for integrated qualifications system is currently in process. All qualifications included in the integrated qualifications register should be subject to quality assurance. |
Awarding bodyAdult educationCVETHEHE, youth sectorVETVET, HEExisting framework includes validationGuidelines
It will be, according to the new legislation of CQEP centres.
In HE, there is a quality assurance framework in place, but not linked to validation. |
Awarding bodyAdult educationCVETHEHE, youth sectorVETVET, HEExisting framework includes validationGuidelines
The quality assurance procedures in place are related to the authorisation of assessment centres and relevance of procedures for qualification sta... The quality assurance procedures in place are related to the authorisation of assessment centres and relevance of procedures for qualification standards. The National Authority for Qualification is the main body responsible for the quality assurance processes in this field. More specifically, the National Authority for Qualification is responsible for: authorisation and monitoring of the assessment centres; certification of the assessors as well as the internal and external quality checkers or observers |
Awarding bodyAdult educationCVETHEHE, youth sectorVETVET, HEExisting framework includes validationGuidelines
The aim of the national criteria and guidelines is to ensure a common quality approach in validation, but they are not regulated and only act as a ... The aim of the national criteria and guidelines is to ensure a common quality approach in validation, but they are not regulated and only act as a recommendation.
Only the general framework encompassing formal education. |
No information |
Awarding bodyAdult educationCVETHEHE, youth sectorVETVET, HEExisting framework includes validationGuidelines
The overall framework for quality assurance for recognition of non-formal and informal learning is defined in the law on lifelong learning |
For higher education there is a functional quality assurance framework, however it does not include validation. For VET, the development of a quali... For higher education there is a functional quality assurance framework, however it does not include validation. For VET, the development of a quality assurance framework to include validation is in discussion. |
Awarding bodyAdult educationCVETHEHE, youth sectorVETVET, HEExisting framework includes validationGuidelines
In relation to RPL within the QCF, an RPL process should be subject to the same quality criteria as other assessment methods. This means that asses... In relation to RPL within the QCF, an RPL process should be subject to the same quality criteria as other assessment methods. This means that assessors and QA staff must ensure that any evidence to support an RPL claim is valid and authentic.
RPL has now been included in the expectation within the new HE Quality Code relating to assessment. |
Awarding bodyAdult educationCVETHEHE, youth sectorVETVET, HEExisting framework includes validationGuidelines
The SCQF handbook states that RPL assessment procedures, including the appeals process, should be consistent with the normal assessment and general... The SCQF handbook states that RPL assessment procedures, including the appeals process, should be consistent with the normal assessment and general quality assurance of the organisation. |
Awarding bodyAdult educationCVETHEHE, youth sectorVETVET, HEExisting framework includes validationGuidelines
Standards have been developed for the QALL pillar of the CQFW which ensure that the quality assurance processes for QALL are comparable with the ot... Standards have been developed for the QALL pillar of the CQFW which ensure that the quality assurance processes for QALL are comparable with the other learning pillars.
There are no separate quality assurance processes for RPL - an RPL process should be subject to the same quality criteria as other assessment methods.
In HE the QAA oversees how well individual universities and colleges meet their responsibilities, including for RPL |
The Recommendation maintains that ‘provision is made for the development of the professional competences of staff involved in the validation process across all relevant sectors’ (Council of EU, 2012, p. 3, point 3g).
Année | Austria | Belgium-DE | Belgium-FR | Bulgaria | Switzerland | Cyprus | Czechia | Germany | Denmark | Estonia | Greece | Spain | Finland | France | Croatia | Hungary | Ireland | Iceland | Italy | Liechtenstein | Lithuania | Luxembourg | Latvia | Malta | Netherlands | Norway | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Sweden | Slovenia | Slovakia | Türkiye | United Kingdom / England and Northern Ireland | United Kingdom / Scotland | United Kingdom / Wales |
2010 |
Mandatory experienceMandatory trainingMandatory qualificationsNo specific requirements
There is no general profile of a “validation professional” in Austria. Depending on the specific measures, the practitioners are teachers, expe... There is no general profile of a “validation professional” in Austria. Depending on the specific measures, the practitioners are teachers, experienced professionals, members of the respective authorities, ministries or social partners.
In cases of ‘external exams’ for acquiring a qualification from the formal system, the same mandatory requirements in terms of qualification of assessors exist. |
Mandatory experienceMandatory trainingMandatory qualificationsNo specific requirements
In the case of the labour market sector, there are mandatory requirements in terms of experience and training. |
Mandatory experienceMandatory trainingMandatory qualificationsNo specific requirements
Jury in VAE are academic experts in their discipline.
Evaluators in CVET are either trained professionals (qualification requirement) OR need to ha... Jury in VAE are academic experts in their discipline.
Evaluators in CVET are either trained professionals (qualification requirement) OR need to have 5 years experience in their field (Experience). |
Mandatory experienceMandatory trainingMandatory qualificationsNo specific requirements
Bulgaria does not have a national institutional framework for validation and there is no a general profile of a validation professional. Depending ... Bulgaria does not have a national institutional framework for validation and there is no a general profile of a validation professional. Depending on the scope of the measure (in terms of educational sector and occupational fields covered), the practitioners are typically people with professional, pedagogical and academic experience (teachers) and / or specialists in a specific occupational field |
Each organisation decides the formal qualifications that practitioners should have, as there is no national approach. For example, the practitioner... Each organisation decides the formal qualifications that practitioners should have, as there is no national approach. For example, the practitioners involved in the ICT-related qualifications are ICT professionals. |
Mandatory experienceMandatory trainingMandatory qualificationsNo specific requirements
Have to be qualified in the field for which they are an authorised assessor or have to be able to demonstrate experience in the field
Have to be a... Have to be qualified in the field for which they are an authorised assessor or have to be able to demonstrate experience in the field
Have to be an education professional (formal or non-formal learning) or pass a specific course on NFIL |
Mandatory experienceMandatory trainingMandatory qualificationsNo specific requirements
No information |
Mandatory experienceMandatory trainingMandatory qualificationsNo specific requirements
No information |
Mandatory experienceMandatory trainingMandatory qualificationsNo specific requirements
No information |
Mandatory experienceMandatory trainingMandatory qualificationsNo specific requirements
For the ICT certificates (both state and ECDL), validators are ICT professionals |
Mandatory experienceMandatory trainingMandatory qualificationsNo specific requirements
On the whole, the measures of the education system for validation are carried out by the teachers.
In order to become a teacher you need a Degree D... On the whole, the measures of the education system for validation are carried out by the teachers.
In order to become a teacher you need a Degree Diploma and a Master´s in teaching skills.
In order to become an evaluator or advisor, according to the procedure established in the Royal Decree 12224/2009 on the recognition of professional competences acquired through work experience, individuals must have:
- At least four years’ experience as secondary and/or VET teachers; specialised in the competence to be validated;
- At least four years as trainers specialised in the particular competence to be validated;
- At least four years as professional experts in the competence to be validated |
Mandatory experienceMandatory trainingMandatory qualificationsNo specific requirements
Mandatory assessor training (Specialist in Competence Based Qualifications) => at least one of the assessors has to have the qualification. The CBQ... Mandatory assessor training (Specialist in Competence Based Qualifications) => at least one of the assessors has to have the qualification. The CBQ providers are bound by the law to provide training for the work life assessors (qualification requirements and assessment criteria). In HEIs there are no mandatory qualifications for the professionals. There are training courses and seminars held and planned for the validation practitioners in HEIs (ESF project, University of Turku). |
Mandatory experienceMandatory trainingMandatory qualificationsNo specific requirements
There are no specific mandatory requirements in terms of specifications. There are some mandatory requirements concerning the composition of the va... There are no specific mandatory requirements in terms of specifications. There are some mandatory requirements concerning the composition of the validation jury (must include representatives of teachers, employers and employees). |
Mandatory experienceMandatory trainingMandatory qualificationsNo specific requirements
Yes, in the field of trades, in the Law on Trades and Crafts and its by-laws requirements are prescribed for taking on the role of a validation pro... Yes, in the field of trades, in the Law on Trades and Crafts and its by-laws requirements are prescribed for taking on the role of a validation professional – to become a member of the examination board for master craftsman exam and vocational competence exam. |
Mandatory experienceMandatory trainingMandatory qualificationsNo specific requirements
Assessment is performed by teachers in the higher education and adult training sectors. |
Mandatory experienceMandatory trainingMandatory qualificationsNo specific requirements
n/a |
Mandatory experienceMandatory trainingMandatory qualificationsNo specific requirements
For validation against formal curricula, the majority of assessors are teachers in the subject concerned. They may also come from working life. The... For validation against formal curricula, the majority of assessors are teachers in the subject concerned. They may also come from working life. They must have sufficient experience/ professional knowledge and competences to take on the role as assessors. Special training is offered by the ETSC and in quality guidelines on validation processes it is emphasised that validation staff take part in that training course before working in validation projects. The majority does so (project managers, assessors, career counsellors). |
Mandatory experienceMandatory trainingMandatory qualificationsNo specific requirements
In the Regional validation systems already in place there are specific procedures for recruitment and accreditation of practitioners on the basis o... In the Regional validation systems already in place there are specific procedures for recruitment and accreditation of practitioners on the basis of experience and training. |
Mandatory experienceMandatory trainingMandatory qualificationsNo specific requirements
No information |
Mandatory experienceMandatory trainingMandatory qualificationsNo specific requirements
No information |
Mandatory experienceMandatory trainingMandatory qualificationsNo specific requirements
Mandatory requirements apply to members of validation committees. They are meant to be professional with a thorough knowledge of skills and compete... Mandatory requirements apply to members of validation committees. They are meant to be professional with a thorough knowledge of skills and competences required for a given occupation, but there are no specific qualification requirements. |
Mandatory experienceMandatory trainingMandatory qualificationsNo specific requirements
Examiners’ qualification. |
Mandatory experienceMandatory trainingMandatory qualificationsNo specific requirements
Once the national system for validation has been established (as it is currently in the childcare sector), validation professionals will be require... Once the national system for validation has been established (as it is currently in the childcare sector), validation professionals will be required to hold a specifically-developed qualification provided by ETC which equates to MQF/EQF Level 4. |
Mandatory experienceMandatory trainingMandatory qualificationsNo specific requirements
Providers of validation need to be accredited as such, see the Quality Code 2006. |
Mandatory experienceMandatory trainingMandatory qualificationsNo specific requirements
No national-level requirements for guidance practitioners, assessors or other practitioners. |
Mandatory experienceMandatory trainingMandatory qualificationsNo specific requirements
As for qualification requirements for validation practitioners in the formal education system – who in the future might be involved in validating... As for qualification requirements for validation practitioners in the formal education system – who in the future might be involved in validating competences acquired also outside the formal education system; a person who wants to become an examiner who conducts an examination confirming vocational qualifications should:
- be a representative of employers or an employers' organisation or professional association or local government;
- have qualifications required for the apprenticeship instructor and a minimum of three years of experience in the examined profession;
- meet the conditions set out in article 19, paragraph 10. 5, points 2-4 of the Act of 26 January 1982 on the Teacher’s Charter (e.g. full legal capacity and public rights, no pending criminal or disciplinary proceedings or incapacitation, not punished for an intentionally committed crime);
- successfully finish a training course for examiners, organised by a District Examination Commission, completed with the knowledge of the principles for conducting and evaluating tests and exams. |
Mandatory experienceMandatory trainingMandatory qualificationsNo specific requirements
In NO centres there are mandatory requirements. In HE institutions there are no specific requirements.
Staff involved in validation usually includ... In NO centres there are mandatory requirements. In HE institutions there are no specific requirements.
Staff involved in validation usually includes teachers scientifically recognised in the area of the request |
Mandatory experienceMandatory trainingMandatory qualificationsNo specific requirements
The occupational standard of “evaluator of professional competences” does not specify any qualification requirements. Accredited validation pra... The occupational standard of “evaluator of professional competences” does not specify any qualification requirements. Accredited validation practitioners need to show considerable professional experience in the domain in which they carry out assessments and motivation to develop professionally on an ongoing basis |
Mandatory experienceMandatory trainingMandatory qualificationsNo specific requirements
No information |
Mandatory experienceMandatory trainingMandatory qualificationsNo specific requirements
No information |
Mandatory experienceMandatory trainingMandatory qualificationsNo specific requirements
Level of education achieved through formal education (or possibly the certificate of passing the non-formal programme) in a given area/field;
Years... Level of education achieved through formal education (or possibly the certificate of passing the non-formal programme) in a given area/field;
Years of experience of professional activity in the given area (in general the higher the level of education the lower the number of years of experience requested).
All assessors, like all trainers in accredited non-formal programmes, have to have passed an examination for practicing as adult educators/trainers (lektor). |
There is not enough information in the 2010 report to answer this question |
Mandatory experienceMandatory trainingMandatory qualificationsNo specific requirements
No information |
Mandatory experienceMandatory trainingMandatory qualificationsNo specific requirements
According to the SCQF guidelines, “appropriately trained, supported and resourced staff should assist learners to provide evidence of their learn... According to the SCQF guidelines, “appropriately trained, supported and resourced staff should assist learners to provide evidence of their learning”.
Assessment of an RPL claim must be assessed by ‘appropriate subject experts’. Their recommendation is then considered and, where appropriate, approved by the relevant assessment board. |
2014 |
Mandatory experienceMandatory trainingMandatory qualificationsNo specific requirements
There is no general profile of a ‘validation professional’ in Austria. Depending on the specific measures, the practitioners are teachers, expe... There is no general profile of a ‘validation professional’ in Austria. Depending on the specific measures, the practitioners are teachers, experienced professionals, members of the respective authorities, ministries or social partners.
In the case of ‘external exams’ for acquiring a qualification from the formal system, the same mandatory requirements are in place for assessors’ qualifications. |
Mandatory experienceMandatory trainingMandatory qualificationsNo specific requirements
Mandatory requirements exist in terms of experience and in terms of training in the case of the labour market sector. |
Mandatory experienceMandatory trainingMandatory qualificationsNo specific requirements
Jury members in VAE are experts in their discipline (academic experts).
Evaluators in VDC are either trained professionals (qualification requireme... Jury members in VAE are experts in their discipline (academic experts).
Evaluators in VDC are either trained professionals (qualification requirement) OR need to have 5 years experience in their field (experience) |
Mandatory experienceMandatory trainingMandatory qualificationsNo specific requirements
Since Bulgaria does not have a national institutional framework for validation, there is no general profile of a validation professional. Depending... Since Bulgaria does not have a national institutional framework for validation, there is no general profile of a validation professional. Depending on the scope of the measure (in terms of educational sector and occupational fields covered), the practitioners may be required to have a professional certificate and /or academic degree (for example, to be teachers) and / or to have expertise in a specific occupational field.
In the project, ‘System for validation of non-formal acquired knowledge, skills and competences’ specialised training courses have been developed for consultants in enterprises, labour offices and vocational schools as well as for members of examination commissions.. More than 1000 people will be trained to carry out the validation process with respect to all four stages |
Mandatory experienceMandatory trainingMandatory qualificationsNo specific requirements
In upper secondary VET, there are specific training criteria for assessors who are required to be in possession of a professional qualification in ... In upper secondary VET, there are specific training criteria for assessors who are required to be in possession of a professional qualification in the field of validation.
Counsellors have to be trained in the field of validation, however there is no guideline regarding the type of qualification.
In other education sectors, the criteria for validation professionals are not clarified |
Mandatory experienceMandatory trainingMandatory qualificationsNo specific requirements
The practitioners that are involved in the ICT certificates offered by private providers and the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry are usuall... The practitioners that are involved in the ICT certificates offered by private providers and the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry are usually ICT professionals. As for the System of Vocational Qualifications of HRDA, specific requirements in qualifications and years of experience are predicted for all types of examiners involved in the validation process, especially the formal assessment. These requirements vary between vocational qualifications and are relevant to the vocational field.
Mandatory training is in place by the HRDA for those that are involved in the validation process (examiners) to ensure that a common approach is in place. Also, those responsible for quality assuring elements of the process, such as the verifier who quality assures the assessment stage and the HRDA employees that assess examination centres have to attend a relevant training. |
Mandatory experienceMandatory trainingMandatory qualificationsNo specific requirements
The individual has to be qualified in the field for which they are an authorised assessor or have to be able to demonstrate experience in the field... The individual has to be qualified in the field for which they are an authorised assessor or have to be able to demonstrate experience in the field
They are required to be an education professional (formal or non-formal learning) or pass a specific course on NFIL |
Mandatory experienceMandatory trainingMandatory qualificationsNo specific requirements
No information |
Mandatory experienceMandatory trainingMandatory qualificationsNo specific requirements
No information |
Mandatory experienceMandatory trainingMandatory qualificationsNo specific requirements
Competence profiles have however been developed in HE for councillors and assessors. Competence profile and awarding of certificate of assessor has... Competence profiles have however been developed in HE for councillors and assessors. Competence profile and awarding of certificate of assessor has been developed in Qualification Authority |
Mandatory experienceMandatory trainingMandatory qualificationsNo specific requirements
Assessors/examiners and supervisors that take part in the certification process of professionals of non-regulated occupations (at this point, for a... Assessors/examiners and supervisors that take part in the certification process of professionals of non-regulated occupations (at this point, for adult trainers of non-formal learning and professional in security services and also for technicians of specific technical occupations) need to meet specific requirements for qualifications and years of experience. These professionals also need to go through a training run by EOPPEP before they starting working as examiners/supervisors |
Mandatory experienceMandatory trainingMandatory qualificationsNo specific requirements
Overall, the teachers carry out the measures of the education system for validation.
In order to become a teacher you need a Degree Diploma and a M... Overall, the teachers carry out the measures of the education system for validation.
In order to become a teacher you need a Degree Diploma and a Master´s in teaching skills.
In order to become an evaluator or advisor, according to the procedure established in the Royal Decree 12224/2009 on the recognition of professional competences acquired through work experience, individuals must have:
- At least four years’ experience as secondary and/or VET teachers; specialised in the competence to be validated;
- At least four years as trainers specialised in the particular competence to be validated;
- At least four years as professional experts in the competence to be validated |
Mandatory experienceMandatory trainingMandatory qualificationsNo specific requirements
Mandatory assessor training (Specialist in Competence Based Qualifications) => at least one of the assessors has to have the qualification. The VET... Mandatory assessor training (Specialist in Competence Based Qualifications) => at least one of the assessors has to have the qualification. The VET providers are bound by law to provide training for work life assessors (qualification requirements and assessment criteria). In HEIs there are no mandatory qualifications for the professionals. There are training courses and seminars and networks available for the validation practitioners in HEIs |
Mandatory experienceMandatory trainingMandatory qualificationsNo specific requirements
There are no specific mandatory requirements in terms of specifications. There are some mandatory requirements concerning the composition of the va... There are no specific mandatory requirements in terms of specifications. There are some mandatory requirements concerning the composition of the validation jury (must include representatives of teachers, employers, and employees). |
Mandatory experienceMandatory trainingMandatory qualificationsNo specific requirements
Yes, in the field of tradesmanship – Act on Trades and Crafts and its by-laws requirements are prescribed for taking on the role of a validation ... Yes, in the field of tradesmanship – Act on Trades and Crafts and its by-laws requirements are prescribed for taking on the role of a validation professional – to become a member of the examination board for master craftsman exam and vocational competence exam. |
Mandatory experienceMandatory trainingMandatory qualificationsNo specific requirements
Assessment is performed by teachers in higher education and the adult training sectors. |
Mandatory experienceMandatory trainingMandatory qualificationsNo specific requirements
The 2001 Teaching Council Act requires teachers going into FE to have the capacity to undertake student needs and skills analysis, including the re... The 2001 Teaching Council Act requires teachers going into FE to have the capacity to undertake student needs and skills analysis, including the recognition of prior learning. |
Mandatory experienceMandatory trainingMandatory qualificationsNo specific requirements
For validation against formal curricula, the majority of assessors are teachers in the subject concerned. They may also come from working life. The... For validation against formal curricula, the majority of assessors are teachers in the subject concerned. They may also come from working life. The regulation for validation states that those that take on the role of validation professionals should go through special training which is offered by the ETSC. Training of validation professionals is a condition for funding. |
Mandatory experienceMandatory trainingMandatory qualificationsNo specific requirements
These aspects are not yet defined in the national framework.
In the Regional validation systems already in place there are specific procedures for ... These aspects are not yet defined in the national framework.
In the Regional validation systems already in place there are specific procedures for recruitment and accreditation of practitioners on the basis of experience and training |
Mandatory experienceMandatory trainingMandatory qualificationsNo specific requirements
No information |
Mandatory experienceMandatory trainingMandatory qualificationsNo specific requirements
No information |
Mandatory experienceMandatory trainingMandatory qualificationsNo specific requirements
Mandatory requirements apply to members of validation committees. They are meant to be professional with a thorough knowledge of skills and compete... Mandatory requirements apply to members of validation committees. They are meant to be professional with a thorough knowledge of skills and competences required for a given qualification but there are no specific qualification requirements. Requirements vary according to the type of qualification targeted |
Mandatory experienceMandatory trainingMandatory qualificationsNo specific requirements
The qualification requirements for validation practitioners are the same as for the standard examiners – a sufficient qualification. This also me... The qualification requirements for validation practitioners are the same as for the standard examiners – a sufficient qualification. This also means (at least in theory) validation practitioners have not necessarily acquired the specific skills for dealing with non formal/informal learning. |
Mandatory experienceMandatory trainingMandatory qualificationsNo specific requirements
Once the national system for validation has been established (as it is currently in the childcare sector), validation professionals will be require... Once the national system for validation has been established (as it is currently in the childcare sector), validation professionals will be required to hold a qualification in the specific area and a specifically-developed qualification (for assessors) provided by ETC which equates to MQF/EQF Level 4. |
Providers of validation need to be accredited as such, see the Quality Code 2012.
There are no mandatory requirements in terms of training of asses... Providers of validation need to be accredited as such, see the Quality Code 2012.
There are no mandatory requirements in terms of training of assessors. |
Mandatory experienceMandatory trainingMandatory qualificationsNo specific requirements
No national-level requirements. However, the new guidelines include recommendations on competence development for guidance practitioners, assessors... No national-level requirements. However, the new guidelines include recommendations on competence development for guidance practitioners, assessors or other practitioners. |
Mandatory experienceMandatory trainingMandatory qualificationsNo specific requirements
No information |
Mandatory experienceMandatory trainingMandatory qualificationsNo specific requirements
The legislation for the new CQEP centres establishes the requirements in terms of qualifications and professional experience.
In HE institutions th... The legislation for the new CQEP centres establishes the requirements in terms of qualifications and professional experience.
In HE institutions there are no specific requirements. Staff involved in validation usually includes teachers scientifically recognized in the area of the request. |
Mandatory experienceMandatory trainingMandatory qualificationsNo specific requirements
The occupational standard of “evaluator of professional competences” does not specify any qualification requirements. Accredited validation pra... The occupational standard of “evaluator of professional competences” does not specify any qualification requirements. Accredited validation practitioners need to show considerable professional experience in the domain in which they carry out assessments and to demonstrate motivation to develop professionally on an ongoing basis |
Mandatory experienceMandatory trainingMandatory qualificationsNo specific requirements
Validation practitioners in Sweden include a range of actors, with different types of responsibilities for separate parts of a validation process. ... Validation practitioners in Sweden include a range of actors, with different types of responsibilities for separate parts of a validation process. Career and guidance counsellors
within adult education, or the employment service, are generally a key practitioner in the initial validation step or possibly during the first two steps. In order to be able to make assessments of an individual’s knowledge, skills or competences in a certain trade or subject, more in depth knowledge in that specific area is needed. In this part of a validation process teachers or professionals within that specific area/sector are used. |
Mandatory experienceMandatory trainingMandatory qualificationsNo specific requirements
The qualification refers to the job position in the organisation of validation, but not specifically to the validation process. |
Mandatory experienceMandatory trainingMandatory qualificationsNo specific requirements
Level of education achieved through formal education (or possibly the certificate of passing the non-formal programme) in a given area/field;
Years... Level of education achieved through formal education (or possibly the certificate of passing the non-formal programme) in a given area/field;
Years of experience of professional activity in the given area (in general the higher the level of education the lower the number of years of experience requested).
All assessors, like all trainers in accredited non-formal programmes, have to have passed an examination for practicing as adult educators/trainers (lektor). |
Mandatory experienceMandatory trainingMandatory qualificationsNo specific requirements
General qualifications are defined, such as being a university graduate and having work experience |
Mandatory experienceMandatory trainingMandatory qualificationsNo specific requirements
No information |
Mandatory experienceMandatory trainingMandatory qualificationsNo specific requirements
According to the SCQF guidelines, “appropriately trained, supported and resourced staff should assist learners to provide evidence of their learn... According to the SCQF guidelines, “appropriately trained, supported and resourced staff should assist learners to provide evidence of their learning”.
Assessment of an RPL claim must be assessed by ‘appropriate subject experts’. Their recommendation is then considered and, where appropriate, approved by the relevant assessment board. |
Mandatory experienceMandatory trainingMandatory qualificationsNo specific requirements
No information |
Année | Austria | Belgium-DE | Belgium-FR | Bulgaria | Switzerland | Cyprus | Czechia | Germany | Denmark | Estonia | Greece | Spain | Finland | France | Croatia | Hungary | Ireland | Iceland | Italy | Liechtenstein | Lithuania | Luxembourg | Latvia | Malta | Netherlands | Norway | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Sweden | Slovenia | Slovakia | Türkiye | United Kingdom / England and Northern Ireland | United Kingdom / Scotland | United Kingdom / Wales |
2010 |
There are only some exemptions:
The practitioners of portfolio methods are often trainers at adult-education institutes. They usually have to prov... There are only some exemptions:
The practitioners of portfolio methods are often trainers at adult-education institutes. They usually have to prove expertise in the field of adult education and undergo the respective special training depending on the measure. Quantitative data is not available. |
no info
No information |
Yes / requirement
The training of evaluators for CVET is compulsory.
No requirement in HE. |
There are no specific provisions. Typically, staff involved in validation receive related training |
The practitioners that offer training to candidates for the ECDL and ECDL for Computerised Competences examinations are offered 9-12-hour training. |
Yes / no individual right
There are opportunities but there is not a specific right to access these |
Yes / no individual right
No information |
Yes / no individual right
No information |
Yes / right of staff
Training courses for validation practitioners have been organised regularly. No quantitative data is available |
no info
No such data available, given that there are no officially recognised validators |
Yes / requirement
Although Autonomous Communities are responsible for the provision of training, at the moment when accreditation was launched practitioners were bei... Although Autonomous Communities are responsible for the provision of training, at the moment when accreditation was launched practitioners were being trained by central government. In 2010, 3 000 practitioners were to be trained, with a cost of approximately EUR 300 for each |
Yes / requirement
Ca. 800 Specialists in Competence Based Qualifications are trained yearly since 1995 |
Yes / requirement
Training should be organised by awarding bodies. |
No information |
Please provide any quantitative data if available |
Apart from the specification in the FETAC guidelines that the individual must be “qualified” in the field there is no stipulation as to qualifi... Apart from the specification in the FETAC guidelines that the individual must be “qualified” in the field there is no stipulation as to qualifications for those engaged in the process. The development of the professional competences of staff involved in validation is determined by the provider |
Yes / no individual right
The ETSC meets regularly with project managers/career counsellors to inform and work on quality issues and further development. |
No information |
Yes / no individual right
No quantitative data available because of the size of the country |
No information |
There are training needs in the area (shortage of validation practitioners in Luxembourg). |
Yes / right of staff
The Ministry of Education and Science, and Academic Information Centre are organising conferences and seminars aimed at RPL principles including va... The Ministry of Education and Science, and Academic Information Centre are organising conferences and seminars aimed at RPL principles including validation on national and international trends and developments. |
This is not the case as yet, however, further to the qualification requirement, ongoing support will be provided, and sector-specific dimensions wi... This is not the case as yet, however, further to the qualification requirement, ongoing support will be provided, and sector-specific dimensions will be included in the continuing development of validation practitioner skills and competencies. |
No, although accredited providers need to be able to prove they work with trained assessors and guiders.
There are 115 accredited providers.
There ... No, although accredited providers need to be able to prove they work with trained assessors and guiders.
There are 115 accredited providers.
There is no standard for the professionalism of assessors/guiders; they do however need to follow a training course. |
Yes / no individual right
Courses and seminars for validation assessors are provided by the county authority, they are delivered annually and inexperienced assessors are als... Courses and seminars for validation assessors are provided by the county authority, they are delivered annually and inexperienced assessors are also given mentoring support. Once they have received their training, assessors are registered on a list at the regional assessment centre.
Specific training modules for counsellors in the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Service (NAV) have been designed for staff who support job seekers through advice on how to document their prior learning.
No information on training for HE staff involved in validation. |
Yes / requirement
It is required to finish a training course for examiners, organised by a District Examination Commission, completed with the knowledge of the princ... It is required to finish a training course for examiners, organised by a District Examination Commission, completed with the knowledge of the principles for conducting and evaluating tests and exams |
Yes / requirement
No information |
The continuing training of validation practitioners is delivered on an ad-hoc basis by the validation centres |
No information |
No information |
No information |
no info
There is not enough information on the 2010 report to answer this question. |
Yes / no individual right
There are some provisions but depends on sector / initiative concerned. For example, new initial teacher training qualifications for some categorie... There are some provisions but depends on sector / initiative concerned. For example, new initial teacher training qualifications for some categories within the lifelong learning sector (not Higher Education) have been developed, and within the Diploma to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector qualification, an optional unit at level 3 on RPL has been developed. This unit is available to all awarding organisations and universities to use. Most HEIs provide guidance materials relating to AP(E)L. Some also provide training in the form of development sessions or access to an expert practitioner for support. Staff involved in a number of the validation projects identified for this country update – in the formal education and training sector and also in the voluntary and community sector - received induction or training courses. |
A RPL toolkit has been developed by the SCQF Partnership, for use by practitioners. The Quality Assurance Agency for Scotland has also developed a ... A RPL toolkit has been developed by the SCQF Partnership, for use by practitioners. The Quality Assurance Agency for Scotland has also developed a ‘Flexible Entry Staff Development Pack’ for HE personnel (both academic and administrative staff).
A number of Universities have developed RPL guidelines for staff, which tend to be based on the principles set out in the SCQF RPL |
2014 |
There are only some exemptions:
The practitioners of portfolio methods are often trainers at adult education institutes. They usually have to prov... There are only some exemptions:
The practitioners of portfolio methods are often trainers at adult education institutes. They usually have to prove expertise in the field of adult education and undergo the respective special training depending on the measure. Quantitative data is not available. |
Yes / requirement
No information |
Yes / requirement
The training of evaluators (VDC) is compulsory
No requirements in other sectors |
In general, there are no specific provisions, but, depending on the project, training and support provided to practitioners may be compulsory.
T... In general, there are no specific provisions, but, depending on the project, training and support provided to practitioners may be compulsory.
There are sectors in the economy where the process of training and updating vocational skills and achieving professional qualifications is an ongoing process. Training courses are organised in-house or external courses are organised which are run by an "educational service provider holding a license." But it is not possible to say that there are "rules" at national level |
Yes / no individual right
There are some training provisions in place but no guidelines for the development of validation competencies (except specific training criteria for... There are some training provisions in place but no guidelines for the development of validation competencies (except specific training criteria for assessors in upper secondary VET) |
Yes / no individual right
Assessors and verifiers in the System of Vocational Qualifications must undergo specialised training. |
Yes / no individual right
There are opportunities but there is not a specific right to access these |
Yes / no individual right
No information |
Yes / no individual right
A higher education module has been developed by the NVR. Each educational institution is in charge of providing training. |
Yes / right of staff
Training courses for validation practitioners have been organised regularly in HE and VET.
VET has been training staff in relation to validation p... Training courses for validation practitioners have been organised regularly in HE and VET.
VET has been training staff in relation to validation principles and assessment procedures. Qualification Authority has been organising courses for validation practitioners |
No |
Yes / requirement
According to data provided by Autonomous Community, since 2009, when the Royal Decree 1224/2009 was published, over 5 100 advisors and over 5 550... According to data provided by Autonomous Community, since 2009, when the Royal Decree 1224/2009 was published, over 5 100 advisors and over 5 550 evaluators have been qualified for developing the assessment and accreditation of professional competences acquired through work experience |
Yes / requirement
Ca. 800 Specialists in Competence Based Qualifications are trained yearly since 1995 |
Yes / no individual right
Training should be organised by awarding bodies. |
No information |
No information |
The development of the professional competences of staff involved in validation is determined by the provider. It varies nationally with e.g. sever... The development of the professional competences of staff involved in validation is determined by the provider. It varies nationally with e.g. several Institutes of Technology having explicit agreed approaches to RPL for all staff. |
Yes / no individual right
The ETSC meets regularly with project managers/career counsellors to inform and work on quality issues and further development. Meetings are being ... The ETSC meets regularly with project managers/career counsellors to inform and work on quality issues and further development. Meetings are being planned with assessors for reviewing current practice and work on quality issues. Guidelines and tools for validation are available on the web. |
These aspects are not yet defined in the national framework |
Yes / no individual right
No quantitative data available because of the size of the country |
No information |
Yes / requirement
At the secondary level, training is systematically provided to both guidance practitioners that support VAE candidates and members of validation co... At the secondary level, training is systematically provided to both guidance practitioners that support VAE candidates and members of validation committees |
Yes / right of staff
State Service of Education Quality organises regular workshops on validation practice (VE sector mainly). The Ministry of Education and Science and... State Service of Education Quality organises regular workshops on validation practice (VE sector mainly). The Ministry of Education and Science and Academic Information Centre often run conferences and seminars aimed at transferring knowledge on national and international trends and developments. |
This is not the case as yet, however, further to the qualification requirement, ongoing support will be provided, and sector-specific dimensions wi... This is not the case as yet, however, further to the qualification requirement, ongoing support will be provided, and sector-specific dimensions will be included in the continuing development of validation practitioner skills and competencies. |
No, although accredited providers need to be able to prove they work with trained assessors and guidance staff.
There are 70 accredited providers.
... No, although accredited providers need to be able to prove they work with trained assessors and guidance staff.
There are 70 accredited providers.
There is no standard for the professionalism of assessors/guidance staff; they do however need to undertake training. |
Yes / no individual right
County authorities provide training to assessors in lower and upper secondary education on an annual basis and inexperienced assessors are also giv... County authorities provide training to assessors in lower and upper secondary education on an annual basis and inexperienced assessors are also given mentoring support.
There is no formal information on training provided in the HE sector but case studies suggest that institutions offer informal training and exchange of experiences to their staff in charge of validation. |
Yes / requirement
Every member of examination boards or commissions must by law take part in specialist training |
no info
Due to the current situation, there is no information about this topic |
NAQ provides some training for validation of practitioners, but not on a regular basis. There also some initiatives engaging small training program... NAQ provides some training for validation of practitioners, but not on a regular basis. There also some initiatives engaging small training programmes in different sectors (social work, banking, construction). |
Very little provision is in place. This is an evident area for development as stated in the guidelines.
The national criteria and guidelines note t... Very little provision is in place. This is an evident area for development as stated in the guidelines.
The national criteria and guidelines note that those professionals that contribute to carrying out validation should meet set competence requirements. The person carrying out a mapping of competences is for example a guidance counsellor for studies or occupations, an advisor in public employment office, or a professional teacher. The institution carrying out a competence assessment can be a school authority or a dedicated provider of validation/occupation assessment in a sector. The person who can make the assessment of a part or full qualification is for example a qualified teacher, an assessor or examiner with a mandate from the authority to make competence assessments. |
In the system of National Vocational Qualifications there is a competence standard for assessor and for advisor for portfolio development which is ... In the system of National Vocational Qualifications there is a competence standard for assessor and for advisor for portfolio development which is a basis for training and validating candidates’ competences |
No information |
Yes / requirement
No information |
Yes / no individual right
Training might be provided by AOs or NIACE for example. Two continuing professional development (CPD) qualifications in RPL have recently been deve... Training might be provided by AOs or NIACE for example. Two continuing professional development (CPD) qualifications in RPL have recently been developed but these are voluntary. |
A few organisations in the public sector have some RPL guidance and training in place for staff (and stakeholders).
The SCQF Partnership runs info... A few organisations in the public sector have some RPL guidance and training in place for staff (and stakeholders).
The SCQF Partnership runs informal RPL workshops.
A RPL toolkit has been developed by the SCQF Partnership, for use by practitioners.
QAA Scotland has also developed a ‘Flexible Entry Staff Development Pack’ for HE personnel (both academic and administrative staff) and a document called ‘Streamlining Recognition of Prior Learning Guidelines’ |
Yes / no individual right
As in England and Northern Ireland, training might be provided by AOs or NIACE for example. Two continuing professional development (CPD) qualifica... As in England and Northern Ireland, training might be provided by AOs or NIACE for example. Two continuing professional development (CPD) qualifications in RPL have recently been developed but these are voluntary |
Année | Austria | Belgium-DE | Belgium-FR | Bulgaria | Switzerland | Cyprus | Czechia | Germany | Denmark | Estonia | Greece | Spain | Finland | France | Croatia | Hungary | Ireland | Iceland | Italy | Liechtenstein | Lithuania | Luxembourg | Latvia | Malta | Netherlands | Norway | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Sweden | Slovenia | Slovakia | Türkiye | United Kingdom / England and Northern Ireland | United Kingdom / Scotland | United Kingdom / Wales |
2010 |
Public (including tax rebates)Private organisationsIndividual
Because Austria does not have a national institutional framework for validation, no overall data on costs to individuals is available. The direct a... Because Austria does not have a national institutional framework for validation, no overall data on costs to individuals is available. The direct and indirect costs differ between the different measures and initiatives.
Many initiatives are (at least partly) publicly funded. Costs to individuals vary: they might have to pay exam fees or for the development of competence portfolios. Some costs can be refunded or can be off-set from tax liability |
Public (including tax rebates)Private organisationsIndividual
Public for labour market sector and institutions and individuals for higher education sector |
Public (including tax rebates)Private organisationsIndividual
Public (government, regions, local authorities, EU funds). ESF funds play a major role |
Public (including tax rebates)Private organisationsIndividual
Validation arrangements have been implemented within pilot projects, which were publically funded (from state and municipal budgets) and co-funded ... Validation arrangements have been implemented within pilot projects, which were publically funded (from state and municipal budgets) and co-funded by ESF |
Public (including tax rebates)Private organisationsIndividual
Public (including tax rebates)Private organisationsIndividual
No information |
Public (including tax rebates)Private organisationsIndividual
Depending on the particular approach, mainly public. |
Public (including tax rebates)Private organisationsIndividual
No information |
Public (including tax rebates)Private organisationsIndividual
Most funding from ESF programmes. Validation practices have not been funded from the state budget |
Public (including tax rebates)Private organisationsIndividual
The certification of the Greek language competences and the respective courses that can lead to it are co-funded by national and EU funds, under th... The certification of the Greek language competences and the respective courses that can lead to it are co-funded by national and EU funds, under the 2007-2013 Operational Programme Education and Lifelong Learning.
Certification on ICT competencies is provided by professional bodies that are accredited by the state. This is supported by national funds |
Public (including tax rebates)Private organisationsIndividual
The Spanish government funds the validation process and it was planned that Autonomous Communities fund part of the validation process in the futur... The Spanish government funds the validation process and it was planned that Autonomous Communities fund part of the validation process in the future.
There is no funding from private organisations, although they can support individuals in their applications.
Individuals also have to pay fees (the sum will differ according to the territory and the individual’s situation) |
Public (including tax rebates)Private organisationsIndividual
Majority of validation procedures are funded publicly in VET. In HEIs (if validation procedures exist) validation is publicly funded. Education in ... Majority of validation procedures are funded publicly in VET. In HEIs (if validation procedures exist) validation is publicly funded. Education in Finland is free and validation procedures are embedded in the formal education systems |
Public (including tax rebates)Private organisationsIndividual
Validation is publicly funded. Individuals can also benefit from financial support from their employer to undergo validation procedures; they also ... Validation is publicly funded. Individuals can also benefit from financial support from their employer to undergo validation procedures; they also have to cover part of the costs of a validation procedure |
Public (including tax rebates)Private organisationsIndividual
Individuals cover the costs for the validation in certain sectors. There is no funding system on a national level |
There is no funding scheme in place.
The costs of assessment and administration are borne by the higher education institutions and the adult train... There is no funding scheme in place.
The costs of assessment and administration are borne by the higher education institutions and the adult training providers (but there are no concrete calculations) |
Public (including tax rebates)Private organisationsIndividual
There is little information to answer this question fully. It would seem that the level of awareness on validation amongst the general public is re... There is little information to answer this question fully. It would seem that the level of awareness on validation amongst the general public is relatively limited and that at the moment it happens by coincidence rather than out of a general demand for RPL. There is insufficient evidence but would assume there is some level of awareness amongst guidance practitioners in the education sector (though perhaps limited to certain institutions pioneering RPL) and limited in the employment sector, again, with the exception of individual employers active in RPL. |
Public (including tax rebates)Private organisationsIndividual
The Ministry of Education, Science and Culture provides financing for validation and guidance for the target group through the ETSC. Accredited LLL... The Ministry of Education, Science and Culture provides financing for validation and guidance for the target group through the ETSC. Accredited LLL centres apply for projects and the ETSC makes contracts with those who are accepted. That is the model for validation against formal curricula on upper secondary school level. For validation against specific job standards, the employer side pays a proportion of the costs |
Public (including tax rebates)Private organisationsIndividual
Several practices have been founded by European Programmes (e.g. Leonardo) or Employers’ Funds managed by social partners at national level (e.g.... Several practices have been founded by European Programmes (e.g. Leonardo) or Employers’ Funds managed by social partners at national level (e.g. Fondimpresa) |
Public (including tax rebates)Private organisationsIndividual
High individual efforts seen as the main obstacle |
Public (including tax rebates)Private organisationsIndividual
All validation initiatives implemented in Lithuania around 2010 were funded from the ESF |
Public (including tax rebates)Private organisationsIndividual
No detailed information is available in terms of funding for validation |
Public (including tax rebates)Private organisationsIndividual
In the draft ‘‘‘Regulation of the Cabinet of Ministers on the validation process of competence acquired through non-formal and informal learn... In the draft ‘‘‘Regulation of the Cabinet of Ministers on the validation process of competence acquired through non-formal and informal learning’ - it is planned that validation candidates will have to cover the costs of the validation of non formal learning. Thus it will not affect the budgets of the state or the regional/local government. The institutions or examination centres that have been delegated the task of validation will have to provide guidance prior to the validation free of charge |
Public (including tax rebates)Private organisationsIndividual
There is no dedicated funding allocation for validation |
Public (including tax rebates)Private organisationsIndividual
No information |
Public (including tax rebates)Private organisationsIndividual
There are no earmarked funds for validation, which forms part of mainstreaming efforts of the education and labour market institutions |
Public (including tax rebates)Private organisationsIndividual
Resources for the validation of non-formal learning may come from:
- state and local government budgets,
- special-purpose funds: e.g. the Labour F... Resources for the validation of non-formal learning may come from:
- state and local government budgets,
- special-purpose funds: e.g. the Labour Fund, State Fund for Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons,
- programmes supporting vocational activity of people with disabilities,
- foreign assistance funds – i.e. World Bank loans,
- European structural funds,
- enterprises,
- individual’s own funds |
Public (including tax rebates)Private organisationsIndividual
NO centres were funded by public funding (POPH, partly supported by the ESF structural funds).
In HE institutions, the source of funding is their ... NO centres were funded by public funding (POPH, partly supported by the ESF structural funds).
In HE institutions, the source of funding is their own budget. However, HEIs determine the level of specific fees to be paid by candidates for the validation and crediting processes, which vary due to their autonomy |
Public (including tax rebates)Private organisationsIndividual
Only professional reintegration carried out in in formal contexts and considered of public interest is supported with public funding from the state... Only professional reintegration carried out in in formal contexts and considered of public interest is supported with public funding from the state budget. The unemployed persons can validate their learning carried out in non-formal and informal contexts only if they cover the costs themselves. Employees usually cover the cost of validation of their own competences. When certain competences are considered relevant for a particular job, the employer can cover the validation costs, but this is relatively rare |
Public (including tax rebates)Private organisationsIndividual
The development of validation of non-formal and informal learning has been mainly funded by the national government through the Ministries of Educa... The development of validation of non-formal and informal learning has been mainly funded by the national government through the Ministries of Education and Research, and Employment, channelled through the Agency for Higher Vocational Education and the
Public Employment Service |
Public (including tax rebates)Private organisationsIndividual
General system development and implementation is publicly funded. Individual processes of validation and recognition are funded by applicants |
Public (including tax rebates)Private organisationsIndividual
With regard to recognition in view of full or partial qualification:
The accredited education and training institution can raise fees and the maxim... With regard to recognition in view of full or partial qualification:
The accredited education and training institution can raise fees and the maximum amount is stipulated in the law on lifelong learning. It is maximum EUR 300 for the first assessment and maximum EUR 100 in case the learner has failed the first assessment and requested a second additional assessment.
This fee is meant to mainly cover the human resources and possibly material needed to carry out the assessment.
Accredited institutions have to be able to provide the technical equipment and other material resources needed to carry out the assessment;
Education and training institutions wishing to obtain an accreditation will have to pay a fee that will cover the costs of the accreditation process |
Public (including tax rebates)Private organisationsIndividual
The funding of the VQA is provided by the fees paid by its members, the annual fees paid by the testing and certification organisations, and the ex... The funding of the VQA is provided by the fees paid by its members, the annual fees paid by the testing and certification organisations, and the expenses paid by the applicants |
Public (including tax rebates)Private organisationsIndividual
2009–10 LSC funding arrangements included specific support for RPL - providers would be able to claim funding leading to the award of credit thro... 2009–10 LSC funding arrangements included specific support for RPL - providers would be able to claim funding leading to the award of credit through RPL, in the same way as they would for a taught programme.
But in HE there is no national-level budget. |
Public (including tax rebates)Private organisationsIndividual
Mixed – no national funding framework for RPL. It is funded at the level of the sector, provider or by the individuals themselves. For instance, ... Mixed – no national funding framework for RPL. It is funded at the level of the sector, provider or by the individuals themselves. For instance, employers or employer bodies often cover costs to show their commitment to workforce development. In Higher Education, there is generally no charge for RPL which takes place as part of the admissions process but RPL claims for credit tend to be subject to a fee, which varies across institutions |
2014 |
Public (including tax rebates)Private organisationsIndividual
Because Austria does not have a national institutional framework for validation, no overall data on costs to individuals is available. The direct a... Because Austria does not have a national institutional framework for validation, no overall data on costs to individuals is available. The direct and indirect costs differ between the different measures and initiatives.
Many initiatives are (at least partly) publicly funded. Costs to individuals vary and they might have to pay exam fees or for the development of competence portfolios. Some costs can be refunded or can be off-set from tax liability |
Public (including tax rebates)Private organisationsIndividual
Public funding for validation in the labour market sector. Institutional and individual funding for validation in the higher education sector |
Public (including tax rebates)Private organisationsIndividual
Public (including tax rebates)Private organisationsIndividual
Validation arrangements have taken place within the framework of projects, which are mostly financed by the state budget and co-financed using moni... Validation arrangements have taken place within the framework of projects, which are mostly financed by the state budget and co-financed using monies from the European Social Fund |
Public (including tax rebates)Private organisationsIndividual
The type and source of funding varies based on educational sector, and project type. For VET it comes from the public sector, professional organisa... The type and source of funding varies based on educational sector, and project type. For VET it comes from the public sector, professional organisations, and sometimes from the individual.
For the other sectors, public funding is combined with individual funding |
Public (including tax rebates)Private organisationsIndividual
Overall, HRDA is funded by a levy paid by all companies in the private sector and semi-government organisations. The levy corresponds to 0.5 % of t... Overall, HRDA is funded by a levy paid by all companies in the private sector and semi-government organisations. The levy corresponds to 0.5 % of the payroll of each contributing company. After 2007, the System of Vocational Qualifications has been co-funded by the ESF (85 %) and the HRDA (15 %).
Other forms of validation, as taking place regarding ICT certificates, involve costs that are paid by individuals.
According to the Ministry of Education, for the realisation of the tasks of the Committee appointed by the Cabinet, specific provisions were incorporated in the National Strategic Reference Framework (2014-2020) and it is expected that these will be supported financially by the European Structural Funds |
Public (including tax rebates)Private organisationsIndividual
Public funding is applicable for job-seekers, it is unclear to what extent it is actually being used to fund VNFIL |
Public (including tax rebates)Private organisationsIndividual
Depending on the particular approach, mainly public. |
Public (including tax rebates)Private organisationsIndividual
No information |
Public (including tax rebates)Private organisationsIndividual
Funding from ESF programmes, but as the programmes are ending, the HE and VET institutions are taking over the funding of evaluation and guidance. ... Funding from ESF programmes, but as the programmes are ending, the HE and VET institutions are taking over the funding of evaluation and guidance. Validation practices have not been funded from state budget.
In case of occupational standards the applicants pay themselves |
Public (including tax rebates)Private organisationsIndividual
EOPPEP, as the leading institution in validation is a legal entity of private law, supervised by the Minister of Education and Religious Affairs an... EOPPEP, as the leading institution in validation is a legal entity of private law, supervised by the Minister of Education and Religious Affairs and so does not burden the state budget. EOPPEP’s actions are co-funded by the Operational Programme “Development of Human Resources”, in the case of certification of Adult Trainers for non formal education.
IVET graduates pay a participation fee of 50 EUR, for the theoretical part of the exam and 50 EUR for the practical part, for sitting the certification examinations of EOPPEP.
The development of an overarching and coherent Institutional Framework for the Certification of Output for non-formal education and informal learning is co-financed in terms of the Operational Programme “Development of Human Resources” |
Public (including tax rebates)Private organisationsIndividual
The validation process is funded by the central government and the AACC. There is scarce funding from private organisations, although they can supp... The validation process is funded by the central government and the AACC. There is scarce funding from private organisations, although they can support individuals in their applications.
Individuals also have to pay fees, although until now, some AACC have not requested participants to pay fees, and the cost of the fees also differs between territories |
Public (including tax rebates)Private organisationsIndividual
Majority of validation procedures are funded publicly in both VET (IVET and CBQs) and HEIs as the procedures are embedded in the formal education s... Majority of validation procedures are funded publicly in both VET (IVET and CBQs) and HEIs as the procedures are embedded in the formal education system, which is in most cases free for the candidate |
Public (including tax rebates)Private organisationsIndividual
There is limited information available on the level of awareness among the general public, though public campaigns of information (newspapers artic... There is limited information available on the level of awareness among the general public, though public campaigns of information (newspapers articles, radio, TV programmes) have been carried out. Guidance and counselling practitioners are often qualified to support VAE candidates |
Public (including tax rebates)Private organisationsIndividual
Individuals cover the costs for the validation in certain sectors.
N/a for validation at national level as the system is not yet implemented |
There is no funding scheme in place.
The costs of assessment and administration are borne by the higher education institutions and the adult train... There is no funding scheme in place.
The costs of assessment and administration are borne by the higher education institutions and the adult training providers (but there are no concrete calculations) |
Public (including tax rebates)Private organisationsIndividual
The main source of funding is central government funding, with additional resources secured from the European Commission and minor amounts from ind... The main source of funding is central government funding, with additional resources secured from the European Commission and minor amounts from industry and the professions |
Public (including tax rebates)Private organisationsIndividual
The Ministry of Education, Science and Culture established the Education and Training Fund which provides financing for validation and guidance for... The Ministry of Education, Science and Culture established the Education and Training Fund which provides financing for validation and guidance for the target group. Accredited LLL centres apply for projects to the Education and Training Fund and the ETSC makes contracts with those that are accepted. That is the model for validation against formal curricula at upper secondary school level. For validation against specific job standards, the employer side/training funds pay a proportion of the costs |
Public (including tax rebates)Private organisationsIndividual
Several practices have been founded by European Programmes (e.g. Leonardo) or Employers’ Funds managed by social parties at national level (e.g. ... Several practices have been founded by European Programmes (e.g. Leonardo) or Employers’ Funds managed by social parties at national level (e.g. Fondimpresa) |
Public (including tax rebates)Private organisationsIndividual
At the moment there is only validation for HE certificates |
Public (including tax rebates)Private organisationsIndividual
All validation initiatives that have been implemented in Lithuania so far were funded from the ESF |
Public (including tax rebates)Private organisationsIndividual
No detailed information is available in terms of funding for validation |
Public (including tax rebates)Private organisationsIndividual
The candidate for validation has to pay the expenses of validating their own prior learning (as stipulated by the respective laws). Validation is n... The candidate for validation has to pay the expenses of validating their own prior learning (as stipulated by the respective laws). Validation is not considered a part of tax deductible expenses, as is the case for educational expenses. Public and private organisations use the portfolio funding for covering all activities, including the ones connected to the validation process.
For validation of non-formal learning acquired professional competence (1-3 professional qualification level in NQF) there is still a liberal pathway to use only identification (without portfolio or any declarative methods) of applicant’s knowledges and skills in accordance with the professional standard |
Public (including tax rebates)Private organisationsIndividual
There is no dedicated funding allocation for validation |
Public (including tax rebates)Private organisationsIndividual
Benefit agency (UWV) is another source of funding. |
Public (including tax rebates)Private organisationsIndividual
There are no earmarked funds for validation, which forms part of mainstreaming efforts of the education and labour market institutions |
Public (including tax rebates)Private organisationsIndividual
All of them, though the public share is probably the highest |
Public (including tax rebates)Private organisationsIndividual
Public funding for public CQEP (that belong to the Ministry of Education and Science and to the IEFP).
In HE institutions, the source of funding i... Public funding for public CQEP (that belong to the Ministry of Education and Science and to the IEFP).
In HE institutions, the source of funding is their own budget. However, they determine the level of specific fees to be paid by candidates for the validation and crediting processes, which vary due to HEIs’ autonomy |
Public (including tax rebates)Private organisationsIndividual
There are no specific financing mechanisms in place at the national level for validation. Each assessment centre is expected to pay a fee for their... There are no specific financing mechanisms in place at the national level for validation. Each assessment centre is expected to pay a fee for their authorisation to assess specific qualification skills. The cost of the validation process is covered by individuals and in some cases by the employer or the sending organisation. In recent years, some ESF projects have also implemented validation with respect to certain target groups and costs were covered by the project, but this only covers a small proportion of the actual pool of people in need. |
Public (including tax rebates)Private organisationsIndividual
The development of validation of non-formal and informal learning has been mainly funded by the national government through the Ministries of Educa... The development of validation of non-formal and informal learning has been mainly funded by the national government through the Ministries of Education and Research, and Employment. Today funding is mainly channelled through the
Public Employment Service and adult education providers, e.g. municipalities. In other cases, the institution/sector that implements the validation processes covers the overall costs and is often also responsible for meeting the costs of the candidate during the validation process |
Public (including tax rebates)Private organisationsIndividual
Individual validation processes are individually funded (costs are to be covered by the applicant or their employer), while strategy and policy dev... Individual validation processes are individually funded (costs are to be covered by the applicant or their employer), while strategy and policy development and implementation are publicly funded |
Public (including tax rebates)Private organisationsIndividual
There is for the moment no expectation that validation will be publicly funded. As explained in the 2010 report:
The accredited education and train... There is for the moment no expectation that validation will be publicly funded. As explained in the 2010 report:
The accredited education and training institution can raise fees and the maximum amount is stipulated in the law on lifelong learning. It is maximum EUR 300 for the first assessment and maximum EUR 100 in case the learner has failed the first assessment and requested a second additional assessment.
This fee is meant to mainly cover the human resources and possibly material needed to carry out the assessment.
Accredited institutions have to be able to provide the technical equipment and other material resources needed to carry out the assessment;
Education and training institutions wishing to obtain an accreditation will have to pay a fee that will cover the costs of the accreditation process |
Public (including tax rebates)Private organisationsIndividual
The VQA revenues come from a range of sources, including membership fees of its General Assembly (governmental institutions, chambers, employers an... The VQA revenues come from a range of sources, including membership fees of its General Assembly (governmental institutions, chambers, employers and employees organizations) and fees collected from authorised testing and certification bodies |
Public (including tax rebates)Private organisationsIndividual
The SFA provides funding for learners who undertake QCF qualifications as a result of RPL in England.
Funding in NI is the responsibility of DELNI... The SFA provides funding for learners who undertake QCF qualifications as a result of RPL in England.
Funding in NI is the responsibility of DELNI – there is no specific funding earmarked for RPL. |
Public (including tax rebates)Private organisationsIndividual
Mixed – no national funding framework for RPL. It is funded at the level of the sector, provider or by the individuals themselves. For instance, ... Mixed – no national funding framework for RPL. It is funded at the level of the sector, provider or by the individuals themselves. For instance, employers or employer bodies may cover costs to show their commitment to workforce development. In Higher Education, there is generally no charge for RPL which takes place as part of the admissions process but RPL claims for credit tend to be subject to a fee, which varies across institutions |
Public (including tax rebates)Private organisationsIndividual
No information |
The Recommendation recognises the key role played by education and training institutions in taking forward validation: ‘education and training providers should facilitate access to formal education and training on the basis of learning outcomes acquired in non-formal and informal settings and, if appropriate and possible, award exemptions and/or credits for relevant learning outcomes acquired in such settings’ (Council of EU, 2012, p. 4, point 4b).
Année | Austria | Belgium-DE | Belgium-FR | Bulgaria | Switzerland | Cyprus | Czechia | Germany | Denmark | Estonia | Greece | Spain | Finland | France | Croatia | Hungary | Ireland | Iceland | Italy | Liechtenstein | Lithuania | Luxembourg | Latvia | Malta | Netherlands | Norway | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Sweden | Slovenia | Slovakia | Türkiye | United Kingdom / England and Northern Ireland | United Kingdom / Scotland | United Kingdom / Wales |
2010 |
Award of full qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of partial qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of full or partial qualifications but not of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of qualifications that are linked to the NQF, at least in some sectorsExemption from part of courseAccess to higher educationAccess to other formal educationDevelopment of training specification for full qualification (i.e. to map what training needs to be completed in order to achieve a qualification)Other
Almost all qualifications from the formal system (school system and dual system but not HE) can be obtained by passing exams without participating ... Almost all qualifications from the formal system (school system and dual system but not HE) can be obtained by passing exams without participating in the relevant programmes;
Validation can be used to acquire credits towards a module of a programme in HE;
Validation can be used for gaining access to certain exams or HE programmes (such as continuous higher education courses offered at universities);
The approach taken by the Academy of Continuing Education (wba) is the most prominent example here: for the acquisition of wba certificates acquired competences are documented in an e-portfolio, missing competences are identified and an individual education and training plan is identified. |
Award of full qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of partial qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of full or partial qualifications but not of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of qualifications that are linked to the NQF, at least in some sectorsExemption from part of courseAccess to higher educationAccess to other formal educationDevelopment of training specification for full qualification (i.e. to map what training needs to be completed in order to achieve a qualification)Other
Overall, award of full qualifications in higher education is rare. It is not the same qualification but it is called a ‘bewijs van bekwaamheid’... Overall, award of full qualifications in higher education is rare. It is not the same qualification but it is called a ‘bewijs van bekwaamheid’ or a proof of acquired competences and is equivalent to a qualification obtained through formal education.
It can provide: exemptions, shortened study duration or an equivalent of a full degree. |
Award of full qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of partial qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of full or partial qualifications but not of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of qualifications that are linked to the NQF, at least in some sectorsExemption from part of courseAccess to higher educationAccess to other formal educationDevelopment of training specification for full qualification (i.e. to map what training needs to be completed in order to achieve a qualification)Other
In CVET, validation leads to award of Skill Certificates, a legal document recognised by the Walloon region, the French Community and the French Co... In CVET, validation leads to award of Skill Certificates, a legal document recognised by the Walloon region, the French Community and the French Community Commission (COCOF), which are not equivalent to VET qualifications obtained in formal education. Standards for validation are not the same as those in the formal system. Standards are based on occupational standards defined by the Consortium Skills Unit Standards Commission.
In HE and adult education VNFIL is used for access to training and exemption from part of course. VAE in Belgium has therefore a different meaning and scope compared to VAE in France |
Award of full qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of partial qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of full or partial qualifications but not of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of qualifications that are linked to the NQF, at least in some sectorsExemption from part of courseAccess to higher educationAccess to other formal educationDevelopment of training specification for full qualification (i.e. to map what training needs to be completed in order to achieve a qualification)Other
According to the VET Act, the process of validation includes official recognition of knowledge and skills acquired by non-formal and informal learn... According to the VET Act, the process of validation includes official recognition of knowledge and skills acquired by non-formal and informal learning, which terminates with certification by a nationally recognised document for a level of vocational qualification or partial vocational qualification |
Award of full qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of partial qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of full or partial qualifications but not of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of qualifications that are linked to the NQF, at least in some sectorsExemption from part of courseAccess to higher educationAccess to other formal educationDevelopment of training specification for full qualification (i.e. to map what training needs to be completed in order to achieve a qualification)Other
The Cyprus Council for the Recognition of Higher Education Qualifications (KYSATS) can recognise, at its discretion, and allow the transfer of cred... The Cyprus Council for the Recognition of Higher Education Qualifications (KYSATS) can recognise, at its discretion, and allow the transfer of credits that come from previous work experience as part from a formal degree. |
Award of full qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of partial qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of full or partial qualifications but not of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of qualifications that are linked to the NQF, at least in some sectorsExemption from part of courseAccess to higher educationAccess to other formal educationDevelopment of training specification for full qualification (i.e. to map what training needs to be completed in order to achieve a qualification)Other
The main trajectory is that VNFIL is used for vocational qualifications in the register of qualifications (NSK). In 2010 these were called ‘parti... The main trajectory is that VNFIL is used for vocational qualifications in the register of qualifications (NSK). In 2010 these were called ‘partial’ qualifications. There is a certain degree of correspondence between these qualifications and those in the formal system. However the NSK qualifications can also concern professional activities that are not part of formal VET because they are too specialised (for example there is no formal qualification for a mountain guide)
Heads of schools can decide to recognise prior learning to exempt students from courses but there is no methodology for doing this
Similarly HEIs can recognise prior learning for access or for exemption but there is no common framework for this. To be more specific this approach is not forbidden but it is not encouraged either |
Award of full qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of partial qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of full or partial qualifications but not of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of qualifications that are linked to the NQF, at least in some sectorsExemption from part of courseAccess to higher educationAccess to other formal educationDevelopment of training specification for full qualification (i.e. to map what training needs to be completed in order to achieve a qualification)Other
External students’ examination and access to higher education for qualified workers. |
Award of full qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of partial qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of full or partial qualifications but not of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of qualifications that are linked to the NQF, at least in some sectorsExemption from part of courseAccess to higher educationAccess to other formal educationDevelopment of training specification for full qualification (i.e. to map what training needs to be completed in order to achieve a qualification)Other
Recognition of prior learning can be used for adults aged over 18 or over 25 (depending on the legislation) to:
- Get access to a range of adult ed... Recognition of prior learning can be used for adults aged over 18 or over 25 (depending on the legislation) to:
- Get access to a range of adult education programmes, and/or receive a ‘certificate of competence’ leading to exemptions.
- Get access to higher education programmes (for individuals who do not meet the formal entry requirements), and/or exemptions (for modules or parts of the programme). Candidates can also theoretically get their competences assessed against the full objectives/programme of a qualification. |
Award of full qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of partial qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of full or partial qualifications but not of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of qualifications that are linked to the NQF, at least in some sectorsExemption from part of courseAccess to higher educationAccess to other formal educationDevelopment of training specification for full qualification (i.e. to map what training needs to be completed in order to achieve a qualification)Other
In HE and VET validation is used for exemption, as well as to fulfil additional criteria for admission. On the basis of only validation, access is ... In HE and VET validation is used for exemption, as well as to fulfil additional criteria for admission. On the basis of only validation, access is not possible.
Occupational standards are awarded by awarding bodies and formal requirements can usually not be obtained by validation (e.g. requirement for HE degree etc.). Competencies can be validated |
Non-formal and informal learning are not officially validated, so there is no link to formal qualifications |
Award of full qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of partial qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of full or partial qualifications but not of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of qualifications that are linked to the NQF, at least in some sectorsExemption from part of courseAccess to higher educationAccess to other formal educationDevelopment of training specification for full qualification (i.e. to map what training needs to be completed in order to achieve a qualification)Other
It is stated in the 2010 report that ‘these competences will be validated for modules of formal VET or full qualifications at levels 1 to 5’. (... It is stated in the 2010 report that ‘these competences will be validated for modules of formal VET or full qualifications at levels 1 to 5’. (p. 1). Furthermore, in 2010, the Ministry of Education was working on the legal framework for higher education to validate non-formal and informal learning up to 15 % of a university degree.
Regarding access to studies, there are access exams to VET and university studies, aimed at those people who do not have the required qualifications |
Award of full qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of partial qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of full or partial qualifications but not of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of qualifications that are linked to the NQF, at least in some sectorsExemption from part of courseAccess to higher educationAccess to other formal educationDevelopment of training specification for full qualification (i.e. to map what training needs to be completed in order to achieve a qualification)Other
In VET (CBQs) it is possible to award a full qualification with identical standards as qualifications obtained through formal education. The certif... In VET (CBQs) it is possible to award a full qualification with identical standards as qualifications obtained through formal education. The certification is identical whether credits are gained through validation or formal learning |
Award of full qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of partial qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of full or partial qualifications but not of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of qualifications that are linked to the NQF, at least in some sectorsExemption from part of courseAccess to higher educationAccess to other formal educationDevelopment of training specification for full qualification (i.e. to map what training needs to be completed in order to achieve a qualification)Other
Award of full qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectors: VAE
... Award of full qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectors: VAE
- Award of partial qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectors: VAE
- Award of full or partial qualifications but not of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectors: VAE
-Award of qualifications that are linked to the NQF, at least in some sectors: VAE
- Exemption from part of course: VAP
- Access to higher education: VAP |
Award of full qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of partial qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of full or partial qualifications but not of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of qualifications that are linked to the NQF, at least in some sectorsExemption from part of courseAccess to higher educationAccess to other formal educationDevelopment of training specification for full qualification (i.e. to map what training needs to be completed in order to achieve a qualification)Other
No information |
Access to higher education is not allowed through validation but there is a set-off scheme (extra points are given at the entrance examination stag... Access to higher education is not allowed through validation but there is a set-off scheme (extra points are given at the entrance examination stage for eminent achievement in sport or in academic competition).
Validation can be used also for award of ECTS credits for a unit within a study programme towards a qualification |
Award of full qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of partial qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of full or partial qualifications but not of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of qualifications that are linked to the NQF, at least in some sectorsExemption from part of courseAccess to higher educationAccess to other formal educationDevelopment of training specification for full qualification (i.e. to map what training needs to be completed in order to achieve a qualification)Other
The NAQI 2005 principals and guidelines make very clear that validation can be used for access transfer and progression in both further and higher ... The NAQI 2005 principals and guidelines make very clear that validation can be used for access transfer and progression in both further and higher education. |
Award of full qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of partial qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of full or partial qualifications but not of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of qualifications that are linked to the NQF, at least in some sectorsExemption from part of courseAccess to higher educationAccess to other formal educationDevelopment of training specification for full qualification (i.e. to map what training needs to be completed in order to achieve a qualification)Other
Validation against specific standards of curricula at upper secondary school level is recognised by the award of credit points towards a qualificat... Validation against specific standards of curricula at upper secondary school level is recognised by the award of credit points towards a qualification. Most validation takes place in the certified trades and most credit points are obtained through the validation process in that sector. |
Award of full qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of partial qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of full or partial qualifications but not of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of qualifications that are linked to the NQF, at least in some sectorsExemption from part of courseAccess to higher educationAccess to other formal educationDevelopment of training specification for full qualification (i.e. to map what training needs to be completed in order to achieve a qualification)Other
The answer is related to the Regional validation systems in place which allow both the opportunity |
Award of full qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of partial qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of full or partial qualifications but not of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of qualifications that are linked to the NQF, at least in some sectorsExemption from part of courseAccess to higher educationAccess to other formal educationDevelopment of training specification for full qualification (i.e. to map what training needs to be completed in order to achieve a qualification)Other
No information |
Award of full qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of partial qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of full or partial qualifications but not of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of qualifications that are linked to the NQF, at least in some sectorsExemption from part of courseAccess to higher educationAccess to other formal educationDevelopment of training specification for full qualification (i.e. to map what training needs to be completed in order to achieve a qualification)Other
This was only available in two universities (HE establishments) in 2010 |
Award of full qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of partial qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of full or partial qualifications but not of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of qualifications that are linked to the NQF, at least in some sectorsExemption from part of courseAccess to higher educationAccess to other formal educationDevelopment of training specification for full qualification (i.e. to map what training needs to be completed in order to achieve a qualification)Other
At the secondary level, validation can lead to the award of full qualification, or part of a qualification.
- In addition, at the University of Lu... At the secondary level, validation can lead to the award of full qualification, or part of a qualification.
- In addition, at the University of Luxembourg, validation can be used to access to a course, get an exemption from part of course or obtain a qualification |
Award of full qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of partial qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of full or partial qualifications but not of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of qualifications that are linked to the NQF, at least in some sectorsExemption from part of courseAccess to higher educationAccess to other formal educationDevelopment of training specification for full qualification (i.e. to map what training needs to be completed in order to achieve a qualification)Other
The methodology for assessing non-formal learning and skills would create a pathway (definitions of the procedures and assessment criteria) for val... The methodology for assessing non-formal learning and skills would create a pathway (definitions of the procedures and assessment criteria) for validating vocational competences acquired in a non-formal way, as defined by the professions’ standard and without having to become part of the formal education system, nevertheless obtaining a state-recognised vocational qualification document.
It is anticipated that the obtained certificate will be identical to the one acquired through formal learning and will not contain any indication that the document has been obtained through the validation of non-formal and informal learning.
As regards the validation of non-formal and informal learning in higher education (also in the field of higher vocational qualifications), the draft Law on Higher Education has been submitted to the Parliament for approval.. This draft Law foresees that a methodology for the recognition of prior learning should be elaborated. |
Award of full qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of partial qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of full or partial qualifications but not of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of qualifications that are linked to the NQF, at least in some sectorsExemption from part of courseAccess to higher educationAccess to other formal educationDevelopment of training specification for full qualification (i.e. to map what training needs to be completed in order to achieve a qualification)Other
Within the compulsory education sector, a secondary school certificate and profile was introduced in 2010, which recognises all forms of learning d... Within the compulsory education sector, a secondary school certificate and profile was introduced in 2010, which recognises all forms of learning during secondary education. This gives credit to formal education as well as to non-formal education . This certificate has been pegged as a level 1 and 2 qualification on the national qualifications framework.
Within the labour market, a system of validation has already been established in the childcare sector. The system links directly to the MQF, supporting acquisition of qualifications equivalent to those gained through formal education.
Within higher education, there are initial steps towards establishing a system of validation which aligns more closely with the formal qualifications offered via HEIs. This is an ongoing process. |
Award of full qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of partial qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of full or partial qualifications but not of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of qualifications that are linked to the NQF, at least in some sectorsExemption from part of courseAccess to higher educationAccess to other formal educationDevelopment of training specification for full qualification (i.e. to map what training needs to be completed in order to achieve a qualification)Other
In national laws for VET and HE, it is clearly stated that validation can directly lead to a full qualification. But it is the institution that de... In national laws for VET and HE, it is clearly stated that validation can directly lead to a full qualification. But it is the institution that decides if this is possible or not. |
Can be used to acquire crafts or journeyman’s qualification (in full).
Can be used to achieve partial certificate in vocational training.
Can b... Can be used to acquire crafts or journeyman’s qualification (in full).
Can be used to achieve partial certificate in vocational training.
Can be used to award ‘competence certificates’ which might be used for example to support a job application.
Can be used to access HE or for exemptions from HE qualifications.
Can be used to access upper secondary education, tailored to the individual’s needs on the basis of validation of their learning |
Award of full qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of partial qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of full or partial qualifications but not of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of qualifications that are linked to the NQF, at least in some sectorsExemption from part of courseAccess to higher educationAccess to other formal educationDevelopment of training specification for full qualification (i.e. to map what training needs to be completed in order to achieve a qualification)Other
Existing methods of validation are:
- Examinations confirming vocational qualifications in the formal education system;
- Master and journeyman e... Existing methods of validation are:
- Examinations confirming vocational qualifications in the formal education system;
- Master and journeyman exams, which are treated as a part of formal system of vocational education;
- Sectoral organisations/branch associations Training, exams and certification organised by sectoral organisations/ branch associations (e.g. Accountants Association, Polish Federation of Engineering Associations, the Association of Polish Electricians);
- Validation of informal and non-formal learning carried out through various, often ESF-funded, projects, e.g. ‘Let’s build it together’ |
Award of full qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of partial qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of full or partial qualifications but not of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of qualifications that are linked to the NQF, at least in some sectorsExemption from part of courseAccess to higher educationAccess to other formal educationDevelopment of training specification for full qualification (i.e. to map what training needs to be completed in order to achieve a qualification)Other
In the framework of RVCC processes, it is possible to obtain an award or full qualification — equivalent to formal education; it is possible to o... In the framework of RVCC processes, it is possible to obtain an award or full qualification — equivalent to formal education; it is possible to obtain an award or full qualification in the framework of the national VET system.
In HE validation can only be used in the case of pursuing studies to obtain an academic degree, to gain ECTS for exemptions from part of the course |
Award of full qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of partial qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of full or partial qualifications but not of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of qualifications that are linked to the NQF, at least in some sectorsExemption from part of courseAccess to higher educationAccess to other formal educationDevelopment of training specification for full qualification (i.e. to map what training needs to be completed in order to achieve a qualification)Other
Validation can be carried out based on separate units of competence, but no partial qualifications can as such be awarded |
Award of full qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of partial qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of full or partial qualifications but not of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of qualifications that are linked to the NQF, at least in some sectorsExemption from part of courseAccess to higher educationAccess to other formal educationDevelopment of training specification for full qualification (i.e. to map what training needs to be completed in order to achieve a qualification)Other
Validation can result in both partial and complete qualifications. Courses are usually the smallest “module” validated against the formal educa... Validation can result in both partial and complete qualifications. Courses are usually the smallest “module” validated against the formal education system. This validation will result in gained credits or points. |
Award of full qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of partial qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of full or partial qualifications but not of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of qualifications that are linked to the NQF, at least in some sectorsExemption from part of courseAccess to higher educationAccess to other formal educationDevelopment of training specification for full qualification (i.e. to map what training needs to be completed in order to achieve a qualification)Other
Validation and recognition depend on the individual application |
Award of full qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of partial qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of full or partial qualifications but not of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of qualifications that are linked to the NQF, at least in some sectorsExemption from part of courseAccess to higher educationAccess to other formal educationDevelopment of training specification for full qualification (i.e. to map what training needs to be completed in order to achieve a qualification)Other
See above |
Award of full qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of partial qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of full or partial qualifications but not of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of qualifications that are linked to the NQF, at least in some sectorsExemption from part of courseAccess to higher educationAccess to other formal educationDevelopment of training specification for full qualification (i.e. to map what training needs to be completed in order to achieve a qualification)Other
The validation of non-formal and informal learning is not linked to formal qualifications. |
Award of full qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of partial qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of full or partial qualifications but not of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of qualifications that are linked to the NQF, at least in some sectorsExemption from part of courseAccess to higher educationAccess to other formal educationDevelopment of training specification for full qualification (i.e. to map what training needs to be completed in order to achieve a qualification)Other
As noted above, validation seems to be more commonly used for access in the HE sector. |
Award of full qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of partial qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of full or partial qualifications but not of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of qualifications that are linked to the NQF, at least in some sectorsExemption from part of courseAccess to higher educationAccess to other formal educationDevelopment of training specification for full qualification (i.e. to map what training needs to be completed in order to achieve a qualification)Other
No information |
2014 |
Award of full qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of partial qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of full or partial qualifications but not of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of qualifications that are linked to the NQF, at least in some sectorsExemption from part of courseAccess to higher educationAccess to other formal educationDevelopment of training specification for full qualification (i.e. to map what training needs to be completed in order to achieve a qualification)Other
Almost all qualifications from the formal system (school system and dual system but not higher education) can be obtained by passing exams without ... Almost all qualifications from the formal system (school system and dual system but not higher education) can be obtained by passing exams without participating in the relevant programmes.
Validation can be used to acquire credits towards a module of a programme in higher education.
Validation can be used for gaining access to certain exams or higher education programmes (such as continuous higher education courses offered at universities)
The approach taken by the Academy of Continuing Education (wba) is the most prominent example here: for the acquisition of wba certificates acquired and missing competences are documented in an e-portfolio, and an individual education and training plan is identified. |
Award of full qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of partial qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of full or partial qualifications but not of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of qualifications that are linked to the NQF, at least in some sectorsExemption from part of courseAccess to higher educationAccess to other formal educationDevelopment of training specification for full qualification (i.e. to map what training needs to be completed in order to achieve a qualification)Other
Overall, award of full qualifications in higher education is rare. It is not the same qualification but it is called a ‘bewijs van bekwaamheid’... Overall, award of full qualifications in higher education is rare. It is not the same qualification but it is called a ‘bewijs van bekwaamheid’ or a proof of acquired competences and is equivalent to a qualification obtained through formal education.
It can provide: exemptions, shortened study duration or an equivalent of a full degree. |
Award of full qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of partial qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of full or partial qualifications but not of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of qualifications that are linked to the NQF, at least in some sectorsExemption from part of courseAccess to higher educationAccess to other formal educationDevelopment of training specification for full qualification (i.e. to map what training needs to be completed in order to achieve a qualification)Other
VDC/ CVET: validation leads to award of Skill Certificates which are not equivalent to VET degrees.
VAE/HE and adult education: VAE is used for ac... VDC/ CVET: validation leads to award of Skill Certificates which are not equivalent to VET degrees.
VAE/HE and adult education: VAE is used for access to training and exemption from part of course. |
Award of full qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of partial qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of full or partial qualifications but not of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of qualifications that are linked to the NQF, at least in some sectorsExemption from part of courseAccess to higher educationAccess to other formal educationDevelopment of training specification for full qualification (i.e. to map what training needs to be completed in order to achieve a qualification)Other
In relation to VET, validation can be used for award of full and / or partial qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications o... In relation to VET, validation can be used for award of full and / or partial qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education. Regarding the project, ‘System for validation of non-formal acquired knowledge, skills and competences’ it is expected that the majority of potential beneficiaries will be able to validate one or more competences of a qualification (partial qualification) and only a few of them will be able to validate all competences (full qualification).
According to the HE Act, validation can be used for exemption from part of a course (through acquisition of credit units) as well as for access to higher education. However, according to the draft report on Referencing the National Qualifications (BQF) Framework, the practical implementation of this regulation is limited: ‘Recognition of non-formal and informal learning is not a mass practice among the Bulgarian higher education institutions’.
In order to acquire the level of qualification, it is necessary to participate in and successfully complete a full training programme equivalent to vocational secondary school under the provisions of the VET Act. Legislative initiatives are expected to promote short training courses in specialist equivalent module training courses (compulsory and optional) |
Award of full qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of partial qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of full or partial qualifications but not of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of qualifications that are linked to the NQF, at least in some sectorsExemption from part of courseAccess to higher educationAccess to other formal educationDevelopment of training specification for full qualification (i.e. to map what training needs to be completed in order to achieve a qualification)Other
Award of full qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of partial qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of full or partial qualifications but not of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of qualifications that are linked to the NQF, at least in some sectorsExemption from part of courseAccess to higher educationAccess to other formal educationDevelopment of training specification for full qualification (i.e. to map what training needs to be completed in order to achieve a qualification)Other
Only in higher education can non-formal and informal learning be linked to formal qualifications: institutions can recognise credits coming from no... Only in higher education can non-formal and informal learning be linked to formal qualifications: institutions can recognise credits coming from non-formal and informal learning. However, this takes place very rarely. |
Award of full qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of partial qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of full or partial qualifications but not of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of qualifications that are linked to the NQF, at least in some sectorsExemption from part of courseAccess to higher educationAccess to other formal educationDevelopment of training specification for full qualification (i.e. to map what training needs to be completed in order to achieve a qualification)Other
The main trajectory is that VNFIL is used for vocational qualifications in the register of qualifications (NSK). In 2010 these were called ‘parti... The main trajectory is that VNFIL is used for vocational qualifications in the register of qualifications (NSK). In 2010 these were called ‘partial’ qualifications. Now, in the above mentioned 2012 amendment, they were renamed to ‘vocational qualifications’, and ‘complete or comprehensive vocational qualifications’. There is a certain degree of correspondence between these vocational qualifications and those complete vocational qualifications in the formal system. Typically the vocational qualifications are part of the full formal VET qualification. How they relate is described in the NSK. However the NSK qualifications can also concern professional activities that are not part of formal VET because too specialised (for example there is no formal qualification for a mountain guide).
Heads of schools can decide to recognise prior learning to exempt students from courses but there is no methodology for doing this
Similarly HEIs can recognise prior learning for access or for exemption but there is no common framework for this. To be more specific this approach is not forbidden but it is not encouraged either |
Award of full qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of partial qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of full or partial qualifications but not of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of qualifications that are linked to the NQF, at least in some sectorsExemption from part of courseAccess to higher educationAccess to other formal educationDevelopment of training specification for full qualification (i.e. to map what training needs to be completed in order to achieve a qualification)Other
Vocational Qualifications Assessment Law
External students’ examination
Access to HE for qualified workers |
Award of full qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of partial qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of full or partial qualifications but not of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of qualifications that are linked to the NQF, at least in some sectorsExemption from part of courseAccess to higher educationAccess to other formal educationDevelopment of training specification for full qualification (i.e. to map what training needs to be completed in order to achieve a qualification)Other
Recognition of prior learning to:
-Get access to a range of adult education programmes, and/or receive a ‘certificate a competence’ leading to ... Recognition of prior learning to:
-Get access to a range of adult education programmes, and/or receive a ‘certificate a competence’ leading to exemptions and/or formal documentation of competences.
-Get access to higher education programmes (for individuals who do not meet the formal entry requirements), and/or exemptions (for modules or parts of the programme). Candidates can also theoretically get their competences assessed against the full objectives/programme of a qualification.
In relation to the development of training specification for full qualification, an example would be to map what training needs to be completed in order to achieve a qualification. |
Award of full qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of partial qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of full or partial qualifications but not of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of qualifications that are linked to the NQF, at least in some sectorsExemption from part of courseAccess to higher educationAccess to other formal educationDevelopment of training specification for full qualification (i.e. to map what training needs to be completed in order to achieve a qualification)Other
Award of full qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of partial qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of full or partial qualifications but not of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of qualifications that are linked to the NQF, at least in some sectorsExemption from part of courseAccess to higher educationAccess to other formal educationDevelopment of training specification for full qualification (i.e. to map what training needs to be completed in order to achieve a qualification)Other
IVET graduates participate in national wide certification exams, in order to get a recognised Vocational Training Diploma. Still, IVET is considere... IVET graduates participate in national wide certification exams, in order to get a recognised Vocational Training Diploma. Still, IVET is considered as part of non-formal education, so the Diploma is not regarded equivalent to formal education titles. Certified IVET graduates, though, are eligible to apply for a post in the Pubic Sector.
In terms of the development and certification of qualifications of Occupational Profiles (OP), Knowledge Skills and Competences required to perform specific occupational functions are defined. There have been already some initiatives and attempts to transform the prescribed KSC into curriculum frameworks for CVET and IVET training programmes |
Award of full qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of partial qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of full or partial qualifications but not of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of qualifications that are linked to the NQF, at least in some sectorsExemption from part of courseAccess to higher educationAccess to other formal educationDevelopment of training specification for full qualification (i.e. to map what training needs to be completed in order to achieve a qualification)Other
Competences can be fully or partially validated for modules or full qualifications. If these are not enough to gain the VET diploma or professional... Competences can be fully or partially validated for modules or full qualifications. If these are not enough to gain the VET diploma or professional certificate directly, the competent administrations write a report to the individuals where they explain different training options to acquire the formal qualification.
At higher education, and as explained above, work experience can be recognised for up to 15 % of the total number of credits of a degree.
Furthermore, there are access exams to VET and university studies, aimed at those people who do not have the required qualifications.
Another measure is the possibility of work experience recognition that exempts the student from studying the module of work place training, which is compulsory in all VET qualifications.
Another measure is the possibility of gaining a qualification through an examination, organised by the public administrations of the Autonomous Communities, for those people who have not undertaken any formal courses |
Award of full qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of partial qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of full or partial qualifications but not of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of qualifications that are linked to the NQF, at least in some sectorsExemption from part of courseAccess to higher educationAccess to other formal educationDevelopment of training specification for full qualification (i.e. to map what training needs to be completed in order to achieve a qualification)Other
In VET (CBQs and IVET) it is possible to award a full qualification with identical standards as qualifications obtained through formal education.
... In VET (CBQs and IVET) it is possible to award a full qualification with identical standards as qualifications obtained through formal education.
In HE in practice it is not possible to award a full qualification, but there are no limitations to the number of credits that can be achieved through validation. The certification is identical whether credits are gained through validation or formal learning. |
Award of full qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of partial qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of full or partial qualifications but not of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of qualifications that are linked to the NQF, at least in some sectorsExemption from part of courseAccess to higher educationAccess to other formal educationDevelopment of training specification for full qualification (i.e. to map what training needs to be completed in order to achieve a qualification)Other
Validation leading to of a partial or full qualification (VAE) is theoretically possible for all qualifications covered in the French NQF.
A specif... Validation leading to of a partial or full qualification (VAE) is theoretically possible for all qualifications covered in the French NQF.
A specific form of validation (VAP) can be used to grant access to higher education programmes/ exemptions from part of a higher education course.
- Award of full qualification on the basis of the same standards as qualifications obtained through formal education: VAE
- Award of partial qualification on the basis of the same standards as qualifications obtained through formal education: VAE
-Award of qualifications that are linked to the NQF: VAE
- Exemption from part of course giving access to higher education: VAP 85 |
Award of full qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of partial qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of full or partial qualifications but not of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of qualifications that are linked to the NQF, at least in some sectorsExemption from part of courseAccess to higher educationAccess to other formal educationDevelopment of training specification for full qualification (i.e. to map what training needs to be completed in order to achieve a qualification)Other
The Ordinance on recognition and validation of non-formal and informal learning will regulate the link between validation and formal qualifications... The Ordinance on recognition and validation of non-formal and informal learning will regulate the link between validation and formal qualifications. Units of learning outcomes, which are part of a qualification, can be acquired through non-formal/informal means |
Award of full qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of partial qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of full or partial qualifications but not of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of qualifications that are linked to the NQF, at least in some sectorsExemption from part of courseAccess to higher educationAccess to other formal educationDevelopment of training specification for full qualification (i.e. to map what training needs to be completed in order to achieve a qualification)Other
Access to higher education is not allowed through validation but there is a set-off scheme (extra points are given at the stage of entrance examina... Access to higher education is not allowed through validation but there is a set-off scheme (extra points are given at the stage of entrance examination for eminent achievement in sport or in academic competition).
Validation can be used also for award of ECTS credits for a study programme unit towards a qualification |
Award of full qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of partial qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of full or partial qualifications but not of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of qualifications that are linked to the NQF, at least in some sectorsExemption from part of courseAccess to higher educationAccess to other formal educationDevelopment of training specification for full qualification (i.e. to map what training needs to be completed in order to achieve a qualification)Other
The NQAI 2005 principles and guidelines make very clear that validation can be used for access transfer and progression in both further and higher ... The NQAI 2005 principles and guidelines make very clear that validation can be used for access transfer and progression in both further and higher education. |
Award of full qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of partial qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of full or partial qualifications but not of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of qualifications that are linked to the NQF, at least in some sectorsExemption from part of courseAccess to higher educationAccess to other formal educationDevelopment of training specification for full qualification (i.e. to map what training needs to be completed in order to achieve a qualification)Other
Validation against specific standards of curricula at upper secondary school level is recognised by the award of credit points towards a qualificat... Validation against specific standards of curricula at upper secondary school level is recognised by the award of credit points towards a qualification. Most validation takes place in the certified trades and most credit points are obtained through the validation process in that sector. |
Award of full qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of partial qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of full or partial qualifications but not of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of qualifications that are linked to the NQF, at least in some sectorsExemption from part of courseAccess to higher educationAccess to other formal educationDevelopment of training specification for full qualification (i.e. to map what training needs to be completed in order to achieve a qualification)Other
No information |
Award of full qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of partial qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of full or partial qualifications but not of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of qualifications that are linked to the NQF, at least in some sectorsExemption from part of courseAccess to higher educationAccess to other formal educationDevelopment of training specification for full qualification (i.e. to map what training needs to be completed in order to achieve a qualification)Other
Partial qualification can be awarded in higher education.
Award of qualifications that are linked to the NQF also in higher education |
Award of full qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of partial qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of full or partial qualifications but not of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of qualifications that are linked to the NQF, at least in some sectorsExemption from part of courseAccess to higher educationAccess to other formal educationDevelopment of training specification for full qualification (i.e. to map what training needs to be completed in order to achieve a qualification)Other
Award of partial qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectors (V... Award of partial qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectors (VET and HE)
- Exemption from part of course (VET, HE)
- Access to higher education
- Access to other formal education (VET)
- Development of training specification for full qualification (i.e. to map what training needs to be completed in order to achieve a qualification) – youth sector - a national project called “The Development of an Integrated Youth Policy” , implemented by the Department of Youth Affairs under the Ministry of Social Security |
Award of full qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of partial qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of full or partial qualifications but not of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of qualifications that are linked to the NQF, at least in some sectorsExemption from part of courseAccess to higher educationAccess to other formal educationDevelopment of training specification for full qualification (i.e. to map what training needs to be completed in order to achieve a qualification)Other
At the secondary level, validation can lead to the award of full qualification, or part of a qualification.
- In addition, validation can be used ... At the secondary level, validation can lead to the award of full qualification, or part of a qualification.
- In addition, validation can be used to access a course, get an exemption from part of course or obtain a qualification at the University of Luxembourg |
Award of full qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of partial qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of full or partial qualifications but not of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of qualifications that are linked to the NQF, at least in some sectorsExemption from part of courseAccess to higher educationAccess to other formal educationDevelopment of training specification for full qualification (i.e. to map what training needs to be completed in order to achieve a qualification)Other
In vocational education the professional competence is validated during the examination of a vocational qualification.
In the HE sector several l... In vocational education the professional competence is validated during the examination of a vocational qualification.
In the HE sector several limitations to validation exist, e.g. the prior learning or prior experiential learning outcomes cannot be listed and replaced in the stage of final examination, state examination, winding-up examination (qualification examination or promotional work) of the respective study programme. The prior experiential learning can be validated in both academic and professional programmes, but only using up to 30 % of the credit points intended for studying the whole academic and professional programme. |
Award of full qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of partial qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of full or partial qualifications but not of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of qualifications that are linked to the NQF, at least in some sectorsExemption from part of courseAccess to higher educationAccess to other formal educationDevelopment of training specification for full qualification (i.e. to map what training needs to be completed in order to achieve a qualification)Other
Within the compulsory education sector, a secondary school certificate and profile was introduced in 2010, which recognises all forms of learning d... Within the compulsory education sector, a secondary school certificate and profile was introduced in 2010, which recognises all forms of learning during secondary education. This gives credit to formal education as well as to non-formal education . This certificate has been pegged as either a level 1 or a level 2 qualification on the national qualifications framework.
Within the labour market, a system of validation has already been established in the childcare sector. The system links directly to the MQF, supporting acquisition of qualifications equivalent to those gained through formal education.
Within higher education, there are initial steps towards establishing a system of validation which aligns more closely with the formal qualifications offered via HEIs. This is an ongoing process. |
Award of full qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of partial qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of full or partial qualifications but not of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of qualifications that are linked to the NQF, at least in some sectorsExemption from part of courseAccess to higher educationAccess to other formal educationDevelopment of training specification for full qualification (i.e. to map what training needs to be completed in order to achieve a qualification)Other
In national laws for VET and HE, it is clearly stated that validation can lead directly to a full qualification. But it is the institution that dec... In national laws for VET and HE, it is clearly stated that validation can lead directly to a full qualification. But it is the institution that decides if this possible or not. |
Award of full qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of partial qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of full or partial qualifications but not of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of qualifications that are linked to the NQF, at least in some sectorsExemption from part of courseAccess to higher educationAccess to other formal educationDevelopment of training specification for full qualification (i.e. to map what training needs to be completed in order to achieve a qualification)Other
It is possible to acquire some qualifications in full on the basis of validation.
Partial qualifications of the same or equivalent standard as tho... It is possible to acquire some qualifications in full on the basis of validation.
Partial qualifications of the same or equivalent standard as those obtained through formal education and training can be obtained in all parts of the formal education and training system. See above for more detail.
Access to post-secondary VET and to higher education can also be obtained through validation. |
Award of full qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of partial qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of full or partial qualifications but not of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of qualifications that are linked to the NQF, at least in some sectorsExemption from part of courseAccess to higher educationAccess to other formal educationDevelopment of training specification for full qualification (i.e. to map what training needs to be completed in order to achieve a qualification)Other
Award of full qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education is possible in VET and craft sy... Award of full qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education is possible in VET and craft system |
Award of full qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of partial qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of full or partial qualifications but not of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of qualifications that are linked to the NQF, at least in some sectorsExemption from part of courseAccess to higher educationAccess to other formal educationDevelopment of training specification for full qualification (i.e. to map what training needs to be completed in order to achieve a qualification)Other
In the framework of RVCC processes, it is possible to obtain an award or full qualification — equivalent to formal education; it is possible to o... In the framework of RVCC processes, it is possible to obtain an award or full qualification — equivalent to formal education; it is possible to obtain an award or full qualification in the framework of the national VET system.
In HE validation can only be used in the case of pursuing studies to obtain an academic degree, to gain ECTS for exemptions from part of the course |
Award of full qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of partial qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of full or partial qualifications but not of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of qualifications that are linked to the NQF, at least in some sectorsExemption from part of courseAccess to higher educationAccess to other formal educationDevelopment of training specification for full qualification (i.e. to map what training needs to be completed in order to achieve a qualification)Other
Validation not available for compulsory education, high schools and universities.
Validation approaches are still focusing on professional skills ... Validation not available for compulsory education, high schools and universities.
Validation approaches are still focusing on professional skills of adults linked to a specific qualification and not many steps have been made for the validation of informal and non-formal learning within the formal pre-university and university education. Although the new law of education no. 1/2011 contains some specific references to the student’s lifelong learning portfolios as a means for validation of skills acquired outside the educational system, there are not yet any specific procedures in place to implement this measure. Moreover, the validation in the formal system is also challenged by the lack of coherence and permeability between the IVET, CVET and HE systems. The new National Qualification Framework takes into account the validation of informal and non-formal learning in case of CVT, but not in the case of formal education. |
Award of full qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of partial qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of full or partial qualifications but not of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of qualifications that are linked to the NQF, at least in some sectorsExemption from part of courseAccess to higher educationAccess to other formal educationDevelopment of training specification for full qualification (i.e. to map what training needs to be completed in order to achieve a qualification)Other
In adult education, validation can result in both partial and complete qualifications when followed by ”prövning”.
The formal grading is set ... In adult education, validation can result in both partial and complete qualifications when followed by ”prövning”.
The formal grading is set through the process of “prövning”, which can be defined as an assessment of knowledge and competences in relation to pre-set knowledge requirements in course syllabi. |
Award of full qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of partial qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of full or partial qualifications but not of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of qualifications that are linked to the NQF, at least in some sectorsExemption from part of courseAccess to higher educationAccess to other formal educationDevelopment of training specification for full qualification (i.e. to map what training needs to be completed in order to achieve a qualification)Other
There are no notable exceptions between sectors as regarding possibilities. Validation depends on the single application (what is being presented a... There are no notable exceptions between sectors as regarding possibilities. Validation depends on the single application (what is being presented and what is being asked for).
Validation can not be used as a way to enable access to higher or other formal education since there are legally prescribed formal conditions for that (external exam in three year VET, professional matura or general matura) |
Award of full qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of partial qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of full or partial qualifications but not of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of qualifications that are linked to the NQF, at least in some sectorsExemption from part of courseAccess to higher educationAccess to other formal educationDevelopment of training specification for full qualification (i.e. to map what training needs to be completed in order to achieve a qualification)Other
Award of full qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of partial qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of full or partial qualifications but not of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of qualifications that are linked to the NQF, at least in some sectorsExemption from part of courseAccess to higher educationAccess to other formal educationDevelopment of training specification for full qualification (i.e. to map what training needs to be completed in order to achieve a qualification)Other
The validation of non-formal and informal learning is not linked to formal qualifications. In the future, these qualifications can be linked to the... The validation of non-formal and informal learning is not linked to formal qualifications. In the future, these qualifications can be linked to the NQF.
Additionally, one can receive formal education certificates for primary or secondary education without following the formal education. In this case, the qualifications are recognised as a result of an exam carried out by formal education institutions. |
Award of full qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of partial qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of full or partial qualifications but not of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of qualifications that are linked to the NQF, at least in some sectorsExemption from part of courseAccess to higher educationAccess to other formal educationDevelopment of training specification for full qualification (i.e. to map what training needs to be completed in order to achieve a qualification)Other
Full qualifications rarely awarded through RPL, according to interviewees.
Validation seems to be more commonly used for access in the HE sector. |
Award of full qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of partial qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of full or partial qualifications but not of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of qualifications that are linked to the NQF, at least in some sectorsExemption from part of courseAccess to higher educationAccess to other formal educationDevelopment of training specification for full qualification (i.e. to map what training needs to be completed in order to achieve a qualification)Other
No information |
Award of full qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of partial qualification of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of full or partial qualifications but not of the same or equivalent standards as qualifications obtained through formal education, at least in some sectorsAward of qualifications that are linked to the NQF, at least in some sectorsExemption from part of courseAccess to higher educationAccess to other formal educationDevelopment of training specification for full qualification (i.e. to map what training needs to be completed in order to achieve a qualification)Other
Full qualifications rarely awarded through RPL, according to interviewees. |
The Recommendation states that ‘disadvantaged groups, including individuals who are unemployed and those at risk of unemployment, are particularly likely to benefit from the validation arrangements, since validation can increase their participation in lifelong learning and their access to the labour market.’ It further states that ‘individuals who are unemployed or at risk of unemployment have the opportunity, in accordance with national legislation and specificities, to undergo a “skills audit” aimed at identifying their knowledge, skills and competences within a reasonable period of time, ideally within six months of an identified need’ (Council of EU, 2012, p. 4, point 3c).
Année | Austria | Belgium-DE | Belgium-FR | Bulgaria | Switzerland | Cyprus | Czechia | Germany | Denmark | Estonia | Greece | Spain | Finland | France | Croatia | Hungary | Ireland | Iceland | Italy | Liechtenstein | Lithuania | Luxembourg | Latvia | Malta | Netherlands | Norway | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Sweden | Slovenia | Slovakia | Türkiye | United Kingdom / England and Northern Ireland | United Kingdom / Scotland | United Kingdom / Wales |
2010 |
No information |
N/A |
Not covered in 2010 update |
Information not provided in 2010 Inventory. There is a proposal to introduce a skills audit for the unemployed but it has not yet been implemented |
Information not collected in 2010 Inventory |
No information |
No information |
No information |
No information |
No information |
No information in the 2010 report |
Everyone goes through a light skills audit in the beginning of registering that they are unemployed.
NB. There will be a wider skills audit if a pe... Everyone goes through a light skills audit in the beginning of registering that they are unemployed.
NB. There will be a wider skills audit if a person has been unemployed for 5 months or more. Employment services procure training courses for the unemployed and the training includes skills audit |
Information not included in 2010 report |
Yes / timeframe not specified
No information |
No information |
Yes / after 6 months
Not possible to answer – not addressed in the 2010 update |
Information not collected in 2010 Inventory |
No information |
No information |
N/A |
The procedure for such skills audit does exist – but no information in the 2010 report on whether there is a right to benefit from a skills audit |
Yes / timeframe not specified
No information |
N/A |
Yes / timeframe not specified
No information |
The general rule is that people having signed a ‘jobseekers’ agreement with the employment office can have their prior learning experiences ass... The general rule is that people having signed a ‘jobseekers’ agreement with the employment office can have their prior learning experiences assessed towards upper secondary education even though they do not have the statutory right. One precondition is that the employment office considers the assessment to be necessary for getting the jobseekers back to work |
Information not collected in the 2010 Inventory |
No information |
No information |
No information |
Information not collected in 2010 Inventory. |
No information in the 2010 report |
Not covered in 2010 report |
Information not collected in 2010 Inventory. |
Yes / after 6 months
Not covered in 2010 report |
2014 |
No information |
‘My career’ is the tool used by job seekers to participate in competence orientated matching and has been in use since 2013 by the PES |
Worker’s right to the ‘appraisal of skills’ : the law grants every worker a right to be assessed to identify and validate skills gained outsi... Worker’s right to the ‘appraisal of skills’ : the law grants every worker a right to be assessed to identify and validate skills gained outside the formal education system |
There is no such right., but there are no obstacles. However, the National Employment Agency provides the possibility for career orientation (as a ... There is no such right., but there are no obstacles. However, the National Employment Agency provides the possibility for career orientation (as a mainstream service) and elaboration of individual plans (within specific projects and/or programmes under the Human Resources Development Operational Programme). |
Yes / timeframe not specified
The timeframe is based on the time for which the individual has the right to unemployment contributions |
No specific process was found. However, unemployed individuals receive guidance from the national PES. Also, HRDA has launched training and work pl... No specific process was found. However, unemployed individuals receive guidance from the national PES. Also, HRDA has launched training and work placement programmes targeting unemployed individuals. For some programmes, in order to be included in the programme, the latter have to visit the local PES office and be referred by a PES official/consultant. However, a robust process of validation of non-formal and informal learning has not been found in that context |
It is possible but it is not a right |
No information |
Being unemployed in Denmark implies an obligation to draw up a CV no later than three weeks after registering as a job seeker. A CV is a descripti... Being unemployed in Denmark implies an obligation to draw up a CV no later than three weeks after registering as a job seeker. A CV is a description of experience, education, personal skills etc. |
No skills audit as such has been developed |
The Manpower Employment Organisation (OAED) has a process in place that simulates a skills audit: unemployed individuals can visit OAED to develop ... The Manpower Employment Organisation (OAED) has a process in place that simulates a skills audit: unemployed individuals can visit OAED to develop their individual action plan, assisted by employment counsellors. The individual action plan, however, does not certify or validate the unemployed individual’s knowledge, skills and competences or link them to a qualification level. Human resources limitation of OAED along with the increasing number of unemployed individuals creates obstacles |
No, BUT employees are entitled to an individual permission to undertake a skills audit |
Everyone goes through a light skills audit at the beginning of registering unemployed.
NB There will be a wider skills audit if a person has been u... Everyone goes through a light skills audit at the beginning of registering unemployed.
NB There will be a wider skills audit if a person has been unemployed for 5 months or more. Employment services procure training courses for the unemployed and the training included skills audit |
No information |
No information |
Capacities are very limited |
Yes / after 6 months
Not entirely clear. The EGFSN recommends an audit of skills but this is not yet an entitlement for every citizen. There is a proposal to introduce ... Not entirely clear. The EGFSN recommends an audit of skills but this is not yet an entitlement for every citizen. There is a proposal to introduce a skills audit for people who are unemployed but it has not yet been implemented. |
Unemployed people have access to career guidance. The economic crisis limited their access to actual skills audit, but it is being developed into t... Unemployed people have access to career guidance. The economic crisis limited their access to actual skills audit, but it is being developed into the system. It is not a formal right as such but a part of he process offered to the unemployed |
In some Regions: (Toscana, Veneto, Lombardia) |
No information |
Skills audit is not practised in Lithuania.
Regarding the initiatives of recognition and validation of non-formal and informal learning in the lab... Skills audit is not practised in Lithuania.
Regarding the initiatives of recognition and validation of non-formal and informal learning in the labour market, both the recent Report of the National Audit Office and the adopted State Education Strategy for 2013-2020, recognised that such initiatives are lacking, despite a significant need for them, first of all taking into account the long-term unemployed without formal qualifications. The Programme for Increasing Employment for the period 2014-2020, which was recently adopted by the Lithuanian government, plans the development of the system for validation of non-formal and informal learning as a priority measure, but concrete measures are not foreseen |
Operated by ADEM (PES). Specific skills audit for young people |
Yes / timeframe not specified
No information |
For employees
N/A |
Yes / timeframe not specified
No information |
Not a skills audit as such, but all clients supported by the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Service (NAV) have the right to have their needs assessed... Not a skills audit as such, but all clients supported by the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Service (NAV) have the right to have their needs assessed for services to assist them into the labour market. This might include a mapping and clarification of prior education, work and the individual’s health to ensure the assistance provided is optimal |
No information |
No information |
No information |
No information |
No information |
Proposal but not yet implemented
There does not seem a right; although Skills audits can be offered by public employment services as part of the services to job seekers. They are c... There does not seem a right; although Skills audits can be offered by public employment services as part of the services to job seekers. They are considered as one of the active labour market measures. However, their use remains relatively limited in scale. According to Furindová (2013) there were 188 persons who received this form of support in 2012. These were mainly long term unemployed |
The National Career Information System provides web-based information and guidance to everybody above the age of 13. Individuals using the system w... The National Career Information System provides web-based information and guidance to everybody above the age of 13. Individuals using the system will be supported to identify their skills, interests, competences and motivations in three respects: education, labour market and self-auditing |
Proposal but not yet implemented
As part of the current review of welfare-to-work outcomes and services a number of measures are being looked at to improve programme implementation... As part of the current review of welfare-to-work outcomes and services a number of measures are being looked at to improve programme implementation going forward – one of these includes the proposal to include a robust initial, diagnostic assessment for individuals on the Work Programme to support the learning and skills needs of each participant. |
As part of the current review of welfare-to-work outcomes and services a number of measures are being looked at to improve programme implementation... As part of the current review of welfare-to-work outcomes and services a number of measures are being looked at to improve programme implementation going forward – one of these includes the proposal to include a robust initial, diagnostic assessment for individuals on the Work Programme to support the learning and skills needs of each participant |
The Recommendation emphasises the need for appropriate tools and instruments allowing for validation of non-formal and informal learning; it also draws attention to the relevance of common European tools for transparency and recognition and their potential support to the process: ‘the use of Union transparency tools, such as the Europass framework and Youthpass, is promoted in order to facilitate the documentation of learning outcomes’ (Council of EU, 2012, p. 3, point 3i); and asks Member States to ensure that ‘[…] synergies exist between validation arrangements and credit systems applicable in the formal education and training system, such as ECTS and ECVET’ (p. 4, point 3j); Member States are also asked to foster participation of stakeholders that ‘[…] should promote and facilitate the identification and documentation of learning outcomes acquired at work or in voluntary activities, using relevant Union transparency tools, such as those developed under the Europass framework and Youthpass’ (p. 4, point 4a).
Année | Austria | Belgium-DE | Belgium-FR | Bulgaria | Switzerland | Cyprus | Czechia | Germany | Denmark | Estonia | Greece | Spain | Finland | France | Croatia | Hungary | Ireland | Iceland | Italy | Liechtenstein | Lithuania | Luxembourg | Latvia | Malta | Netherlands | Norway | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Sweden | Slovenia | Slovakia | Türkiye | United Kingdom / England and Northern Ireland | United Kingdom / Scotland | United Kingdom / Wales |
2010 |
Many validation procedures and initiatives belong to the formal education system and/or aim at a formal education and training qualification (‘ex... Many validation procedures and initiatives belong to the formal education system and/or aim at a formal education and training qualification (‘external examinations’). Therefore, the assessment methods used in this context are usually the same as those used in the formal system (such as presentations, simulations, evidence extracted from work, written tests and oral exams).
In many cases, the portfolio method is used in the initiatives developed at adult learning institutes. In this context, supported self-assessment is usually the chosen method - with a strong focus on developing the ability of self-reflection |
Labour market sector: portfolio and observation in situation.
Higher education sector: structured interview, observation in situation, collection o... Labour market sector: portfolio and observation in situation.
Higher education sector: structured interview, observation in situation, collection of information and evidence, interpretation of data, portfolio |
CVET: interviews for identification (meeting with counsellors in validation centre); simulation for assessment; documentation is not addressed yet ... CVET: interviews for identification (meeting with counsellors in validation centre); simulation for assessment; documentation is not addressed yet (but portfolio method is envisaged in the legislative frameworks – plans to test this method in the future).
HE: interviews for identification, portfolio for documentation, portfolio mostly / presentation or test more rarely, for assessment). |
No information |
As there is no validation system, the different stages are not clearly identified.
In the private sector (e.g. ECDL), examinations are used to ass... As there is no validation system, the different stages are not clearly identified.
In the private sector (e.g. ECDL), examinations are used to assess individuals’ competencies |
The assessment varies from one qualification to another but in general emphasis is on demonstrating the knowledge, skills and competence through pr... The assessment varies from one qualification to another but in general emphasis is on demonstrating the knowledge, skills and competence through practical assignments as well as oral and written examinations |
No information |
Often more than one method in use |
The most common methods for assessment are application forms where applicants describe their prior learning and submit additional documents to supp... The most common methods for assessment are application forms where applicants describe their prior learning and submit additional documents to support their application. A common basis for application forms was developed in 2009 by a working group within the Primus project. This application form (with changes in appearance made by individual institutions) is being used by all main higher education institutions in Estonia. VET institutions are using their own application forms |
Examination is the method used for validation both in the public sector (for languages and ICT) and the private sector (ECDL).
No information avai... Examination is the method used for validation both in the public sector (for languages and ICT) and the private sector (ECDL).
No information available on what type of assessment is used for the state certification of Greek Language competence for immigrants |
The methods used are to be decided by the Evaluation Committee on a case to case basis, they can include
- individual and group sessions
- inte... The methods used are to be decided by the Evaluation Committee on a case to case basis, they can include
- individual and group sessions
- interviews
- simulations
- standard tests
- observation at the work place
In higher education, there was no common process in place in 2010 with the exception of the exam that individuals over 25 and without upper secondary education can take to enter university –although without receiving a secondary school qualification |
Portfolios are not widely used in Finland. In VET the competences are demonstrated in a realistic work environment (e.g. at one’s own job or on-t... Portfolios are not widely used in Finland. In VET the competences are demonstrated in a realistic work environment (e.g. at one’s own job or on-the-job-learning). Documented evidence is utilised widely in all sectors. Interviews and self-assessments are used in both the identification and assessment phases. Examinations are hardly used.
Debate not emphasised |
The main method used in VAE is the portfolio method. The legislation requires the setting up of a jury in charge of the assessment.
The choice of a... The main method used in VAE is the portfolio method. The legislation requires the setting up of a jury in charge of the assessment.
The choice of assessment methods depends on the awarding body in charge of the validation procedures |
No information |
In higher education institutional level pilots, the main methods used are presentation of work experience or portfolio with discussion (in order to... In higher education institutional level pilots, the main methods used are presentation of work experience or portfolio with discussion (in order to identify the skills acquired through work experience).
In prior learning, assessment in the adult training sector is mostly based on tests.
Identification (portfolios, presentations)
Documentation (portfolios, presentations)
Assessment (portfolios, presentations) |
Limited information available to answer. In HE what is or is not included in the system will depend on the particular use RPL is being applied e.g.... Limited information available to answer. In HE what is or is not included in the system will depend on the particular use RPL is being applied e.g. access, transfer or progression. For pre-assessment (identification and/or documentation) typically through interview and assessment based on a portfolio submission. |
The process begins with a screening interview with a career counsellor for intake. Identification of competences begins there and the stage is set ... The process begins with a screening interview with a career counsellor for intake. Identification of competences begins there and the stage is set for portfolio work. Under the guidance of a career counsellor each individual works on his/her portfolio in group sessions. Self-assessment against the set criteria follows under the guidance of a professional in the sector concerned. The assessment session is based on an interview where the portfolio and self-assessment material is reviewed and discussed. Cases, based on real situations often have to be solved by the candidate. Declarative methods and observation may be used if further evidence is needed for the results.
Identification (interviews, portfolios)
Documentation (portfolios)
Assessment (a combination of portfolios and interviews in addition to declarative methods and observation) |
No information |
Dossiers, i.e. portfolios, are predominant |
Debate, declarative methods, interviews, observations, portfolios, presentations, simulations, evidence extracted from work |
The main method used is the declarative method, completed by interviews or simulations |
According to the draft on the regulation of the ‘validation process of competence acquired through non-formal and informal learning’ the assess... According to the draft on the regulation of the ‘validation process of competence acquired through non-formal and informal learning’ the assessment will take place in two successive phases:
1) The assessment of the vocational competence of the candidate according to the submitted documentation portfolio. The self-assessment report contains the identification of the vocational qualification title and level that the candidate applies for, the requirements of the respective Occupational Standard, the way in which the vocational competence was acquired and the corresponding work experience or voluntary work experience (in months);
2) The vocational qualification examination by the candidate. The vocational qualification examination is identical to the one applied to formal education candidates |
The national system for validation is currently being developed (it has been already developed for the Child Care sector). The main methods used fo... The national system for validation is currently being developed (it has been already developed for the Child Care sector). The main methods used for assessment are:
- Portfolio;
- A written test;
- Interview;
- Observation.
From a sector-based perspective, the framework for the development of Sector Skills Units sets out the assessment methods which will be deemed acceptable by the SSUs:
- Debate or interview;
- Declarative methods;
- Observation; or
- Tests and examinations |
Identification (dialogue-based methods, portfolios,)
Documentation (dialogue-based methods, portfolios).
Assessment (interviews, tests and examin... Identification (dialogue-based methods, portfolios,)
Documentation (dialogue-based methods, portfolios).
Assessment (interviews, tests and examinations, other –please specify) |
The dialogue-based and portfolio assessment methods are common and vocational testing (based on both interviews and practical tests to show the ind... The dialogue-based and portfolio assessment methods are common and vocational testing (based on both interviews and practical tests to show the individual’s practical abilities) is also used for certain subjects |
The most common validation method applied in Poland represents a mixed approach. It usually consists of an examination in the form of a test of wor... The most common validation method applied in Poland represents a mixed approach. It usually consists of an examination in the form of a test of work activity (próba pracy), based on checking the practical skills, accompanied by a theoretical part (written or oral examination). Other methods that can be used to validate competences include:
- presenting a portfolio that confirms achievements and documents competences in the field
- providing letters from former employers confirming that during a certain period the employee was involved in a specific activity (documented experience).
Depending on what type of competences are concerned, validation can also take the form of a probationary period |
A combination of methods are used in the non-higher education area.
In HE, portfolio and declarative methods are mostly used |
No sector relevant methodologies in place. One stakeholder with experience of validation consulted for this report mentioned that evaluation method... No sector relevant methodologies in place. One stakeholder with experience of validation consulted for this report mentioned that evaluation methods must be adapted to the occupation and competences being evaluated. For example, in some cases the direct observation of a nurse taking care of a disabled or chronically ill person may not be practically possible (or ethical). The written test is also less useful in situations where the candidate has poor verbal or written skills. |
Not fully developed yet nationally |
No information |
There is not specific information on methods.
It is up to the accredited education and training institutions to choose the exact assessment method ... There is not specific information on methods.
It is up to the accredited education and training institutions to choose the exact assessment method to be used in line with the occupational activities for which the qualification prepares and the assessment standard. The law on lifelong learning defines that there has to be a theoretical and a practical part and these can take the form of written, oral or practical assignments or a combination |
Assessment (debate, declarative methods, interviews, observations, portfolios, presentations, simulations, evidence extracted from work, tests and ... Assessment (debate, declarative methods, interviews, observations, portfolios, presentations, simulations, evidence extracted from work, tests and examinations) |
Information only identified in relation to assessment:
It has been reported that prior learning is typically assessed using a portfolio. E-portfol... Information only identified in relation to assessment:
It has been reported that prior learning is typically assessed using a portfolio. E-portfolios are often used to gather the evidence required for an NVQ. However, other methods are used, such as the completion of specially designed assignments, or by requiring a student to undertake the assessment(s) associated with the module for which accreditation is being sought.
In the HE sector, a combination of portfolios and interviews is often used for assessment and some institutions use detailed application forms in order to compare the applicant’s experience to entry criteria. However, assessment for smaller units of learning, e.g. one module, can sometimes be carried out on the basis of a report for example. Other possible assessment methods include projects, essays on ‘applied’ topics, interviews, practice-based documents, reports on observations of practice, or analytic and evaluative descriptions of practice. |
Information not available for 2010 report. |
2014 |
Many validation procedures and initiatives belong to the formal education system and/or aim at formal education and training qualifications (‘ex... Many validation procedures and initiatives belong to the formal education system and/or aim at formal education and training qualifications (‘external examinations’). Therefore, the assessment methods used in this context are usually the same as those used in the formal system (such as presentations, simulations, evidence extracted from work, written tests, and oral exams).
In many cases, the portfolio method is used in the initiatives developed at adult learning institutes. In this context, supported self-assessment is usually the chosen method - with a strong focus on developing the ability of self-reflection.
In some initiatives, specific methods are used, such as certification workshop, assessment centre, and online testing. |
See tables in the 2014 report |
Information relates to which methods are mostly used (not which methods are ‘accepted’)
- VDC/CVET: interviews for identification and document... Information relates to which methods are mostly used (not which methods are ‘accepted’)
- VDC/CVET: interviews for identification and documentation; simulation for assessment.
- VAE: HE/adult education: interviews for identification, portfolio for documentation, portfolio / presentation or test more rarely, for assessment |
The indicated methods refer to the VET sector. Regarding higher education, there is no information available.
The work book is used particularly in... The indicated methods refer to the VET sector. Regarding higher education, there is no information available.
The work book is used particularly in relation to the validation of competences acquired in the workplace. In VET we use portfolio, interviews, evidence extracted from work life and examinations
The assessment methods for validation are the same as those applied in the formal education system, i.e. for the validation of a full vocational qualification the candidate has to pass the state examination in Theory of Profession and Practice of Profession.
In private adult education centres –the more common methods are surveys, individual consultations and tests to check the degree of coverage of the state educational requirements. Employers use examinations as part of the testing of internal company training which ends with an assessment of skills acquired informally.
Identification: (interviews)
Documentation: (portfolios, evidence extracted from work, work book)
Assessment: (tests and examinations) |
In general, the core method of the procedure is the portfolio, and various forms of interview. Other methods are used with respect to the specific ... In general, the core method of the procedure is the portfolio, and various forms of interview. Other methods are used with respect to the specific needs or criteria of the individual |
Overall, in formal education traditional methods of assessment, such as written tests, prevail in Cyprus. In the award of a vocational qualificatio... Overall, in formal education traditional methods of assessment, such as written tests, prevail in Cyprus. In the award of a vocational qualification under HRDA’s relevant System, the diagnosis/identification stage involves self-assessment and discussion/ interview with an internal examiner.
The examination (assessment) stage involves mainly observation in real working conditions (or simulation) with oral questions and additionally various other methods, depending on the type of qualification and the seniority level. For higher seniority levels, individuals are asked to solve case studies, deliver a presentation, and a case study analysis.
For the certification of ICT knowledge (ECDL and ICT Europe, the latter run by the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry), only online tests are used |
The assessment varies from one qualification to another but in general the emphasis is on demonstrating the knowledge, skills and competence throu... The assessment varies from one qualification to another but in general the emphasis is on demonstrating the knowledge, skills and competence through practical assignments as well as oral and written examinations.
For VNFIL concerning vocational qualifications
Assessment (presentations, simulations, evidence extracted from work, tests and examinations)
For VNFIL in the youth sector
Identification (declarative methods)
Documentation (declarative methods, interviews, portfolios) |
No information |
Often more than one method in use |
The most common methods for assessment are application forms, where applicants describe their prior learning and submit additional documents to sup... The most common methods for assessment are application forms, where applicants describe their prior learning and submit additional documents to support the application. A common basis for application forms was developed in 2009 by a working group within the Primus project. This application form (with changes in appearance made by individual institutions) is being used by all main higher education institutions and VET institutions in Estonia.
In several universities the application process is entirely web based and applicants can submit their applications online |
Not all four stages are implemented. Mainly, summative assessment takes place, which leads to certification. In the case of IVET graduates it compr... Not all four stages are implemented. Mainly, summative assessment takes place, which leads to certification. In the case of IVET graduates it comprises of both written tests and practical skills and competences observation and evaluation. The practical part of the exams takes place in designated laboratories or in specific workplaces. The same applies for the certification of private security services personnel who do hold a recognised professional title and also for the certification of technical occupations blue collar workforce.
In the case of Adult trainers for non-formal education, a more coherent and holistic approach takes place. In the process of certification, applicants have to provide data for the formulation of their e-portfolio of qualifications. At the next stage, eligible candidates participate in both written exams and the practical part. The latter entails a presentation of teaching simulation to a group of co–candidates who perform “role playing” as trainees. This sample of teaching is assessed in situ by two assessors (observers). In parallel, candidates undergo a short interview, in order to support their teaching plan |
For the certification stage, the corresponding official accreditation is used |
Portfolios are not widely used in Finland. In VET the competences are demonstrated in a real work environment (e.g. at one’s own job or on-the-jo... Portfolios are not widely used in Finland. In VET the competences are demonstrated in a real work environment (e.g. at one’s own job or on-the-job-learning). In HEIs simulated competence tests are used to some extent. Documented evidence is utilised widely in all sectors. Interviews and self-assessments are used in both identification and assessment phases. Examinations are hardly used |
The main method used in VAE is the portfolio method. The legislation requires the setting up of a jury in charge of the assessment.
The choice of a... The main method used in VAE is the portfolio method. The legislation requires the setting up of a jury in charge of the assessment.
The choice of assessment methods depends on the awarding body in charge of the validation procedures.
Identification, Documentation : declarative methods, portfolios
Assessments: debate, interviews, presentations, evidence extracted from work. |
N/a for validation at national level as the system is not yet implemented |
In higher education institutional level pilots, the main methods used are presentation of work experiences or portfolio with discussions (in order ... In higher education institutional level pilots, the main methods used are presentation of work experiences or portfolio with discussions (in order to identify the skills acquired through work experiences).
In the adult training sector, prior learning assessment is mostly based on tests |
Limited information available to answer. In HE what is or is not included in the system will depend on the particular use RPL is being applied e.g.... Limited information available to answer. In HE what is or is not included in the system will depend on the particular use RPL is being applied e.g. access, transfer or progression. For pre-assessment (identification and/or documentation) typically through interview and assessment based on a portfolio /cv submission. Within FET to date it has sought to be authentic and appropriate to the access, transfer or progression requirement. |
The process begins with a screening interview with a career counsellor for intake. Identification of competences begins there and the stage is set ... The process begins with a screening interview with a career counsellor for intake. Identification of competences begins there and the stage is set for portfolio work. Under the guidance of a career counsellor each individual works on his/her portfolio in group sessions. Self-assessment against the set criteria follows under the guidance of a professional in the sector concerned. The assessment session is based on an interview where the portfolio and self-assessment material is reviewed and discussed. Cases, based on real situations often have to be solved by the candidate. Declarative methods and observation may be used if further evidence is needed for the results.
Identification (interviews, portfolios)
Documentation (portfolios)
Assessment (a combination of portfolios and interviews in addition to declarative methods and observation) |
No information |
All four stages used to a similar extent in the validation process in public sector initiatives (HE sector and youth worker);
- Identification (deb... All four stages used to a similar extent in the validation process in public sector initiatives (HE sector and youth worker);
- Identification (debate, declarative methods, interviews, portfolios, evidence extracted from work
- Documentation (debate, declarative methods, interviews, portfolios, presentations, evidence extracted from work, tests and examinations).
- Assessment (debate, declarative methods, interviews, observations, portfolios, presentations, evidence extracted from work, tests and examinations)
Some of the four stages used in the validation process are dominant in the VET / private sector.
- Identification (debate, declarative methods, interviews, portfolios, evidence extracted from work
- - Documentation (debate, declarative methods, interviews, portfolios, evidence extracted from work).
- Assessment (debate, declarative methods, interviews, observations, portfolios, presentations, evidence extracted from work, tests and examinations)
Dossiers, i.e. portfolios, are predominant |
Debate, declarative methods, interviews, observations, portfolios, presentations, simulations, evidence extracted from work |
The main method used is the declarative method, completed by interviews or simulations |
No research has been conducted at the national level that highlights the details of methods used in the validation process by different players, as... No research has been conducted at the national level that highlights the details of methods used in the validation process by different players, as the legal framework for the national system of validation came into force only recently. Only consultation as declarative method is used in the VET sector |
The national system for validation is currently being developed (it has been already developed for the Child Care sector). The main methods used fo... The national system for validation is currently being developed (it has been already developed for the Child Care sector). The main methods used for assessment are:
- Portfolio;
- A written test;
- Interview;
- Observation.
From a sector-based perspective, the framework for the development of Sector Skills Units sets out the assessment methods which will be deemed acceptable by the SSUs:
- Debate or interview;
- Declarative methods;
- Observation; or
- Tests and examinations |
Identification (dialogue-based methods, declarative methods, portfolios,)
Documentation (dialogue-based methods, declarative methods, portfolios).... Identification (dialogue-based methods, declarative methods, portfolios,)
Documentation (dialogue-based methods, declarative methods, portfolios).
Assessment (declarative methods, interviews, tests and examinations, other –please specify) |
The method of assessment used varies and the new guidelines on validation at upper secondary level state that providers should use the methods that... The method of assessment used varies and the new guidelines on validation at upper secondary level state that providers should use the methods that are relevant for the individual case.
A commonly used method of assessment is the portfolio. However, the new guidelines state that a portfolio alone is not enough as an assessment – written documents should be combined with something such as a dialogue, because written documents may not describe well enough what the person can do.
In Higher Education, assessments related to HE admissions will vary from institution to institution. A case study of validation for professional studies in a university college found that self-declarations and statements from employers were the main instruments and tools used to identify relevance or equivalence. There was less evidence of the use of the portfolio method. At some HE institutions, the candidate may be asked to participate in an interview in order to provide further details.
Identification (portfolios, other – analysis of formal document)
Documentation (portfolios, other – analysis of formal document)
Assessment (observations, tests and examinations) |
No information |
CQEP centres will use a similar methodological approach to the one that was developed by CNO. However, according to the new legislation, examinati... CQEP centres will use a similar methodological approach to the one that was developed by CNO. However, according to the new legislation, examinations will be mandatory.
In HE portfolio and declarative methods are mostly used.
Identification (interviews, observations, portfolios, presentations, simulations, evidence extracted from work, tests and examinations,)
Documentation (declarative methods, interviews, observations, portfolios, presentations, simulations, evidence extracted from work, tests and examinations, other).
Assessment (declarative methods, interviews, observations, portfolios, presentations, simulations, evidence extracted from work, tests and examinations) |
In recent years, there have been some initiatives and good practice examples developed mainly in the framework of EU projects, with a special focus... In recent years, there have been some initiatives and good practice examples developed mainly in the framework of EU projects, with a special focus on using portfolio method and self-reflection and self-assessment as the main tools for validation |
The methods for identification, documentation and assessment are described in the national criteria and guidelines.
In the Competence Mapping (Komp... The methods for identification, documentation and assessment are described in the national criteria and guidelines.
In the Competence Mapping (Kompetens-kartläggning), it is recommended that references should be attached. The mapping of competences is required to be structured and can be carried out in different ways, e.g. debate, interview, analysing the existing documents, self-assessment, theoretical tests and practical demonstrations.
Competence Assessment (Kompetens-bedömning) may result in a competence certification or a recommendation that complementary studies are undertaken. The assessment of part or full qualification is carried out in accordance with the qualification requirements through theoretical and practical examinations.
Identification (declarative methods, portfolios)
Documentation (declarative methods, interviews, portfolios).
Assessment (debate, declarative methods, interviews, observations, portfolios, presentations, simulations, evidence extracted from work, tests and examinations) |
No information |
The legislation specifies that the assessment has to be practical and theoretical. In most cases this implies a written part, an oral examination a... The legislation specifies that the assessment has to be practical and theoretical. In most cases this implies a written part, an oral examination and a practical demonstration |
In Turkey, validation includes formal assessment and certification stages. The formal assessment is often composed of a theory and a practice test.... In Turkey, validation includes formal assessment and certification stages. The formal assessment is often composed of a theory and a practice test. The certification bodies can make use of debate, interviews and declarative methods for the identification stage. It is also possible to find cases in which portfolios are used, depending on the profession.
Identification (interviews, portfolios)
Documentation (portfolios)
Assessment (interviews, portfolios, observation, simulations, evidence extracted from work, tests and examinations) |
Difficult to assess due to lack of data – based on author’s own interpretation of information available
Documentation: Portfo... Difficult to assess due to lack of data – based on author’s own interpretation of information available
Documentation: Portfolios, simulation and evidence extracted from work, written assignments
Assessment: interview, observation, portfolio, presentation, simulation and evidence extracted from work |
Relates to HE sector and SQA qualifications only: based on limited information available |
Insufficient data to assess. |
Année | Austria | Belgium-DE | Belgium-FR | Bulgaria | Switzerland | Cyprus | Czechia | Germany | Denmark | Estonia | Greece | Spain | Finland | France | Croatia | Hungary | Ireland | Iceland | Italy | Liechtenstein | Lithuania | Luxembourg | Latvia | Malta | Netherlands | Norway | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Sweden | Slovenia | Slovakia | Türkiye | United Kingdom / England and Northern Ireland | United Kingdom / Scotland | United Kingdom / Wales |
2010 |
Author’s estimation |
Low for both tools. The use of Europass and Youthpass tools is not widespread in the Flemish education sector or any other sector. |
Not covered in 2010 update |
Information not provided in 2010 Inventory. |
Information not collected in 2010 Inventory. |
Europass (or other form of CV) is not a tool that is part of the official methodology for VNFIL for vocational qualifications
Youthpass: in 2010 ... Europass (or other form of CV) is not a tool that is part of the official methodology for VNFIL for vocational qualifications
Youthpass: in 2010 the framework for VNFIL in the youth sector was in development |
No information |
No information |
Information not collected in 2010 Inventory |
Not covered in 2010 country report |
Not covered in 2010 country report |
In Finland the Europass and YouthPass are relatively well known and used by teachers and trainers in learning activities relatively widely in all s... In Finland the Europass and YouthPass are relatively well known and used by teachers and trainers in learning activities relatively widely in all sectors. There are Diploma Supplements (DS) and Certificate supplements (CS) available (HEIs and VET) for all degrees and qualifications in several languages. HEIs are obliged by law to provide the DS to every student and in VET training providers are strongly recommended to provide the CS to students. |
Information not included in 2010 report |
No information |
No information
Information not collected in 2010 Inventory.
Europass is widely used (high) |
No information
Information not collected in 2010 Inventory. |
The tools are not sufficiently known yet. But through them, individuals are able to document non-formal and informal learning; for example, followi... The tools are not sufficiently known yet. But through them, individuals are able to document non-formal and informal learning; for example, following study visits in the European context. It is well suitable for that purpose. |
No official or reliable data on this topic |
They are both used but with small numbers due to the size of the country |
N/A |
No information available |
No information
No information |
YouthPass (high) is centrally embedded through the Youth in Action programme in Malta.
Europass (high) is embedded in the institutional framework ... YouthPass (high) is centrally embedded through the Youth in Action programme in Malta.
Europass (high) is embedded in the institutional framework in Malta - the National EUROPASS Centre (NEC) is placed within the NCFHE. Over 63,000 EUROPASS CVs were downloaded in Malta between January and September 2012 (source: NCFHE Europass Survey 2012) |
Not well known. Only the EU CV is sometimes used. |
No information
Not covered in 2010 Update |
Starting from 2005, the ‘Europass - Supplement to the Diploma’ has been used obligatorily by universities in Poland and since 2006 the ‘Europ... Starting from 2005, the ‘Europass - Supplement to the Diploma’ has been used obligatorily by universities in Poland and since 2006 the ‘Europass - Certificate Supplement’ has been provided by District Examination Commissions to people who hold a diploma confirming vocational qualifications. However, there is no information on how widely these are accepted by employers and educational institutions |
There is no information on this topic.
(Insufficient evidence to assess this indicator) |
There are no data available on actual usage, but more and more public institutions and other organizations are requiring the CV in Europass format.... There are no data available on actual usage, but more and more public institutions and other organizations are requiring the CV in Europass format. Employers and multinational companies are not enough informed about those EU tools |
Europass and Youthpass tools exist in Sweden, but the linkage to validation is not well developed |
No information
Information not collected in 2010 Inventory. |
No information in the 2010 report |
No information
There is not enough information in the 2010 report to answer this question |
No information
Information not collected in 2010 Inventory |
Not covered in 2010 report |
2014 |
The number of Europass CVs created online by citizens residing in Austria is continuously increasing.
For YouthPass, the number of certificates iss... The number of Europass CVs created online by citizens residing in Austria is continuously increasing.
For YouthPass, the number of certificates issued is slightly increasing. It is only used to a very limited extent to support validation initiatives. |
The use of Europass and Youthpass tools is not widespread in the Flemish education sector or any other sector. Low for both tools. |
Very little information on this. Europass is used to some extent and might be used further if systems cooperate within a new framework in 2014. |
Both Europass and YouthPass have a limited use in documenting non-formal and informal learning |
Currently there is no available data regarding the employment of, Europass in Switzerland.
For Youthpass, an increase in use can be seen (288 certi... Currently there is no available data regarding the employment of, Europass in Switzerland.
For Youthpass, an increase in use can be seen (288 certificates released in 2011, 571 certificates released in 2012)) however not to the point that it could be considered a common tool to document non-formal and informal learning |
Youthpass is not widely known and used, although its use has significantly increased from 2010 (only four projects) to 2013 (55 projects).
Europass... Youthpass is not widely known and used, although its use has significantly increased from 2010 (only four projects) to 2013 (55 projects).
Europass, however, is widely known and used. The use of CVs has risen, especially in 2013: Since 2007, 72 182 Europass CVs have been completed by residents of Cyprus. Almost 28 000 CVs were completed in 2012, the highest number of CVs until now. Only in the first quarter of 2013, the CVs were about half of the 2012 level. This could be attributed to the high unemployment rates that lead, especially young people, to seek employment abroad. |
Europass (or other form of CV) is not a tool that is part of the official methodology for VNFIL for vocational qualifications. Europass is not wid... Europass (or other form of CV) is not a tool that is part of the official methodology for VNFIL for vocational qualifications. Europass is not widely known by employers.
Youthpass: in 2010 the framework for VNFIL in the youth sector was in development however the use and recognition of this document outside the youth sector is likely to be very low |
No information |
Not known |
In HE, Europass is not part of the application, as institutions have developed their own forms for validation applications.
Some occupational stan... In HE, Europass is not part of the application, as institutions have developed their own forms for validation applications.
Some occupational standard awarding bodies are recommending the applicants to use Europass. |
Europass is widely known and used, especially in terms of CVs. Since its launch in 2005, the completion rate of CVs has risen significantly, from a... Europass is widely known and used, especially in terms of CVs. Since its launch in 2005, the completion rate of CVs has risen significantly, from about 1,500 CVs in 2005 to a bit more than 95,000 in 2012. The Language Passports seem to be less popular than CVs, but their use has also risen significantly in the past two years.
Youthpass is less well-known, although its use has increased from 54 projects in 2010 to 73 in 2013, as of 10 September |
Information identified for this report covered usage of the tools but cannot be taken to infer that for example employers and educational instituti... Information identified for this report covered usage of the tools but cannot be taken to infer that for example employers and educational institutions accept them as tools to document non-formal and informal learning.
The indicator has been selected on the basis of the quantitative data on usage |
In Finland, especially Europass but also YouthPass, are well known and used by teachers and trainers in learning activities relatively widely in al... In Finland, especially Europass but also YouthPass, are well known and used by teachers and trainers in learning activities relatively widely in all sectors. There are Diploma Supplements (DS) and Certificate supplements (CS) available (HEIs and VET) for all degrees and qualifications in several languages. HEIs are obliged by law to provide the DS in English to every student and in VET training providers are strongly recommended to provide the CS to students. CS is also available on the web in Finnish, Swedish and English. There is no specific data on how they are being used and accepted by employers, but systematic marketing is being done to promote those documents also among employers. |
No evidence available |
No information |
Europass is widely used (high)
Use of Youthpass is in a pilot phase. |
The tools are not sufficiently known yet. But through them, individuals are able to document non-formal and informal learning; for example, followi... The tools are not sufficiently known yet. But through them, individuals are able to document non-formal and informal learning; for example, following study visits in the European context. It is very suitable for that purpose. |
No official or reliable data on this topic |
They are both used but with small numbers due to the size of the country |
According to young people themselves, both tools are more recognised abroad than in Lithuania |
No information available |
The Europass CV is the most popular Europass document in Latvia and 32% of all visits (122 610) on the website of NEC Latvia has been to the Europa... The Europass CV is the most popular Europass document in Latvia and 32% of all visits (122 610) on the website of NEC Latvia has been to the Europass CV page. Approximately one thousand Europass mobility passes are issued every year proving skills obtained during travel abroad.
The number of organisations that have issued Youthpass certificates is slowly but steadily rising, reaching 96 organisations in 2013. |
YouthPass (high) is centrally embedded through the Youth in Action programme in Malta.
Europass (high) is embedded in the institutional framework ... YouthPass (high) is centrally embedded through the Youth in Action programme in Malta.
Europass (high) is embedded in the institutional framework in Malta - the National EUROPASS Centre (NEC) is placed within the NCFHE. Over 63,000 EUROPASS CVs were downloaded in Malta between January and September 2012 (source: NCFHE Europass Survey 2012) |
The number of organisations working with one of the passes and then the use of them by citizens is low.
The numbers are rising steadily but slowly. |
There has been a steady increase in the number of Youthpass certificates issued each year until 2012 (from 59 in 2008 to 710 in 2012) and a small d... There has been a steady increase in the number of Youthpass certificates issued each year until 2012 (from 59 in 2008 to 710 in 2012) and a small drop in 2013 (to 653) .
In 2013, the Norwegian language Europass documents were amongst the languages with the least number of downloads and Norwegian is not amongst the top 15 nationalities of individuals who complete Europass CVs online.
Interviewees in the third sector suggested that awareness of the Youthpass and Europass tools to facilitate the validation of non-formal and informal learning in Norway is relatively low. |
Europass is issued by law by HEI’s, Regional Examination Boards (VET) and craft chambers (VET). YouthPass is barely recognised either by the scho... Europass is issued by law by HEI’s, Regional Examination Boards (VET) and craft chambers (VET). YouthPass is barely recognised either by the school system or by employers |
There is no information about this topic (Insufficient evidence to assess this indicator) |
Among EU countries, Romania is one of the top users of the European Europass tool, according to the recent website 2013 activity report of CEDEFOP.... Among EU countries, Romania is one of the top users of the European Europass tool, according to the recent website 2013 activity report of CEDEFOP. In 2013, Romania was the fourth country in Europe regarding the number of visits for the Europa portal (280.636 visits). Romanian language is also in the top 4 in terms of Europass CV downloads in 2013.
According to the Youthpass Impact study conducted by EC in 2012, Romania is also in the top 10 countries that issued Youth certificates, the total number having more than doubled in 2012 compared to the previous year. Romania is also a top country in Youth certificates issued Youth in Action decentralised actions. |
Europass and Youthpass are tools which are used in Sweden, but the linkage to validation is not well developed |
Europass is promoted by the employment service, but is not well accepted by employers (prefer individual-personal CV), Youthpass has been promoted ... Europass is promoted by the employment service, but is not well accepted by employers (prefer individual-personal CV), Youthpass has been promoted by some organisations in the last few years, awareness about it is rising, acceptance is still on a low level but improving |
Europass: medium-high
European Language Passport: low
Since 2010, there has been an increase in the number of organisations issuing certificates an... Europass: medium-high
European Language Passport: low
Since 2010, there has been an increase in the number of organisations issuing certificates and The number of Youthpass certificates has also increased, as well as Number of Projects that Youthpass has been issued for |
In Turkey, for validation procedures, the main determinant is the formal assessment. |
Response based only on data |
Difficult to assess as data specifically for Scotland not available. Stakeholders suggested awareness of the tools is limited. |
Response based only on data |
Année | Austria | Belgium-DE | Bulgaria | Switzerland | Cyprus | Czechia | Germany | Estonia | Greece | Spain | Finland | Croatia | Hungary | Ireland | Iceland | Liechtenstein | Luxembourg | Latvia | Malta | Netherlands | Norway | Portugal | Romania | Sweden | Slovenia | Slovakia | Türkiye | United Kingdom / England and Northern Ireland | United Kingdom / Scotland |
2010 |
No results for this year | No results for this year | No results for this year | No results for this year |
No results for this year | No results for this year | No results for this year |
No information
No information
No results for this year |
No information
No results for this year |
No information
No information
No results for this year |
No information
No information
2014 |
No results for this year |