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About Luxembourg

The population of Luxembourg is around half a million, a high number of whom are foreign citizens with a mother tongue other than one of Luxembourg’s three official languages. This multilingualism is one of Luxembourg’s strengths, but also poses special challenges for the educational system. The Luxembourgish labour market is characterised by a high proportion of cross-border workers, living in neighbouring countries (France, Germany and Belgium) and working in Luxembourg. The steel industry was historically an important part of the economy, but this has gradually been replaced by the banking and finance sectors.

Employment growth stalled after the 2008 financial crisis, but rose significantly in recent years. The future also looks promising and Luxembourg’s employment shall grow much faster than the EU average between years 2020 and 2030. Administrative services, professional services and education should contribute most to the employment growth. The occupations with most new jobs openings are expected to be office professionals, legal & social professionals and researchers & engineers. Overwhelming majority of total job openings (including replacements for vacated jobs) till 2030 will be for high- and medium-level qualifications. High-value added based Luxembourg economy will offer relatively little opportunities for people with low qualifications.

VET System in Luxembourg

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