Click on any CLB level in the table below to view the descriptors for reading.
Stage I: Basic Language Ability
I can…
- Read a short, simple greeting.
- Read words telling me what to do.
- Read a very short, simple sign.
- Read a short simple grocery list.
I understand simple words and some very short familiar phrases. But, the words have to be highly familiar,
and I sometimes need pictures to help me understand. Reading is very difficult for me.
I can…
- Read a short text message
- Read and follow short, simple instructions
- Read a simple sign
- Open Mon - Fri 8:00am - 8:00pm
- Get the main idea of some short simple sentences
I understand simple words, a few phrases and some very short simple sentences. But,
I may need pictures to help me understand. I only recognize common words and everyday phrases, and reading is very difficult for me.
I can…
- Read a very short note from a friend
- Thanks for the fun party. The cake was really good.
- Read and follow simple everyday instructions
- Turn left on Pine Street. Drive north to Cone Street.
- Find information on a schedule
- Next eastbound bus: 5 minutes.
- Find details in simple, short stories
- The children went to school. Then they came home.…
I understand some simple sentences and can get some main ideas from a very short simple paragraph.
But, the layout has to be very clear, and I often need pictures to help me understand. Reading is difficult for me.
I can…
- Read a simple personal email message
- Hi Susan,
How was your weekend? We went for a hike yesterday. The weather was great…
- Read and follow steps in a simple recipe to prepare a food item
- Preheat oven to 350℉. Place chicken in a large pan...
- Find information in online advertisements
- Apartment for Rent: 2 bedrooms, large balcony.
- Understand some details from a short, simple news story
- ○ The community festival was a success. The event raised thousands of dollars for a local charity...
I understand most of the ideas in a very short paragraph when the vocabulary and structure are simple. But, I may need some support,
such as pictures or graphics, to help me understand.
Stage II: Intermediate Language Ability
I can…
Read an email from a friend inviting me to a special event
Follow instructions on how to access a company database
Read a short description of a college course
Find some information on a government website
I understand short predictable reading materials. But I cannot understand when the vocabulary and structures are complex.
I can…
Read an e-mail from a friend cancelling a dinner date
Read and follow instructions for submitting a college application.
Read a notice about construction in my neighbourhood
Read and compare health information from two different online sources
I understand predictable reading materials on topics that are relevant to me. But I cannot understand when the vocabulary and structures are complex.
I can…
Read an email from my colleague expressing disappointment about not getting a promotion
Read and follow instructions on how to set up a printer
Read my workplace performance review to determine what I need to improve
Understand the main ideas and some of the details in an opinion article in a magazine
I understand most moderately complex reading materials. But the topic needs to be familiar to me. I have difficulty when the vocabulary and structures are more complex.
I can…
Read a complaint from a customer and the manager’s response
Read and follow instructions for performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) as part of a first aid course
Interpret an online table from a government website
Read a letter to the editor about a controversial issue
I understand moderately complex reading materials, and I am beginning to read information on less familiar topics. I have some difficulty when the vocabulary
and structures are more complex.
Stage III: Advanced Language Ability
I can…
Read editorial pieces to identify and compare writer attitudes
Read a policy and procedure manual to deal with a complaint
Read an employment benefit document
Read multiple workplace charts to summarize key trends
I am beginning to understand more complex reading materials in my own field. But I have difficulty when the vocabulary and structures are very complex.
CLB 10
I can…
Read blog posts about social issues and identify unstated values
Extract and compare information from various workplace manuals
Evaluate a proposed schedule to determine its suitability
Trace the development of an argument or theory in a complex text related to my own field
I understand some more complex reading materials in my own field. But I have difficulty when the vocabulary and structures are very complex.
CLB 11
I can…
Read a formal evaluation on the effectiveness of a workplace project
Follow software instructions for an unfamiliar spreadsheet application
Interpret information from an insurance contract or a lease agreement
Read reports of various parliamentary debates to learn about motives, values and intentions
I understand most complex reading materials, even when the topics are unfamiliar. I have occasional difficulty when the vocabulary and structures are very complex.
CLB 12
I can…
Participate in online communities that discuss complex issues and current trends
Use a set of best practices to evaluate the clarity and validity of workplace instructions
Interpret and apply information from arbitration documents
Conduct an extensive literature review for an academic course or research project
I understand complex reading materials in a broad variety of styles and formats.
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