January 2021 - July 2025

This webpage was created and maintained with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the CEPEJ and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union

Context of the action

The action responds directly to the call made in the Joint Communication on the future of the Eastern Partnership beyond 2020 for renewed commitment to the fundamentals of the partnership, including proposing ways to better measure the impact of judicial reforms. It will therefore provide quantitative and qualitative data on the functioning of the judicial systems that will allow for a better measurement of the results of the justice reform efforts supported by the European Commission in the Eastern Partnership. Consequently, this Action will be a key tool in the context of the upcoming European Union-EaP post-2020 policy objectives. This action is cofounded by the European Union and the Council of Europe and implemented by the Council of Europe.

Objectives of the action
  • Overall Objective of the Action

The country evaluation systems for Judiciary are improved using CEPEJ methodology.

  • Specific Objective

Entities (correspondents) involved in the EaP Justice Dashboard meet their commitments vis-à-vis the CoE in the area of judicial reporting (data coordination, collection, processing, transmission).

Methodology of data collection

The CEPEJ will collect annually data on the functioning of the justice system in each beneficiary. The methodology for the collection and quality check of data used by the CEPEJ in Evaluation cycles apply to this exercise. Each beneficiary appoints a Justice Eap Dashboard correspondent entrusted with the collection and coordination of the replies to the CEPEJ Dashboard Eap Questionnaire, through the electronic system: CEPEJ-COLLECT. This correspondent is the unique interlocutor of the CEPEJ Secretariat during the whole process. The CEPEJ Questionnaire contains questions from the general CEPEJ evaluation cycles, and some additional questions specific for this Action, some defined in liaison with the Group of States against Corruption (GRECO), the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) and the Department for the execution of Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights. The CEPEJ Dashboard Eap Questionnaire is accompanied by an explanatory note to ensure comparability of data collected through this process. Extensive work is carried out by the Action team responsible for the data collection within the CEPEJ secretariat to verify the quality of the data submitted by the project correspondents.

Beneficiary countries

Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine.

Last report available: EaP 2023 Data collection results

The following three deliverables to show the results of the data collection for 2023 were delivered to the European Commission in the framework of the Justice Dashboard EaP for Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine.

 Part 1 - Comparative tables and graphs

The Comparative tables present quantitative and qualitative data validated for 12 indicators regarding efficiency and quality of justice in the region for all the beneficiaries, organised in tables and charts, accompanied by a summary overview per indicator as well as comments provided for the understanding of data. These tables and graphs also include when relevant some previous cycles’ data (2018 and 2020) so that some regional trends can be identified. 

 Part 2 – Beneficiaries profiles 

The Beneficiary profiles provide an in-depth user-friendly analysis for each beneficiary’s justice system including, with the assistance of a Greco expert, some analysis on accountability within each justice system. Infographics, tables, graphs, comparisons with previous cycles’ data as well as with the regional medians have been used Narrative explanations have been added throughout the document to further facilitate the understanding of the presented data, as well as an executive summary. 

 Part 3 – Key findings and Analysis

Key findings and Analysis is a condensed presentation of comparative data for all beneficiaries on the following themes selected by the European Commission: Efficiency, Quality, Mandate of judges and prosecutors, and Accountability. It combines quantitative and qualitative data under each theme, accompanied by reader-friendly graphs and tables.

 Link to the previous data collection cycles




 Calendar of the forthcoming meetings 

 Activity programme

 Working groups



 Meeting reports

 CEPEJ was talked about


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