Strengthening the Quality and Efficiency of Justice in Albania (SEJ IV)
January 2023 – December 2026
Strengthening the Quality and Efficiency of Justice in Albania (SEJ IV)
The project is co-funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe, and is implemented by the Council of Europe.
Context of the project
The project “Strengthening the quality and efficiency of justice in Albania” (SEJ IV) will continue supporting the justice governing institutions and courts in the implementation of the reforms aimed at increasing the efficiency and quality of justice system based on the CEPEJ tools and methodologies as adapted in the Albanian context.
Project’s objectives
The project will contribute to increasing transparency and efficiency of judiciary institutions through improved court management and performance, improved quality of services for users in accordance with CEPEJ standards and tools, and supported by a wider use of IT and online tools. The use of alternative dispute resolution will be expanded, based on CEPEJ Mediation Development Toolkit. In coordination with the Dashboard WB action, the collection, processing and analysis of data on the functioning of the judicial system and judicial statistics according to the CEPEJ methodology will be improved.
Main activities
- Capacity building activities on the use of cyberjustice tools (including for the development of the new ICMIS, for notification of the court users and for web-based court users’ satisfaction surveys), quality of justice tools (concerning for example improving the relations of the justice system with public and media) and efficient human resource management.
- Common and individual court coaching projects to improve court performance and reduce backlog.
- Recommendations and support on improving inspection guidelines and practices.
- Training activities and development of specific modules on the efficiency and quality of justice for magistrates.
- Recommendations and support on introducing ADR tools.
- Workshops to improve the collection, processing and analysis of data on the functioning of the judicial system and judicial statistics according to the CEPEJ methodology (in coordination with Dashboard Western Balkans Action).
Project beneficiaries and stakeholders
Ministry of Justice, Bar Association of Albania, School of Magistrates High Judicial Council, High Prosecutorial Council, High Inspection of Justice, Chamber of Mediation, courts, and court users.
Translations of CEPEJ documents:
- CEPEJ glossary - Fjalori i CEPEJ
- Checklist for promoting the quality of justice and the courts - Listë kontrolli për promovimin e cilësisë së drejtësisë dhe gjykatave
- Handbook for conducting satisfaction surveys aimed at Court users in Council of Europe's member States - Manual për zhvillimin e sondazheve mbi nivelin e kënaqshmërisë së pёrdoruesve të gjykatave nё shtetet anёtare tё kёshillit tё Evrop (CEPEJ(2016)15)
- Structural measures adopted by some Council of Europe member states to improve the functioning of civil and administrative justice in addition to the effective domestic remedies required by Article 13 of the ECHR - Good practice guide - Masat strukturore të miratuara nga disa shtete anëtare të Këshillit të Europës për përmirësimin e funksionimit të së drejtës civile dhe administrative - Përveç mjeteve të brendshme juridike efektive të kërkuara nga neni 13 i KEDNJ-së (CEPEJ(2016)14)
- Measuring the quality of justice / Matja e cilësisë së drejtësisë (CEPEJ(2016)12)
- Towards European Timeframes for Judicial Proceedings - Implementation Guide - Drejt Afateve Europiane për Procedurat Gjyqësore - Udhëzuesi për zbatimin (CEPEJ(2016)5)
- SATURN guidelines for judicial time management - comments and implementation examples - Udhëzimet e SATURN - it për menaxhimin e kohës gjyqësore komente dhe shembuj zbatimi (CEPEJ(2015)2rev1)
- SATURN revised guidelines for judicial time management - Grupi Drejtues i Qendrës SATURN për menaxhimin e kohës gjyqësore - Udhëzimet e rishikuara të saturn-it për menaxhimin e kohës gjyqësore (CEPEJ(2014)16)
- Checklist for court coaching in the framework of customer satisfaction surveys among cour users - Anketa e kënaqësisë së klientit mes përdoruesve të gjykatës lista e kontrollit për formimin e gjykatës - CEPEJ (2013)15e
- Guidelines on the Creation of Judicial Maps to Support Access to Justice within a Quality Judicial System - Udhëzime të rishikuara mbi krijimin e hartave gjyqësore për të mbështetur aksesin në drejtësi në një sistem gjyqësor cilësor (CEPEJ(2013)7)
- CEPEJ guidelines on judicial statistics (Gojust) - udhëzimet e CEPEJ për statistikat gjyqësore (gojust) - CEPEJ(2008)11
- Councils for Judiciary in EU Countries
- Time management checklist - Lista e krontollit të menaxhimit të kohës (Lista e krontollit të treguesve për analizën e kohëzgjatjes së procesit gjyqësor në sistemin e drejtësisë) (CEPEJ(2005)12Rev)
CEPEJ trains Albanian Court Chancellors on improving the performance of court management and access to justice
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CEPEJ supports mediation awareness for judges in Albania
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CEPEJ supports enhancing of managerial capacities of court councils in Albania
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CEPEJ supports High Inspector of Justice in Albania on the methodology for thematic inspections
On 27-31 May 2024, a training activity focused on the methodology for preparing and conducting thematic inspection missions, was organized in Tirana with joint contribution of the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) and EU4Justice Project. This activity follows previous...
The CEPEJ organises, in coordination with the Consultative Council of European Prosecutors (CCPE), a workshop for prosecution authorities of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo*
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The CEPEJ organizes a workshop for Albanian court councils on its tools aimed at improving the efficiency and quality of justice
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Non-Judge staff of all Albanian first instance courts trained by the CEPEJ on judicial time management
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CEPEJ needs assessment visits to the prosecution services in Albania
CEPEJ experts conducted on 21-22 November 2023 a first needs assessment visit to identify potential areas of support to the prosecution system in Albania, specifically following the implementation of the new legislative framework, in particular, new responsibilities and obligations of the...
Second CEPEJ workshop on judicial communication for judges responsible for press relations in Albania
Albanian judges responsible for press relations attended on 16-17 November a workshop on judicial communication, focusing on freedom of expression and means of communication of magistrates and court staff. On this occasion, the standards of the Council of Europe and in particular the relevant...
The CEPEJ organises a visit of the representatives of the General Inspection of Justice of France and a training on thematic inspections in Albania
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The CEPEJ organised a workshop on developing mediation practices in Albania
To mark the 10th anniversary of the National Mediation Chamber of Albania, a workshop focusing on the development of mediation in Albania was organized by the CEPEJ on 30 June 2023 in Tirana, in cooperation with the Ministry of Justice of Albania and the National Chamber of Mediation. Mediators,...
Non-judge staff in Vlora, Fier and Tirana courts trained by the CEPEJ on judicial time management
A series of trainings on CEPEJ judicial time management tools and on court performance indicators for non-judge staff was launched on 8-9 June 2023 in the courts of Vlora and Fier, and was followed by similar trainings in Tirana first instance court on 22-23 June 2023 and in Tirana Appeal court...
Restarting of the CEPEJ coaching activities in Albanian Courts
Following up on the activities delivered in the previous phases of the project, the SEJIV Action restarted court coaching activities on 31 May -1 June 2023, with the Appeal Court (general jurisdiction) and the Court of First Instance in Durres. The CEPEJ experts reviewed judicial statistics...
National Justice Day event in Albania
In celebration of the National Justice Day, the High Judicial Council and the High Prosecutorial Council of Albania held their annual joint meeting on 12 May 2023, supported by the CEPEJ and with participation of a CEPEJ international expert. The members of the High Judicial and Prosecutorial...
Press judges discuss tools for judicial communication with public and the media
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Mediation assessment mission takes place in Albania in the framework of the CEPEJ bilateral project
An assessment mission of CEPEJ experts to Albania took place on 27-28 March 2023 to assess the current situation in the field of mediation and to provide recommendations for further support in developing mediation practices in Albania in line with CEPEJ guidelines and CEPEJ Mediation Development...
1st Steering Committee Meeting of the new phase of the CEPEJ cooperation project in Albania
Key beneficiaries and partner institutions participated to the 1st Steering Committee meeting of the Action “Strengthening the quality and efficiency of justice in Albania - SEJ IV” on 21 March. Representatives from High Council of Justice, Ministry of Justice, High Inspector of Justice, Courts,...
Collaborative workspaces: