CyberDigest - cybercrime and e-evidence
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The Cybercrime Digest is a bi-weekly update and global outlook issued by the Cybercrime Programme Office of the Council of Europe (C-PROC). The content shared on this page does not represent official positions of the Council of Europe. Please read our disclaimer for more details.
Cybercrime Hits Record Levels in 2024: How AI is Making Attacks More Targeted
With a total economic impact exceeding €10 billion ($10.4 billion) — double the losses reported in 2023 — this criminal enterprise now ranks as the third-largest global economy, surpassed only by the United States and China.
UN General Assembly adopts milestone cybercrime treaty
The agreement on the legally binding treaty marked the culmination of a five-year effort by UN Member States, with inputs from civil society, information security experts, academia and the private sector.
How AI music has become a common fixture of far-right hate – part two
In addition to being very savvy with their production of AI generated music, those on the far-right have also been extremely tactical in how they promote the music – from using social media platforms to using AI itself through manipulating algorithms and using bots.
Largest cyberattack on Ukraine's state registers: Ministry of Justice systems shut down
Ukraine has experienced the largest cyberattack on government registries in recent times. The operation of key Ministry of Justice systems has been temporarily suspended as a result of the attack conducted by Russian hackers.
Hackers intensify attacks on Nigerian government websites, seize NBS platform
A statement by the NCC (Nigerian Communications Commission) said the group, known as Lyceum, has been reported to target telecoms, Internet Service Providers, and Ministries of Foreign Affairs in Nigeria and other African countries.
Colaboración en ciberseguridad entre Costa Rica y EE. UU. revela espionaje chino
Tres semanas después de que Paraguay y los Estados Unidos, anunciaran que habían descubierto y frustrado una amenaza de espionaje del Estado chino contra redes del Gobierno paraguayo, Costa Rica se encontró frente a circunstancias similares.
Online crime need unity
Mr Garcia said that by leveraging tools from the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime, “we aim to build our partners’ capacity to address cybercrime effectively”.
Cibercrime: a face oculta dos videojogos
Os dados recolhidos por estes ataques, desde informações pessoais a dados de pagamento, têm valor no mercado negro digital, transformando cada jogador num potencial alvo.
Inside INTERPOL’s probe into cyber-enabled human trafficking
The initiative is a response to a worrying pattern of victims being trafficked from Latin America, lured by fake or deceptive job offers. They are then taken to another country, increasingly in Europe, where they are subject to exploitation, mainly through prostitution.
PM: Malaysia poised to become a cyber security leader
He said that the meeting also agreed that Malaysia should join the Budapest Convention and the United Nations Convention Against Cybercrime, reinforcing the country's commitment to addressing cybercrime both domestically and internationally.
New report on search and seizure of stored computer data in 74 countries: a critical step in combatting cybercrime and obtaining electronic evidence
The report assesses how the 74 Parties to the Budapest Convention are implementing Article 19, which outlines the procedures for the search and seizure of stored computer data.
CyberSEE and EndOCSEA@Europe+ projects: Enhancing capacities to combat online child sexual exploitation and abuse in Montenegro
From 17 to 19 December 2024, the CyberSEE joint project of the European Union and the Council of Europe, in collaboration with the Council of Europe’s End Online Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse@Europe Plus (EndOCSEA@Europe+) project, organised a training session on preventing and combatting...
Angola: Mais de mil crimes cibernéticos registados em 2024
Assim sendo, referiu que os sectores mais afectados pelos cibercrimes são telecomunicações, finanças, comercio electrónico e segurança cibernética.
Des mesures inédites face à l’alarmante flambée des cyberattaques
Dans les pays nordiques, comme dans les pays Baltes, les paiements sont largement, voire totalement, dématérialisés, ce qui constitue une vulnérabilité face aux cyberattaques de grande ampleur.
Europol spearheads largest referral action against online hate speech
In total, 12 countries collected over 6 350 links from 46 online platforms and 20 websites that incite violence or contain hate speech against ethnoreligious groups.