T-CY Plenaries
The plenaries of the Cybercrime Convention Committee are organised twice per year and held in closed session.
Agenda, working documents and adopted reports of these plenaries are made public.
Participants to the T-CY are representatives of States Parties and Observers and international organisations. More information
upcoming plenaries
32nd T-CY Plenary
(2-3 June 2025)
Strasbourg, France and online
- More information to come
Previous sessions
31st T-CY plenary (11-12 December)
Strasbourg, France
- T-CY Agenda (2024)1
- T-CY (2024)12 Meeting report
- T-CY 31 (2024) Item 5 Art 19 Assessment report
- Presentation: Item 6 capacity building
- T-CY 31(2024)10 Item 7 Questionnaire on Virtual assets
- T-CY 31(2024) Item 9 TOR for Working group on artificial intelligence
- Presentation: Item 10 UN process
- Presentation: Item 11 24/7
30th T-CY plenary (18-20 June)
Strasbourg, France
- T-CY (2024)1 Agenda
- T-CY(2024)6 Meeting report
- T-CY30 item 5 Capacity building
- T-CY30 item 6 Spontaneous Information EUROJUST
- T-CY30 item 6 Guidance Note
- T-CY30 item 8 Canada
- T-CY30 item 8 Second Protocol
- T-CY30 item 9 24/7 Network
- T-CY30 item 9 Article 19 and 27 Directory of authorities
- T-CY30 item 12 AI Framework Convention on Artifical Intelligence
28th T-CY Plenary (27-28 June)
29th T-CY Plenary (11-12 December)
Bucharest, Romania
26th T-CY Plenary (10-11 May)
27th T-CY Plenary (29-30 November)
8th Protocol Drafting Plenary - virtual meeting (26 February)
- T-CY(2021)3 PDP Agenda
9th Protocol Drafting Plenary - virtual meeting (12 April)
- T-CY(2021)8 PDP Agenda
- T-CY(2020)07 [EN / FR / ESP] Draft 2nd Additional Protocol to the Convention on Cybercrime on enhanced cooperation and disclosure of electronic evidence (version 12 April 2021)
10th Protocol Drafting Plenary - virtual meeting (26/27 May)
24th T-CY Plenary - virtual meeting (28 May)
- T-CY(2021)11 Agenda
- T-CY(2021)13 Meeting report
- T-CY(2020)07 [EN/ FR] Draft 2nd Additional Protocol to the Convention on Cybercrime on enhanced cooperation and disclosure of electronic evidence (version 28 May 2021)
25th T-CY Plenary - virtual meeting (15 November)
- T-CY(2021)14 Agenda
- Second Additional Protocol to the Convention on Cybercrime (provisional version as approved by the Committee of Ministers)
- T-CY(2021)26 Meeting Report
6th Protocol Drafting Plenary - virtual meeting (22-25 September)
- T-CY(2020)25 PDP Agenda
- T-CY(2018)23rev [EN / FR] Provisional draft text of provisions (version 20 October 2020)
23rd T-CY Plenary - virtual meeting (30 November)
- T-CY(2020)33 Meeting report
- T-CY(2020)14 T-CY Workplan for 2021 [adopted]
- T-CY(2020)32 [EN/FR] State of play of the preparation of the 2nd Additional Protocol to the Budapest C
- T-CY(2020)30 T-CY Agenda
7th Protocol Drafting Plenary - virtual meeting (1 - 3 December)
- T-CY(2020)31 PDP Agenda
- T-CY(2018)23rev [EN / FR] Provisional draft text of provisions (version 10 November 2020)
21st T-CY Plenary (8 July)
- T-CY(2019)21 Meeting report
- T-CY(2019)4 Guidance Note on election interference
- T-CY(2013)25rev T-CY Rules of Procedure [revised]
- T-CY(2019)18 T-CY Agenda
4th Protocol Drafting Plenary (9-11 July)
T-CY(2019)18 PDP Agenda
22nd T-CY Plenary, 18 November
- T-CY(2019)36 Agenda
- T-CY(2019)40 Meeting report
5th Protocol Drafting Plenary, 19-20 November 2019
T-CY(2019)36 Agenda
19th Plenary (9 July)
- T-CY (2018)22 - Meeting report
- T-CY (2018)19 - Agenda
- T-CY (2017)10 - Mapping study on cyberviolence
- T-CY (2018)10 - Template for Mutual Legal Assistance Request for subscriber information under Article 31
- T-CY (2018)11 - Template for Data Preservation Request under Articles 29 and 30
2nd Protocol Drafting Plenary (10-11 July)
- T-CY (2018)34 - Meeting report
- T-CY (2018)19 - Agenda
- T-CY (2018)8 - Summary Report of the 2nd PDG meeting
- T-CY (2018)18 - Summary Report of the 3rd PDG meeting
- T-CY (2018)16 - Discussion Guide for Consultations
20th Plenary (27 November)
- T-CY (2018)37 - Meeting report
- T-CY (2018)33 - Agenda
- T-CY (2018)27 - T-CY workplan (1 January 2018 - 31 December 2019)
- T-CY (2018) 4 - Proposal for a Guidance Note on election interference
3rd Protocol Drafting Plenary (28-29 November)
- T-CY (2018)39 - PDP meeting report
- T-CY (2018)33 - Draft agenda
- T-CY (2018)28 - Summary Report of the 4th PDG meeting
17th Plenary (07-09 June)
- T-CY(2017)13 - Abridged meeting report
- T-CY(2017)3 - Terms of Reference for the preparation of a draft 2nd Additional Protocol to the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime
- T-CY (2016)25 - Implementation of Article 13 Budapest Convention by Parties and Observers: Assessment Report
- T-CY (2015)18 - Assessing implementation of Article 13 Budapest Convention on Sanctions and Measures: Compilation of replies to the questionnaire
- T-CY(2017)12 - Agenda 17th Plenary
- Media Gallery
18th Plenary (27-28 November)
- T-CY (2017)36 - Abridged meeting report - T-CY 18 Plenary
- T-CY (2017)02 - Assessment report on Mutual Legal Assistance: Follow up given by Parties and Observers
- T-CY (2017)30 - Compilation of replies to the questionnaire: Follow-up to the Assessment report on Mutual Legal Assistance
- T-CY (2017)18 - Opinion of the T-CY on the competent authority for issuing a preservation request under Articles 29 and 35 Budapest Convention
- T-CY (2017)23 - Agenda 18th Plenary and 1st Protocol Drafting Plenary
1st Protocol Drafting Plenary (28-29 November)
- T-CY (2017)38 - Abridged meeting report - 1st Protocol Drafting Plenary
- T-CY (2017)20 - Workplan and working methods
15th Plenary (24-25 May)
- T-CY(2016)19 - Abridged meeting report
- T-CY(2016)04 - Draft agenda
16th Plenary (14-15 November)
- T-CY(2016)32 - Abridged meeting report
- T-CY(2015)16 - Draft Guidance Note on Production Orders Article 18) - Revised version as discussed by the T-CY at its 16th Plenary
- T-CY(2016)11 - Guidance Note on Terrorism - Adopted
- T-CY(2016)28 - Draft agenda
13th Plenary (15-16 June)
- T-CY(2015)13 - Abridged Meeting Report
- T-CY(2015)6 - Assessment Report: Implementation of the preservation provisions of the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime
- T-CY(2015)7 - Assessment Report - Follow up given by Parties
- T-CY(2015)3 - Article 13 Assessment Questionnaire Adopted
- T-CY(2015)05 - Draft agenda
14th Plenary (01-02 December)
- T-CY(2015)25 - Abridged Meeting Report
- T-CY(2015)12 - Workplan 2016-17
- T-CY (2015)15- Draft Agenda
11th Plenary (17-18 June)
- T-CY(2014)11 - Abridged Meeting report
- T-CY(2014)8 - Opinion of the T-CY on Recommendation 2041 (2014) of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on “Improving user protection and security in cyberspace”
- T-CY(2014)7 - Draft agenda
12th Plenary (2-3 December)
- T-CY(2014)22 - Abridged Meeting report
- T-CY(2014)20 - Guidance Note # 8 on Spam
- T-CY(2013)7 - Guidance Note # 3 on Transborder Access (Article 32)
- T-CY(2014)17 - Rules on obtaining subscriber information
- T-CY(2013)17 rev - T-CY assessment report:The mutual legal assistance provisions of the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime
- T-CY(2014)16 - Transborder access to data and jurisdiction: Options for further action by the T-CY
- T-CY(2013)25 rev - T-CY Rules of Procedure as revised by the 12th Plenary
- T-CY(2014)19 - Draft agenda
9th Plenary (4-5 June)
- T-CY(2013)22 - Abridged Meeting report
- T-CY(2013)6E - Guidance Note 2 on botnets
- T-CY(2013)8E - Guidance Note 4 on identity theft
- T-CY(2013)10E - Guidance Note 5 on DDOS attacks
- T-CY(2013)11E - Guidance Note 6 on Critical information infrastructure attacks
- T-CY(2013)12E - Guidance Note 7 on New forms of Malware
- T-CY(2013)15 - Draft agenda
10th Plenary (2-3 December)
- T-CY(2013)28 - Abridged Meeting report
- T-CY(2013)25 - T-CY Rules of Procedure
- T-CY(2013)24 - Workplan for the period 1 January 2014 - 31 December 2015
- T-CY(2013)27 - Draft Agenda
7th Plenary (4-5 June)
- T-CY(2012)14 - Abridged Meeting report
- T-CY(2012)13 - Election of the Bureau / Election du Bureau
- T-CY(2012)12 - Criteria and procedures for accession to the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime – Update
8th Plenary (5-6 December)
- T-CY(2012)26 - Abridged Meeting report
- T-CY(2012)24 - Rules of Procedure for the T-CY Bureau
6th Plenary (23-24 November)
- T-CY(2011)10 - Abridged Meeting report
- T-CY(2011)05 - Terms of Reference of the T-CY ad hoc sub-group on jurisdiction and transborder access to data and data flows
- T-CY(2011)04 - T-CY plan for the period 1 January 2012 – 31 December 2013
- T-CY(2011)03 - T-CY opinion on the accession criteria and procedure
5th Plenary (24-25 June)
- T-CY(2010)10 - Abridged Meeting report
- T-CY(2010)09 - Full meeting report
- T-CY(2010)08 - Comments of the T-CY on the Parliamentary Assembly Recommendation 1882 (2009) “The promotion of Internet and online media services appropriate for minors”
- T-CY(2010)06 - Modalities of accession by third countries to the Convention on Cybercrime
4th Plenary (12-13 March)
- T-CY(2009)05 - Abridged Meeting report
- T-CY(2009)06 - Full meeting report
- PC-OC(2009)05 - Summary of the replies to the questionnaire on Mutual Legal Assistance in Computer-Related Cases
3rd Plenary (3-4 April)
- T-CY(2008)04 - Meeting report
- T-CY(2008)INF 02 - Information document on cyberterrorism and use of internet for terrorist purposes
2nd Plenary (13-14 June)
- T-CY(2007)03 - Meeting report
- T-CY(2007)02 - Cybercrime and the European Union
1st Plenary (20-21 March)
- T-CY(2006)11 - Meeting report
- T-CY(2006)06 - United States activities to improve cybercrime legislation and investigative capacities
- T-CY(2006)04 - Strengthening cooperation between law enforcement and the private sector
T-CY Secretariat
Alexander SEGER
Executive Secretary
Programme Manager
Programme Assistant