Digital citizenship essentially means learning to live as a citizen in today’s highly digitised society.

It can therefore be integrated into the curriculum in a holistic, cross-curricular approach that is not dependent on the digital know-how of children, or the amount of time they spend online.

The Council of Europe’s Digital citizenship Education (DCE) programme clearly defines the competences children will need to master to be competent, responsible digital citizens. It also describes the 10 broad domains of on- and offline activity where they are used.

The Digital citizenship education handbook - Being Child in the Age of Technology provides ideas for teachers in terms of learning goals and activities that will enable children to live digital citizenship in and out of the classroom.


The Digi-Nauts is a video series developed by the Council of Europe to encourage young children, as well as their parents and educators, to think about what it means to be a digital citizen. Each video is accompanied by activities and exercises brought together in an Activity Book to recall scenes from the videos, reinforce key messages introduced, and generally support the development of digital citizenship competences.

Each video includes some key messages linked to DCE Domains. For example, the first video relates to the Domain "Access and Inclusion", and its key message is "Being different is OK, and it makes the world more fun.

Leave your feedback to help shape the videos yet to come, and the key messages they will promote.

 Watch the Digi-Nauts trailer!                                                                       


 Episode 1 – Inclusion (English - French)

 Episode 2 – Well-being (English - French)

 Episode 3 – Being a consumer (English French)


Subtitles are available via the English version of the videos in: CatalanDutchEnglishFrenchGeorgianGreekItalianMacedonianRomanianSerbianTurkish and  Ukrainian (select them by clicking "CC" in the video menu).

Most translations were provided by the DCE Promoters

Find below the Activity Book for children and the Teachers' Guide to help you use the videos and Activity Book in classroom!           


The Activity Book is also available in: 
Dutch, French, Greek, Italian, Macedonian, Romanian, Serbian, Turkish and Ukrainian.

The Teachers' Guide is also available in: Turkish


Online courses

A series of online courses, developed in collaboration with the European Wergeland Centre, is available at this page