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Youth for Diversity and Democracy

 The World Forum for Democracy (WFD) brings together again this year policy-makers, academics, activists, youth representatives and democracy innovators. A global youth delegation of participants in the WFD gathered at the European Youth Centre in Strasbourg two days before the start of the Forum to learn about the Council of Europe and its work with youth, to get to know each other, to develop their ideas, work together and prepare for the Forum.

 These youth delegates will be active partners and contributors to the Forum, bringing in their own ideas and experiences. They are set to play an essential role in this year’s Forum, by being the voice of their generation’s aspirations, ideas, and concerns. The youth delegation’s involvement underscores the Council of Europe's commitment to embedding a youth perspective in shaping democratic futures.

 Selected from diverse backgrounds, the youth delegates will not only contribute with their perspectives but also actively shape Forum discussions through organised labs, side-events, and parallel activities where they can present their visions for a stronger democracy.

 Learn more about the youth delegation in the World Forum for Democracy on the dedicated page.

Strasbourg 4 - 8 October 2024
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