Evaluation and closing meeting - LTTC Ukraine
The Council of Europe Youth Department was co-organise with the Ministry of Youth and Sport of Ukraine a Long-term Training Course (LTTC) for youth trainers in human rights and democratic citizenship education with young people within the Framework Programme for Cooperation in the field of Youth Policy between the Council of Europe and the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine for 2016-2020.
It promotes Human Rights Education (HRE) with young people and contributes to the implementation of the Charter on Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education. It does so by combining the development and dissemination of tools and resources on HRE, such as Compass and Compasito, and capacity-building activities for trainers, multipliers and advocates of the right to HRE.
The LTTC took place from November 2019 to November 2020. The LTTC brought together 28 youth workers, trainers or facilitators, employed or volunteers, active in or cooperating with non-governmental youth organisations or local authorities and directly working with young people in formal and non-formal education across the various regions of Ukraine.
With this activity, the Council of Europe and the Ukrainian partners expected to expand the number of trainers competent to support and develop quality human rights education and non-formal learning activities with young people in Ukraine, as well as to create a pool of competent trainers able to support the development and implementation of the National youth policy and youth work in Ukraine.
The LTTC was not concluded within the planned calendar, owing largely to the COVID-19 pandemic and, later, to the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. While this may have had little influence on the participants motivation and ability to work as trainers in youth work and non-formal education, it created a sense of incompleteness and makes it more difficult for the participants/trainers to fully make use of the value of the course for their professional paths as youth workers and experts in HRE with young people. The LTTC evaluation and closing meeting was organised to correct these points and reviewed the actual impact and quality of the activity on participants.
The LTTC evaluation and closing meeting took place at the European Youth Centre Budapest from 28 to 30 August 2023. It was dedicated to the evaluation of participants learning, who took part in the LTTC from November 2019 until November 2020, the impact of their educational projects and the results of the course content and methodology.
The overall aim of the activity was to gather the participants and trainers of the LTTC to conclude and evaluate outcomes of the results and certify the learning as HRE trainers. Its objectives were:
- To reconnect the group of participants, trainers, the Ministry and the Youth Department.
- To share experiences and practices of the projects and activities implementation within the LTTC.
- To evaluate the participants learning and the impact of their educational projects and activities.
- To associate the participants with activities of the Council of Europe and the Ministry.
- To consolidate participants’ competences development.
- To conclude the Long-term training course.
28-30 August 2023