Study sessions in 2024
European Youth Parliament
Active and Inclusive Citizenship Lab – strengthening youth participation and youth work through the creation of innovative inclusive projects
Aim The Active and Inclusive Citizenship Lab aims to inspire young people to think of, create, build and implement inclusive projects targeting young people. It will build participants’ democratic competences, building their understanding of inclusion and youth participation and skills for...
International Youth Health Organization (IYHO)
Protecting Health as a Human Right in the Modern World
Aim The study session aims to empower youth participants to actively engage in the field of health and human rights. With the practical outcomes, they will be able to disseminate gained knowledge in their organisations. Objectives To explore the concept of health as a human right and raise...
TernYpe - International Roma Youth Network
Echoes of Remembrance: Empowering International Roma Youth Leaders in Commemorating the Roma Genocide
Aim The study session aims to empower Roma and non-Roma youth leaders to advocate for the recognition and remembrance of the Roma Genocide on local and national levels and act as multipliers in their communities. Objectives 1. To increase level of understanding on Roma Genocide, fostering...
No Hate Speech Network
Activist Academy: Standing up for human rights and democracy
Aim The aim of the activity is to empower young human rights activists to challenge hate speech online through human rights education. Objectives To develop youth activists’ understanding of human rights education by learning about, through and for human rights; To develop the competences of...
European Coordination JECI-MIEC (International Young Catholic Students - International Movement of Catholic Students)
United in diversity – youth educating on diversity (inclusive project)
Aim The study session aims to raise awareness on diversity and its impacts on everyday life of young people. Objectives To experience intercultural dialogue and intercultural learning amongst the participants; To deeply understand the importance, power and influence of diversity and...
Organising Bureau of European School Student Unions (OBESSU)
(de)Grading of education
Aim To empower students to reconceptualise assessment in schools, so they can fully access their rights in the field of formal education and mental health by advocating for a seat at the decision-making table. Objectives To build common understanding on the impact of assessment and grading...
Rural Youth Europe (RYEurope)
Rural youth work 101: Advancing the inclusion of rural youth in Europe through volunteering and rural community-building
Aim To address and rediscuss youth work in rural areas (rural youth work) and volunteering as tools for promoting and advancing the socio-political inclusion of rural youth in Europe today. The study session will raise awareness and build the capacities of our participants as changemakers who...
Erasmus Student Network
We choose PEACE
Aim The study session aims to increase participants’ competencies to navigate conflict and create more peaceful and inclusive communities. Objectives To provide participants with background knowledge on key concepts such as peace, conflict, human rights, and conflict transformation; To map and...
International Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer & Intersex (LGBTQI) Youth & Student Organisation (IGLYO)
Reaching Further: Decentralising LGBTQI Youth Activism
Aim To develop competences of LGBTI+ youth activists on how to decentralise their work and reach rural areas, how to advocate at the local level for LGBTI rights and how to build networks and raise visibility outside of urban areas. Objectives Acquire an understanding of the mechanisms that...
International Federation of Hard of Hearing Young People (IFHOHYP)
Finding your voice
Aim The study session aims to empower hard of hearing young people by enabling them to share their stories and experiences, strengthening their advocacy skills in technology, AI, and Human Rights. Objectives To empower participants with knowledge of technologies and social platforms to expand...
Youth and Environment Europe
Right to a healthy environment, a young activists perspective
Aim The aim of this study session is to increase the capacities of environmental activists, youth workers and NGO representatives to improve the access to environmental rights of young people and the implementation of the CM/REC (2022)20 Recommendation on human rights and the protection of...
Forum of European Muslim Youth and Student Organisations (FEMYSO)
Right to Fit – Countering Shrinking Spaces in Civil Society
Aim The study session aimed to explore the challenges of shrinking civic spaces and devise effective strategies to counter them Objectives Abouth the organisation Documents Draft programme Draft list of participants
ENIL Youth network & CEJI - A Jewish contribution to an Inclusive Europe
Creating Safe and Brave Spaces
Aim The aim is to empower young people to create safe(r), brave(r) and inclusive societies where intersectional experiences are lived and valued through multi-faceted respect for diversity. Furthermore, it will encourage participants from different backgrounds and diverse personal experiences to...
Don Bosco Youth-Net ivzw
Advocacy in Action: Safeguarding a sustainable and peaceful future
Aim The aim of this study session is to continue the work of DBYN volunteers in representation and continue building capacity for human rights advocacy, especially in the field of sustainability and peace-building. Objectives To strengthen the human rights advocacy potential of local volunteers...
European Non-Governmental Sports Organisation Youth (ENGSO Youth) and International Youth Health Organisation (YHO)
Highway to Wellbeing: Improving Mental Health and Physical Activity of Youth through Human Rights
Aim The study session aims to empower youth participants to take action toward increasing mental health and physical activity. With the practical outcomes, they will be able to disseminate gained knowledge in their organisations and local environment. Objectives To understand the evidence...
European Roma Grassroots Organisations (ERGO) Network and Ternype International Roma Youth Network
Youth Ambassadors of the Decade against Antigypsyism: From European commitment to local action: Decade against antigypsyism
Aim The aim of this study session is to empower young Roma and non-Roma activists as ambassadors for the “Decade to counter Antigypsyism”, able and ready to implement local educational projects to counter antigypsyism. Objectives To introduce human rights concepts and the concept of...
Bureau Europeen du Scoutisme ASBL- World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM)
Strengthening Resilience of Youth Spaces in Europe
Aim The Study Session “Strengthening Resilience of Youth Spaces in Europe” aims at developing the capacity of youth representatives to strengthen the organisational resilience of youth organisations in Europe and in their country and to increasing the number of opportunities for young people to...
Youth Express Network (Y-E-N) in cooperation with Youth of European Nationalities (YEN)
Remembering, resisting and rebuilding: Combating together antigypsyism for inclusive societies
Aim The study session aims to empower young Roma and non-Roma participants with knowledge, awareness and motivation to combat antigypsyism, promote inclusivity and take action as active citizens in their communities, with a particular focus on the 80th anniversary of Roma Genocide. ...
European Students’ Union
You Co-create the Future
Objectives: 1. Introduce the concept of youth participation in youth policy, bringing the nuances of education policy and use ESU as a case study to demonstrate how young people can facilitate policy change 2. Introduce the co-management model of decision making of the Council of Europe Youth...
DYPALL Network (Developing Youth Participation at Local Level)
Youth Democracy Academy for young policy-makers
Aim The aim is to improve the competences of young policy-makers to effectively involve young people in participatory processes at the local level. Objectives The specific objectives of the study session are: To raise awareness of the importance of strengthening democracy through youth...
Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization Youth
Achieving Justice through our Youth Minorities: Building Capacity to Work Together for a Fairer Future
Aim To increase the capacity of minority, indigenous and autochthonous youth activists, NGO representatives empowering them with the skills and knowledge necessary to secure and defend their right to self-determination. Objectives 1. To improve participants knowledge and understanding...
Cooperation and Development Network Eastern Europe (CDN)
Breaking the Barriers: Green Economics and Youth Political Participation in Eastern Europe
Aim The aim of this study session is to empower 35 young people from Eastern Europe to explore the dominant economic systems, the inequalities they create, and the barriers to political participation faced by the youth of Eastern Europe that these systems create, as well as to propose...
Human Rights-Based Advocacy Unleashed: Access to Rights and Services for Young Migrant & Refugee Women in Europe
Aim This study session aims to advance participants' competences in applying intersectional human rights-based approaches to address challenges faced by young female migrants and refugees, allowing for tailored support that places extra value on the lived experiences. Objectives The...
Phiren Amenca International Network AISBL
Improving the Sexual and Reproductive Health of Roma Women and Roma LGBTQ+ Communities
Aim The aim of the study session is to promote the sexual and reproductive health rights of Roma women and the Roma LGBTQI+ people. Objectives To create a safer space for knowledge exchange and personal support for Roma women and Roma LGBTQI+ people; To explore and understand sexual and...
Youth Social Rights Network with the support of the I-PARTICIPATE NGO (Greece)
Positive Storytellers
Aim The study session aims to empower participants to create positive stories, narratives and communication that makes young refugees and migrants feel valued, accepted, and a sense of belonging in their new homes; and that makes the communities refugees have moved to welcoming, inclusive...