CyberDigest - cybercrime and e-evidence
Latest updates: 16 December 2024 Receive our newsletter in your mailbox! Sign up now
The Cybercrime Digest is a bi-weekly update and global outlook issued by the Cybercrime Programme Office of the Council of Europe (C-PROC). The content shared on this page does not represent official positions of the Council of Europe. Please read our disclaimer for more details.
Octopus Project: Malaysia pilots judicial training on cybercrime and electronic evidence
The Office of the Chief Registrar of Malaysia and the Attorney General’s Chambers of Malaysia, with the support of the Octopus Project of the Council of Europe, organised a judicial training course on cybercrime and e-evidence. The course includes two standard modules - introductory and advanced...
Ransomware Attack on Brazilian Gov’t Exposes ‘Fog’ Cyber-Gang
A cyberattack on several Brazilian ministries in July was carried out by a new gang known as Fog, named after the ransomware it uses, according to the group’s darknet page and law enforcement documents obtained by OCCRP.
Law enforcement shuts down 27 DDoS booters ahead of annual Christmas attacks
Law enforcement agencies worldwide have disrupted a holiday tradition for cybercriminals: launching Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks to take websites offline. As part of an ongoing international crackdown known as PowerOFF, authorities have seized 27 of the most popular platforms used...
CyberSPEX: T-CY meeting with industry and service providers on the procedures enhancing direct cooperation under the Second Additional Protocol to the Convention on Cybercrime
Le Secrétariat du Comité de la Convention sur la cybercriminalité (T-CY), en coopération avec le projet CyberSPEX, a organisé le 10 décembre 2024 un échange entre les Parties à la Convention sur la cybercriminalité, les fournisseurs de services et l'industrie. La réunion s'est concentrée sur les...
Le « royaume de l’arnaque » forme des générations futures de Nigérians à la cybercriminalité
Les prétendus « Yahoo Boys » du Nigeria commencent de bonne heure à apprendre les combines de la fraude connectée. Ils sont souvent recrutés à l’âge de 12 ans dans le réseau de formation à la cybercriminalité du pays appelé le « royaume de l’arnaque ».
China-Based Hacker Charged for Conspiring to Develop and Deploy Malware That Exploited Tens of Thousands of Firewalls Worldwide
A federal court in Hammond, Indiana, unsealed an indictment today charging Guan Tianfeng, a citizen of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) for his involvement in a conspiracy to hack indiscriminately into firewall devices worldwide in 2020. Guan and his co-conspirators worked at the offices of...
Cyber Resilience Act enters into force to make Europe's cyberspace safer and more secure
The Cyber Resilience Act, a landmark piece of legislation, entered into force. This marks a major leap forward in the EU's efforts to protect its citizens and businesses from cyber threats.
CyberSEE Second meeting of the Project Steering Committee
The CyberSEE joint project of the European Union and the Council of Europe organised its second Project Steering Committee meeting, in Strasbourg, France, on 10 December 2024. The meeting gathered representatives from the European Commission, the Council of Europe and delegates of the criminal...
CyberSouth+: First Steering Committee meeting of the CyberSouth+ project
The CyberSouth+ joint initiative of the European Union and the Council of Europe held its first Steering Committee meeting to review the implementation of activities and progress in 2024. Representatives from Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine* and Tunisia, shared their...
Cybercriminalité au Bénin : 5 ans requis contre un faux profil lesbien sur TikTok
Un homme a été traduit en justice pour cybercriminalité au Bénin. Il a été interpelé pour avoir escroqué et harcelé de jeunes femmes lesbiennes sur TikTok. Se faisant passer pour une lesbienne, il extrayait des vidéos intimes de ses victimes pour les faire chanter. Le ministère public a requis...
On these apps, the dark promise of mothers sexually abusing children
The promotional photo showed a mother affectionately hugging and kissing her daughter. The girl, around 8 years old, smiled into the camera. With a few swipes on their phones, men entered a livestream where they paid $150 to watch the mother sexually abuse the girl for 10 minutes.
„Russland wird jeden internationalen Vertrag missbrauchen“
Die Cybercrime-Konvention der UN ist kurz vor der Umsetzung. Kritiker warnen seit Jahren vor möglichem Missbrauch durch Länder wie Russland. Alexander Seger vom Europarat verteidigt den Vertrag – und erklärt, warum man trotzdem nicht naiv sein darf. Angst vor einem Bedeutungsverlust der...
Anchorage man sentenced to 4.5 years for cyberstalking
An Anchorage man was sentenced yesterday to four and a half years in prison and three years’ supervised release after he was convicted by a federal jury on Nov. 21, 2024, of cyberstalking a woman for four years.
CyberSEE, CyberEast+, Octopus Project: Regional cybercrime exercise boosts interagency cooperation across East, South-East Europe and Türkiye
From 2 to 6 December 2024, the joint projects of the European Union and of the Council of Europe CyberSEE and CyberEast+, alongside Octopus Project and the Albanian State Police under EMPACT framework, successfully organised a Regional Cybercrime Cooperation Exercise in Tirana, Albania.
Ingérence étrangère : la France ciblée par une campagne numérique lancée depuis l'Azerbaïdjan International Société
Une campagne de remise en cause de l’intégrité territoriale de la France dans ses territoires ultramarins a été lancée depuis l’Azerbaïdjan par un groupe nommé Baku Initiative Group (BIG). C'est ce qu'a constaté Viginum, le service chargé de la vigilance et de la protection contre les ingérences...