This week the European Youth Centre Budapest welcomes the study session “Human Rights-Based Advocacy Unleashed: Access to Rights and Services for Young Migrant & Refugee Women in Europe”. In cooperation with the Voices of Young Refugees in Europe (VYRE), the event focuses on equipping young advocates with skills in human rights-based advocacy tailored to supporting young migrant and refugee women across Europe.
Throughout the study session, participants will dive into key concepts of discrimination, intersectionality, and the specific human rights challenges that migrant and refugee women face. A highlight of the week will be the visit of David BEST, the Special Representative of the Secretary General of the Council of Europe on Migration and Refugees, who will present the work of the Council of Europe with young refugees, including the Recommendation CM/Rec(2019)4 on supporting young refugees in transition to adulthood. Furthermore, participants will learn more about the “Turning 18 with Confidence: Supporting Migrant and Refugee Children in Transition to Adulthood” and other Council of Europe manuals for human rights education with young migrants and refugees.
To conclude the week, participants will create action plans to apply their newly acquired skills and knowledge within their communities. These plans will focus on addressing the specific needs of young migrant and refugee women, incorporating strategies from the week’s discussions on advocacy, intersectionality, and human rights.
Learn more about this session on VYRE dedicated webpage.