Rapports de projets et d'activités
Stages de formation
Un large éventail de stages de formation est proposé aux animateurs de jeunesse, aux multiplicateurs, aux jeunes responsables démocratiques, aux jeunes chercheurs, aux fonctionnaires et aux formateurs dans le domaine du travail européen de jeunesse. Ces stages visent à développer les compétences et les aptitudes pour le travail européen de jeunesse. Ils couvrent une grande diversité de sujets, notamment le travail dans les structures internationales de jeunesse, la coopération internationale de la jeunesse, la formation des jeunes, la gestion des conflits, l'éducation aux droits de l'homme, la citoyenneté européenne, la participation des jeunes et la citoyenneté démocratique. Les stages de formation sont organisés sous la forme de séminaires résidentiels de cinq à dix jours, ou de stages de longue durée englobant deux séminaires résidentiels, voire davantage, et une période de pratique.
Tous les rapports 2006-
Les rapports des principaux stages de formation à plus grande échelle se trouvent ci-dessous :
- Citizenship matters: The participation of young women and minorities in Euro-Med youth projects. A training course for youth workers and youth leaders active within Euro-Med youth projects (2005). Training course report by Ingrid Ramberg, 2005.
- Asia-Europe Training Course on Environmental Human Rights. A Present And Future Challenge For Youth Work (2010). Training course report by Elizabeth Kasa Mälkso, 2013.
- Making a difference with minority youth in Europe. Evaluation and impact study of the LTTC Participation and Citizenship on empowerment of minority youth leaders (1997-2001). Written by Vaida Jasiukaityte, 2004.
Sessions d’étude
Les sessions d'étude sont des événements internationaux de jeunesse d'une durée de quatre à huit jours qui réunissent des membres d'organisations ou de réseaux de jeunesse et des experts pour des discussions sur un sujet spécifique qui vont déboucher sur des conclusions pertinentes pour les priorités et programmes du secteur jeunesse du Conseil de l'Europe. Elles sont organisées en coopération avec des organisations et réseaux de jeunesse et sont hébergées par l'un des Centres européens de la jeunesse.
Tous les rapports 2006-
- Young People’s Responses to Homophobic and Transphobic Hate Speech. In co-operation with the Council of Europe Equality Division (SOGI Unit) and the International Gay and Lesbian Youth Organisation (IGLYO), 15–17 May 2014.
- Unfolding youth work - Seminar on the recognition of competences of youth leaders and youth workers: Introducing the European youth work Portfolio – a tool for the assessment and development of youth work competence, 19‐21 novembre 2014.
- New ways of youth participation based on Information and Communication Technologies. Organisé par la Direction de la Jeunesse et du Sport du Conseil de l’Europe, 16-18 mars 2009.
- Raising young refugees' voices in Europe and beyond. apport de séminaire, par Samuel Boutruche, Nadine Lyamouri-Bajja et Stéphanie Bourgeois, 2009.
- Intercultural Learning in European Youth Work: Which Ways Forward? 28-29 November 2007. Rapport de séminaire, par Ingrid Ramberg, incluant:
The Role of Intercultural Learning in European Youth Work. Ten theses - Yesterday and Today, par Hendrik Otten;
'Plastic Political and Contingent': Culture and Intercultural Learning in Directorate of Youth and Sport Activities, par Gavan Titley. - Islamophobia and its consequences on Young People. Rapport de séminaire, par Ingrid Ramberg
- Youth Peace Camp 2012: Engaging young people and youth organisations from conflict-stricken regions in dialogue and conflict transformation. Rapport final, par Nik Paddison. 22-30 juin 2012.
- Youth Peace Camp 2014: Talking about conflict without talking about the conflict. Rapport final, par Nik Paddison. 15-23 juin 2014.
Projets et campagnes
- Council of Europe Youth Work Portfolio - Evaluative Study
by Gulesin Nemutlu Unal, 2019
- Enter! Access to Social Rights for Young People from Disadvantaged Neighbourhoods (2009-2012). Rapport de projet, par Ingrid Ramberg, 2013.
- European Youth Campaign for Diversity, Human Rights and Participation 2006 – 2007 – All different – All equal. Rapport du Conseil mixte pour la jeunesse, 2009
- La pratique de l’éducation aux droits de l’homme avec les enfants. Bilan du programme Jeunesse d’éducation aux droits de l’homme 2000–2008. Rapport, par Ingrid Ramberg, 2009.
Encompassing Human Rights Education with young people. Review of the Human Rights Education Youth Programme 2000–2008. Report by Ingrid Ramberg, 2009. French version
- Living, Learning, Acting for Human Rights - Forum on Human Rights Education with Young People. Consolidating and developing human rights education with and by young people within the Council of Europe’s mission and youth policy framework, 4-18 October 2009. Russian version
- League of Arab States Youth Forum: The Assilah Appeal Addressing Youth Migration through a Human Rights Perspective, 15-19 November 2009.
- Diversity Youth Forum. Report by Alessio Surian, 2008.
- Human Rights Education Forum. Documentation by Adrienne Englert, 7-12 November 2000.
Human Rights Education Forum. General report by Tobias Flessenkemper & Adrienne Englert, 7-12 November 2000.
- European Symposium on Diversity and Participation “Participation in all its forms”: Follow–Up Seminar. 3-5 December 2007, Larochette, Luxembourg.
- The End of the Beginning – All Different-All Equal Youth Campaign closing event 4-7 October 2007, Malmö, Sweden.
- European symposium on diversity and participation: Participation in all its forms. Final report, 25-29 April 2007, Schengen, Luxembourg.
- Symposium on Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue in Youth Work: Istanbul Youth Declaration. 27-31 March 2007, Istanbul, Turkey
- Symposium on Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue in Youth Work. Report by Silvia Volpi. 27-31 March 2007, Istanbul, Turkey
- Symposium on Racism, anti-Semitism, xenophobia and intolerance and their impact on young people in Europe: Committed to Making a Difference. Report by Ingrid Ramberg. 26-30 October 2005, Strasbourg, France.
- Symposium on youth policy responses to everyday violence: Learning from violence. Report by Ingrid Ramberg. 28-30 October 2002, Budapest, Hungary.
- Symposium on non-formal education (part 1 & part 2). Council of Europe, Directorate of Youth and Sport. 13-15 October 2000, Strasbourg, France.
Towards a revitalisation of non-formal learning for a changing Europe. General report by Lynne Chrisholm.
Réunions consultatives
- Addressing challenges to transition to working life and autonomy of young people in Europe, 18 - 19 February 2014
- Inclusion of Young People with Disabilities in the Youth Activities of the Council of Europe, 29-31 May 2012
- Challenges faced by young refugees and asylum seekers in accessing their social rights and their integration while in transition to adulthood, 17-18 November 2011
- Consultative Group on Human Rights Education with young people, 24-25 November 2010
- What future for the work with young refugees, IDPs and asylum seekers?, 2- 4 March 2010
- Implementing Quality and Innovation in the Educational Activities of the Directorate of Youth and Sport, 20-22 February 2003
- Hearing on the specific situation of young migrants. Summary proceedings of a hearing of the Parliamentary Assembly's Sub-committee on Migration, 15-16 November 2001.
Recherche de domaine
- Unaccompanied and separated asylum-seeking and refugee children turning eighteen: what to celebrate?
UNHCR / Council of Europe field research on European State practice regarding transition to adulthood of unaccompanied and separated asylum-seeking and refugee children
March 2014 , Strasbourg, France