Documents financiers et administratifs
Please find below a series of documents in PdF and Word formats. They provide you with financial, administrative and technical information related to the participation in study sessions.
- Criteria for activities to be held in co-operation with the European Youth Centres - ENG (2020)
- Critères pour activités en coopération avec les Centres européens de la jeunesse - FRE (2020)
- Strasbourg-EYC - Financial arrangements for participants in study sessions - ENG (2017)
- Strasbourg-EYC - Financial arrangements for participants in study sessions - FRE (2017)
- Budapest-EYC - Financial arrangements for participants in study sessions - ENG (2017)
- Budapest-EYC - Financial arrangements for participants in study sessions - FRE (2017)
- Roles, rules and practical conditions applying to trainers in study sessions (2014)
- Manual for facilitators in non-formal education
- Procedures for the recruitment of consultants/trainers of the Trainers Pool of the Youth Department
- Role and functioning of the Council of Europe Trainers Pool
- Guidelines for the format of the final reports of Study Sessions held at the European Youth Centres of Strasbourg and Budapest
- Technical information for the partners of the Youth Department holding study sessions at the European Youth Centres in Strasbourg and Budapest
- Technical information with administrative arrangement for the partners of the Youth Department holding study sessions at the European Youth Centres in Strasbourg and Budapest
- Evaluation of the study sessions at the EYCs by the preparatory team of the study sessions and the educational advisor
- Evaluation of the support provided by the EYC by the course director, if possible in co-operation with the preparatory team of the study session
- Normes de qualité relatives aux activités d’éducation et de formation du Service de la jeunesse du Conseil de l’Europe, document préparé par l'Unité Education et Formation
- Secretary General Instruction No. 44 of 7 March 2002 on the protection of human dignity at the Council of Europe
- Secretary General Instruction No. 47 of 28 October 2003 on the use of the Council of Europe’s Information System