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Director's statement

Joint Statement by Rohit Chopra, Director of the United States Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and Didier Reynders, Commissioner for Justice and Consumer Protection of the European Commission

On July 17, 2023, Rohit Chopra, Director of the United States Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and Didier Reynders, Commissioner for Justice and Consumer Protection of the European Commission, announced the start of an informal dialogue between the European Commission and the CFPB on a range of critical consumer financial protection issues.
Director's statement

Prepared Remarks of CFPB Director Rohit Chopra on the Proposed Personal Financial Data Rights Rule

Director Chopra discussed the CFPB’s proposed rule to activate a dormant authority under a 2010 law to accelerate much-needed competition and decentralization in banking and consumer finance by making it easier to switch to a new provider.

Prepared Remarks of Seth Frotman, General Counsel and Senior Advisor to the Director, at New Jersey Citizen Action Education Fund’s 14th Annual Financial Justice Summit

New Jersey has made great progress on a range of crucial consumer protection issues, from last year’s legislation providing important protections against predatory lending by for-profit schools to building momentum on basic debt collection standards to fighting off efforts to allow problematic earned wage access products.
Press release

Joint Statement by Rohit Chopra, Director of the United States Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and Didier Reynders, Commissioner for Justice and Consumer Protection of the European Commission

Today, Rohit Chopra, Director of the United States Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and Didier Reynders, Commissioner for Justice and Consumer Protection of the European Commission, announced the start of an informal dialogue between the CFPB and the European Commission on a range of critical financial consumer protection issues.
Press release

CFPB Launches New Effort to Promote Competition and Innovation in Consumer Finance

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) is opening a new office, the Office of Competition and Innovation, as part of a new approach to help spur innovation in financial services by promoting competition and identifying stumbling blocks for new market entrants. The office will replace the Office of Innovation that focused on an application-based process to confer special regulatory treatment on individual companies. The new office will support a broader initiative by the CFPB to analyze obstacles to open markets, better understand how big players are squeezing out smaller players, host incubation events, and, in general, make it easier for people to switch financial providers.
Press release

CFPB, OCC Host Virtual Innovation Office Hours

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency will host joint, virtual Innovation Office Hours, July 29-30, as part of the American Consumer Financial Innovation Network.

Director Kraninger’s Speech at Innovation Policies Launch Event

The Bureau is also tasked with the mission of facilitating innovation and access to financial products and services for consumers. To achieve this portion of our mission to protect consumers, the Bureau has been updating our innovation policies and engaging with a variety of stakeholders, as well as collaborating with other federal, state, and global regulators on these issues.