National Qualifications Framework of CyprusThe Council of Ministers approved in 2012 the establishment of the CyQF and the adoption of the 8 levels of the European Qualifications Framework.
The National Committee for the Development and Establishment of a National Qualifications Framework in Cyprus, which consists of the Permanet Secretary of the Ministry of Education, Sport and Youth (President of the Committee), the Permanet Secretary of the Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance and the General Director of the Human Resource Development Authority or their representatives.
The CyQF includes the development and implementation of the procedures that relates to the Quality Assurance and the award of Qualifications. It is also the «tool» for the categorization of the qualifications according to skills, knowledge and competencies.
It operates as a reference framework, enabling the validation and comparability of qualifications and hence the mobility of workers and learners. It is an attempt to encompass the diversity of life long learning, formal, non-formal and informal learning.