One of the roles of the department is to increase the number of Western Australians playing sport and enjoying active recreation.
Being inclusive means welcoming everyone, regardless of age, gender, race and ability.
The department develops and facilitates programs and initiatives in collaboration with outside agencies, to assist people from these groups to realise the personal and community benefits an active lifestyle brings.
Community inclusion
The department supports targeted programs that help to increase sport and active recreation participation levels by all Western Australians. Follow the links below for examples of how we work with low-participation groups:
DLGSC provides financial support to organisations to create inclusive, accessible, safe and welcoming sport and recreation opportunities for low participation groups.
Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CaLD) refers to the wide range of cultural groups and individuals that make up the Australian population.
CaLD participation
Recreation and sport make an important contribution to the health and wellbeing of all people, including people with disability. The barriers that once prohibited people with disability from enjoying the benefits of sport are rapidly disappearing.
People with disability
Being active in your older years can have great health benefits. It helps maintain friendships and means you're an active and connected part of the community.
Seniors in sport and recreation
The department is focused on creating environments to increase Aboriginal participation in organised sport and recreation as athletes, coaches, officials and administrators — from grass-roots programs through to elite competition.
Aboriginal participation
Young people are our future and sport and recreation is one of the vehicles that government can use to encourage youth to become more involved and active within society. From physical education and parental influence through to participation, volunteering and education, young people have so many opportunities to be a part of their community and ensure that they are physically, mentally and emotionally happy throughout their life.
Youth participation
The department hosts awareness events throughout the year to celebrate diversity. These events take place during the Harmony, NAIDOC, Mental Health and Disability Awareness weeks.
For more information or to express your interest, please contact the Community Engagement Team at