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20 years of endless fun

"Scopa" is one of the most famous Italian card games and it's being played since centuries. Available on your mobile phones from 2004 with jmScopa and on your iPhone from 2008 with iScopa, thanks to "doclouisjones"".

"...the HighTech meets the tradition of the Italian playing cards games..."

Features (+):
• play Scopa against your Device
• play Scopa with friends over the Internet
• play Scopa with a friend on your Device
• play Scopa with a friend over bluetooth or local wireless network

Includes the following games:
• Classic Scopa
• Asso Piglia Tutto
• Scopa d'Assi
• Sbarazzino
• Napula
and countless variations thanks to the optional custom rules.

Beautiful realist graphics, works both in Portrait and Landscape, many backgrounds and 15 high resolution italian regional traditional card sets authorized MODIANO s.r.l. (*).
Original music by Italian artist Luca Francioso.

Supported languages: Italian, English.

(*) Napoletane, Piacentine, Toscane, Trevigiane, Sarde, Trentine, Romagnole, Piemontesi, Siciliane, Bergamasche, Genovesi, Triestine, Lombarde, Salzburger, French/Poker. Includes the optional Fante/Donna switch for “Toscane”.

(+) Some features are currently different on Android version.

Available versions:

iScopa Free
(for iPhone & iPad)

download iScopaLite from AppStore

(for Android)

download iScopa on Google Play

(for iPhone & iPad)

download iScopa from AppStore

(for Mac)

download iScopa from AppStore

(for Windows10)

download iScopa from Microsoft Store
download iScopa from AppStore
download iScopa on Google Play
download iScopa from AppStore
download iScopa from Microsoft Store


"...worthless like a 2 at Briscola...", they say!

"Briscola" is another very famous Italian card game. Available on your mobile phones from 2004 with jmBriscola and on your iPhone from 2008 with iBriscola.

Features (+):
• play Briscola against your Device
• play Briscola with friends over the Internet
• play Briscola with a friend on your Device
• play Briscola with a friend over bluetooth or local wireless network

Custom rules: choose score (60 o 120) and number of matches (single, 2 over 3, 3 over 5).

Beautiful realist graphics, works both in Portrait and Landscape, many backgrounds and 15 high resolution italian regional traditional card sets authorized MODIANO s.r.l. (*).
Original music by Italian artist Luca Francioso.

Supported languages: Italian, English.

(*) Napoletane, Piacentine, Toscane, Trevigiane, Sarde, Trentine, Romagnole, Piemontesi, Siciliane, Bergamasche, Genovesi, Triestine, Lombarde, Salzburger, French/Poker.
(+) Some features are currently different on Android version.

Available versions:

iBriscola Free
(for iPhone & iPad)

download iBriscolaLite from AppStore

(for Android)

download iBriscola on Google Play

(for iPhone & iPad)

download iBriscola from AppStore

(for Mac)

download iBriscola from AppStore

(for Windows10)

download iBriscola from Microsoft Store
download iBriscola from AppStore
download iBriscola from Google Play Store
download iBriscola from AppStore
download iBriscola from Microsoft Store


The BlackJack played the Italian way!

With iSettemezzo you can play "Sette e mezzo" - the famous italian game - on your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad. And now also on Android!
Bet, call your cards, the highest score wins. But watch out, if you exceed 7½ you loose everything!

Another easy to learn and easy to play app from “doclouisjones”!

Features (+):
• up to 6 players
• several opponents with different strategies
• custom rules
• custom currencies
Beautiful realist graphics and high resolution italian regional traditional card sets MODIANO s.r.l.

Supported languages: Italian, English.

(+) Some features are currently different on Android version

In this game you do NOT compete for a prize (neither monetary nor in kind). For pratical reasons, actual coins symbols are used but NO prize is given. You do NOT need to collect coins to keep playing: at the beginning of each game you choose the amount played; you neither gain nor lose that amount. You're free to play as much as you want. You can NOT cash out any prize and you will NOT be required to pay for goods or services - with exception of the one-time App price, if applicable.

Available versions:

iSettemezzo Lite
(for iPhone & iPad)

download iSettemezzo Lite from AppStore

(for Android)

download iSettemezzo on Google Play

(for iPhone & iPad)

download iSettemezzo from AppStore

(for Mac)

download iSettemezzo from AppStore
download i7mezzo from AppStore
download i7mezzo on Google Play
download i7mezzo from AppStore


a Classic 4 players version

The “Tressette”, the famous strategic traditional Italian game now for your iPhone, iPod Touch ed iPad.
After the success of iScopa and iBriscola, another Top App by “doclouisjones”!

The “Tressette” is a game for four players to play in teams of two.

With iTressette you can play alone (teaming up with a well trained Artificial Intelligence) or with your friends over the Internet.
Also includes a training Mode to learn the rules and tricks by playing with uncovered cards and reading the reasoning of the Artificial Intelligence.

Custom rules:
• Game type: (single game, 2 over 3, 3 over 5)
• Score (11, 21, 31, 41, 51)
• Accuse/Declarations
• Signals (Busso, Strisio e Volo)
• Slam (Cappotto!)

Beautiful realist graphics and high resolution italian regional traditional card sets authorized MODIANO s.r.l.

Supported languages: Italian, English.

Available versions:

(for iPhone & iPad)

download iTressette from AppStore

iTressette Lite
(for iPhone & iPad)

download iTressette Lite Edition from AppStore
download iTressette from AppStore
download iTressette from AppStore
download iTressette from AppStore

Choose your Game by Device

iOS (iPhone/iPad)


