Enrollment Info for Parents
What day does school start/end?
School systems determine the academic calendars individually. NC DPI does not maintain a central list of these. Please contact your school system for more information.
At what age can my child start school?
If the child reaches the age of five years on or before August 31st of the year he/she is presented for enrollment, the child is eligible to enroll. If his fifth birth date falls on or after September 1st, the child is not eligible to enroll. For more information about School Entry Age, please visit the State Board of Education website. Please speak with your school or school system's central office concerning questions about child placement or enrollment instructions/requirements.
I am moving to the area. How do I enroll my child in school?
Enrollment is handled at the local level. Please contact your school district for further details. Visit the N.C. School Report Cards site to look up school and school district contact information.
How do you enroll in a charter school?
Parents must contact each individual school to see if they have openings. If they have more applicants than available slots, an open lottery must be instituted to fill the remaining spots. For a list of schools, please visit the Charter Schools page.
What are the best schools in North Carolina?
NC DPI does not rank or recommend schools. Decisions should be made through careful research of student performance, atmosphere, activities, location, etc. You are encouraged to visit the N.C. School Report Cards site online. Each report card includes a school or district profile and information about student performance, safe schools, access to technology, and teacher quality. However, the best source of information is the local school system. The state's accountability program does not take into account other factors that may be important to you such as leadership, school environment, breadth of academic offerings, and extracurricular programs.
Where can I find more information about private or home schooling?
The Department of Public Instruction does not oversee private or home schooling. Instead, please contact the Division of Non-Public Education at www.ncdnpe.org or by phone 919-733-4276.