Regional Statistics Database (System of Social and Demographic Statistics)
You can extract regions and items from the main statistical data of prefectures and municipalities. And it can be displayed in statistical tables and graphs and be downloaded.
And also you can search "similar regions" to search and extract regions from the regions you want to compare and ranking of each item.
- Data source : System of Social and Demographic Statistics(SSDS) ,
Statistics Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications - Prefectural data : 4,503 basic data and 745 indicators
- Municipality data : 809 basic data and 66 indicators
- Last updated : 2024-06-26
- Municipalities are those that were existed as of March 31, 2022.
Search help
- ○ If you want to search the statistical data including "population" of "Hokkaido", plesase select as follows.
- data type : Prefectural data
- area : Hokkaido
- item : keyword "population"