- Years
- 2020
- EACEA Europe for Citizens Actions 2014-2020
- European remembrance
Selection results
Within the framework of the Europe for Citizens Programme 2014 – 2020 Strand 1 "European Remembrance" on 15/06/2020 the Executive Agency adopted the list of selected projects.
The final list is provided below. All institutions/applicants participating in the call for proposals are informed by the Executive Agency in writing about the detailed results of the evaluation of their applications.
- Official notification of results sent to applicants: June 2020
- Contractualisation of approved projects: from July 2020
- First projects start: September 2020
- 11 FEBRUARY 2021
Beneficiaries space
- 20 MAY 2021
Project management
Any request for a modification of the Grant Decision/Grant Agreement must be submitted to the EACEA in accordance with the provisions of the Grant Agreement/Grant Decision. The request must be submitted to the EACEA at the latest one month before the end of the project in writing for prior approval. No changes having the effect of altering the main concept of the planned activities are allowed. Any changes to the planned activities without prior approval by the EACEA may lead to the grant termination.
Obligations arising from the Grant Decision and Grant Agreement:
By submitting an application, the applicant commits itself to all of the conditions specified in the Programme Guide, including the General Conditions, annexed to the Grant Decision/Grant Agreement.
How to receive your payment
In order to receive their final grants, all beneficiaries must submit a final report to the Executive Agency no later than 2 months after the end of the project (as indicated in the Grant Decision/Agreement).
ATTENTION: It is mandatory for all beneficiaries to fill in and submit an electronic final report (eReport) online. The eReport application is available via the Funding & Tender opportunities and the eReport User Guide available on the site will support you to complete and submit the report. For your guidance, a preview of the final eReport can be found below.
- 24 FEBRUARY 2021
Please complete all the data fields in the eReport. In addition, you must fill in and attach the following annexes:
- 24 FEBRUARY 2021
- 24 FEBRUARY 2021
- Annex 3, 4, 5: Project's pictures
Please note: ONLY the specified official forms /see the templates enclosed below/ MUST be used.
Dissemination and visual identity
Please note that the acceptance of the Final eReport is conditioned upon the publication of the project-related information on the website of the beneficiary. In order to receive the payment of the grant the beneficiary must publish on the website information containing the details on the implemented project i.e. place and dates of the meeting, number of participants in the events per country, brief description of the activities).
The Final eReport must clearly indicate the direct link to the webpage allowing having access to the posted information.
This information must be available on the website of the beneficiary for 6 months upon the accomplishment of the project. /See the information templates enclosed below:
- 24 FEBRUARY 2021
- български(58.41 KB - DOCX)
- español(58.33 KB - DOCX)
- čeština(57.7 KB - DOCX)
- dansk(57.95 KB - DOCX)
- Deutsch(47.97 KB - DOCX)
- eesti(57.99 KB - DOCX)
- ελληνικά(59.77 KB - DOCX)
- français(55.22 KB - DOCX)
- hrvatski(30.87 KB - DOCX)
- italiano(59.41 KB - DOCX)
- latviešu(57.81 KB - DOCX)
- lietuvių(57.84 KB - DOCX)
- magyar(59 KB - DOCX)
- Malti(57.75 KB - DOCX)
- Nederlands(58.44 KB - DOCX)
- polski(58.33 KB - DOCX)
- português(59.23 KB - DOCX)
- română(59.24 KB - DOCX)
- slovenčina(58.73 KB - DOCX)
- slovenščina(58.42 KB - DOCX)
- suomi(59.1 KB - DOCX)
- svenska(57.76 KB - DOCX)
The information must be transmitted to all project partners in order to be published in their respective websites.
Moreover, the communication tools produced during the project implementation (i.e. DVD's, publications etc.) must be mentioned and, to the extent possible, made available on the website of the beneficiary.
Please note that the beneficiary is no longer requested to submit the participants’ lists with the Final eReport. However, it is advised to keep evidence as according to General condition n°20.2 and 20.3, if requested to do so in the context of the checks or audits described in General Condition n° 27, the beneficiary must be able to provide adequate supporting documents to prove the number of units declared (number of countries and participants involved) and the proper implementation of the activities.