This is not an article on data protection and competition law - Giovanni Buttarelli
Ceci n'est pas un article sur la protection des données et le droit de la concurrence, article by Giovanni Buttarelli on CPI Antitrust Chronicle
Competition law aims to ensure fair and undistorted competition through, for instance, the protection against abuse of market power. Many services, particularly those online, are marketed as free but in effect require payment in the form of personal information from customers. Collaboration between policy-makers in data protection, competition and consumer protection could help to ensure the efficiency of the internal market as well as the welfare and choice available to consumers.
Ceci n'est pas un article sur la protection des données et le droit de la concurrence, article by Giovanni Buttarelli on CPI Antitrust Chronicle
Letter addressed to the DPOs of the EC, EIB, and EIF on implications of GDPR on investigative activities of EU institutions, notably regarding anti-fraud, competition and trade.
EDPS Opinion on coherent enforcement of fundamental rights in the age of Big Data
Keynote speech by Giovanni Buttarelli given at BEUC Digiforum 2016, Brussels
Opening statement by Giovanni Buttarelli at the Roundtable on data and competition hosted by l’Autorité de la Concurrence, Paris, France