ECB Audit Report 2023
Executive Summary of the Audit report on HR Analytics, recruitment procedures and restriction of data subject rights at the European Central Bank (ECB).
Executive Summary of the Audit report on HR Analytics, recruitment procedures and restriction of data subject rights at the European Central Bank (ECB).
Avis 1/2024 du CEPD sur la proposition de règlement portant création d'une réserve de talents de l'UE.
EDPS Opinion on prior consultation on the online assessment requested by [...] with remote invigilation in the context of the recruitment
Avis de contrôle préalable concernant le recrutement d’agents locaux dans les délégations de l’UE par le Service européen pour l’action extérieure (SEAE)
Prior check Opinion on Selection, Recruitment and Administrative Management for international staff in CSDP Missions by the EEAS Civilian Planning and Conduct Capability (CPCC)