Nursing Concept Map Examples

Do you know the types of nursing concept maps?
Nursing Concept Map Examples

Nursing concept mapping is a graphical tool for defining patient issues, organizing assessment results, selecting relevant diagnoses and procedures, and assessing outcomes. Nursing students can effectively and efficiently devise strategies using the services and tools of this concept map.

Nursing concept maps can be analyzed as the following four types:

  • Spider maps are the one that expands outwardly with sub-themes grouped around the element.
  • Hierarchical maps are the ones that include essential information at the top of the map and group the information according to the order of importance.
  • Flow charts are the maps that produce details as flow schemes.
  • System maps organize flow charts-like model maps details. The maps contain inputs and outputs in addition to flow diagrams forms.
Examples of Nursing Concept Map

In the above nursing concept mapping example, we are looking into the - 'Nursing Management for Dextroamphetamine Therapy.' Here the concept map is divided into decision making, doing, and assessment. It covers the core concepts of this therapy from idea conception to evaluation. The concept map helps provide an overview of dextroamphetamine therapy and its processes.

Decision making covers key areas like - Nursing diagnosis, ethical or legal issues, reproductive factors, and economic factors. The concept map also emphasizes the importance of pre-assessment tests.

In this nursing concept mapping example, the medical diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Concept map dive into discussing - various risk factors, diagnostic procedures and medications, complications, signs and symptoms, possible nursing DX, and nursing interventions.

The map examines various elements associated with a medical diagnosis. when it comes to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease the risk factors are - smoking, gender, pollution, old age, and the chance of it being hereditary.

Sign and symptoms which are clearly defined in the concept map are - excessive coughing, barrel chest, wheezing and tight chest, weight loss, anorexia, and hypertension.

SBAR is the abbreviation for the situation, recommendation, assessment, and background. It is a technique used to prompt communication and is widely used in the healthcare field. This nursing concept mapping example decodes SBAR communication techniques.

Under the situation, the map depicts - reporting about, the problem or condition for which one is calling about, and concerns. The background od the patient is important and key areas listed in the diagram are - diagnosis, medications, IV-s types and fluids, allergies, labels, code status, and other extremely relevant data.

After understanding the situation and the background, assessment and recommendation take place to ensure effective and proper communication and evaluation.

This nursing concept mapping example depicts the patient care plan. This plan consists of everything required for a patient's treatment and diagnosis from past medical history to identifying potential risk factors from their current lifestyle.

This example depicts various categories under patient care plan - diagnostics current history, risk factors, past medical history. medication list, patient data set, and assessment.

This helps ensure a patient is treated with the utmost care and that the treatment is inclusive of relevant healthcare criteria.

This nursing concept mapping example depicts the responsibilities of a circulating nurse. a circulating nurse is someone who assists in managing the nursing care of a patient during surgery. They also ensure that there are no breaches in the surgical aspects and coordinates the needs of the surgical team.

Benefits of Nursing Concept Maps

Some of the most effective teaching methods are concept maps that help students accurately obtain the necessary details. A concept map is a method for learning that introduces people to learn meaningful problems.

Nursing concept maps are used as a way to incorporate theory and practice, case management, educational journals, and nursing students' study techniques. The use of the concept map approach in nursing students has been described as enhancing the feeling of success, self-confidence, and the skills to build a critical thinking capacity.

Furthermore, it was found that nursing students can more effectively recognize subjects they do not know, understand the subject better, and have a positive impact on their academic achievements.

The diagram illustrates four key areas of responsibilities - prevention of infection, the psychological response, behavior response, and culture of safety. Section culture of safety - medication safety, time out, skin preparation, count policy, and, positioning practices.

Under the prevention of infection, the concept map elaborates upon - Traffic patterns, surgical team, surgical asepsis, and surgical attire.

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