Spain Colonization

History, Facts, Timeline, & Mind Maps of the Spain Colonization
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Spanish and Portuguese Empires in 1790
Image: Spanish and Portuguese Empires in 1790
Source: Wikipedia


Timeline of Spanish Colonization
Timeline of Spanish Colonization

The Spanish colonization of the Americas started under the Crest of Castile and was led down by the Spanish conquistadors. The Americas were occupied and integrated into the Spanish Empire, with the exclusion of Brazil, British America, and few small states in South America and the Caribbean. The crown-shaped public and spiritual buildings control this huge region. From 1492 to the 1800s, Spanish travelers were the persecutors of the new world. Starting with the explosion of Columbus in 1492 and ongoing for approximately 350 years, Spain occupied and established most of South America, the Caribbean, and the American Southwest.

Timeline of Spanish Colonization

1492 – Columbus's Arrival

Christopher Columbus arrived at the Caribbean islands and assumed that he had gotten the East Indies in Asia. So, he named the real natives "Indian". His discovery directed European countries to settle and defeat America for several centuries.

1494 – Agreement of Tordesillas

The Settlement or treaty of Tordesillas was signed in 1494 by allocating freshly revealed external lands among Portugal and Spain.

1510 – Cortes Captures Tenochtitlan

It was the falling period of Tenochtitlan. Hernán Cortés and nearly 100 Spaniards occupied the capital of the Aztec Empire, and Cortes overcomes the Aztec Empire in what will later be founded as Mexico.

1519 – The Conquest of the Spanish

Hernan Cortez strained to overcome the Aztec empire with 500 men. It was the starting of the foundation by the Spanish. Hernan Cortez was associated with some arms and opponents of the Aztecs, including the Totonacs and the Tlaxcaltecas. They presented sicknesses to the native people.

1520 – The Night of Tears

In 1520, “The Nights of Tears” was happened in which approximately more than half of the Cortés' men, around 800 in total number, were killed as they were struggling to discharge Tenochtitlan right after the demise of Moctezuma.

1521 – Conquesting of Tenochtitlan and Foundation of New Spain

Initially, Tenochtitlan was the only capital state city of the Aztec Empire, with a total population of about 500,000 people. Spain might definitely formulate an attack on Tenochtitlan as they had guns. After they bared the city, new Spain, the colony of Spain, was established.

1565 – St. Augustine Founded

St. Augustine, the foremost long-lasting Spanish settlement in what will later become the United States, is established in what is now Florida.

1607 – Jamestown & Santa Fe Were Founded

Jamestown, located in the upper region, was first founded in Virginia, founding the primary permanent English settlement in America. Whereas on the other hand, Santa Fe, the capital of New Mexico, was nearly founded in this period as well.

1680 – Pope Rebellion

The Pope rebellion starts as Pueblo Indians in command of Native American Chief Pope attack Santa Fe, pouring the Spanish from the region. Spanish immigrants respond by winding up the Encomienda arrangement in 1717, consenting Pueblos to own land, and christening babies at birth.

1692 – Pueblo Indians Revolution

It proceeds with 12 years of fighting and struggling for the Spanish to reduce the Pueblo Indians in New Mexico.

1714 – Royal Freedom

The Spanish king of that time needed all the people in the colonies to speak Spanish. They constructed schools, and patriarchs had to regulate the language problem, so that's why the Native Americans were forced to acquire Spanish.

1769 – Junipero Serra and California Missions

Junipero Serra discovers the initial mission in Alta California at San Diego. By 1823, 21 operations will be founded along El Camino Real, extending from San Diego to Sonoma, 50 miles north of San Francisco.

1808 – Spanish War of Independence

Madrid grew against Napoleon's conquering groups, starting the Spanish War of Independance. Most of the Spanish groups in South America avail themselves of the chance to begin stirring for freedom for themselves. After it, the Chilean people got independence, starting a force that will determine the Spanish out of America.

1835 – Texas Revolution

The well-known Texas Revolution starts with the war of Gonzales. Texas achieved its freedom from Mexico in 1836. Moreover, the fight of the Alamo commences. Mexican armed groups under General Santa Anna conquest the American barracks conquering the operation church in San Antonio, Texas, then the Alamo was inspired by Texan militaries to win in consequent combats.

1845 - 1846 – Texas Joins the Union

In the mid-period of 1845 to 1846, Texas converts the 28th state to join the Union. After that, some issues were raised, like Mexican-American War started due to the border matters between Mexico and the new American state of Texas.

1848 – Contract of Guadalupe Hidalgo

The contract or settlement of Guadalupe-Hidalgo was signed in 1848, completing the Mexican-American War. The U.S extends all or portion of New Mexico, Arizona, California, Utah, Nevada, and Wyoming. The United States territory develops by approximately a third in one day.

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Facts of the Spain Colonization
Facts of the Spain Colonization
  • From 1492 to 1513, the Spanish in America discovered the coastlines of North and South America but did not endeavor inner territory.
  • In 1513 survey of the inner of the two regions of North and South America started when Balboa intersected the Isthmus of Panama in 1513.
  • In 1528 Narvaez prepared the first thoughtful try to arrive at the Mississippi valley by traveling and discovering Florida to Texas.
  • Cabeza de Vaca crosses over the continent of America from the Sabine River to the Gulf of California
  • In 1539 the Spanish governor of Mexico sent Fray Marcos to discover the "Seven Cities of Cibola" and commenced the examination of the southwestern part of the United States.
  • King Charles founded the Council of the Indies, intended to administer the management of the colonies of the New World. Spain's management of its colonies was recognized in 1535 as the Viceroyalty of New Spain in Mexico City.
  • In 1573, the Franciscan command reached Florida to inaugurate operations. The operations ultimately prolonged along the east coast of North America, from Saint Augustine, Florida, to North Carolina and westward to Tallahassee.
  • Juan de Fuca cruised up the western coast of North America from Mexico to Vancouver Island, penetrating for a channel from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean in 1592.
  • Don Juan de Onate carried the primary colony to New Mexico and discovered massive regions of New Mexico, Colorado, and Kansas.
  • The Pueblo Revolt was situated in New Mexico and Arizona. It was a countless early success for the Pueblo, but the Spanish re-conquered the lands in 1692.
  • In 1763, Spain exported Florida to the Empire of Great Britain for full control of Havana, Cuba, which had been taken by the British throughout the Seven Years' War.
  • Mexican military troops, which are under the command of General Santa Anna, had beaten the American garrison by conquering the operating church in San Antonio, Texas.

In a Nutshell:

Starting with Columbus in 1492 and lasting as much as 350 years, Spain occupied and established most of South America, the Caribbean, and the American Southwest. Spain defeated her goods on the inland of America with the freedom engagements of the early 19th century, during the control void of the Peninsula War. The key drives for colonial extension were turnover through reserve abstraction and the feast of Catholicism by original adaptations.

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