Meet the Ambassador of European Union Delegation to Tanzania and the East African Community, Ms Christine Grau. 

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    Official Portrait

    Christine Grau, European Union Ambassador to Tanzania and the East African Community.


Dear Visitor,

It is my pleasure to welcome you to the website of the Delegation of the European Union (EU) to Tanzania and the East African Community.

As the ambassador, I am delighted to lead the EU Delegation in Tanzania to further strengthen our political, economic and development partnership with Tanzania that is already very dynamic and covers many areas of common interest. Team Europe – the EU together with its Member-States - is also the largest grant provider and a key trade partner, deeply committed to Tanzania’s political, social and economic development.

Our priorities are aligned with Tanzania's development vision that emphasizes competitiveness, human development, private investment and critical infrastructure development. For 2021-27, our cooperation partnership with Tanzania focuses on three key priorities: Green deals, Human capital, and Governance. Through this, we will be addressing among other climate change, gender inequalities and most importantly provide opportunities for the youth.

On element of our current partnership with Tanzania is the Global Gateway, a new global strategy by the EU to boost smart, clean and secure connectivity across digital, energy and transport sectors and to strengthen health, education and research systems across the world. This strategy is jointly implemented with EU Member States as #TeamEurope.

It is very important that our partnership is comprehensive and engages all actors, including civil society and the private sector in Tanzania.

I invite you to explore our website to learn more about our cooperation and partnership, the impact of our initiatives and our commitment in contributing to Tanzania's prosperity.

Christine Grau, EU Ambassador to Tanzania and the East African Community

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    Ambassador Grau presents her credentials to Tanzanian President Samia Suluhu Hassan.


I officially began my assignment as the EU Ambassador to Tanzania and the East African Community on 1 September 2023. This was followed by the presentation of my credentials to President Samia Suluhu Hassan of the United Republic of Tanzania on 25 September 2023.

My professional journey has encompassed various roles within the European Commission and the European External Action Service, including in areas such as external relations, enlargement and neighbourhood policies, migration and human security as well as Justice and Home Affairs. I have also previously been posted in Guinea-Conakry and Romania.

I have a strong interest in further exploring this country in all its aspects, be it cultural, social, political or economic.  I am looking forward to being in touch with the Tanzanian people and to learn more Swahili!

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In her introductory video, Christine Grau, the new EU Ambassador to Tanzania and the East African Community, expresses her honor and enthusiasm for her role. Her objective is to strengthen the partnership between Tanzania and the European Union across various areas of interest. She emphasizes the importance of dialogue and looks forward to engaging with the government, authorities, civil society, youth, private sector, and associations.